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15765419 No.15765419 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I read if I'm suicidal?

>> No.15765428

Go to therapy if you have money

>> No.15765429

Read Marx comrade.

>> No.15765430

You should talk to your friends and family.

>> No.15765431

The Holy Quran

>> No.15765432

Epictetus's discourses.

>> No.15765440

well a lot of times you just gotta start doing a hobby that makes it worth cumming in your pants again. try not showing up for work or stalk a girl for fun.

>> No.15765441

The Book of Disquiet

>> No.15765445
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Are you eating a whole food diet and doing at least 1 hour of cardio a day?
Eating right and daily exercise LITERALLY cured my suicidal depression. I was in a catatonic depression for 6 months, and running an hour a day and eating a low-carb clean keto diet fixed me. I'm not even joking.

Also reading will only compound your depression. Happy people don't think excessively, so reading is not the right avenue for betterment.

>> No.15765446

i stalk on average 11-20 girls per year. but in varying degrees and no im not a rapist. i just enjoy the prowl. I also love 'just bumping' into them sometimes but i hardly reveal it to them. lots of great times spent that way.

>> No.15765451
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Unironically pic related. He died so you don’t have to

>> No.15765459

Elaborate you glorious creep. Greentext it.

>> No.15765460

You’re a freak

>> No.15765465

Stop shaming him.

>> No.15765467

none. just do it.

>> No.15765469

Don't read, just kys already and stop making shit threads.

>> No.15765473

>Are you eating a whole food diet and doing at least 1 hour of cardio a day?
Yea, but...that requires actual effort and commitment =[
I don't want to not be depressed THAT bad.

>> No.15765487

I'm dying to know about anon's story as well. Are there books about people like this?

>> No.15765488

I'm lucky to still be in college but I will need to change up my game soon once I graduate. Although campuses are such open places you can get around anywhere. I love colleges because its the "Big Transition" for girls at this age isn't so much about moving out or even being away from old friends and family - it's about being around unfamiliar women. I used to stalk several girls on my campus during my Freshmen year of college. It wasn't anything too creepy or even strange and most of the time it was fairly accidental. For example, one girl simply had a similar route to class that I did. I'd just go a bit more out of my way to follow her. I liked to listen to their gossip and always tried to find out their favorite places on campus or nearby to catch up on their lives.

Girls pressure each other into strange scenario's, particularly when it comes to showing off their bodies. I think most women are slightly Lesbian and enjoy looking at each other's breasts. I used to masturbate to this a lot when I was younger and thinking about it now is still a great pleasure, but I think that this is only partly true in the end. A Cock for a woman is a kind of violent insertion into their body, you know? That's why I think for women with new women it's a kind of "fight or flight" mechanic where they can try each others breasts without repercussion. A lot of guys think in terms of their own Cocks and this is probably because they like to look at mine, but really girls are really only thinking about themselves and the bodies of their girl friends. Guys have nice cocks if they can make them forget their friends breasts. I know this because I masturbated near the window of one of the girls I used to stalk. She lived in a small apartment on the ground floor. I pressed my cock against the window. It was cold as the season was settling into winter. Steam could be seen from the ejaculation I put onto her window. She must have saw my shadow in the window through the folded curtains because she screamed. I ran as fast as I could and escaped without any penalty.

Later on I heard her talking to her friends about my Cock. I knew I had a nice one because she was talking about it the next day and not thinking about her friends breasts so much. Being with new women is always an exciting prospect.

>> No.15765515

What the fuck?

>> No.15765527

I think of a few others from time to time. Another gem was a Moldovan girl who I got a little too close with. She used to work both volunteering at the library on campus for student hours and also she was interested in Communication studies. She was easy to follow around because she was lost all the time. Her English wasn't great but she was surviving university so not terrible. I managed to get into one of her classes after seeing her schedule, I don't know why I was so intrigued. She had an okay ass, a little on the saggy side and her breasts were a bit tightly pressed together if you understand my meaning. She didn't have a lot of girl friends, and if you understand my prior theory she miight not have been a LEsbian. Maybe a bisexual, its hard to tell with women. So I got maybe a little cocky here. This was Freshmen year as well, really the best year of my life.

One time we had a Nature walk for a biology class. It was pretty nice, an autumn day that's just in the early "golden hour" of its peak. There's a real great time to go for a walk. I remember I was stuck with a partner (the assignment involved cataloging) who could barely speak English. She was from Moldova and at least 30 years old. She had a funny name I can't recall even if I tried now. I remember her breasts and flat face, she had brown hair that was put up in a tight bun. Her breasts were the perfect size and had a good firm grip to them. I touched them "on accident" when I feigned tying my shoe lace. I recall apologizing to her but she laughed, I think she was just confused. I notice most people are confused when they get sexually assaulted for the first time, I can understand that because it's not something they assume automatically.

Later on in the walk our group got a bit lost. There were a series of paths around the campus and our professor was one of those "hippie" types that never leaves their mansion. A real grassfed burger if you ask me. The Moldovan girl got sexually assaulted twice that day, because I gently rubbed my hand across her ass when she bent over to pick a rock up. She didn't know this was me because I hid behind several other students. I masturbated to this when I got home (It was around the time I was masturbating heavily and reading Vonnegut and James Joyce). It was an okay feeling.

I tried asking her out on a date the next class but her English was simply too poor. I realized I could tell her anything and she would barely understand. Sometimes I used to speak "pig latin" to her and tell her that I wanted to see her naked and urinate on her stomach. She used to laugh then. I wonder if she's laughing now.

>> No.15765542

Seriously, anon. Look for help, talk to someone, even some random person on the street might help you. Books are ok, but the main problem is that depressed people are sick, they can't see things clearly. So it is not like you can trust them to read books.

>> No.15765554

I don't always try to be so involved. Last year I had a network of most of the girls in my year. I knew their places of work, their boyfriends, what bars they liked, how often they went out. I'd follow a couple of them, usually the ring leaders. Women love following a leader, especially another woman. It gives them confidence, they can feel sexy as a woman and they can also hide behind their lead woman if things get a little out of hand. But everytime I noticed that with some pressure ,you can single out the weak one of the pack with some careful observation skills. I used to leave pseudo notes from time to time from the various boys they'd date. I didn't even bother with learning their hadnwriting, the ones without confidence never had the courage to confront anybody on any of this. They'd range from perverse to outlandish, sometimes in between. A little Herculean action on my part I like to think. To top it all off, I use to wipe my ass with some of them before sneaking it into places I'd know they find out. Women are more predictable than men and even easier to play with. I love playing the games with them. Imagine getting a sick love letter smeared with dried feces from the boyfriend of your ring leader but you're kind of the outlier of the social group, and women have a much more intense hierarchy than men do. Now that caused a lot of laughs for me.

>> No.15765556
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>I pressed my cock against the window. It was cold as the season was settling into winter.

>> No.15765562

In Middle School when me and this kid named Jason used to exchange pornographic pictures we'd print out at home from the internet. He had a "big boob" fetish, pretty common for a 13-14 year old but I was more interested in women wearing overalls and working on a farm. But this isn't really relevant, I just wanted to paint a better picture.

One time Jason and I decided it would be funny to lock the wheels on this girls wheelchair. She had some kind of mental disorder that gave her a low cognitive awareness, but she was capable enough of getting around the school. We'd lock her wheel chair and watch her struggle to figure out why she couldn't move. Often, this ended with her "aide" coming and unlocking the wheels and scolding her for not remembering. Jason started to feel bad but I got interested. If she was so unaware and incapable of telling the "aide" we were doing this to her, what else could I get away with.

I started combing her hair and she would respond by making some clapping noises. I'd have to retreat in these cases because it drew attention. Of course I kept locking her wheels which only led the aide to get really frustrated with her and start ignoring her. It was around mid-year when I finally sexually assaulted her by twisting both her nipples. She was so shocked she couldn't form a clear response (she could never form a clear response, but this was exceptional even for her). They were hard and I was excited, I think she was too. I got scared though, I was young and having a hard time at home because my dad had me doing some "home improvement projects".

I concluded that being with a girl that isn't really consciously aware isn't worth it. There is fun for awhile but ultimately it's just frustrating.

>> No.15765578

am not a Bisexual but one time I did hold the door open for a man. He had a plain brown coat on and it was a little windy outside. He was perfectly capable of getting the door himself, and to be honest it was rather an instinctual move. I had just left and the wind hit me when I saw him from the corner of my eye. I held that door open and he walked past with a "Than'ye..." you know the sort of muffled "thanks" you get when someone is a little surprised and embarrassed.

I didn't stare at his body and didn't think about him getting into his car. But that was probably the first Homosexual experience in my life.

>> No.15765596
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>> No.15765605

The worst part about your post is I can't even remember my first blow job. I know I've had at least two but for my first one I just don't remember it. I was in High School at the time with a serious bed wetting problem, I also had been taking some prescription medication to help with some "bacne" problems that had sprouted up due to a surge of unstable hormones. I went to a party where some kids had a small bonfire in the back yard, they were okay but it wasn't anything special. We had Bud Light and some Amstel's, I think there was Rolling Rocks too.

I remember drinking a "Jack and Coke" and thinking how bad it tasted. I wanted to go home about an hour into the gathering but decided to stick around. There was a girl there who I had a couple of classes with, we made jokes about the teachers and home work. I told her she looked nice and she said thanks, we talked for about an hour and she was drunk. You can tell a girl is drunk because she starts becoming more physically animated with light flushing around the cheeks and glossy eyes. I knew I'd scored a winner, the problem was it was late and I knew I needed to sleep.

We went inside and started making out. I remember running my tongue along the front of her teeth to see what it felt like. She was so drunk she didn't even care. Sometime after that I fell asleep, but I woke up with my pants undone and my dick was lightly wet. She had vomited at some point, because her breath smelt bad and she had some stains on her shirt. We didn't talk much after that night, I think she is studying in a community college but hasn't declared any real major yet. I can understand that, life is a challenge. >>15765596

>> No.15766313

tell me more i enjoyed reading your memories

>> No.15766356

Please don’t be advocating fad diets to people suffering with mental illness. They can have extremely bad psychological blowbacks, depending on the person.

The cardio is a good suggestion though, for a number of reasons.

>> No.15766371

I'm just stating what worked for me. Keto cures depression. Period.
Sorry if you don;t like it, vegan pussy =[

>> No.15766374

me too this is amusing

>> No.15766409

>what worked for me

Bingo. Not that I expect you to care, we’re clearly on different wavelengths here. You’re just gloating.

I would similarly discourage people from cutting meat out of their diet if they were depressed, for the record.

>> No.15766428

Keto cures depression. I see you are resistant to this declaration. Don't be. Try it for yourself, and you will know within 2 weeks that I am correct.

>> No.15766448

t. Your malnourished little ass

Cite a study or I don’t give a fuck. You could start eating exclusively bananas and convince yourself that it’s a miracle cure too.

>> No.15766450

its a pasta

>> No.15766464

>t. Your malnourished little ass
Coming from a vegan, that is hilarious.

>> No.15766492

You could read The Myth of Sisyphus, by Albert Camus. It helped me in the past, I'm still miserable but I'm alive after all.

>> No.15766511

You're right man, instead of fixing his diet and exercising, he should visit the (((psychologist))) and shove artificial serotonin down his gullet until he doesn't know whether he is happy OR sad. Haha, yay modern medicine!

>> No.15766533

Holy shit, are you me?

>> No.15766554

I second this, Camus and meme stoicism helped 15 yo me.

>> No.15766633

can i have seconds or is the kittchen closed?

>> No.15766708

Great short story anon.
This should get published.

>> No.15767108
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try to think slowly and less and your existance will be less miserable

>> No.15767177

I haven't got any friends

>> No.15767187

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race is a must for curing depression

>> No.15767197

Start with the Greeks, you rampant fucking faggot. And this is not literature. I am sick and tired of stealth e-celeb faggotry. Every single fucking board. It's unbearable. Go back to plebbit.

>> No.15767206

Jacques Ellul and Jean Baudrillard

>> No.15767222

Nobody has even been talking about ourboy reckful like I was hoping

>> No.15767229

They didn't said anything about what happened.

>> No.15767487
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Tolstoy - A Confession

>> No.15768363

The Stranger - Camus

>> No.15768886

Would've been better off kys.

>> No.15768904

Does the most natural human diet offend your feelings, vegan pussy?

>> No.15768915

Fuck I miss reckful. The HS reckful that I watched religiously

>> No.15769107

The 4everskinnyfat life is not worth living, anon.

>> No.15769120

Any specific book on Marx and his ideology or just the book he wrote?

>> No.15769134

Read Epicurus, anon.

>> No.15769145

This, it’ll show you how banal and petty your qualms are and out of pride you’ll get make yourself get better after having been foully eviscerated by Pessoa’s SOLIPSISM and DREAMS (nightmares) you’ll realise you’re a bitch, after the self desecration gets boring you’ll be in tip top shape for improvement.

>> No.15769172

Any specific book to start on?

>> No.15769482

I eat well and excercise regularly but still want to die, please rec books

>> No.15769487

Demons by Dosto

>> No.15769500

fucking idiot holy shit shut the fuck up nigger faggot

>> No.15769527

http://blogs.ubc.ca/phil102/files/2018/02/Epicurus-LtrMenoeceus-epicurusinfo.pdf this seems great, anon. And don't fall into the Stoic trap KEK

>> No.15769552

I'm the quoted anon, and I was just kidding to trigger the anons who shill Stoicism in here, but life matters are too serious. Don't turn into some philosophy bigot, anon. Read the Stoics too if you feel like it.

>> No.15769634

What exactly are you trying to get out of books?
Are you looking for some books that will change your worldview or overall mindset so that you won't be suicidal? Or are you looking for depressing books to relate to? There are good reading charts for either.
Is there anything specific that is making you suicidal? If there isn't anything that you can specifically name, you should seek professional help since that's more likely mental illness.
What keeps me from being depressed is that I have extremely low expectations for the world around me, while having modest expectations for myself.

>> No.15769687

oh the places you'll go

>> No.15769851

Me I do the same but with cats and my neighbors. I threw fire object at people's land. And then I try to catch their cat. Those cats are slimy bastards and I like fire ball and fire on houses.

>> No.15769862

What he just wrote what I wanted to say. Ooh I hate coming here, it bewildered my whole existence FUG YOU MAN. I going to leave. I a dont feel good talking WHEN people STILL MY THINGS

>> No.15770357

>legit been crying for two days over the deah of a man i never even met
books only help for a specific type of suicidal, try and surround yourself with people you enjoy the company of

>> No.15770464

tfw that pic is me but i'm 25

>> No.15770538
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>> No.15770642

You are such a bitch

>> No.15770859
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>> No.15770905

You should watch anime

>> No.15770986

>random person on street can help against suicidal tendencies

>> No.15771450


>> No.15771704

I eat healthy and do cardio, I also meditate, and all that typical bullshit, but still regret waking up every morning because I hate living.

>> No.15771723
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>> No.15772197
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Is this a good read if you're depressed and suicidal?

>> No.15772235

That depends. You might dismiss the message once you start knowing the main character.

>> No.15772360


>> No.15772380

thanks for the chuckle

what's your MO

>> No.15772409
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This really helped me when I was in a very low point. Basically showcases the weird interconnectedness of everything and what pushes people forward and how history unfurls around them, made me feel less alone if that makes any sense

>> No.15772424

This, there’s no consensus on what the best diet is, people are different. Most people would do a lot better if they just cut complete junk like fast food, soda, doritos etc. and added a minimum of fresh veggies to their diet, and that’s a big enough step for some.

>> No.15772468


Keto is an unhealthy diet, you only saw benefits because you stopped eating twinkies and frozen pizzas every day. In addition to your cardio routine.

Just eat a well balanced diet and do not try keto unless you're highly committed (no more than 50g of carbs a day) and have literal diabetes or epilepsy. There will be a health trade off and its value is your decision to make


>> No.15772529

I'm not that guy but I did keto for 9 months, lost 50 kgs (under 20 carbs a day). Didn't feel any difference at all despite whatever fearmongering about muh keto brain fog and whatever else. Nor did I feel any better though. My dick is as hard as always and don't feel any decrease in sexual needs. No exercise whatsoever.

>> No.15772550

They unironically can.

>> No.15773330

why is this so fucking me. do i just kms what the fuck

>> No.15773332

Yeah? How?

>> No.15773401


>> No.15773411
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>It was cold as the season was settling into winter. Steam could be seen from the ejaculation I put onto her window. She must have saw my shadow in the window through the folded curtains because she screamed. I ran as fast as I could and escaped without any penalty.

>> No.15773434

You can lose 50 kgs on literally any diet you retard, that doesn't make it good.

>> No.15773500


I went through this but unfortunately never read book of disquiet to help me along! Maybe if I had I would have gotten through it faster. What a tedious stage of development.

>> No.15773594

Keto is for retards. Fasting is the patrician diet. One meal a day. with one 5 day fast every other month.
It's the only patrician way to live.
Again, I can't stress enough how keto is for retards and will actually cause you to be dumber.

>> No.15773617

Anon please write an autobiography.

>> No.15773792

the claus and lucas trilogy

>> No.15773874

read the bible
the thought of hell will keep you away from suicide until you realise what gift life is

>> No.15774097
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>> No.15774151

the stranger

>> No.15774196

Get in touch with your spiritual side. Keep up the lifestyle and i guarantee things will get better anon

>> No.15774212

You're a horrible man. Sad

>> No.15775788

Low-carb helped with my depression too. I hate how it's unpopular on imageboards just because keto became a fad.

>> No.15776170

This is not a fucking "thinker". This is someone drowning in his own delusional, childish fantasies.

>> No.15776223

12 Rules for Life

>> No.15776266

not this guy but i don't understand how people find a solid foundation for a spiritual life.

i knew this guy who was seriously and intelligently christian (shelve rows full of philosophy and theological works) and i found that quite beautiful, yet his foundation for his christian faith was an experience of a "calling", where he "felt a presence" that he "said yes to", and i can't relate to that.

neither have i had such an experience nor do i believe that if i had it, i could trust it; it would seem to me just some quirk of my subjective experience similar to depressive episodes just inverted, a moment of inspiration that is enjoyable in itself but ultimately just that, not a pointer to anything else, unable to provide further guidance.

>> No.15776818

That only works for neurotypicals though.

>> No.15776821

if you're a closeted homo like reckful
you deserve to kill yourself
you were and always will be a coward who projected an image of success and money to 12 year olds
i hope you go to Hell for putting on a fake persona

>> No.15777005

is that Pittsburgh?

>> No.15777078
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Are you Muslim by any chance or an Asian?

>> No.15777100
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>> No.15777204


>> No.15777257

>I was young and having a hard time at home because my dad had me doing some "home improvement projects".
fucking kek

good stuff

>> No.15777294

seek help

>> No.15777367

It's way easier to do on keto because your body starts burning mainly fat for energy. Not to mention that keto suppresses your appetite.

>> No.15777378


>> No.15777435

This doesn't work unless your depression was so surface level that you as a person would improve the world by killing yourself because you're a shallow faggot.

>> No.15777442

Persuasion and Rhetoric by Carlo Michelstaedter

>> No.15777583

>I was masturbating heavily and reading Vonnegut and James Joyce

>> No.15777596

Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health

>> No.15777615


>> No.15778281

Dude, this is top tier prose. Not like the shit that gets posted on critique general or else.

>> No.15778933

the gate by natsume soseki

>> No.15778970

short ones, probably

>> No.15779032
File: 239 KB, 649x719, 116205EA-53CE-48AE-8AAD-6C4000FC32FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thread in years

>> No.15779052

The Bibble

>> No.15779559

Recommend me /lit/ similar to this. This is hilarious.

>> No.15779576
File: 21 KB, 257x387, The Peaceful Pill Handbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related


>> No.15779622


>> No.15779625

Anarchist's Cookbook