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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.15 MB, 1242x1233, ifyouonlyknew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15754006 No.15754006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> Used to be a loser no one cared about.
> Shut off all social life, decided to grind on a business every single day
> Few years pass and started making way more than my job
> Left wage slave job, start growing business even more
> Went on forums and met up with like-minded people who also do their own thing
> Get invited to social events regularly with other interesting people
> Planning on selling business, then taking a year to read, travel, spend all day on my hobbies, contribute time to a cause that's meaningful to me (i.e. a children's cancer hospital), then will jump into another project that both interests and financially rewards me
> Realizing I'm finally actualizing my potential

Curious if anyone else had a similar experience. So far not enough money to live off dividends but feels awesome knowing I am no one's salary slave. No one can buy me or force me to do anything. Finally carving my own path despite the naysayers.

>> No.15754022

I took the classpill. Reminder bourgeoisie scum, you're going to be guillotined.

>> No.15754037

Oh and no-I don't give a shit about your "grind" while you're stealing from your employees.

>> No.15754129

saving up about $10k a year to buy some shitter ghetto houses when the housing market inevitably shits itself again. through section 8 the gvmt will guarantee 80% of the rent and the niggers wont break shit lest they be kicked out of free housing. the rent is like $1200 for some 3 bed trap house too, an insane ROI, and if you want to go real slumlord you can just build a bedroom where the living room used to be to crank up the approved rent. the downside is the inspections, but the requirements are archaically low, just don't black mold or any holes in the wall bigger than your fist. you can always sell the property at the height of the RE bubble or when the area gentrifies. reinvesting the proceeds, i expect to be a millionaire within 12-15 years.

>> No.15754133

can you elaborate? Not sure what my alternative was. My goal wasn't even the money, but freedom to leave my soulsucking job and to actualize my potential. I looked around and only saw people burying themselves a premature death.

>> No.15754142

And now your employees are wage slaving for you.

>> No.15754145

Im probably the opposite of you OP I work 35 hour weeks at a government job which doesnt tax my mind or body too much, so I have plenty of time and energy to pursue my interests.

Your path is a tough one, it carries more risk, involves more luck, requires a lot more time/effort all while being less stable - and its easy to forget all the people who get their lives shredded by this. That said it does give you a big degree of "fuck you" freedom.

I know that for people with the entrepreneurial bent and are willing to exchange time for that kind of freedom it definitely is the best path, however its no necessarily the best for everyone and in fact wouldn't work if everyone tried it. Not for commie reasons mind you but because people who trade stability for lower income are the greatest sources of profits.

Well done though OP I can tell youve put a lot of work in

>> No.15754154

no employees, just contract any work that needs to be done and I pay them above market wage. No need to file a W-4 or whatever.

>> No.15754160

They are still slaves by your OP definition though

>> No.15754166

What the fuck does this have to do with literature?

>> No.15754168

Two questions if you don't mind.

1. What is your business in?

2. How much experience and networking did you have prior to starting it?

>> No.15754169

>decided to grind on a business
ok but what the fuck does this mean?
also while you explain it throw in some recs

>> No.15754171

Tell me how to escape the 4HL before I graduate uni. Please.

>> No.15754177


Step 1: don't go into debt

Too late for that isn't it?

>> No.15754187

so this is why you want gun control?

>> No.15754189

that's not a worry thanks to my parents. i just want to know how avoid 4hl once I graduate soon.

>> No.15754192

get the most lucrative job
then get as much passive income possible

>> No.15754197


So you have a degree and no debt i.e. you occupy an advantageous position compared to 90% of your people your age. The only way you could fuck it up is if you are horribly incompetent.
Grow some balls.

>> No.15754200
File: 49 KB, 449x491, marx_gun_control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking any leftist wants gun control. You're conflating us with libs, buddy.

>> No.15754205

I actually started gov, then went contracting, then spent time freelancing, then created my own contracting agency, and now e-commerce, which is killing it right now. It just takes a lot of dedication. I looked at the alternative and said I'd rather die. Literally cut out every friend, all social media, tv, and committed myself to make this the one thing I succeed at. Fast forward a few years of that and turns out it works. Can't see how it couldn't work.

But you're right, it's not the best for everyone. If not this path I would have stayed in a nice gov job and living overseas.

>> No.15754212


>Imagine thinking my fringe radical group doesn't represent the general left leaning populace

Why are Marxists so unspeakably cringe?

>> No.15754216

I went to /biz/ and saw lazybum neets who do nothing all day but look at stocks press a few buttons and consider that a job

>> No.15754225

>You're conflating us with libs
>h-haha i'm totally different than socialists
sorry you're a lazy fuck and can't succeed.
glad I work with AI so the idea of a proletariat goes extinct.

>> No.15754229

You literally said I want gun control:
>so this is why you want gun control?
Stop being a retard and admit you were wrong.

>> No.15754228

self-actualization is a common theme in /lit/ frequently discussed books.

>> No.15754233

Reactionary class traitor scum.

>> No.15754248

Im glad you are able to appreciate this. The relative isolation that comes with that kind of sacrifice can all too often retard a persons empathy and understanding.

The worst people ive ever met tend to be those who have failed at this path particularly those stuck in the contracting phase of things due to a lack of courage to follow through.

Did your friends understand?

>> No.15754254

Marxists should be gathered up, shot and then dumped in a mass grave solely for their awful posts online.

>> No.15754266

Reinforces my point, class traitor.

>> No.15754269


1. see >>15754205

2. Gov job I had a STEM degree, for freelancing I just cold emailed a shit ton, contract agency I just filed paperwork and worked with a buddy and emailed a shit ton, then for e-commerce I studied several niches and found one undervalued, got really good at making ads, web funnels, web design, product design, working with a manufacturer, etc.
Honestly I mostly faked it til I made it. Often times I was the only one who showed up for a lot of shit too.

>> No.15754323

i'm just going full retard on the financial sector
hopefully i'll break out before 40
At least i'm out of debt

>> No.15754328


>> No.15754340

Shut it, species traitor

>> No.15754344

When you have no use in society you have no excuse to live.
after the automation revolution there will be no need for worthless bags and meat.
don't like it?
get out
that guy wasn't me
but he's right, expect it'd be a waste of a bullet.

>> No.15754364

see >>15754269

Lol I graduated uni and did all this shit as soon as I landed my first real job. If really wanting to get out uni then learn a trade and save up to buy fixer-upper homes, then flip them using the skill you already have and with some people you know. Keep doing that over and over and put extra money into a very safe investment portfolio. Other than that something software related

To be honest very few people understood. I just wouldn't bring it up. I'd say work is really intense or studying for a certification for work, and I'd be left alone. If I said "I'm working on my business", no one would empathize. Luckily I traveled a lot for work and would just work in my hotel, forced to be isolated anyway.

>> No.15754392

Thank you for responding. I'm assuming you're in software development, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

Good on you. That's exactly what I wanna do but graduated from college into a pandemic and still gotta work blue collar to make ends meet.

>> No.15754403

You mean like buying puts and calls? I wish you good luck but Jesus fuck that's risky you psychopath

>> No.15754458

close. computer engineering, but I ended up really just being a subject matter expert in a bunch of software.

Best of luck. Can't image how shitty it is to just graduate into a fucked market. Would go into government positions if you're in the U.S. Something like the Pathways program gets funding specifically to hire recent grads and it's easy secure work.

>> No.15754459


Not the same person

>> No.15754917

You're weak, and you turn your envy into hatred

>> No.15755107

What book lead you to do this? Did you write a book about your experience? How, in the end, does your blog post relate to /lit/ at all?

>> No.15755737

Who cares if it's a job or not as long as it makes money and gives you free time to do whatever you want

>> No.15755753

not lit but based post, frog poster

>> No.15756113

>glad I work with AI so the idea of a proletariat goes extinct.
You are no better than Marxists.

>> No.15756157

/lit/ is a debtmaxxxing board, but good on you any way

>> No.15756171

Here's a fact: slavery is bad when you're a slave, and good when you're a slaver. It's like anything else in life. Deal with it.

>> No.15756261

I’m a Marxist and I agree. Walls of texts are not good memes you fucking trots

>> No.15756467

I can't because i live in a 3rd world country where working hard doesn't matter