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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 625 KB, 1808x1080, quentin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15736817 No.15736817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this guy associated with /lit/ at all? His videos reference basically everything on the internet, and he's never explicitly posted on this board (replies saying "fuck off Quentin" notwithstanding). What's his relation to /lit/? Did he develop out of it? Or did we just adopt his videos?

>> No.15736840

bunch of ugly incels discovered a handsome random xD fren with whom they can enjoy their time via the internet

>> No.15736862

He definitely has posted here. I've been here long enough to know.

>> No.15736865

Did he browse /lit/ before making his videos?

>> No.15736871

Watch his reviews
He's pretty /lit/
You must be a newfag

>> No.15736874

Because people like you keep spamming the board.

>> No.15736878

Short people can read

>> No.15736890

It's mostly been speculation though, is there any concrete evidence?

>> No.15736946


>> No.15736947

never watched one video of this fag but I think he cute

>> No.15736954

jerked off a homeless guy and he's 5'3"

>> No.15736963

bong cunt who punches books

>> No.15736970

His dick's alright

>> No.15736974

Check out his Houellebecq video. He said at the end "Fuck Jannies!" Clearly a 4chan phrase.

>> No.15736978

teehee I'm the new Sam Hyde!!!! and other zoomer shit

>> No.15736988

its not speculation, he browses here and literally signs his posts Q. most of his videos reference books here because that’s where he discovered them from, you are an idiot because you are clearly new here yet say shit like its just speculation

>> No.15736990

He posted videos with his family and location before that, which he wouldn't do if he browsed here from the start. Pretty easy to get his dox

>> No.15737004


>> No.15737007

I thought Q meant queerforhire

>> No.15737023

I don't even know what you mean but here's the Houellebecq video. Notice the thumbnail, and the phrases he uses "is he /ourguy/?", "Fuck Jannies!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuiTRFE2_7w
Definitely a /lit/bro.

>> No.15737026

Give me an example of a post signed with Q, otherwise you're a retarded faggot

>> No.15737031

I accidentally found this spanish qt while looking for opinions on Kokoro after reading it:


She looks like a co-worker that, for some random reason, blocked me of all her social networks after she went serious with her boyfriend. I never made any advance on her because she was kind of my boss. btw.
So yeah, looks like my old crush

>> No.15737038

he says /ourguy/ and says "fuck jannies", what more proof do you need

>> No.15737046

Looks like every other middle class girl here in Mexico. She even looks like three of my cousins wtf.

>> No.15737053
File: 26 KB, 271x225, seabottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally who

>> No.15737062

Remember Shia Lebuff?

>> No.15737112

if your cousins are thinner and whiter then I'm in bro

>> No.15737190
File: 47 KB, 1050x591, tommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you know, Tommy has a kid.

>> No.15737233

I used to browse /new/ and /b/ when I was in private school. Thankfully now I'm a fully grown adult, and I discovered /lit/.


>> No.15737243

and /hm/


>> No.15737250

> 28 posts, 13 IPs


>> No.15737261

zoomers talking about ecelebs only zoomers care about with other zoomers

>> No.15737266

literally who tf is this faggot

>> No.15737296

imagine going to priv school and a top uni to make fucking shitty sam hyde tributes on youtube

>> No.15737318

fuck jannies!

>> No.15737390

he used to post on /v/ back in the day

>> No.15737400

Prove you're the real Quen.

>> No.15737413

Dude put out a video where he’s jerking another guy who’s jerking him
Self destructive behavior is kind of his thing

>> No.15737421

this fag gets a master's in music and wastes it making shitty videos catering to the autists on this board. no sympathy for him

>> No.15737425

Friendo is a masterpiece though

>> No.15737434

>he got a masters in music
>his music

>> No.15737439


>> No.15737446

He should unironically upload it to Spotify or whatever.

>> No.15737473

Yeah, he's /ourguy/

>> No.15737482

did he know about 4chan before you fags discovered him though

>> No.15737497

Queen and butterfly need to film a porno ASAP

>> No.15737537

seriously fuck this guy. he's using /lit/ as some sort of big experiment for his wacky sam hyde-esque hijinks
if you look at his older work he literally mentions sam hyde in his fucking thesis, and how he's an inspiration

>> No.15737546
File: 32 KB, 480x439, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15737549

Is Atomised any good?

>> No.15737558

He's quite the chad.

>> No.15737566

My favorite read of 2018. Very emotional. Even thought I read shit like Lolita and 100 years of solitude.

>> No.15737577

/fit/ did this song and dance already, Q is just DYEL Frank Yang

>> No.15737587

IJ summer chad would like a word

>> No.15737628

Heard him talk about /lit/ in discord voice chat, he absolutely posts here

>> No.15737631

fucking O9A prick, tried to cause a riot at the BLM protest few weeks ago

>> No.15737640

>Oh yeah I fucked an awakened being and she killed my ego and the cosmic joke was that she had the same name as my ex now I realize the universe is an extension of my body
I can't watch that dude's videos, I can't tell how much of it is ironic shitposting and how much he actually believes. Also he uses that stupid fisheye movement effect or whatever the fuck it's called in every video.

>> No.15737650

that's an ugly chad. Quen is good looking. I could see him as an actor.

>> No.15737661

what did he say about /lit/?

>> No.15737669

His pongo video shows he uses /an/. Also pretty sure he mentioned /lit/ on a live stream.

>> No.15737713

I think you're right, he's a newfag because I have read his band's Facebook posts from few years ago and the posts felt like typical British tumblrfag-tier.
But there was an old tripfag named Quentin who stopped posting in 2012 so I am not sure.

>> No.15737850

he references explicit 4chan memes in every 2nd video or cultural quirks and has referenced lit in a couple of videos

>> No.15737854

yeah seems like /lit/ found him instead of the other way round

>> No.15738126

Is your discord still Filled with cuckhold and scat porn?
I think I saw some Cp too

>> No.15738141

how would that happen? he mentions /lit/ memes everytime

>> No.15738593

soon he will give up his satanistic ways and find the light. he will make videos of christian lit, fully clothed, and with some campfire singing at the end. or just LARP in various ways who knows.

>> No.15738685

he jerked off a homeless man on video
he's /lit/

>> No.15738694

that's his classmate. same age as him lol

>> No.15738745

Fuck off with your E Celeb threads. No one cares about your short saviors.

>> No.15738835

It's just him, he stopped for a while. If you have full spam, big gap of nothing, full spam then it's generally one person spamming, and that's just happened, we had 0 threads on this for a couple of weeks recently. It was like that with Tao Lin back in the day, but then at least Tao Lin was interesting.

Narcissists gonna narc.

>> No.15738880
File: 3.52 MB, 3872x2592, 1566580308395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15738885

Is that Megan's bf?

>> No.15738931

Go to bed Tao.

>> No.15738939

is the /ourguy/ thing exclusive to 4chan? You never really know these days since any possible meme will have like a facebook group of underage mexicans devoted to it

>> No.15738955

elaborate on the riot bit

>> No.15738979

Not him but I've seen someone signing their posts with 'Q'. He at the very least used to lurk here.

>> No.15739000

What video?

>> No.15739007

His sister and him browse 4chan.