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/lit/ - Literature

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15764112 No.15764112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My sister just anounced to the family her cancer, she has 3 months to live, books to help her cope?

>> No.15764123

Who gives a fuck? Not a book. Go away.

>> No.15764129

This. OP is doing this for attention. Are you also a woman, OP?

>> No.15764131

Will she at least give you a pity fuck?

>> No.15764137

The Death of Ivan Ilyich.

>> No.15764141

Just the Bible and any old favorites for comfort really. Now is not the appropriate time for new books.


>> No.15764164

not literature

rephrase your question and make another cancer thread

>> No.15764181

>Who gives a fuck?
Not me, that's for sure, also why I'm asking for a book to deflect the social burden of caring.
>OP is doing this for attention
I didn't post it on reddit, should tell you enough

>> No.15764188

If closet incel threads are allowed, OP looking for books to help his sick sister should be allowed

>> No.15764204

That's awful OP, I'm sorry you're going through that. What kind of cancer?

>> No.15764242

The kind that makes you die, not what I asked though
Already trowed Anna Karenina at her, might do the trick, but is it heavy on the religious stuff?
Not the religious kind, more like new age hippie, which is why I'm at loss here

>> No.15764245

see this

>> No.15764246

If you do not discuss a book oir philosopher and his ideas by name in the OP, you should be permabanned from this board.

>> No.15764263

>/lit/ - Namedropping

>> No.15764265

Simone's Weil Gravity and Grace, some stoic writers (Seneca is the best among them), probably some funny books as well so why not Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy and some Dickens.

>> No.15764266

Even if you want a humor or joke thread that is fine but no books for this? or books for that. You know what I think when I see threads like this? I think I see an idiot who can't read big boy books so he needs to spam off topic shit about his cancer-ridden sister as if I care. Asking for recs is not a good thread.

>> No.15764280

>more like new age hippie
Then unironically you should maybe try suggesting someone like Alan Watts. I think you should be aiming to give her shorter works, nothing too dense. If the idea is to try to give her some comfort, then ideally you should try suggesting stuff already in her world. This frankly doesn't seem like the time to go all intellectual on her. The Tao Te Ching might be good too.

>> No.15764366

more like pets?

>> No.15764407

The Stranger

>> No.15764412

Too bothersome, what do you even do with it once ot served its use? At least books can fodder

>> No.15764411

Ada or Ardor

>> No.15764468

The Bible, emphasis on John 3:16 and other verses about hope and God's love. Unbroken is a good book for resilience in the face of great adversity. In the Year of Magical Thinking is something you will want to read after it's all over, OP.

God bless you and yours. My condolences.

>> No.15764470

>Anna karenina
Somehow doubt she will actually finish that in three months considering she is dying and will have other things to consider/read. Death of Ivan Ilyich is a novella that could be read in a day and confronts one's mortality, also from what I remember it isnt religious in meaning

>> No.15764704

The works of the Stoics

sorry op

>> No.15764729

It's not her who needs to cope, but those surviving.

>> No.15764737

I wish

>> No.15764748

to feel more focused and individual will not help, she should be in contact with nature, possibly not with weird things tho

>> No.15764757

>3 months to live
>spends her time reading huge novels instead of being with her family and loved ones
holy shit, you're retarded.

>> No.15764758
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don't read fucking books, cook your sister some pasta and give her a hug you faggot.

>> No.15764768

It’s a LARP thread most likely. The fact that they said the kind that makes you die to what kind of cancer it is should tell you enough.

>> No.15764788

>Can't read the fucking filename

>> No.15764841

What is wrong with you though, OP, seriously? Your sister, your own blood, just announced she's going to die soon, and the first thing you did is run to /lit/ in order to get some recommendations so you can flaunt your love of le patrician literature to your family? Dying people don't need literature, you socially inept faggot. Literature is supposed to prepare us for life. Your sister needs to spend the rest of her days around her loved ones, conversing with God, and soothing her spirit, not reading le epic western canon.

>> No.15764868
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Just tell her not to die, this may sound like a troll post, but tell her, "Dying, just don't" do not elaborate, keep repeating it to inculcate the notion in her head. Do not accept death and she won't die. It'll be hard work, since there's a lot of mental resistance, but send her off to the mountains and tell her not to die.

>> No.15764869
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>> No.15764879

Take care of her faggot

>> No.15764885

I don't care about family, just trying to get over with it, expected better from le 4chin
>Announcing a report

>> No.15764916

Completely abolish the idea that she is going to die, in her and any allusion to it in her surroundings. Make her sincerely believe she isn't going to die. In other words, brainwash her. The mind bends reality to its will, but in quite the immanent way, so it's hard to do. The idea needs to be as assimilated as movement, or language. I may sound like a schitzo, but whatever.

>> No.15764930

But she literally has to go to the hospital for reports every week, retard

>> No.15764949

Stop her from going. If she believes hard enough that she doesn't have cancer then it will disappear.