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/lit/ - Literature

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15761504 No.15761504 [Reply] [Original]

Will you be reading Charlie Kaufman's—one of the greatest postmodern filmmakers of all time—debut novel? It comes out in a few days and the reaction has been glowing thus far.

>> No.15761530


>My beard is a wonder. It is the beard of Whitman, of Rasputin, of Darwin, yet it is uniquely mine. It’s a salt-and-pepper, steel-wool, cotton-candy confection, much too long, wispy, and unruly to be fashionable. And it is this, its very unfashionability, that makes the strongest statement. It says, I don’t care a whit (a Whitman!) about fashion. I don’t care about attractiveness. This beard is too big for my narrow face. This beard is too wide. This beard is too bottom-heavy for my bald head. It is off-putting. So if you come to me, you come to me on my terms. As I’ve been bearded thusly for three decades now, I like to think that my beard has contributed to the resurgence of beardedness, but in truth, the beards of today are a different animal, most so fastidious they require more grooming than would a simple clean shave. Or if they are full, they are full on conventionally handsome faces, the faces of faux woodsmen, the faces of home brewers of beer. The ladies like this look, these urban swells, men in masculine drag. Mine is not that. Mine is defiantly heterosexual, unkempt, rabbinical, intellectual, revolutionary. It lets you know I am not interested in fashion, that I am eccentric, that I am serious. It affords me the opportunity to judge you on your judgment of me. Do you shun me? You are shallow. Do you mock me? You are a philistine. Are you repulsed? You are . . . conventional.

holy shit

>> No.15761581

Quite an opener, eh? I could see a pseud on /lit/ writing a similar sentiment, but of course Kaufman is unironically an intellectual.

>> No.15761586


>> No.15761640

The difference is that a pseud on /lit/ would write it unironically with the intention of it being received ironically. Kaufman, in his genius, inverts this formula. He writes it ironically and he knows that the audience will receive it unironically.

>> No.15761683

Yeah, I'd agree. His movies have shown him to be quite vulnerable, not a pedant. Only a man with self-effacing humor could've written Adaptation.

>> No.15761923

So he wrote a novel of pasta?

>> No.15761938

if you see everything through the lens of 4chan, sure, it could be pasta.

>> No.15761950

>but of course Kaufman is unironically an intellectual.
He's an idiot and a hack. You're just an idiot.

>> No.15761967

Duly noted, anon. As you know, your opinion holds great weight.

>> No.15761982

Does it have a plot, characters and maybe a side helping of themes which we've all come to expect from the medium?

>> No.15761986

I don't, while I have been coming here almost from the start, I am ultimately a tourist who just swings through from time to time, that just reads as pasta. I enjoy his movies for the most part, but a second watching is almost always a mistake, you do not discover new things, clues that were missed, you just wait for the punch line, as it were. This intro does not leave me feeling confident his book will be any different, sort of fun and entertaining in its own unique way but nothing to revisit.

An anon in another thread for this book said it read like a poorly done Pynchon impersonation, I really do not see that.

>> No.15761989

I want to read Kaufman on food for some reason

>> No.15762012

The itemization reminds me of Romanticism and specifically Theophile Gautier... Is this common in modernist literature?

>> No.15762021

Jesus Christ that was absolutely terrible

>> No.15762082

He's certainly not Tarkovsky or Bergman, I agree, but I find his movies enjoyable on rewatch. Synechdoche, for instance, certainly benefits from a second viewing imo.

I have heard the Pynchon comparisons. Hard to say based on the above except.

>> No.15762457


>> No.15762482

/lit/ is not good at judging writing. I remember people posting some Faulkner paragraphs once and everyone started piling on it.

>> No.15762845

yeah id imagine that for many authors with lesser known works it'd be easy to take a paragraph from one and change a couple names

>> No.15763051

Antkind leaked 2 weeks ago btw (you can download it on b-ok.cc with tor)
I finished it pretty fast. Even though it's a 700 page book it feels like a 300 one. Fast paced, funny, surreal, if you're a fan of Kaufman's movies you will really enjoy it. As for the Pynchon comparison, it's just forced blurb memes, Antkind has a style of its own and i'd say it's closer to IJ than to GR. It's funny that a filmmakers debut novel is better than 99% of the shit modern 'authors' put out, /lit/ will be all over it when it comes out.

>> No.15763071
File: 244 KB, 367x439, pontificating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaufman listen to me. Why here? Why did you and your Jewish marketing goons chose to shill it here? Of all places, you could have been big in reddit alone but why fucking here? For the last seven months I've seen you and your baby goons try to blatanlty stir some hype here . It's unreal. Do you have no soul? Your tactics are so devoid of sincerity, it's so unpure that it gave me a bomboclaat rasclaat ting it off aneurysm

>> No.15763079

>why is /lit/ talking about the most gifted screenwriter of a generation

>> No.15763080 [DELETED] 


Yeah, I'll pass, Shlomo.

>> No.15763102

Will read it as soon as I finish Flaubert. Might be a nice palatte cleanser. I like his movies a lot.

>> No.15764481
File: 273 KB, 1200x1522, 1200px-Joshua_Cohen_BBF_2010_Shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is this the new cohenposting or what

>> No.15764485

>At the trade show, I meet a woman in greasepaint, well, not in greasepaint, well, not only in greasepaint, but also selling it. So to be clear, both in greasepaint and in greasepaint. I picture her naked but with the clown makeup on, and instantly I realize a new fetish has been born. My synaptic train has a new stop: Clowntown. This is not at all like me, I think. Once home, I type clown fetish into my computer. I hesitate before hitting RETURN. There is no going back after RETURN; of this, from past experience, I am certain. The only thing the virtual world offers that the real world doesn’t is both complete privacy and a complete lack of privacy. I am alone with it but being watched: my activities recorded, files made, boxes ticked. But, alas, my needs are larger than my concern. It will all be there for me at the press of a button. I consider the button itself: ENTER/RETURN. I consider the world I am about to enter; I know I will return again and again. There is no end to it. And what deranged Pandora’s box will I be opening? Are there laws against clown porn? I think I’m safe as long as I don’t search underage clown porn, which I would never, ever do. I am not a monster. Yet once I taste clown, will I be able to go back to regular women, either in my fantasies or in reality? Will there come a point, if I ever manage to find a woman who will have me, when I will pull the clown white out from the bottom of my sock drawer and ask her to apply it, just so I can get hard? That will not go well. Best to not press RETURN and just accept that—

>> No.15764548

what a buffoon

>> No.15764560


>> No.15764571

>Do you shun me? You are shallow. Do you mock me? You are a philistine. Are you repulsed? You are . . . conventional.
What the fuck is this light novel-tier writing?

>> No.15764727

Antkind leaked, y'all can download it.

>> No.15764739

Sounds to me like /lit/ is good at judging writing. Face it, Faulkner wasn't very good.

>> No.15764745 [DELETED] 

I don't mean this as a pejorative, but that's some very Jewish writing.

>> No.15764749

“A terrific debut novel that makes Gravity’s Rainbow read like a Dr. Seuss story . . . a masterwork of postmodern storytelling.”—Kirkus Reviews

>> No.15764756

That's an awful opinion but that's okay, anon. To each his own.