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File: 33 KB, 528x237, george orwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15744005 No.15744005 [Reply] [Original]

Is pic related an explanation as to why women are so prone to fall for these stupid corporate psyops, with their slogans and displays of pseudo-rebellion?

>> No.15744026

He's right, though. Everywhere on Earth, women are the voluntary Stasi of whatever society they belong to, beating each other and men into submission to the status quo through either their social capital or withholding sex.

>> No.15744043

I feel like I read this somewhere.

>> No.15744059
File: 156 KB, 1200x1045, self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how self-righteous these people are. they're literally the definition of useful idiots...
Come to think of it, every protest/social movement is majority women. It's like things are much more easier to market to them.

>> No.15744071

Orwell was incredibly based

>> No.15744082

these protests helped me understand how some people were able to storm normandy/trenches in ww1/front line of revolutionary war

some people's destiny is to be foot solders in a war, join a stack of dead bodies in deadly conflict

>> No.15744093

I'm the guy who wrote the pasta, so I have the right to use it whenever I please.

>> No.15744128

women are much more sensitive to what's acceptable socially. they have an intense need to protect their status so if someone steps out of line they will enforce social consensus. however, even "rebellious" women ultimately want to be put in their place by high-status men.

>> No.15744154

This is my hypothesis as well. Anglin wrote about this a few weeks ago. It seems women can be shamed/pressured into doing anything...

>> No.15745226

This but also it’s a trendy thing to do in current year.

>> No.15745323

>noo! why are people not bigots like me!?

>> No.15745354

This does seem to be true. Women like to conform to an idea of community, even if they themselves don’t agree internally. This is why women are always suppressing original thought, since it is harmful to maintaining the fragile status they’ve constructed about themselves. Anyone that steps out of bounds is quickly and viciously attacked to bully them into conforming. That is why any society run by women will always be authoritarian in scope, even if the feminists themselves may believe in the idea of an open and free society, that doesn’t mean they would be capable of achieving it on their own.

>> No.15745360

estrogen fueled specimens

>> No.15745367
File: 164 KB, 409x325, 1564192922133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the taboo statements I can possibly imagine, I sincerely belive the one we need to hear the most right now is: "Women literally weren't designed to be leaders and our societies are falling apart because we chose to forget this." This is such a hard thing to talk to anyone about. Nobody wants to hear it. It's so far behind us on the road to progress that nobody even takes the possibility seriously anymore. 500 years from now, if there are any records of it, this will be considered the thing that killed us.

>> No.15745387

>withholding sex.
just be celibate lol