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File: 147 KB, 1500x926, vigano-1-1500x926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15746047 No.15746047 [Reply] [Original]

Any Catholics here? How did your parents react to Vigano calling out Vatican 2 as a Masonic PSYOP and calling out the satanic nwo agenda? I need some good book recommendations relating to Freemasonry and the subversion of the Catholic Church.

>> No.15746069

Freemasons are majority Christian, you need to believe in God to Join their gay sausage party.

>> No.15746072
File: 26 KB, 678x380, cardinalsarah_2018_vatican-678x380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rome has been attacked before, attempts have been made to subvert it before. But they always fail, in the end, and God's wrath instead is bent on those who tried to harm His Church.

Is it any wonder that we see early signs of renewal in the Church these days, with good young priests and a renewed interest in Tradition, at the same time that the most powerful Masonic entity on Earth, the United States of America, is experiencing extreme unrest and violence?

Don't fuck with God. It never ends well for the people and countries that do.

>> No.15746113

E Michael Jones writes a lot about this. Not just in his books, but in many of his articles as well.

>> No.15746148

Freemasons literally believe in "Solve et Coagula", which is the path of baphomet.

>> No.15746168

>literally believe
> which is the path of baphomet
funny, Baphomet worship was started by a christian group (templars), either way, still doesn't change the fact that most masons are christians, there is no big conspiracy, catholicism is suffering in the modern world, just like most other religions.

>> No.15746212

Religion is suffering because it's ceded the control of capital to the private sector. A Catholic integralist state that practiced distributism wouldn't be suffering so much.
Also, religions are suffering because the new Woke religion has a monopoly on young minds via the school system.

>> No.15746229

>Religion is suffering because it's ceded the control of capital to the private sector
So no freemason conspiracies? Good.

>> No.15746264

The Freemasons forced the church out of public life with Vatican 2

>> No.15746278

Malefically based

>> No.15747240

good joke, threat of islam is evergrowing.

>> No.15747340
File: 99 KB, 480x606, 1589213656648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Catholic Church is the the church of the antichrist, is the whore of Babylon. All they did was combine all the ancient mystery school teachings and coated with fucking gold! and dare to parade themselves as Christian. Absolute apostasy. Masons aren't the problem with the Catholic church, its the Jesuits.
Honestly feel bad for Bible believing Catholics, who were indoctrinated into not just, but THE satanic, pedo, death cult, that subverts and rules the world.

If you're interested in what the problem is with the Catholic church, look into the Jesuit Order.

>> No.15747348

anti-vatican 2 larpers just wish life was a video game where they have magic spells and shit