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15766443 No.15766443 [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take you guys to read? It takes me about 10 minutes to get through 5 pages. Is that good or bad?

>> No.15766449

Depends on the book. I take days to actually read the pages of some. Unironically.

>> No.15766455

It takes me 3.5 hours to read "200" of an epub ebook, which I think roughly translates into about 100 pages when I compare the ebook numbers to page counts on Goodreads. I haven't read physical books in so long I can't tell you exact page numbers.

>> No.15766458

sounds normal

>> No.15766462

It depends on how into it I am and what I'm reading sometimes I can just smash through a short book in a few hours sometimes it takes me an hour to read like 15 pages.
> Is that good or bad?
It's neither as long as your enjoying and absorbing what you're reading.

>> No.15766494

That seems pretty similar to mine. I’m a little insecure about my reading speed because I’m seen as one of the smartest of my peers but I read the slowest. I guess I put myself down because I think how much more I could learn in a lifetime if I could read faster.

>> No.15766505
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ive seen multiple sources put the estimated reading time on moby dick at ~8 hours. Am i fucking retarded or does that seem way too little time to digest the book? it took me at LEAST double that time

>> No.15766514

Books vary so much in terms of subject matter and density that there’s no sense in beating yourself up about how long it takes you to read a page. Just keep reading and you’ll inevitably get faster with every book.

>> No.15766528

As other people have said, it depends on the book.
>Is that good or bad?
Depends. In terms of intelligence, it doesn't matter since reading speed doesn't really correlate that well. The only benefit that really stands out in terms of reading speed is time saved, but even then, sometimes it's better to spend the few minute mulling over a page.

>> No.15766570

It sounds like way too short of an amount of time.

>> No.15766572

depends on the book

>> No.15766620

Currently reading if

My guess is if you read it that fast, you wont really comprehend it. Some chapters really deserve to be digested and mulled over thoroughly

>> No.15766691

I learned English in my 20s, I have a habit from when I was learning where I read every page twice, even though I now have a very large vocabular.

I still find ones I didn't know every once in a while. Most of it is just mangled French but occasionally you get something novel like "Shuck" or "Coney."

>> No.15766930

Depends on the book entirely. I find myself reading 300 page books of fiction in a day while mulling over a 60 page philosophy book for a week.

Way too short.

>> No.15767387

Too long sadly

>> No.15767492

I have treatment-resistant ADHD and my mind wanders constantly, so it usually takes me an hour to read five or ten pages. I can get past a page a minute if I'm obscenely interested in the material.

>> No.15767894

No it's 14 hours at 250 wpm

>> No.15767996

Depends entirely on how many words are on each page and how engaging the material is. When I'm reading things for school I'm just trying to get through with it as quickly as possible while retaining as much information as I can but I slow way down when I'm reading something for my own enjoyment/interests. As an aside fuck authors who use tiny ass typesetting and font sizes to fit as many words as they can onto a single page.

>> No.15768114


>> No.15768182

I’m usually around a page a minute, give or take.

>> No.15769206

It takes me almost twice as long, but I'm unironically dyslexic.

>> No.15769388

30 pg/hr isn't bad especially if it's denser material.

>> No.15769403

There's no real consistent rule. I read a 350 page novel in about 3 hours but some other books are more like 20 pages per hour

>> No.15769433

I read really slow, like 2.5 minutes per page. Obviously it varies based on the difficulty of the book and the page margins/font

>> No.15769479

Don't rely too heavily on pages/minute. Not the most reliable metric. I have copies of The Metamorphosis and To the Lighthouse that are the same page count even though the latter has four times as many words. It can also get really frustrating if you're reading something difficult and you get frustrated because you spent too long on one page

>> No.15769513

~10 pages per hour for philosophy
~30 pph for literature
~50 pph for genre
~100 pph for fluff
~3 pph for poetry

>> No.15769536

Seems about right desu.

>> No.15770826

It depends. It might mean you aren't reflective enough or absorbing enough context/subtext, but it also might mean that you're very acquainted with the medium of your text (electronic, print, etc). Hard to judge without more info.

>> No.15770885

I have a tic. I will reread a sentence over and over until i process it. This is usually to help center my attention but also because sometimes i have trouble understanding it. Sometimes I get stuck on one sentence on repeat for no reason and have to put the book down. It happens with films where i rewind it and put on subtitles to catch dialogue. It could also be part of the fact i wirte copious reference notes when i read.

>> No.15772051

pretty good for See Spot Run

>> No.15772241

2.5 pages per minute. If I try to read faster, I won't really comprehend what I read.