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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 600x485, NuzS6up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15749528 No.15749528 [Reply] [Original]

>carrying copy of King Lear
>order ice cream
>girl making it notices it and says that's her favorite play
>start talking, turns out she loves Shakespeare which surprised me because she looks in her teens but she's wearing a mask so hard to tell
>start coming by regularly, end up finding out she liked Plato
>she seems incredibly mature for her age but I'm 30 and don't say it to avoid sounding creepy
>find out later she is sixteen, big oof
>one day she asks if I have a gf
>actually do,one who is 35 and refused to go out with me all my life until recently and I think she is cheating on me
>just say yeah, I do
>she looks thoughtfully at me and says, are you both happy?
>say she doesn't make me very happy desu
>don't you think you deserve that?
>I don't know
>I do
>she looks into my eyes and we we're both silent for several seconds
>just want to tell her she is more mature than any woman I ever met and I could talk with her forever but just say thank you sincerely and her eyes show she's smiling
>month later she casually says her parents are going out of town and she is a little nervous about spending a couple of nights and if she could have my number to call in case of an emergency or something
>say sure and text it
>that night she texts me and says hi
>say hi back
>we chat a bit and she says she's bored but things are okay
>asks if I'm busy
>gf is out with friends
>no, not really
>asks if I could bring some interesting book over for her so to help pass the time
>she texts the address
>grab Finnegans wake because figure it would give us the most to talk about
>go over
>soft music playing
>Uh, brought this book, it's pretty complicated
>that's fine, I like complicated, did you want some coffee?
>she asks me how I like it and comes out with it
>we chat a little without looking at the book
>start feeling really uncomfortable and so I say better read a bit from the book
>this book?
>takes off the table
>uh, yeah
>she stands up and puts it behind her back
>what if I take it? Then what?
>stand up and tell her to stop being so childish
>Or what? Hm?
>she holds it behind her back and steps away from the table
>this is ridiculous, give me the book
>nope. I took it away. Are you going to do anything about it?
>get very annoyed and tell her I don't feel like arguing
>She smirks condescendingly, am I too tough for you? Not so big and strong now, are you?

Basically she continued to act stupider and stupider. My whole image of her as incredibly mature was shattered. I realized she was just pretending to be mature to get recognition

>> No.15749569

should've heemed her unto the living death right then and there

>> No.15749575

Go back to >>>/r/eddit faggot nobody's reading your le epic greentext

Also, did you fuck her?

>> No.15749580

sounds like she was trying to be playful to make you happy and like her, doesn't matter anyway if she is 16 and you're 30. i wouldn't have even gone to her house

>> No.15749586

Did you have sex?

>> No.15749590

She was immature like all women under the surface. Extremely disappointing

>> No.15749595

What, no

>> No.15749600

Faggot. Why'd you even post this if you aren't fucking teen gussy.

>> No.15749613

sounds more like she was flirting and wanted you to make a move but why would she do this when you're twice her age

>> No.15749621

She was just being insipid, man

>> No.15749634

You realize that's the equivalent of her opening her legs and stretching her pussy for you, right?

>> No.15749639

I doubt very much OP's story is real, but if a girl is teasing you like that she's flirting. She REALLY wanted OP to make a move and created a situation where he would have to come into close physical contact with her in order to get the book back.

>> No.15749645

Don't listen to the other people here, anon. This was an obvious sting operation and you were smart enough to not fall for it.

>> No.15749646

Being a retard?

>> No.15749661

OP she wanted the dick you fucking autismo.

>> No.15749668
File: 15 KB, 128x128, feelsbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u just wanted to build brown bricks off the face of the ERSE but she kept derailing with cunny

>> No.15749673

>She invites you over to her house
>You talk about fucking Finnegan's Wake
>She steals the book, clearly trying to tempt you to smash but you ignore it
Why don't you fucking marry Finnegan's Wake if you care about it more than pounding some USDA grade A ass.

>> No.15749678

Regardless of the fact that the girl in OP's story was giving him an open invitation to fuck her, he shouldn't have even gone over to her house to begin with since she's underaged.

>> No.15749703

OP go apologize and smash her you retard. She wanted you to reach for it and fall on her.
It astounds me how fucking autistic 4chan users are.

>> No.15749709

these replies are so fucking reddit holy christ shit

>> No.15749710

you realize he's my diary posting right?
he probably hasn't even wiped his ass in months

>> No.15749711

Why would she try to seduce me by being extremely immature when she probably knew I valued her maturity? That doesn't make sense

>> No.15749715
File: 254 KB, 458x588, gfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a girl once kissed me on the cheek and i assumed she did it to make fun of me

t. 22 khv

>> No.15749720

Not everything is about sex, reddit

>> No.15749725

Girls have the hots for older guys because for girls, being with a peer who is still building up his life is too much trouble.

>> No.15749731

>He didn't take the option to enjoy prime pussy
You're a fagget OP

>> No.15749739

yes i understand that, but he being twice her age should mean that he is a man that cannot act upon her advances and so she shouldn't bother to begin with

>> No.15749740

If that was me I'd have a qt 16 year old gf. OP is a faggot, autismo and an incel.

>> No.15749793

>Basically she continued to act stupider and stupider. My whole image of her as incredibly mature was shattered. I realized she was just pretending to be mature to get recognition
Misunderstanding what was happening this hard.
You failed the test.

>> No.15749794

Because women don't seduce men by appealing to your intelligence. Women being smart doesn't make your dick hard and THEY'RE smart enough to know that. Intelligence in women is about attracting a long-term partner. It has nothing to do with wanting to fuck.

>> No.15749817

Excuse me? She failed it

>> No.15749831
File: 51 KB, 720x840, wn0w5ctqyrz41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP this is you but with books

Also she wanted the dick retard

>> No.15749840

Everyone: this is bait. Don’t respond.

>> No.15749882

Keep away= excuse to initiate physical contact/ establish man’s physical dominance
No broad wants to talk about the allegory of the cave before making out, mature or not, especially a teenager you autist

>> No.15749894

>Keep away= excuse to initiate physical contact

Do you even read what you type?

>> No.15749906

I never read anything, why do you think I’m on /lit/?

>> No.15749910

>Thinking you were right all along.
This is why your wife is cheating on you.

>> No.15749930

My gf of a year

>> No.15749935

thanks for the blogpost you tremendous fucking loser

>> No.15749945

Describe how you initiate and have sex so we can have a laugh.

>> No.15749966

I ask her if she would like to have sex. Pretty simple

>> No.15749977

The man has double dubs, clearly he knows what he’s talking about.

>> No.15750027

Fuck sakes op you deserve to be miserable your whole life long

>> No.15750048

>overlong poorly written greentext story about OP being a fucking retard despite life handing him perfect opportunity on a platter
>a story that is. at the very least, highly exaggerated if not completely made-up
I mean this in all sincerity, kill yourself.

>> No.15750059

Doesn't matter, OP. You are screwed on your head and probably in need of psychiatric help. Leave both these women and live a life according to the teachings of Evola.

>> No.15750088
File: 8 KB, 147x327, 27750328_1568179756603308_1995519548245110803_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don’t respond.

>> No.15750099

>didn't end with OP having sex with her then waking up with his wallet stolen and his cloths incinerated and the owners of the house coming home and turning out to have no relation to the girl

>> No.15750713


>> No.15750728

10/10 op i laffed

>> No.15750743

It's almost like a child was acting childish.

>> No.15750747

Have you dumbshits ever heard of a joke?

>> No.15750768

Aren't they usually funny?

>> No.15750791

What kind of utter faggot orders ice cream? Didn't read the rest of your post due to the sheer faggotry.

>> No.15750940

No 30 year old says "big oof," that's clearly a zoomer exclusive term. Saged and hidden

>> No.15751060

You do realise that people aren't monotonous "serious" things all the time, right? That you're not "immature" if you can act playfully and joke occasionally?

>>grab Finnegans wake because figure it would give us the most to talk about
at this point I just glazed over the rest of the text looking for the punchline

>> No.15751189

>You do realise that people aren't monotonous "serious" things all the time, right? That you're not "immature" if you can act playfully and joke occasionally?
But that is false. One is either mature or they are not, and she failed to maintain a degree of composure whereas I didn't. Truly being mature is not an act that needs to be sustained or can be let down, and I was truly mature in that moment. She's the one who showed her true colors.

>> No.15751661

damn, I thought it was funny. do people really still go into a greentext with an emotional investment hinging on whether the story is true?

>> No.15751678

The OP probably became the surrogate for many of the lonely readers, which made the story rather frustrating

>> No.15751681


>> No.15751685

Best bait in a long time. Top kek. Nice one OP.

>> No.15751704


>> No.15751894

OP, your post made me hetero again

>> No.15751925

Should have ended
>Everybody on the floor
>Walk the dinosaur

>> No.15752007


>> No.15753152

This is just pathetic.

>> No.15753366

Not always, you're not

>> No.15753387

You might be sexually attracted to men

>> No.15753406

1. shit b8 but whatever
2. all women are children no matter what
3. wouldve been a better ending if you went full autismo and just shot her in the head

>> No.15753441

OP you're the one who's stupid and immature

>> No.15753457

no she was flirting and trying to get u to fuck her you autismo jesus christ. wait til she's 18 and plow her brains out

>> No.15753487
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Was waiting for "Why don't you take a seat over here".

>> No.15753597
File: 46 KB, 600x639, stalin diary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got my hopes up with your story thinking it was true and then I read...
>grab Finnegans wake
and burst out laughing because I knew this had to be a troll and got my hopes even more up for a great punchline....

and then it ended with you being a boring autist. I'm as disappointed as she inevitably was.

>> No.15753608

>a girl once kissed me on the cheek
well I thought I knew what khv stood for but I guess not

>> No.15753620
File: 128 KB, 750x920, E4C05B1C-0FB2-4D11-A970-41D1AFF56975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op are you autistic serious question

>> No.15753799

Lmao. I haven't seen one of your posts in a while. They're top tier. Missed you anon.

>> No.15754202


>> No.15754252

It's a joke you retards

>> No.15754270

Aside from how obviously fake this shit is, my main problem here is how fucking retardedly high your standard for maturity is. “No you can’t ever be silly or let loose not once ever in your whole life I don’t care if you’re 16 and act mature most of the time and are in the privacy of your own home with someone you feel close to, it’s immature all the same and ruins my image of you”. Having a stick up your ass 24/7 isn’t a sign of maturity. Honestly the girl sounds more mature than you because she doesn’t feel the need to put on airs all the time. Makes her more serious and intellectual side more authentic.

>> No.15754280

great laff thx

>> No.15754286

She's 16. Not sure what you expected.

>> No.15754321

Yeah this. There's no getting around the fact that she's fucking 16. Shouldn't even be texting her in my opinion. The entire thing is deeply fucked.

>> No.15754431

So you texted her your number ?

>> No.15754758

Back when I was in high school I got my hair cut slightly shorter than I usually would one time, and a girl in one of my classes told me it made me look like James Blunt. To this day I’m certain it was an insult but all my family and friends insist she was flirting.

>> No.15754834

King Lear is a bumbumbobobababumblebittlebatterboner

>> No.15754984

Why do people bother replying to this with serious replies when it's the most obvious fake shit out there?

>> No.15755029

wait, what? you can link to reddit? How, show me anon, teach me your superpower.

>> No.15755047

Regardless of whether or not this is bait, this actually sucks. I feel for you dude. 16 year olds are hit or miss. That's why the line is usually drawn around there (or higher). Maturity at that age is a cultural thing and a social conditioning thing. Physically they're capable of intimacy but mentally, chances are unless they're well traveled, already work or have been working, and are better educated, they're usually dumb as shit.

Sorry it was so awkward for you. I wouldn't have even went to be honest. It just sounds sketchy by the way you described it. What happened after? People saying this thread is a copy pasta. Is there more to this story on Reddit? It's actually hilarious. I wanna see what the OP says happened after the fact.

>> No.15755081

Some young horny atheist 16 year old girl pulling some shit like this makes me irritatingly horny

>> No.15755099

This. Being completely serious 100% of the time isn’t a sign of maturity, it’s a sign of autism. And if a girl does that it’s because she wants to have sex with you, it’s not rocket science.

>> No.15755110

thanks for the laugh, op. also it actually raises some good questions as how sexuality makes ppl dumb. my only concern is people who did not realize this was satire

>> No.15755111

Yea OP stop obsessing about maturity and have sex with that child immediately

>> No.15755162

>If that was me I'd have a qt 16 year old gf. OP is a faggot, autismo and an incel

holy shit you're actually so retarded

>> No.15755171

It wouldn’t even be sex it would be like beating up some kid with your cock

>> No.15755172

Maybe the real autism was the friends we made along the way

>> No.15755179
File: 214 KB, 800x450, chris-hansen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you fucking expect? I bet most pedos would stop ideolizing young girls if they had the chance to talk to them. Kids are fucking stupid, that's the lesson to learn.
Also pic related.

>> No.15755284
File: 232 KB, 500x347, 1589826794007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toasting in epic bread

>> No.15755302

Imagine reading this post and unironically and genuinely believing its real. I feel for you virgin retards, i do. Back in my day bait had to be subtle to be effective. What a sick joke!

>> No.15755342
File: 79 KB, 960x720, 1581194837952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too many simple carbs on this board

>> No.15755354
File: 1.33 MB, 810x1080, 1536855679777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do tuhus get diabetes?

>> No.15755361

kek, my favourite poster on this board

>> No.15755511

Ah yes, this really happened. I can testify to that, as unbeknownst to OP, I too witnessed the events of that evening.
>be me, cab driver
>pretty good day, nice warm weather, many guests
>best pay I had in a day for months desu
>happy but kind of worn out
>last guest of the day is this old guy in a black robe (wtf)
>can't see his face under the black hood
>his voice rattles as he tells me to drive him into the suburbs
>his breath is heavy and sounds really dry
>I can feel it on my shoulder like winter wind, it's almost icy and with time I am sure it will give me a cold
>after a while he tells me to stop
>parked in front of a big house with a neetly trimmed lawn, looking to the living room through big windows
>you see that girl? he rattles at me
>I do see the girl, she's standing opposite an older man, holding something behind her back, a book perhaps
>she is being flirty, the older man although visibly aroused seems uncomfortable and gets angry at her
>my passenger continues:
>she is my daughter, and her name is Spring. Our family is ancient, we have been here for long. I am old and frail, everything about me is dying and death. Stasis. She on the other hand - just look at her - is life itself. Her touch rejuvenates and even I owe my life to her, as do we all. From her everything is born anew and this is her time of year. Do you understand?
>I turn around to tell the man that I do, I do understand, but he is already gone
>where he sat there is only a patch of snow

>> No.15755530
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>> No.15755578

Not bad, has just the right amount of celebral autism

>> No.15755914

I sincerely hope that you learn from this series of bad decisions.

>> No.15756256

Assuming this nonsense is true, and assuming you live in a civilized place where one can legally deflower 16 year-olds, you are just the saddest person ever. Also, stop reading literature and watch mass media until you're fucking smart enough to realize what it means when a teenage girl tells you her parents are out and invites you over. Let's get basic human social signals down before worrying about Joyce.

>> No.15756260

eppik, see you on r/4chan

>> No.15756264
File: 171 KB, 1020x730, rn94D37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better story than OP's.

>> No.15756276

OP is Humbert Humbert, anons. The girl is probably some retarded teenager.

>> No.15756288
File: 394 KB, 1116x1500, Nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humbert at least knew when to seize the moment.

>> No.15756308

>she was just pretending to be mature to get recognition

As all 16 year olds do, that's why you shouldn't try to date them Seinfeld

>> No.15756364

kool handsome venetian

>> No.15756375

maybe she was flirting by indicating that she thought you were be hip enough to catch that it's an insult

>> No.15756383

Do you like the gift anon? Why/why not?

>> No.15756590

I haven't read that one yet (I'm working my way through his early novels this summer), but I really enjoyed his first novel Mary last week (and The Eye, and The Enchanter, before that). It's short, snappy, with that playful Nabokovian wit, and very evocative of Russian émigrés living in Berlin in the 1920s. Of course it has the sleazy plans that come to naught (I'm finishing King, Queen, Knave right now, which has a similar "steal the woman" plot), but the moments of clarity and abandoning of memories of lost love is nicely handled.

>> No.15756760

Imagine not being able to have sex with her without risking going to prison.

This is what their life is like in the "land of the free".

I try to pity the Americans, but it's their own fault.

A 16 yo is an adult.

>> No.15756791

if they're adults why can't they vote or own slaves?

>> No.15756802

Also, one of my biggest regrets is not having lost my virginity to a 25 yo green-eyed, big-brested woman when I was 12. She clearly wanted it, but I thought it was a "sin".

As a result, I grew up as a ridiculous virgin and only became a real man at 21yo.

Boys in America don't even have that chance.

>> No.15757062


>> No.15757077


>> No.15757131

There's a lot of states where the age of consent is 16. But the laws around this topic are so convoluted or there's other laws that still make it essentially illegal so you can still be arrested for it even if some laws say it's legal. It's kind of like how Japan's national age of consent is 13 but most (or all) parts of the country have their own laws making that not the case in practice.

>> No.15757633

Yes you autist holy shit girls don't invite you to their house to read finnegans wake. She already was playing music you dumbass. If she was any more explicit she'd have to be screaming 'fuck me in the butt now anon.' Fucking hell dude, she was flirting with you

>> No.15757652

>in the butt
gross and gay

>> No.15757760

Lol i always forget that in anglo countries being with a minor is that big of a deal. Wake up: the best girls are between 14 and 22, after that women hit the wall

>> No.15758173

I am not sure what you are implying. Should I have brought a different book?

>> No.15758337


>> No.15758362

nigga wtf that's how women especially teenagers act flirty

>> No.15758430
File: 101 KB, 1024x904, D0D03174-8975-4538-9317-B93F2203A961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15758470

Oddly good read

>> No.15758511

OP is a tard and not someone who should read complicated things if he seriously couldn't tell she was trying to get laid, but he more or less got the point by the end anyways. This is a kid trying to feel smart by making their own attempt at guessing some dweeb's fantasy. Look at how horny you all are for that book girl pussy when anon greentexted NONE of the "intelligent discussion" you would love to finally find in a lady; like her, you only have a hardon for the label. It is not that she is a sixteem year old adult but that you, despite being an adult, are still sixteen. Consider why she never asked for sex directly.

>> No.15758927
File: 62 KB, 610x860, 1592325242101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never taken a teen girl's virginity, have you anon? Nobody is suggesting this girl was his future wife or needed all the qualities that would make a perfect life partner. She was young, nubile, apparently attractive and horny, and offering a wonderful erotic life experience to OP. It's just sad that he was too weak-willed and nervous to take advantage of it, and instead has to justify his cowardice by pretending he had only an intellectual interest in her, or somehow missed her intent. Ah well, it's all fiction anyway.

>> No.15759383

Even if she was eighteen she would be wayyyyy younger than him. No one sees a problem with that? Seriously? And literally no one sees a problem with cheating on your gf because she "might" be cheating?

Everything I heard about this place was true

>> No.15759389


>> No.15759424

>passing up prime puss for rotten fantasy taint
Nice bait retard

>> No.15759477
File: 274 KB, 736x1444, 1BAE1C7D-E7E9-4528-AA19-5A70B2DA349F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even if she was eighteen she would be wayyyyy younger than him. No one sees a problem with that? Seriously? And literally no one sees a problem with cheating on your gf because she "might" be cheating?
>Everything I heard about this place was true

>> No.15759487

samefag, no one bites bait this shitty

>> No.15759639

wrong. Someone hasn't red Moby Dick, Ahab has the same monotonous same tone throughout and he is literally insane. being 100% "mature" i.e autistically serious is a mental illness.

>> No.15759970

Forwarded to the FBI.

>> No.15759999

>people respond seriously
/lit/ is without a doubt the dumbest board on this website

>> No.15760056

she wanted you to fuck her you fag

>> No.15760138

I know this is /lit/ and most posters here have never seen a w*man but keep away game is the oldest trick in the book when they want you to initiate, they take some of yours and keep it from you until you try to take it back, thus creating physical contact

>> No.15760169

Lightly smirking, OP stood up from the 16 year old's disorganised sofabed, creating the movement of a wave with his fingers to clear the fog cluttering his head. Then he fucked her senseless

>> No.15761229

No, not at all. You do?

>> No.15761257

I'm reporting this post to the FBI. Right now they are tracking your ip and adding you to their watchlist. You're welcome.

>> No.15761331

>since she's underaged.

>> No.15761922
File: 3.14 MB, 412x272, didntreadlyl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she is a sixteem year old
And just like that, you're whole argument became but ash out the chimney and into the wind. SAD!

>> No.15762216

Pretty good, I like the way the hero destroys his own chance for joy in the traditional manner but the joy he is aiming for is an immoral one, good subverion. Now you just need to flesh it out into a full story. Good chance to practice style.

>> No.15762395

So you're reading King, Queen, Knave now? I just passed up a perfect copy at the used bookstore, but will be back. Convince me to nab it.

>> No.15762416

It's incredible how readily you p;aced the blame on him, when he's the one that walked away and she's the one who set the whole thing in motion and fostered it's growth up to that point of "getting real" (and if it wasn't with OP, it's the next guy).

>> No.15762424

My head says OP is just a grandmaster at trolling, but my heart wants to believe that there really is someone this autistic out there in the world, and that he accidentally seduced a sixteen year old girl with Plato.

>> No.15762431

What I should have said was: would you recommend this as an entry point to Nabokov? I'm interested in him in general, but possibly not his entire oeuvre. Should I pass on this in favor of his more familiar titles?

>> No.15762433

>he seduced her
Yeah, uh... I mean yeah, that's what I read too, heh heh *rubs back of neck*

>> No.15762448

It’s kind of fascinating, like the one anon said, the >Finnegan’s Wake
should be a dead give away. But the rambling on with no apparent punch line makes it seem genuinely autistic. Like an autistic person who doesn’t know they’re autistic, trolling his online friends into thinking he’s autistic.
Besides, that one sliver of hope that it’s true makes the whole thing genuinely funny.

>> No.15762473

Congrats, you're not a midwit. That's either the most clever post I've seen since last Thursday, or the least aware I've seen, ever.

>> No.15762505

You know what I mean.

>> No.15762526

Isn't every love movie made for a young male demo based on this trope, though?
>Attractive girl showers love on me and I just don't even notice it happening, but just when she reaches her breaking point with my naivety, I snap into reality and manage to salvage it.

>> No.15763649

you deserve your 35 year old whore fucking retard

>> No.15763669

>tfw when you've gone from pretending to get laid to pretending to miss opportunities to get laid

>> No.15763799

brilliant post anon

>> No.15763807

But that kind of carnal lust for fornication is incompatible with Plato's philosophy of love.

>> No.15763941
File: 83 KB, 1246x206, french age of consent petition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to say this. OP, she wanted you to manhandle her for the book. She wanted you to attempt forcibly to wrest the book from her precocious little hands.

>> No.15763954

Why do you people respond to this as if it actually happened? So far we have OP'S story and one (kind of sketchy) eye witness report. This is likely a fake story.

>> No.15763956

Are you suggesting we dig deeper?

>> No.15763998


>> No.15764195

Who orders it enough to build a relationship with the counter girl? Also, the post is bullshit.

>> No.15764409

of all the fake green texts i've read, and boy believe me that i read many, that was by far the most touching. the story is so tragic, the narrator so willfully ignorant of what's going around him, the girl so misguided in having believed that anon would pick up on her cues. i know she is made up, but still i feel sad thinking about her horny and alone as anon spegs out. bravo, anon, bravo.
>if real: god help you anon, you should have broken her pelvis in two

>> No.15764561
File: 936 KB, 901x603, nabokov-butterflies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to say. I finished it last night, and it's a fun read, but certainly his novels get more ambitious and skillful as he goes on (and of course starts writing in English in 1941 with The Real Life of Sebastian Knight). If you haven't read his novels, the Russian ones are definitely secondary. Start with Lolita, then Pnin, Ada, and Pale Fire if you're into him. Those are his most important works, and he was at the top of his game. I don't know any bad Nabokov, though.

>> No.15764844

This nigga’s Myshkin

>> No.15764886

Why would OP lie? That would surely go against his Platonic ideals!

>> No.15764899


>> No.15764921

Yes maturity tends to lend itself to the deeper emotional Inteligences than it does the intellectual ones.

>> No.15765251

This is the most beautiful bait I’ve read, the complete lack of a punchline is deeply affecting. A lot to think about.
Since when was Myshkin imperceptive and bitter?

>> No.15765364

I can't tell if everyone took the bait, or if they're pretending to take the bait to bait people like me.

>> No.15765403

>You do realise that people aren't monotonous "serious" things all the time, right? That you're not "immature" if you can act playfully and joke occasionally
Yup, my coworkers were dumbfounded once I made a joke. "Oh anon, I didn't know you like jokes too." Me telling a joke was apparently something everyone to talk about in the breakroom for a day. The thing is I tell jokes all the time, they just usually go over peoples head and I can't be bothered to tell them, because explaining the joke ruins it.

>> No.15765890

Danke Schon

>> No.15766786

kek 10/10

>> No.15767937

I thought for sure this was going to be a "prettier and less slutty" post but I haven't been here in years and maybe that's all over now. If so, that would be a damn shame.

>> No.15768110

It's just as my Grandpappy used to say back on the farm, "Old enough to run the ice cream scooper, old enough to take a dong in the pooper." People made fun of him, but he had a lot of folksy wisdom to offer.

>> No.15768149
File: 14 KB, 192x192, 5432342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double double dubs

>> No.15768175

She was flirting retard, you can lower your guard of pseudointellect sometimes.