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File: 184 KB, 1280x719, paperback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15762453 No.15762453 [Reply] [Original]

The endless debate, paperback vs hardcover.
Which is it, /lit/?

>> No.15762458

Flexible full-grain leather cover.

>> No.15762476

Hi, thank you for posting that thread.
The best way to read a book is to print it yourself on a4 paper.

>> No.15762477
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>> No.15762488

u gonna cum bruh??

>> No.15762504
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I prefer manuscripts made out of vellum

>> No.15762506

Ebooks, I don't have any space left on my shelves.

>> No.15762512

I think most people would agree that hardcovers are better but still buy paperbacks because they're cheaper.

>> No.15762517

Read a fucking book

>> No.15762579

hardcover when possible, paperbacks are fine if not

>> No.15762698


>> No.15762716

Paperback simply because of price and I hate hardcover jackets

>> No.15762729

paperback so i can curl the pages and read with one hand
hardback splines split and all the nice artwork is only printed on the stupid flimsy plastic-coated paper wrap that just gets in the way when reading

>> No.15762795 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15762840

what did he mean by this

>> No.15762850

hardback is better quality but paperback is much cheaper and that's what's important for me

>> No.15762862


>> No.15762868

I don't like hardback because it's bulky and annoying. I prefer papercover.

>> No.15762875

paper backs for something you will read once hardcover for books you want to keep

>> No.15762877

I think you're looking for >>>/pol/

>> No.15762883

Hard cover if spine is leather ... otherwise used paperback. I either want the best or the cheapest.

>> No.15762885

I’ll have what she’s reading

>> No.15762889

He likes the Big Black Backs (BBB).

>> No.15763156
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Jackets on hardcovers a so fucking irritating, and no I cant just take them of.

>> No.15763263
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I prefer cave paintings myself.

>> No.15763400
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clay tablets, of course

>> No.15763418

Hardcover if you can, paperback if you must (never a mass market trade).
You don't have shelves to have space on. Just give up trying to be /lit/.

>> No.15763777

I just buy the cheapest one I can get thrifted

>> No.15763802

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.15764121
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you're supposed to take them off because you're supposed to finish any book within a week or at least 2, upon which you then put the dust cover back on.

>> No.15764132

digital then hardback if its something you love

>> No.15764190


>> No.15764193

I only like paperbacks and on top of that I only like the small ones.

>> No.15764208
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>> No.15764342

i get paperback for books i really like, epub for books i want to read but dont feel like buying but hardback would be ideal for reference books &c.

also tfw no lightskin /lit/ gf

>> No.15764361

Relaxed hair is so boring but those legs and ass are very compelling

>> No.15764556

I love hardback but i'm poor so i mostly buy paperback for half the price

>> No.15764967

Whatever is cheaper and a better edition or translation. I don't collect pretty book covers, I read books.

>> No.15765060

Funny to think what actually reading this is like, like drinking from a bottle with two hands

>> No.15765119


Depends on the size.

Small paperbacks are fine. My main concern are covers curling up, low quality book covers will actually curl into a tube.

>> No.15765151

I love the creativity /pol/retards have for some memes, but normireddit retards try so hard to be like /pol/ and make memes like this, making fun of the same pages they visit, that is just disgusting. I'd love China obliterate the US once for all.

>> No.15765169

This >>15764967
and this >>15765119

>> No.15765176

It just comes back to the age-old wisdom: the left can't meme.

>> No.15765183

It's really this simple.

>> No.15765196


>> No.15765329

It's funny you say that because there's a subreddit called therightcantmeme

>> No.15765348

Seems like a passive-aggressive jab which is typical of reddit mentality.

>> No.15765422


>> No.15765666

Yeah, I could use my copy of Shadow of the Torturer to snort coke

>> No.15765682

>le boner about something that isn't sexual
reddit meme

>> No.15765696


>> No.15765773


Regarding the books in pic related, neither because they're both equally trash. Why would someone do this?

>> No.15765779


Everyone in this thread is wrong. What's best is transcribing the entire book onto a beach with a long stick, then reading it all before the tide comes in.

>> No.15765790

Lol fag

>> No.15765804

>assuming it isn't sexual
I genuinely think you might be more comfortable on reddit.

>> No.15766376

is this a trap?

>> No.15766382


>> No.15767885

hardcover is for dicklets trying to compensate

>> No.15767899

End of thread.

>> No.15767900


>> No.15767901
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I bought a paperback once. Never again.

>> No.15767934

>I think most people would agree
>that hardcovers are better but still buy paperbacks because they're cheaper.
-oh, well yeah, that's a reasonable assumption.

>> No.15767936

whatever my local library or used book store has if I'm just reading something for the first time. If its for my personal collection/library then I'll buy whatever the best looking/highest quality one is available.

>> No.15767950

I've seen the shit they post, its either good memes they cant enjoy because its too offensive or the cringiest facebook conservative boomer memes imaginable