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15758726 No.15758726 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15758863

Is SQPR actually bad? I haven't read it yet but I remember I have it somewhere around my house.

>> No.15758871
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>> No.15759017

oh my look at all this Semitic scripture

>> No.15759408


I don't know. No one actually talks about the book itself. They just talk about its author being woke on social media.

>> No.15759700

>Open borders
How about no. Only the bourgeoisie and their bitchboys want this, everybody else thinks it's fucking delusional.

>> No.15759706

so does the book have WE WUZ or not?

>> No.15760066

Why does everyone seethe over Guns, Germs, and Steel? From what I've heard, isn't it just the idea that different peoples evolved in different climates with different resources, therefore couldn't evolve to the same points as others?

>> No.15760201

AskHistorians r*ddit has actually good takes on it.

>> No.15760218
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>> No.15760219


swjs hate it because it dares to suggest different peoples are different and /pol/tards hate it because it doesn't just say "whites are naturally superior"

>> No.15760246

I've seen their takes, but I feel like they're going really far out of their way to try and discredit it.
I am a /pol/tard though for the most part, as in I'm into white ethno-nationalism, but I don't see why something not outright supporting white supremacy would be disavowed. I haven't read it, but I could assume it's sort of isolationist history, which might be a reason to not like it as a poltard.

>> No.15760247

Idk I stopped reading after his claim that Papuans "are, if anything, more intelligent than Europeans"

>> No.15760253
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No thanks, imbecile.

>> No.15760254

>no Unabomber manifesto
>no MArx

>> No.15761276

Where is GRRM?

>> No.15761337

Where's SCUM Manifesto?

>> No.15761685

The SCUM manifesto is good for a laugh but I doubt anyone who's read incel posts could take it seriously enough to actually be mad at it. Because it is just a woman incel posting mixed with brapfarm levels of violence porn.

>> No.15761694

We love both of those

>> No.15761715

It's okay. It's pop history that simplifies a lot of stuff, and it's biggest sin is that it makes a lot of conjectures based off single pieces of evidence. But as a 101 introduction to Rome up to the 3rd century for someone who's never read anything about Rome before it's decent.

>> No.15761787

Just read it nigger

>> No.15762107

>The Odyssey
Why? I haven't read it since eighth grade but I remember liking it.

>> No.15762135

>Jared Mason Diamond (born September 10, 1937) is an American geographer, historian, anthropologist, and author best known for his popular science books Guns, Germs, and Steel (1997, awarded a Pulitzer Prize);
>Both of his parents were from Ashkenazi Jewish families who had emigrated to the United States.

>> No.15762210

Why isn't Mein Kampf on there? Or ISAIF?

>> No.15762256
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Intentionally left off? Maybe it makes OP seethe.

>> No.15763250

Watch this, I promise it's worth it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qvaxPH3ftUQ/