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15757911 No.15757911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you holding up /lit/?

>> No.15757916

I don’t know what to do about the emptiness sometimes

>> No.15757919
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>How are you holding up /lit/?

>> No.15757986
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I've identified intersectionality as being a purely evil influence. There is no grey area when it comes to intersectionality. I have an enemy. My life is purposeful.

>> No.15758006

t. “post-white”

>> No.15758067
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I'm not feeling very good right now guys, but I must keep my mask on.

>> No.15758249


Paying the price for the breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture

>> No.15758300

Cringe use of onions

>> No.15758316

I no longer drink coffee

>> No.15758319

Not very well, honestly. On prednisone for poison ivy and taking a lot of diphenhydramine. I'm writing multiple stories that are barely going anywhere. I'm debating what I want to do in one hobby and can't come to a consensus. I'm itchy. Bored. Here in America we're probably going in to lockdown again because Americans are too childish and stupid to wear masks.

>> No.15758328

Masks don't mean anything. And unironically Chloroquine works.

>> No.15758336

Are you really one of those retards? I don't know why I expect better from /lit/.

>> No.15758339

Masks work and chloroquine does too

>> No.15758422
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It's all so tiresome

>> No.15758448

>lost job
>lost dad
>lost gf
I have never been more at peace and stress free in my life

>> No.15758488
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I've been feeling the same way recently, it seems like everything I do seems fake and pointless. I used to spend a lot of time seething online about politics but now doing that and seeing others do it makes me want to vomit. Reading is a good distraction but nothing I read seems like it matters at all

>> No.15758516

I constantly create my own demons. Why, I do not know. My alcoholism keeps hurting my girlfriend, but I have no heart and don't want to change really.

>> No.15758523
File: 980 KB, 305x320, Rope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won’t Chainlink moon goddamnit. I’ve been waiting for three fucking years

>> No.15758666

My foster kitty got healthy and chubby. Then Barnes n Noble opened up again and I bought The Possessed and All Creatures Great and Small. And I had some tasty french toast. Summer heat is giving me hives again but das okay.

>> No.15758693

>Everyone in this thread
Please start exercising and eating well.
Give yourself a chance

>> No.15759549

I would advise you all to avoid these self-pity threads, wallowing with other losers on 4chan will doom you to forever being a loser.

>> No.15759564

Not good. There's fascists all over the board. and not the good kind either.

>> No.15759569
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life hurts

>> No.15759596
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I'm fucking mad. I fucking hate everything. I woke up today to the news that some loser who streams himself playing video games in his 30s killed himself and felt a jolt of satisfaction at the thought that this juvenile decadent subculture is in the process of collapsing in on and eating itself. Trying to change my life but it's hard. I feel listless every day, as if there's a great big bell jar over my head preventing me from seeing possible futures.

>> No.15759744


>> No.15760538


>> No.15760544

you only hate decadence because you lack dicipline. Good luck and good night

>> No.15760586
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With everyday I am one day closer to accomplishing what I want, so today was a great day.
>not suicide btw

bit lonely though and this time actually sad about it as well.

>> No.15760603

I am miserable. Making some progress through the empiricists, though. Read Locke, now on Berkeley. Hume is next. It's pretty dry stuff, but I'm trying my best to build a good foundation in philosophy. I find I am able to understand this stuff better than I have in the past, which is encouraging. I feel very lonely these days. I'd like a gf, but I'm not even sure where or how to start. I have a bunch of matches on dating apps. Just can't bring myself to message any of them. It would require so much effort on my part--effort I cannot justify taking away from higher pursuits such as lit and philosophy. There are very few girls worth that effort (there are some). How do I find them in the sea of tattooed, drug-using cookie cutters? I am trapped.

>> No.15760634
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I was feeling pretty awful last week due to my poor academic situation, lack of social contact or friendship, lack of direction or purpose in life and other miscellaneous things that bring me to despair but then I remembered that all of that stuff is a perception issue and not something I can fix by changing my material surroundings. Feel breddy gud now.

>> No.15760682

>I am miserable. Making some progress through the empiricists, though. Read Locke, now on Berkeley. Hume is next. It's pretty dry stuff, but I'm trying my best to build a good foundation in philosophy.
LOL dont worry. It is only at least a dozen more years for you to read all necessary philosophy and understand it. xD but only if you stay persistent and don't struggle.

>> No.15760708

Pretty bad I might kill myself soon

>> No.15760714

I can't get a job

>> No.15760715

Porn and masturbation use are worse than ever. I can't break free anymore.

>> No.15760719

this year is the year. can't take it anymore.

>> No.15760737

I'll be doing a lot better tomorrow if certain things work out. I don't want to jinx it, but fingers crossed. Please pour some good energy into the universe on my behalf, /lit/bros.

>> No.15760743


>> No.15760781
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Came the closest ever to killing myself the other week but I'm back on SSRIs. Feeling pretty flat, but stable at least. I've come to terms with the fact that I'll probably kms sometime in my life. Life is torture.

>> No.15760799

then go al the way and touch the bottom for me, but come up after that

>> No.15760801

Stop being a nigger

>> No.15760822

stop fapping when you feel that the horniness is repressible without forcing it, otherwise u r not really horny u r just repeating a behavior to get some dopamine, there is so much better stuff to do even if you're locked inside, find variety.

>> No.15760837

And that in turn leads to feedback loops and increased physiological horniness to the point where you have an uncontrollable erection 20 minutes after masturbating twice when you see a woman in real life. There isn't any cure. It gets worse the more you do it.

>> No.15760848
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the book I just finished last night left me feeling really sad in a way that i really did not need right now

>> No.15760865
File: 82 KB, 792x767, fUQSZji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding up well. I graduated with honors but I'm throwing that degree out the window to become a police officer in a year's time or so. Realizing what I wanted to do, or at least realizing what I didn't want to do, saved my life.

I threw away my drugs and paraphernalia. I deleted my suicide note. I feel comfortable keeping my pistol loaded. I came to terms with the death of my grandmother. I realize now that my loved ones dying isn't so bad; I'll see them again. I'll spend every moment with my loved ones enjoying life and each other. Holding ill will towards others is useless: I love everyone (love as a behavior, not an emotion). I thought I could never be in a relationship: now the most wonderful girl I've ever met and I are soon to celebrate six months together. I read more and watch movies less. I work out more and play video games less. From middle school until now, I've never been so happy and fulfilled. My life has a purpose.

You anons can do it too; it will come randomly one day and everything will be better.

The one thing that has become worse is my ability to write. I was a much better writer when I felt depressed. The emotions came much more freely, and it is easier to sort through your emotions to decide what to put into your work than it is to think up emotions and make them seem genuine.

That's a beautiful picture anon.

>> No.15760887

> I thought I could never be in a relationship: now the most wonderful girl I've ever met and I are soon to celebrate six months together.
I'm only telling you this because I imagine you'll appreciate it—that should be a semicolon, not a colon.

>Holding ill will towards others is useless: I love everyone
This one is also questionable, but not egregious. Consider restructuring.

>I read more and watch movies less. I work out more and play video games less.
The anaphora and epiphora are your friends.

Congratulations on getting your shit together.

>> No.15760908

if u r that horny then u r 14

>> No.15760923

I do appreciate it very much anon. Unfortunately my writing has gone to shit, though I can hardly complain. I was sort of seeking a before/after effect, but I see that the usage isn't proper.

>> No.15760935

currently improooving. must be another manic episode. feels hopeful mang.

>> No.15760937

Good advice, but it falls on deaf ears. Oh well.

>> No.15760938

Im going for acl surgery, which means I won't be able to play any fun sports for 9 months. This wouldn't be such a bad thing cause id be able to read books, but libraries are closed and pdfs are gay

Wish me luck anons

>> No.15760945

The semi-colon is very good for the before/after sequence, especially if one clause is a fragment. You'll find your way back into a writing groove, my friend. You just have to adjust how you view the world and start channeling your emotions through a different kind of process.

Best of luck with your career in LEO. Be good to your loved ones and to yourself.

>> No.15760953

this is extremely unsettling as a gif

>> No.15760962

Why didn't you guys just make video games and become billionaires? Now you cope with words. :/

>> No.15760971

The person who believes they can't and the person who believes they can are usually both right