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File: 17 KB, 400x400, kqsp2TYw_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15757324 No.15757324 [Reply] [Original]

What does he read?

>> No.15757377

Spinozas ethics

>> No.15757390

literally who

>> No.15757403


Fella by the name of Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.15757411
File: 62 KB, 638x696, DEzLA2pVoAAPecI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay pornography from nifty dot org

>> No.15757448

Judging by the persistent blush and slavic face I think he only reads ingredients from alcohol bottles.

>> No.15757555

why isn't he swole???

>> No.15757585

ah, this thread again

>> No.15757627

why doesn't he post his body?

>> No.15757656
File: 56 KB, 600x600, denzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my account is not gay

>> No.15757821


>> No.15757836

>I don't talk to ugly people

He did tho, more than once.

>> No.15758059 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, dd67e5aee26973bde3f1b3605d164fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those hard r 'niggers' he's been dropping on his podcast lately
lmao i guarentee you he got cucked by a black dude recently. literally seething.

not surprising. altright >le epic raycis maymay bois tend to be rather low on the sexual totem pole. in the face of the true masculinity that black men represent all of these LARPers curl up and cry.

also it's funny how he and his internet nazi boyfriends always spout that retarded meme about 'chimping' and yet when the time comes to actually go out and chimp for real they whine and cower and just keep tweeting.

BLM has absolutely HUMILIATED BAP and his frog cronies. but keep shouting 'nigger' on your little noname podcast that gets a fraction of the listeners that the ChapoCHADs does. I'm sure you'll accomplish something eventually.

>> No.15758064


>> No.15758753

not BAP. Obese jewish goblin Kantbot failed with his doxxing and has been coping every since

>> No.15758774

He doesn't read. He watches a 1980s tv cartoon called "Strawberry Shortcake".

>> No.15758815

That was the first thing I ever said to my fiance.

>> No.15758845

I'm ugly as fuck and fat but I'll get in a cage to beat the shit out of BAP while fags livetweet.

>> No.15758853

Hi Kantbot

>> No.15758857


>> No.15758866


>> No.15758879

Have fun being dominated by Doug (BAP)

>> No.15759482

When did he post bod? Link

>> No.15759496

Salo forums posts.

>> No.15759509

This isn't him, you guys got baited

>> No.15759590

BAP more like BRAP hahahaha
bbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrraaaAAAAPPPPP BRAAP BRAAP BRAAAP brap

>> No.15759626

Post face and body anytime BAP

>> No.15759966

Someone edit his neck thickness

>> No.15759980

Paychecks from JINSA

>> No.15760043

von salomon

>> No.15760046


>> No.15760061

I thought he was supposed to be jacked? He looks like a pencil neck dork.

>> No.15760077

He talks tough though.
Probably has a 2.1 k/d when playing in premades.

>> No.15760361
File: 150 KB, 683x1024, 45433217084_1ef1361ecc_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me Costin. I told kantbot to do it.

>> No.15760369


>> No.15760392

Was it because we made fun of your leather jacket

>> No.15760421

For my 106 yo grandma

>> No.15760449

Curtis, stop crying.

>> No.15760463

Catpiss jacket

>> No.15760491

Did people expect bap to look something different than this? You don’t m post about physical beauty and stuff like that when you actually have it.

>> No.15760607

Was the article mentioned posted? I'd like to read it

>> No.15760625

ngl that face's asking for a facial

>> No.15760655


>> No.15760752

did kantbot really try to dox bap? I haven't been on twitter in like 6 months

>> No.15760779

Ty anon

>> No.15760804

Didn't "try", rather succeeded. Also it wasn't Kantbot.

>> No.15760805

Tea leaves, cereal boxes, matchbook covers.

>> No.15760816

Why are Romanians so hot? If you check the good looking leader thread on /his/ you'll always find a bunch of handsome Romanian politicians across all spectrum. Their conservative monarch was hot, Their right-wing anarchist leader was hot, their communist leader was hot

>> No.15760833

Are you gay, straight, or a woman? Your response will determine whether I answer you or not.

>> No.15760860

Are you gay or a woman? Your response will determine whether I answer you or not

>> No.15760870

who was it then?

>> No.15760882


>> No.15761771

He looks like those hyper realistic reconstruction of some skull from the Roman times

>> No.15761793

Reminder the "Right" doesn't exist. It's actually all just Moldbug. Kantbot and BAP are both moldbug. This much is necessary knowledge.

>> No.15761851


>> No.15761868


>> No.15761926

He said himself that it wasnt him

>> No.15762063


>> No.15762078


>> No.15762093

Audibly kek'd

>> No.15762749


>> No.15762770

he’s attractive what are you saying. those rosey cheeks

>> No.15762813

He's wearing rouge, anon. He's a total fraud.

>> No.15762821

he looks fucking gay lmoa

>> No.15763123

Incorrect. Read Mishima.

>> No.15763151

Clearly a defensive closet gay

>> No.15763155

Is Kantbot Jewish?

>> No.15764026


>> No.15764237

This dude literally looks like a bug lmao

>> No.15764307

What's the evidence for the dox?

As far as I can tell it's (i) that Alamariu and BAP share some political views, (ii) that they maybe have a similar writing style (though it's hard to tell desu), (iii) that they are both interested in the philosophy and history of ancient Greece and the thought of figures like Nietzsche, and share some opinions here too, and (iv) that Alamariu is eastern European, which comports with BAP's accent.

As should be obvious to anyone, this is far from decisive.

I've also heard that the receipts received by subscribers to Caribbean Rhythms have the name "Costin Alamariu" on them, but haven't seen any solid proof of this. Even if true, it's hard to know whether to take this as evidence for or against the legitimacy of the dox, as BAP doesn't seem stupid enough to allow his real name to appear on these receipts. But given (i)-(iv) above, I'm inclined to take it as pretty strong evidence for the accuracy of the dox.

Is that all, or am I missing something? Did Alamariu's twitter account have something to do with it as well? He has a lot of followers from BAP's corner of twitter, but maybe all that happened post-dox.

Based on this I'd say it's more likely than not that Bronze Age Pervert = Costin Alamariu, but would appreciate input from others who know more.

>> No.15764987

bumping for answers

>> No.15765045
File: 796 KB, 1685x2048, Eb9bTxqUcAEXmE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15765057

They are both interested in Brazil.

>> No.15765085
File: 33 KB, 731x567, kapakoulak2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a body trained for looks and not real useful strength

>> No.15765092

good point

>> No.15765108

Why think that's him?

>> No.15765113


>Not understanding why the pursuit of both strength and beauty are mutually reinforcing, even if it is possible to be stronger on a single measure by dropping the other, even as one's overall capabilities become vastly greater by paying attention to both

You're not gonna make it, bro.

>> No.15765157
File: 743 KB, 1384x1496, 1563466643167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that BAP is for people with two-digit IQs. I've seen his tweets before, every single thing he has ever said screams of a midwit trying to sound deep.

>> No.15765162

Read the Greeks lol

>> No.15765171

>accuses baptists of having two-digit IQs
>posts anime waifu

>> No.15765177

Lmao don’t you know where Bloatlord’s from?

>> No.15765186

I didn't thought of that kek

>> No.15765188
File: 543 KB, 1254x1771, yande.re 643871 animal_ears hololive inugami_korone inumimi kurihara_sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime website

>> No.15765197


>> No.15765218

I'm a newfag. I don't watch anime and I think it's gay.

>> No.15765225
File: 865 KB, 967x1069, 1584570096950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched more than one anime that's deeper and more profound than anything BAP has ever tweeted.

>> No.15765230
File: 51 KB, 411x379, 1469671831026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you got the wrong door, reddit is two blocks down.
Not that is exactly difficult

>> No.15765231

His podcast is more informational.

>> No.15765239


Talk about fucking midwittery. Only midwits listen to podcasts.

>> No.15765256

Haven't found out more either. I think I read here, that BAP's accent sounds romanian. Whether that's true - no idea, I'm not good at identifying accents from people that are changing the way they talk in order to stay anonymous.
In the end there is no more information and the people who did doxx him probably hope, that other people will finish the missing gaps.
He looks good btw, #nohomo

>> No.15765268

You'll find that Reddit has a lot more in common with your interests than mine.

>> No.15765349
File: 11 KB, 205x246, fitpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cited costin alamariu's article in palladium on brazil in my latin america class before BAP was doxed
>cited BAP in university paper

>> No.15765363

Fucking lel he's great. Who doxed him anyway and wtf did it even accomplish? I swear all these neo-Marxists do all day is dox people for wrongthink it's redundant.

>> No.15765378

He reads YOU, like an open book where all your thoughts and feelings are conveyed through words on paper.
He opens you like a book and nothing you do can stop him from turning the pages, YOUR pages.
I wish to read as well, but to me you are a locked book and I don't have key.

>> No.15765420

he doesnt need to read with those cheekbones!

>> No.15765509



>> No.15766150

somefag call shawn and other kike with elijahdelmedigo

>> No.15766163

you must poast physique

>> No.15766219

shane not shawn

>> No.15766307

>tfw cited Bronze Age Mindset in my paper on Nietzsche in contemporary politics

>> No.15766559

Manele lyrics

>> No.15767133

>implying you couldn't always cite whatever the fuck you want in a university paper

>> No.15767836

That ain't him.

>> No.15767863

>he thinks community college is university

>> No.15768471

>He's not citing his own dreams, diary, or 4chan posts

Your prof will never notice1. They just see the number on the end and nod their head.

1. t. teaching assistant at a reputable uni