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File: 500 KB, 605x903, Roger_Scruton_by_Pete_Helme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15751526 No.15751526 [Reply] [Original]

In The West and the Rest, he asserts Islam is incompatible with western values. An example he gives is freedom of speech, and says Muslim fundamentalists want to ban porn, whereas conservatives recognize that though it's regrettable it's part of freedom of speech

Is he right?

>> No.15751539
File: 106 KB, 880x1360, dugin-fpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam is incompatible with liberal values since its a preliberal entity. Conservatives in the West need to throw off the shackles of 'Western values' and legitimately oppose liberalism.

>> No.15751545

Really everybody should, it’s patently obvious how it’s not working

>> No.15751548

Dugin said, Islam is the last hope of humanity in the darkness of globalism and liberalism.

>> No.15751556

He's pretty much right, though I think Eastern Europe is more and more of a hope now.

>> No.15751567

No one actually supports unbridled free speech. Leaking classified documents or state secrets *should* be protected under free speech, but it isn't. Making direct threats to government figures *should* be covered by free speech, but obviously isn't. Completely free speech, press, and assembly is a delusion; it's inherently dangerous and impossible. What the "West" has isn't free speech. So Scruton's wrong again.

>> No.15751566

How so? They have rampant abortion and Putin has said that's a woman's right. Except for hating homosexuals (and homosexuality is legal in all Eastern European lands except Chechnya), what do they stand for?

>> No.15751576

Also, there are definitely Western Conservative Christians who have tried to make porn illegal. He clearly hasn't heard many American pastors.

>> No.15751599


Islam is against:
-drawing or sculpting any living creature
-drinking alcohol
-eating pork

most muslims over the planet think apostasy shold be punished with death

and they also have ridiculous beliefs about the tanakh/old testament being corrupted (I am not calling them inspired, I am saying muslims think it was Isaac that Abraham almost sacrifices, they think it was Ishmael, they are very late modifications of Jewish and Christian mythology)

Mohammed was Joseph Smith + Gengis Khan

>> No.15751606

Well Ismail was the firstborn so that wouldn't be impossible. That the Kaaba was built where he was to be sacrificed was actually believed by Arab pagans

>> No.15751617


Putin isn't a real right wing conservative nationalist. He is a former KGB agent and actively supports leftist and communist movements in Latin America. he is allied to Cuba and Maduro's Venezuela, and tries to get leftist governments of that kind in power in the other latam countries.

>> No.15751632

>He is a former KGB agent and actively supports leftist and communist movements in Latin America.
He supports them because they're the only states in the world that don't call Putin out for being a fraudulent tyrant (because they need a world power to support them in turn). It has nothing to do with political agenda.

>> No.15751640


We don't have any written source supporting that before the Quran got written.
The Greek septuagint was written from 300 before christ to around 120 before christ. The pentateuch is from 300 bc, I think there are some fragments from Qumran a century older.
From 400 years before christ to 600 years after christ with Islam we have a full millenium with no evidence that supports the claims of muslims about jewish and christian scripture.

>> No.15751674

There was basically no source on Arabian history except isnad until after the advent of Islam, which allowed the level of wealth necessary for libraries.

>> No.15751680

Yes he is absolutely right. If you want Islam move to some islamist shit hole.

>> No.15751839

>drawing or sculpting any living creature
??? Perhaps if you're abiding by the interpretation of some bearded desert fag who just wants to murder and commit pederasty. No learned Muslim scholar stands by any of those policy's stop trying to paint Islam as this anti-culture religion.

>> No.15752035

In fact this is the consensus in every madhhad. Dogs are only clean animals in Maliki madhhab but they still must be kept outside. Drawing animate beings in detail (all the schools mean the face) is also only permitted by this school but they cannot be put on walls. The rest is universal

>> No.15752364

sounds retarded and ahistorical. western conservatives from ~1650 have been ok with more free speech than muslim countries but definitely not porn

>> No.15752498

>western conservatives from ~1650 have been ok with more free speech than muslim countries
What the fuck is this shit? Please stop posting on this board, you know where your kind is allowed to post. Keep this place civil and know your place.

>> No.15752509

>want to ban porn
Plenty of religions support banning porn. You retards aren't even real Christians.
I genuinely believe most Anglo "intellectuals", like Roger Scruton, and the royal family are involved in Satanic bullshit and debauchery.
I hate Islam, but if you want porn, slit your fucking throat, you god-forsaken degenerate.

>> No.15752522

According to Scruton, the defining pillar of the west is national identity before state identity, allows the state rather than dogma to be the final arbiter and allowing for greater cultural development

>> No.15752550

>greater cultural development
There is no cultural development in porn. It encourages people to explore fetishes, adopt deviant or transgressive views, and succumb deeper into darkness (e.g., check X-Files episode Irresistible).
Scruton is just a pseudointellectual hack, much like many other Anglos, who wants to justify his debauchery.
Islam is incompatible with the West but not because it is anti-porn. Being anti-porn is the sane thing.

>> No.15752570

What's your idea of western values?

>> No.15752579

True Christianity by any reasonable measure would also oppose and prohibit those things, Scruton wouldn’t oppose Christianity for that reason. His problem is that he conflated modern (post-enlightenment) western values and liberalism with western traditionalism reaching back thousands of years, a muddy concept regardless because it isn’t a straight line of descent it has a mixture of classical philosophy with a childish over-attachment to what is essentially a Jewish heresy with some pretense of connection to Aristotle and Plato (though their metaphysical extrapolations directly contradict Christianity, especially given the highly personal nature of the Christian God).
Conservatives often have this issue because many lack a strong ontological foundation for everything they consider good (not that progressives don’t also lack this), because as more things become tradition, more contradict one another. My views would be considered right wing but they aren’t based on some amorphous idea of maintenance of culture, there should be a central core of ideas, such as biological imperatives of competition. Conservatism lacks a core desire because it’s not a true ideology, it’s a vague outlook that shifts: Bismarck was a conservative, he believed in aristocratic power and did not like liberal democracy because he rejected the (relatively) new enlightenment liberalism; most modern conservatives would say that democracy is at the core of western ideals because they have embraced the enlightenment.

>> No.15752593

>owing for greater cultural development
you mean world domination through exploiting your fellow men?

>> No.15752598

He specifically says in How to be a Conservative, the west as we know it starts with the Enlightenment

>> No.15752614

Haha what the fuck, is he a Straussian? That's retarded cosmopolitan shit. Real conservatives believe that societies are living organisms with histories, good and bad.

>> No.15752641

I didn't specifically mean just Russia, but the situation there is still far better than the West. Poland, Hungary, and other nations in the former Eastern Bloc are solidly right wing now.

>> No.15752645

Huh? He has to explain the problem with immigrants and postmodernism

>> No.15752650

>right wing
An empty phrase. How do the women dress?

>> No.15752651

No one is saying the Islam is ideal, but that Islam is a real resistance to modern liberal hegemony.

>> No.15752660

Putin is a conservative, but not a traditionalist.
>actively supports leftist and communist movements in Latin America
This is actually out of Dugin's playbook. Using all available tools to fight US hegemony makes sense for a nation like Russia.

>> No.15752671

the west isnt even compatible with itself

>> No.15752672

His playbook has nothing to do with political alliances going back to the Cold War, neither is Chinese hegemony a meaningful alternative

>> No.15752685
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>> No.15752692

Well, obviously right wing is not an exhaustive phrase, but it's adequate in the context I used it in. Most of Eastern Europe is National Conservative. I've never been to Hungary or Poland so I can't speak to how women dress there, but Orban has rolled back a number of feminist policies and has implemented a variety of pro-natal policies.

>> No.15752694

Russia and China still have a future unlike the west

>> No.15752712

Future? Of what? Russia is in huge population decline, China is basically 1984

>> No.15752723

>Chinese hegemony a meaningful alternative
This is false, China is increasingly becoming the center of global trade. Currently, the two powers have to rely on each other, but as the US gets more aggressive and less stable, this will be no longer true and China will be able to leverage this trade advantage to great effect.

>> No.15752736

The liberal right has zero backbone and Scruton was a prime example of this. I don't want muslims flooding my country, but at least we tend to want the same thing

>> No.15752746

It ain't the 90's anymore, Russian birthrates already surpassed the US a number of years ago and Putin is wanting to implement programs to raise it like Orban did in Hungary. China has a booming economy and is the center of economic growth. Chinese citizens are also willing to accept that level of control since their lives have been getting materially better year by year.

>> No.15752754

Russia and China still both have terrible birthrates. Not clear how to have high birthrates in a developed country unless you're Israel

>> No.15752758

I never said impossible, just not better

Putin supports abortion the birth rate is plummeting

>> No.15752784
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>> No.15752788
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>> No.15752792

China doesn't need high birthrates since they have a billion people.

>> No.15752799

going to cause a demographic crisis, but knowing china they'll just holocaust their old people

>> No.15752800

It's better for nations who can maintain independence from China, which is pretty much every country outside of Asia.

>> No.15752805
File: 7 KB, 277x182, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be a heavy burden when they age out

>> No.15752811

You don't know what you're talking about lol

>> No.15752831

so no freedom at all? this is what you're really advocating for? isn't this the worst fuckin thing ever? come on now.

>> No.15752845

>the birth rate is plummeting
This is just flat out incorrect, birthrates have been rising since the Putin era, with only minor reversals in birthrate since the sanctions. Still has a higher birthrate than the US.

>> No.15752849

you're all retarded, islam is gonna go the same way as christianity.

>> No.15752852

See >>15752799

>> No.15752854

At least they don't have a welfare state and import millions of migrants like EU and US

>> No.15752860

>I'll just act smug and then my point will somehow be correct
How is the decline of Russia's greatest geopolitical enemy not going to be beneficial for Russia?

>> No.15752861

Muslims are much more barbaric than whites, they won't cuck out as easily

>> No.15752875

fuck that shit. give me liberalism over a wretched islamic teocracy anyday.

>> No.15752884

Christianity is also opposed to Western values, modern Western society just learned to completely ignore all the parts of the Bible that it disagrees with.

>> No.15752893

Islam isn't going to rule the West, Muslims coming here are liberalizing, not the other way around. Islam will persist only in its homelands.

>> No.15752899

this, there is a reason the church no longer controls entire countries.

>> No.15752917

they will in the end, once you've opened the floodgates for rationalism, anything which cannot be justified on the basis of deductive reasoning ought be vociferously fought against tooth and nail, and as such tradition ought be destroyed to return to man's "default" nature of equality.

>> No.15752929

europeans didn't just suddenly get to this stage. if it happens to islam the transition will be quicker because the path has been laid out

>> No.15752935

>man's "default" nature of equality
lmao, can you give an example of whats that exactly?

>> No.15752949

the belief that in the absence of unjustified hierarchy humans will coexist in a state of moral, social, and political equilibrium.

>> No.15752966

Russia as in the state? It will be. As in combating the anti spiritual plague? It won't

>> No.15752970

>humans will coexist in a state of moral, social, and political equilibrium
Im sorry, but thats bullshit, even without religion or tradition. maybe Im misunderstanding your point but hardline materialism will just lead to inequality as much as religion did if not even more. look at china.

>> No.15752981

We have terrorism. This is our trump card. You are not zealous because your religious text says be meek. Ours say kill a blasphemer and be rewarded. To stand for one hour in battle is worth sixty years of extra prayer

>> No.15753018

Technically yes, but the possibility also exists for the alternative to occur. Nature is more or less a vacuum for man in which infinite possibilities can occur. A smart person or group of smart people can decide to use their intellect to manipulate the dumber individuals in a group, but there's nothing preventing the latter from organizing and crushing them en masse, neither hobbes or rosseau would disagree with this. In the case of China you have an absolute sovereign with the cadre elite of the CCP who rule the masses. In the case of an egalitarian society, something akin to a highly contentious and violent society would be produced in its wake, and society would devolve into a more primitive state with a more simplified division of labor which prevents greater inequality as compared to today.

>> No.15753119

How not? The US is the number one exporter of liberalism.

>> No.15753158
File: 972 KB, 500x269, 8B29036A-526E-459A-832A-C8EB2FA7A882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man. But all Abrahamic faiths are “incompatible” with the west. It made a hash of European history. If Julian were that much more brilliant.

>> No.15753169

Sounds based to me.

>> No.15753179

You think having a bunch of corrupt dictators is going to fix the malady? Women will dress like strippers, bars will be on every corner, abortion and prostitution will rule. Only difference is dissidents will be tortured and raped

>> No.15754734

At one point freedom of speech was incompatible with Western values

>> No.15754781

That's realpolitik anon

>> No.15755145

dude you do know that the social economic structure of a society doesn't change after a few "feminist" policies get rolled back? You're living in a fairy tale if you're thinking that

>> No.15755414

Yea everyone is on board with the CCP, hence the social cedit system

>> No.15755425

No, he’s wrong. Porn can easily be banned and should not be conflated with freedom of speech.
He’s a thelemite so believe nothing he says.

>> No.15755426

That guy was a whining asshole

>> No.15755432

Based Muslims

>> No.15755434

social credit system is already on the west

>> No.15755632

>300 B.C.

Anon, I can't even...

>> No.15755769

It's a mistake to believe "europe gonna be mooslim"
the west will POZ islam instead

>> No.15755778

I can't wait to live in a browned globohomo dystopia that will make 1984 and BNW look like a joke

>> No.15755801

How is life like when suffering brain damage?

>> No.15756012

They're being trained to protest in the proper way.

>> No.15756019

It worked, different classes were given for their kids in order to be culturally sensitive

>> No.15756028

How did it work. The muslim community was taught that standing on a street corner with signs was the proper way to have the system address their grievances. How'd that turn out for the black community?

>> No.15756036
File: 349 KB, 720x905, woke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslims in the UK aren't the black community, they are a ballooning demographic pouring in from Commonwealth countries and have to be appeased because they represent a major demographic block. On the other hand, Prevent constantly works to defuse them because the state is scared of them

>> No.15756062

Anyone who thinks Islam is such an extreme religion is an irredemable /pol/tard. Very few who critique Islam have actually been to an Islamic country. Go to somewhere like Bahrain or Iran and you'll find people doing whatever they want really. Furthermore clerics in Saudi are increasingly approving of progressive laws that are common in the West. Islam is easily compatible with "Western values" as soon as there's a capital incentive in attracting businesses. Also Western values should better be called European values desu, Americans are freaks.

>> No.15756078

Yeah, the muslim community is smaller. The government is co-opting islam little by little like every other traditionalist community. Once they've gotten what they want from the muslim community the government will push them aside into their ghetto's and move on, or work on undermining larger islamic establishments to prevent them from effectively organizing.

>> No.15756079

Saud is a colonialist puppet regime and state as are most governments over there. They would instantly be toppled and replaced with Islamists states except for American protection (Russian in Syria)

>> No.15756085

Yes smaller but ideologically very ready to kill someone for blasphemy

>> No.15756093

So were the black panthers, the IRA, and tons of other ideological separatist movements.

>> No.15756098

Those are nationalist, not internationalist. Huge difference

>> No.15756118

Internationalism doesn't make much of a difference. At the end of the day the combined might of all Islamic countries is not much greater than the might of Ireland. Terrorism is only effective if the media chooses to cover it in the way you want. Protest is only effective if the media chooses not to mock the idiots wearing a black dresses in the middle of a humid summer day.

>> No.15756136

You don't know what you're talking about, Islamists paramilitaries are massive, ISIS alone numbers over 100,000 and operates from the Philippines to Africa. In the Middle East these paramilitaries would have easily taken over Iraq and Syria without tremendous air strikes by America and Russia. The IRA is more comparable to Fatah

>> No.15757395

>Muslim fundamentalists want to ban porn
Its more complex then that, because Islam is not Western, it both wants to ban and spread degeneracy, because Muslims dont follow Western logic.

So porn is taboo, but having an 11 year old sex slave is not. Flaunting homosexuality is bad, but if its hidden its okay.

>> No.15757471

Even if Islam is fundamentally anti-liberal it doesn't matter. The key is separation of religion from all public spheres. Most Westerners have never been that liberal but that doesn't matter. What you call Western values just "work" better presumably so dominate. You can't enforce something that doesn't work without getting problems.

I don't know if you haven't been paying attention to anything but the US state department has begun a massive destabilization campaign against the Chinese communist party. All the major economies are standing closely with America in a remarkable manner.