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15741451 No.15741451 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone know some good books written from the perspective of the confederacy?

>> No.15741506

The right can't read

>> No.15741602

Most of Faulkner's novels takes place after the war, but deal with its effects from a Southern perspective and in a manner that isn't self-flagellating, but it they could in way be considered on the whole pro confederacy.
Though Absalom, Absalom! does take place before, during, and after the war.

>> No.15741716

Fake thread for political arguments. Suspension of 60 days minimum

>> No.15741723

Ask my sister’s father in law

>> No.15741749

The Southern Agrarians have a collection of essays representative of the southern ethos called I'll Take My Stand. Classic book arguing that the South had a distinct volksgeist.

If you look into that movement you will find poets and writers worth examining.

I have ambivalent feelings about the South and the Confederacy. I don't support slavery in the name of tradition but that being said, just about every attack on Southern identity "conveniently" comes from people who had vested economic and geopolitical interests in breaking up every part of America that resisted being a satellite of Northern industry, which then became international finance. The South may represent more what America was supposed to be, slavery (which is evil) aside.

>> No.15741790

Shelby Foote definitely is not a fan of slavery, but he does believe most southerners fought for states rights and fundamental freedoms from washington, and that slavery would have died of its own accord anyways. That and being from vicksburg back several generations and openly worshiping the charismatic southern general staff is sufficient for your purposes.

>> No.15741971
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You can't cope with competing ideas

>> No.15741985
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>> No.15742042

not muh lincorinos!!!

>> No.15742079

Well, which one is it?

>> No.15742205

I have this book/journal published as “Three Months in the Confederate States” by a British officer Fremantle. He is sympathetic to the Confederacy and it shows but it is still interesting to read about the Confederacy’s inside from the viewpoint of a foreigner.

>> No.15742278
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>> No.15742849


Definitely the former, part of my 1500 page epic on how Lincoln's nigger-loving ways doomed this nation. The ACW and its consequences have been a disaster for the American race.

>> No.15742856

About half of Jeff Shara's "The Killer Angels."

>> No.15742870

Richard Weaver. Ideas have consequences

>> No.15742891

Reminder that Longstreet became a carpetbagger and a republican

>> No.15742918

He can't be a carpetbagger since he was a southerner. He did become a Catholic as well, and I'll always respect the man for that.

>> No.15742972


They all got burned

>> No.15744339


>> No.15744715

>He can't be a carpetbagger since he was a southerner. He did become a Catholic as well, and I'll always respect the man for that.
Crypto Papist agent threw Gettysburg, kale sur prize

>> No.15744763
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A Defense of Virginia by Robert L. Dabney
Anything by George Fitzhugh

>> No.15744768

Memoirs of a Service Afloat

>> No.15744812

The correct term isn't ACW. Its the Second War of Independence

>> No.15744848

Jefferson Davis - The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government


>> No.15744857

I was gonna say Absalom, Absalom! Legitimately changed my perspective on things.

>> No.15744884
File: 270 KB, 1024x1557, 1024px-The_Clansman_1st_Ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan

>> No.15744910

I've bumped into a book called "The Children of Pride", which is a collection of letters between a plantation family from 1860-1868. Looks like a good read.

>> No.15745063


That Davis recanted and repudiated a lot of his own positions after the war can only be called cowardice.

I hate that son of a bitch.

>> No.15745090

Why do people hate rednecks so much? Live in new york and they seem like such a boogeyman to people here

>> No.15745110

read lebedoff's the new elite, they are a managerial class made of half rich coastal elites, half people desperate to differentiate themselves from bumpkins by going $500k into debt at some university and imitating the coastal elite culture

they arose through the dislocation of communities during ww2, the rising expectation that everybody be university educated, and the mass demand for "specialized" "professional" work that fed into the universities rebranding themselves as elite training centers

>> No.15745113

They’re disgusting degenerate poor white obese Walmart worshipping Trash.

>> No.15745163

It’s all status signaling. “We’re not like those whites, we’re the ones who buy vinyl.”
Which is why the worst kind of anti-Confederate shrieking comes from expats from the South.

>> No.15745505
File: 389 KB, 900x884, anne_frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does anyone know some good books written from the perspective of the confederacy?

The Diary of Anne Frank

>> No.15745557

Surry of Eagle's Nest

>> No.15746104
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>> No.15746189
File: 830 KB, 3500x2400, Knights in Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does anyone know some good books written from the perspective of the confederacy?

My civil war alt-history, albeit it's mostly from the perspective of a nine month pregnant Anne Frank, but there's sections from the point of view of Sgt. Darrell Powers (Confederate sharpshooter attached to the 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment "University Greys"), Cpl. Eugene Sledge (4th Force Reconnaissance Company, Confederate States Marine Corps), Lt. William Styron (22nd Virginia Parachute Infantry Battalion), Captain Shelby Foote (Confederate States Army Intelligence and Security Command or INSCOM), and General George S. Patton (commander of the Army of Northern Virginia and all Confederate forces in Western Europe).