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15758895 No.15758895 [Reply] [Original]

So judging by the other thread, no one read this.

>The horrors of fascism were not the first of their kind, nor were they the last. Nor were they the worst, no matter what anyone says.1 These horrors were no worse than "normal" massacres due to wars, famines, etc.

If left/right discussions don't begin with this basic understanding they are just disigenuous liberalism/

>> No.15758908
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>i agree bro

>> No.15758909

how would he say "A toast"?

>> No.15758936

The answer to nigger/aryan lives matter is the fren/enema problem

>> No.15759025

>normal massacres

Sick dude, show me a famine in the past 200 years that wasn’t a result of capitalism.

>> No.15759035

can we never say the word antifacism again? I don't want to co-opt a word that is used by edgy teenagers whose goal it is to cause violence and destabilize a state that is patently not facist, at all.

>> No.15759041

Keke pic related

>> No.15759043
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>removes quotes
Hi tankie. Imagine hating a communist writing hosted on your own site.

>> No.15759063

>show me a famine in the past 200 years that wasn’t a result of capitalism.
Show me a famine in the 200 years before 1820 that was not the result of feudalism
continue this model ad infinitum and you will soon find out that every famine is "caused" by the particular econo-political structure.

>> No.15759082

I'm not saying fascism caused those famines...I'm saying capitalism did. I don't think ethnic cleansing is necessarily a condition of fascism either, fascism is just a way for a ruling party to cleanse those they see as degenerates. However, it isn't the only way.

>> No.15759092
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>> No.15759099

sick dude

>> No.15759109

are you american? i've been told that they have a very narrow mind when it comes to these issues.

>> No.15759145

>i'm not saying hunger kills people, i'm saying lack of food does
bro, are you drunk?

>> No.15759155

So we're finally admitting the similarities between fascism and capitalism? Great news.

>> No.15759167

Don't make a joke out of yourself

>> No.15759172

Americans love fascism...

>> No.15759182

are you american?

>> No.15759183

Anyone who is unironically a fascist is of incredibly low social standing.

>> No.15759191

pretty vague statements, again

>> No.15759193

Americans love fascism...how could I be American?

>> No.15759200

>social standing
the true origin of the prog's beliefs rears its head at last

>> No.15759202

dilate, tranny

>> No.15759208

that's why i'm asking you, retard

>> No.15759210

>fascism is worthier to workers than communism

>> No.15759217

how do you live with yourself?
you haven't said anything of value
maybe reddit will be more of your thing

>> No.15759219

Only in the West and only if they identify with the term. The ideas behind Fascism just need a new ad campaign -- and they're getting one as we speak.

>> No.15759247

Fascists are the Americans of the World. Nothing says the aestheticization of politics like an add for a big mac.

>> No.15759259

What's their ad campaign? The Bigger Mac?

>> No.15759274

>butthurt NEET

ah, the true origin of the fascist's beliefs rears its head at last

>> No.15759282
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>show me a famine in the past 500 years that wasn’t a result of technocracy

>> No.15759284

All fascists post BMI and mile time

>> No.15759291

do you at least admit you don't have real opinions, they're just fashion statements?

>> No.15759311

>fascism is the aesethticization of politics

...and youre telling me my views are fashion statements! that's a real knee slapper

>> No.15759312

I wish I was a fascist but I can't stop being racist
what books would help me accept other cultures and become a fascist

>> No.15759314

Xi Jinping for example

In America, it starts with people like Tucker Carlson. Law & Order in order to protect the soul of the Nation.

>> No.15759328

the main reason you would never consider fascism is because fascists are low status socially, you have basically openly stated this.

>> No.15759335

>The usual Marxist analysis certainly doesn't get bogged down in psychology. The interpretation of fascism as an instrument of big business has been classic since Daniel Guerin.2 But the seriousness of his analysis conceals a central error. Most of the "marxist" studies maintain the idea that, in spite of everything, fascism was avoidable in 1922 or 1933. Fascism is reduced to a weapon used by capitalism at a certain moment. According to these studies capitalism would not have turned to fascism if the workers' movement had exercised sufficient pressure rather than displaying its sectarianism. Of course we wouldn't have had a "revolution", but at least Europe would have been spared Nazism, the camps, etc.

>> No.15759364

>low status =\= low class

yes. you're all friendless losers with no social skills. autists, freaks, Neets. Degenerates, if you will.

>> No.15759381

This is my point lol. In Italy in the 30s you'd be fine with fascism since plenty of cool people believed in it. You have no actual opinions

>> No.15759386
File: 280 KB, 1696x2048, Tall man disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just an insult not an argument. This Anon >>15759328 pretty effectively called you out for what you are and you don't have any response to it.

>> No.15759395

can you guys just have your uprising already so you can get killed and we can be done with this bullshit?

>> No.15759401

Discuss the writing retards.

>> No.15759412

But seriously, what's your point. You hold "authentic" beliefs, and I don't? Where's the value in that?

>> No.15759414

Isn't this exactly what's happening to your movement at the moment? You are really stupid alongside being vapid.

>> No.15759420

Can I be a fascist If I think all incels should be put into death camps?

>> No.15759425

You don't hold any beliefs other than what's popular. You're a fake bitch.
Also, you have no idea what my political beliefs are. I just hate fake bitches.

>> No.15759454

Dude, I unironically think all beliefs are fake. Which is why I hate fascists even more, because their fake beliefs are just edgy delusions.

>> No.15759458

It's not about being 'authentic' lol, you are literally creating another little identity for yourself. It's just a desire to honestly understand the world. If you constrain yourself to what is popular at any given moment in a given society you are fucking yourself, a cursory look at how often the set of acceptable opinions radically changes is enough to make that clear.

I don't blame you at all if you don't care about this, but your instincts are misguided here and would better serve you on twitter, making a little reputation for yourself or whatever.

>> No.15759475

Twitter? Reputation? All those things sound so sincere. Sincerity is the issue, and its because you all believe sincerity is free, and not an expensive commodity. I hate to say it, but you have insufficient funds.

>> No.15759478

Bullshit. A genuine Nihilist wouldn't give a shit about an ideology that has zero effect on his life. You hate them because there're no repercussions for doing so and that means you can still lie to yourself about how enlightened and good you are while doing it.

You're a fake bitch.

>> No.15759490

the tank unit

>> No.15759492

do people like this exist offline?

>> No.15759494

Bro, again, all beliefs are fake, including nihilism. Don't you get it, whatever I believe is true, and everything else is wrong.

>> No.15759505

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, but what I'm saying is nothing philosophically deep. Just the common observation that people don't like breaking social taboos, which clouds their beliefs. I just take this truism seriously, probably due to autism.

>> No.15759510

Yes, it just depends on whether or not I decide to run that program after rebooting my motherboard each morning.

>> No.15759513

are you hungry dude?
what's bothering you?

>> No.15759515

and then compare it to the commies? anon, do you really think the commies are going to fare well in that one? at least fascists work out as they are image obsessed

>> No.15759523

Fatties will be the first to get the rope. It will be special reinforced rope that won't break.

>> No.15759525

" a genuine Nihilist" lol, I have a feeling that's what you call yourself in your mental fantasies

>> No.15759535

I don't consider myself to be a Nihilist. Read the comment I was responding to.

>> No.15759537

I'm a robot. I don't eat.

>> No.15759553

I wrote a short story about this once, based on this guy I used to work with. Basically was Confederacy of Dunces but when he tries to kill himself, the rope breaks, and he fails at that too.

>> No.15759561
File: 4 KB, 248x229, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm steve rambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ass-blasted Schizo posting to try to look deep

>> No.15759632

In a time of verbal inflation, "fascism" is just a buzz word used by leftists to demonstrate their radicalism. But its use indicates both a confusion and a theoretical concession to the State and to Capital. The essence of antifascism consists of struggling against fascism while supporting democracy; in other words, of struggling not for the destruction of capitalism, but to force capitalism to renounce its totalitarian form. Socialism being identified with total democracy, and capitalism with the growth of fascism, the opposition proletariat/Capital, communism/wage labour, proletariat/State, is shunted aside in favour of the opposition "Democracy"/ "Fascism", presented as the quintessence of the revolutionary perspective. Antifascism succeeds only in mixing two phenomena: "Fascism" properly so-called, and the evolution of Capital and the State towards totalitarianism. In confusing these two phenomena, in substituting the part for the whole, the cause of Fascism and totalitarianism is mystified and one ends up reinforcing what one seeks to combat.

>> No.15759640

same applies to "leftism" bro

>> No.15759653


>> No.15759684

His post is riddled with disingenuous definitions that only describe what Fascism is to Marxists but your post doesn't make any sense.
Try harder.

>> No.15760053

This is 100% incoherent

>> No.15760064

>t. has read less than 10 books

>> No.15760139

He's saying that Fascism is totalitarianism created as a defense mechanism of Capitalism (Classical Trotskyite horseshit that defines Fascism based off of what Marxists say about it rather than how Fascist movements described themselves.) and Antifa aren't actually Communist because they are fighting against just Totalitarianism (Which I guess is Racism or some shit like that) but not the source of that totalitarianism -- Capitalism. In fact, he says, Antifa sides with Capital (the Status quo) and in so doing Fascism becomes associated with the Democracy and thus Fascism (by another name) is made more attractive by the actions of Antifa.

I think anyway.

>> No.15760307

>it's leftcoms having that insufferable holier-than-thou posturing again
neck yourself

>> No.15760335

>dude if we liberalize enough we'll finally get communism lmao

>> No.15760402
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Doing a great job glownig.

>> No.15760460

leftcoms are just useless and irrelevant cultists that only have any sort of importance as laughing stocks in cursed places like this imageboard and /leftypol/. not even frogs read dauve lmao. literally neck yourselfs

>> No.15760471


>> No.15760476

What is this lefty infighting? Is a leftcom like a blm soiboy or a based Bakunin type?

>> No.15760495

Neither but closer to Bakunin.

>> No.15760611

Why should incels be punished for female super-hypergamy?

>> No.15760749

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