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15758466 No.15758466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are good books against depression?

>> No.15758497
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>> No.15758504

genetics. his schizo brothers also necked

>> No.15758509
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>> No.15758515

Depression is the first sign of the awakening
Read The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.15758532

>ooooh I'm doooooming!

>> No.15758543

pretty much how it works, yeah

>> No.15758547

This one hit me, poor guy.

>> No.15758563

pretty sad, yeah

>> No.15758567

Looks like another malignant narcissist had a moment of clarity and took appropriate action. Justice served!

>> No.15758583

Reckful was based as fuck, he had such an attractive personality, sometimes in a narcisstic way but who cares.

>> No.15758586

I suffer from depression and I really felt this one

>> No.15758604

you don't belong here

>> No.15758615

You should listen to him talk about other, more successful WoW players, especially those who weren't in his clique, and notice how Reckful always needs to give them backhanded compliments to ensure that Reckful is always "the" best. It's clear what happened. He was a mentally unstable, drama-causing faggot who peaked a decade ago, and it's all been downhill from there once the dopamine hits started becoming sparse and intermittent. Good riddance.

>> No.15758622

You're talking about an illiterate video game e-celeb on a board devoted to literature. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.15758633 [DELETED] 

>based as fuck
haha yeah bro

>> No.15758637

stop pretending, man

>> No.15758639

>based as fuck
haha yeah bro

>> No.15758650

haha, great book, loved the prose! what did you think about this plot point?

>> No.15758690

I only watched him from 2016 onward.

>> No.15758710

i am so glad he is dead. Dude was an annoying fuck.
He was smart af and it was interesting to hear what new projects he was working on or what he had done in the mean time but that really wasn't worth jsut how annoying he was.
What do I owe this guy or people who cared for him; I am glad I don't ever have to hear his name again after, let's say next month, suicide or not.

>> No.15758730

That's a pretty awful thing to say

>> No.15758747

i woulda been ok with him going to an uninhabited island and live in the trees and never have to hear from him again. Suicide jsut ensures that he can't ever come back desu.
I look forward to the edgy memes though, once we find out how he did it.

>> No.15758763

billions of people on this planet
and you're upset one of them committed suicide even if you barely knew him or could relate to him (your twitch subscription doesn't really count as an relationship)

>> No.15758791

Pretty much all books about christianity.

>> No.15758795

>(your twitch subscription doesn't really count as an relation
They are palying VODs on his channel right now and people are subscribing to the channel.
Giving money to a dead guy.
He is from a rich family as well and has no one else who would need help after Shekelstein killed himself. People are fucking stupid especially the ones who unhibgedly lived vicariously through him and gave him money.

>> No.15758812

I firmly believe you are some mentally ill cross-poster, and you just spam this shit on every board.
Jannies should do their fucking job.

>> No.15758874

he read a ton of philosophy, do you just see an eceleb and get upset about it without knowing anything about them, you made something up about this person then got upset about the thing you made up lmao

>> No.15758881

>he read a ton of philosophy,
Did he though? not even implying that he most likely never fnished the books this ADD retard began buy even the words he did read, he didn't actually read, since what some narcassist like him only does is look to reaffirm their preconceptions.

>> No.15758898

yes he did on some of his dr k videos he talks in depth about nietzsche and about how when reading schopenhauer he ended up feeling worse, during the course of his dr k 'arc' he read about half a dozen primary buddist works as well - You've made up fictional traits about someone then gotten upset about it

>> No.15758922

>nietzsche and about how when reading schopenhauer he ended up feeling worse, during the course of his dr k 'arc' he read about half a dozen primary buddist works as well
Thanks for proving my point!
Stop being an edgy 15 yo who thinks you can jsut drop into the field of philosophy at will.
Without the necessary prerequisite knowledge how is one to graps Nietzsche? All reckful did was find what he wanted to. He never read Nietzsche, Schopi, and buddhsits texts are trash anyways. Worst eastern philosophical tradition.

>> No.15759005

he's a jew which means his parents probably made sure he got some form of intellectual education outside of school. Jews are the only people who still consistently care about this

>> No.15759022

he quoted the books and spoke about them in detail, stop being biased against streamers, it started out with
>he doesn't read
now it's
>he doesn't understand what he read and buddism is trash anyway
he's spoken about them in depth
he read them as an adult when living on his own his parent didn't push him to academics which is why he ended up a streamer jesus christ why do people actually spend their time making up things to be upset about

>> No.15759034

check this out byron faggot
>Makes sense. I saw the body and definitely didn’t want to take photos of it. All of the investigators seemed to be looking up the building trying to gauge the height.
Got the video of them moving his body away in a body bag and the "impact splash" visible still. KEKW
>he doesn't read
he read the books, but didn't read them.
He was smart I agree and succesfull on his own but he was at the same time an idiot who was annyoing as fuck.

>> No.15759058

why are you simping for a malignant narcissist who was functionally illiterate?

>> No.15759071
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>Byron finally didn't miss lethal

>> No.15759074

>he read the books, but didn't read them.
how do you know he didn't understand them? since that's what you mean
I'm not simping for reckful he was boring as fuck and it's insane he was every popular - I'm against people who seem to make up things about people then proceed to get upset about the thing they've made up

>> No.15759084

I hope he sees this from hell bro

>> No.15759116


>> No.15759142

He was a moron. Completely dysfunctional, narcassistic, psychopath and manipulative.
And most importantly he was an ADD g*mer.
He is the exact opposite of a philosophical autodidact.
He is perfect for what he did do though trade stocks, making connections, manipulate those around him for his benefit (his entire stream), etc.
Smart dude, no doubt, but he didn't read the philosophy he bought the books for. How are you too retarded to get what I am saying?

>> No.15759152

>but he didn't read the philosophy he bought the books for.
so how was he able to talk about it in depth and quote it?

>> No.15759154

this. he probably had a realization about how rotten his core truly was and how to permanently fix it. based

>> No.15759157

If I read to you from Hegel's works does that mean I actually understand what is written like how Hegel did when he wrote it?

>> No.15759162

if you're impressed by the regurgitation of a Wiki page then you don't belong on /lit/ either.

>> No.15759194

no, if you talk about the meaning of hegels works, what you liked about it, what you disliked about it and quoted it from memory then I'd assume you understand it but for some reason in your mind people go to great lengths to pretend they've read books. wonder why you brain defaults to that?
dr k episode 2 when they talk about philosophy reckful shit talks wikipedia when dr k says he only know about nihilism from wikipedia articles - what're you going to make up to upset yourself next?

>> No.15759220

>dr k episode 2 when they talk about philosophy reckful shit talks wikipedia when dr k says he only know about nihilism from wikipedia articles - what're you going to make up to upset yourself next?
you must be really naive if you cannot recognize second-order posturing from a known bullshit artist.
>he talked shit about Wikipedia so he clearly did not plagiarize from it!
neck yourself

>> No.15759221

>dr k episode 2 when
fucking yikes dude. You are an actual reckful fan aren't you?
Idk what else to say, since all i will be writing from now on will jsut be a dumber and dumber version of what I have said before hoping it finally reaches your intelligence level.