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File: 7 KB, 369x251, landfisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15749207 No.15749207 [Reply] [Original]

pick a side, anon.

>> No.15749229

So noise rock vs post-punk?

>> No.15749311

Don’t both sides necessitate accepting the inevitable conquest of sentient capital?

>> No.15749874

one is racist the other is not

>> No.15749914

>one ruined his thought process with meth
>the other killed himself
Why does every Marxist that contemplates the future of capitalism lose his mind? Deleuze fucking jumped off a balcony, althusser murdered his wife out of nowhere, and don't even get me started on Posada.

>> No.15749915
File: 23 KB, 894x773, 5bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark Fisher in 2010:
>Land is the kind of antagonist that the left needs.

Nick Land in 2020:

>> No.15749932

blame it on Twitter. Land was still saying relatively interesting things on his Xenosystems nrx blog back in 2014.

>> No.15749939

Land couldn't handle the death of his sole nemesis on the left, so he indulged himself in drugs and his shit escapist horror stories to forget the pain

>> No.15749954

>Land was still saying relatively interesting things on his Xenosystems nrx blog
no he fucking wasn't, that was the start of it all.
Internet culture fried his brain

>> No.15749970

>don't even get me started on Posada.
kek, what's his deal?

>> No.15749972

yes he was

>> No.15749984

you're in for a ride

>> No.15749995

He's still saying quite a bit of pertinent things if you can filter through the memes
I imagine him using that kind of linguo to be some kind of experiment of sorts, or maybe just trying to appeal to a larger audience

>> No.15749998

He was too based for this world.

>> No.15750005

Does Land have a Twitter?

>> No.15750008

Holy shit, how the fuck have I not seen this before

>> No.15750015

>choosing between two dead men
why can't I choose a living philosopher?

>> No.15750030

because the choice would be between Zizek or some meme right-wing eceleb

>> No.15750057

oh, then I pick the racist one

>> No.15750076

Who would win in a fight, unironically?

>> No.15750086

Land is an overweight drug addict

>> No.15750100

Ye but in their prime tho

>> No.15750106


>> No.15750111

Can be seen here

>> No.15750116

>Posadism is probably best remembered today for its enthusiasm towards utilizing the force of nuclear war as a way of destroying capitalism[1] and its attempt to introduce elements of Ufology into Marxist thought.[2] Arguing that only communism can allow the development of interplanetary travel, they concluded that visiting aliens from other planets must live in highly advanced communist societies and are bound to help Earth-based communists with bringing about the world revolution
what the fuck am I reading

>> No.15750124

Does Nick Land have a twitter?

>> No.15750138

Unfortunately, yes.

>> No.15750173
File: 41 KB, 724x319, the jews of gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.15750237

deleuze was living in a constant state of pain due to some lung problems, and althusser had ptsd.

>> No.15750336

holy based. he's right too for once

>> No.15750344

Fisher with the ghosts of forgotten futures at his side
Land, going into battle with the full force of capital unleashed

I think the winner is obvious

>> No.15750356
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, gig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither, for me it's reza niggastani

>> No.15750385

Frankly I think Fisher overestimated how relevant Land would end up being for the new right. None of the meme "accelerationists" actually read Land, let alone care about his metaphysics and politics.

>> No.15750391

Is he worth picking up? Spirit just seems like such a massive undertaking to try and go through

>> No.15750415

>And from the left, the cyclone of complicity! With the black blood of dead ancient gods coursing through his limbs like tentacled pipelines! The persian pyrodemonist himself! Reeeeeeeeeeeezaaaaaaa!!

>> No.15750696

how are any of them marxists?

>> No.15750881

Or he can't break free from irony poisoning, just like the rest of us

>> No.15750991

Surprisingly accurate

>> No.15751059


>> No.15751084

>Kraftwerk reject vs The Cure reject

>> No.15751137

haha, oh you

>> No.15751812

The rest are based