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/lit/ - Literature

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15735764 No.15735764 [Reply] [Original]

>ask guy his favorite book
>Fight Club
>American Psycho
>Crime and Punishment
>Notes from Underground
>Journey to the End of the Night
>War & Peace
>Moby Dick
>Blood Meridian
>Infinite Jest
>Storm of Steel
>The Tunnel
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Starship Troopers
>The Iliad
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
>The Recognitions

>> No.15735778


>> No.15735783

Isn't it sad that you're a male and posting this shit tier bait? Come on, man. Be better than that

>> No.15735820

poopy thread

>> No.15735831

I would find it weird for a woman to be into a book that speaks to the male experience. The point of male/female relationships is not scholarly discussion. It's normal to have different tastes.

>> No.15735835

Thanks for the recs, gonna go buy them all.

>> No.15735846
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>he reads his girlfriend goodnight moon every night and teaches her a word of the day each morning

>> No.15735847
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>ask a female his favorite books
>Pride and Prejudice
>Eat, Pray, Love
>The Handmaind's Tale
>A song of Ice and Fire
>Harry Potter and whatever
>Little Women
>The Help
>A Room of one's own

>> No.15735849
File: 38 KB, 900x506, 36CD03E7-0378-4CEC-8660-E982280954A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moby Dick is classic!
But yeah, I see your point

>> No.15735850

This. I wouldn't expect a woman to understand the male condition any more than I understand the female condition.

>> No.15735870

I don't see any correlation between this reply and my post.

>> No.15735877

You forgot The Bell Jar

>> No.15735889

110% that thing has a penis

>> No.15735896
File: 100 KB, 394x329, b0b81e8e-dd39-4c0b-86e6-16b1119fbe91..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favourite book anon?

>> No.15735897

You forgot Milk and Honey

>> No.15735914

my diary desu

>> No.15735925

My favourite is not on this list. Savage Detectives (Since 2666 is here its close enough) . Anyway its weird because that's not the case in cinema, where I met women with genuine love for let's say David Lynch or Tarantino.

>> No.15735939

wait until you read my diary desu
it will change your world

>> No.15735944

Have you read any of them, OPuta?

>> No.15735954
File: 43 KB, 450x600, 4DADBAD8-6674-4FDF-BF7E-B468BE5B0CD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashly Burch has never been a male.

>> No.15736286

Are they bad????????

>> No.15736446

+ book chicks are weird.

>> No.15736503

>ask mid-20s person their favorite book, either male or female
>it's one of the Harry Potter books

>> No.15736515

Tarantino's not that weird of a director for even people not much into film to know and like. Lynch is kind of more out there but he's done some relatively normal movies that wouldn't scare people away. Twin Peaks too is really popular.

>> No.15736555
File: 14 KB, 480x360, B675968D-45C6-41A6-A5EC-F3A08DEEEE2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask her favourite book
>Rupi Kaur
>Harry Potter
>Hunger Games
>The Secret
>the subtle art of not giving a f

>> No.15736570

No, they are all good OP is just retarded

>> No.15736578

No. They are entry level, favs and recs of /lit/ userbase.

>> No.15736584

Meant to reply to

>> No.15736649

Girls love Lolita though. Most art hoes probably own at least one Bolano book as well.

>> No.15736652

I wouldn't be surprised if he had 2 penises

>> No.15737179

fuck off butterfly

>> No.15737195

What's wrong with those books, OP? Nothing, that's what!

>> No.15737209

>where I met women with genuine love for let's say David Lynch or Tarantino

Those are entry level what are you talking about? Especially tarantino

>> No.15737219

>Most art hoes probably own at least one Bolano book as well

lol no they're are not.

>> No.15737255
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>> No.15737280 [DELETED] 

I didnt know butterfag was a pedo too.
I guess it makes sense tho.

>> No.15737535
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>> No.15737563

>no The Sound and the Fury

Ha! Miss me with that shit, whore.

>> No.15737578

I feel like anybody who legitimately enjoys this book more than anything else they've read deserves better than to be memed lol

>> No.15737597
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>> No.15737625

For me my favorite books are the deep Atlantic, The rise and fall of the classical world, leader ship and strategy: lessons from Alexander the great, the illiad and odyssey, Beowulf (if it counts), The rise and fall of the third reich, lord of the flies, and victory on the western front.

>> No.15737627

>My favourite is not on this list. Savage Detectives
I too remember being 17.

>> No.15737814

What's your favourite now?

>> No.15737841

In my experience, girls tend to read much more recent fiction and poetry. They tend to be indifferent about the older and more cerebral stuff that /lit/ is always circle jerking over, though they’ll see right through your horny pseud ass if you name drop them too much

>> No.15737944

Hey doesn't mean they're bad though

>> No.15737999

Butterfly, I know that you won’t take this seriously on account of the constant shit-flinging that defines this site, but I am being 100% serious when I say that you have literally no redeeming qualities. You’re not funny, you’re clearly not successful or accomplished in any meaningful way, you’re not smart, you’re not a positive addition to any community or group with which you identify yourself. Please find something else to distract yourself from your decline into middle age with because /lit/ would be substantially better without you

>> No.15738006
File: 1.47 MB, 353x448, checkem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based. fuck buttercunt.

>> No.15738289

you cannot make such a face and have non-idiotic thoughts. change my mind.

>> No.15738297

checked and kecked. it's all so tiresome.

>> No.15738366

they're entry level and immediately out you as a newfag looking to impress.

>> No.15738417

>the tripfagging tranny is a self important redditor who feels compelled have xir own reddit user name on an anonymous image board for the soul purpose of garnering attention

>> No.15738482

>>Harry Potter and whatever
Not since JK Rowling got social media backlash for her trans comments. I don't know why people feel a need to like the authors of the books they read. Whenever I read about authors from the past they usually sound like assholes, but I'll read their books anyway.

>> No.15738499

My favorite books are:
Brothers Karamazov
Death on the Installment Plan
Anna Karenina
Pale Fire
The Pale King
Distant Star
Omensetter's Luck
Mason & Dixon
Stranger in a Strange Land
Finnegans Wake
The Odyssey
Forbidden Colors

>> No.15738528
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>ask a female his

>> No.15738546

Oh, The Tunnel, you say, with that grimace plastered across your face. The Tunnel? One of the greatest books in the history of western literature, and you simply say it's name with a despicable tone, lathered in irony, rolling your eyes. Which was the straw that broke the camel's back hmm? Assuming you even read it. Was it the genius typography, made to resemble the narrators tiny penis? was that which made you uncomfortable, was it the lack of a female perspective? was it being stuck in the mind of a fat middle aged racist? Was it simply your brain being unable to respond to these things sincerely, without mockery?

>> No.15738554

>ask guy his favorite book
>Gorilla Mindset

>> No.15738557

Trips of truth

>> No.15738597

>ask girls favorite book
>some dogshit romance novel that reads like it was written by a highschooler
It amazes me that women always say men can't write female characters, but women can't write any characters at all.

>> No.15738782

I've got a masters degree in English, I've read countless books, I edit shit for a living and in a good year I will make 6 figures. My favourite book is Stoner. What does that mean for me?

>> No.15738865

my fren, frendo

>> No.15738932

that you're probably smart enough to not give a shit about a Uzbek horse breeding forum's opinions

>> No.15738940


>> No.15739297

All based.

>> No.15739307


>> No.15739321

Fuck you, anon. This is 4chan. Create a private subreddit if butterfly offends you.

>> No.15739329


>> No.15739336

Every once in and while, one poster says what all are thinking.

>> No.15739337

the meme had its day, but now it's stale and rotten

>> No.15739344

>posts blood meridian copypasta for 420th time in 7 years

>> No.15739347

I dunno I kinda like butterfly

>> No.15739355

Butterfiend has no friends in real life and thats why it needs to use a trip on 4chan to pretend we are its friends.Kind of pathetic.

>> No.15739372

my gf love all that

>> No.15739406
File: 68 KB, 933x1118, D3zJYVhWsAEl5Ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask girl her favorite book
>it's either something her social bubble likes, something which is considered "intellectual" and "cool" even if she probably didn't even like it, some bullshit girl-tier like zafon or something her ex boyfriend who as a male actually had interests recommended to her

>> No.15739426
File: 107 KB, 369x230, B806EB6A-4150-4F9E-8F0F-6304E31B6486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crime and Punishment
>Notes from Underground
>Journey to the End of the Night
>War & Peace
>Moby Dick
>Storm of Steel
>The Iliad
Those guys sound based

>> No.15739427

Wrong it's The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus, of course discovered through my internet friends of /lit/

>> No.15739486

Kek, was about to do the same thing. Based

>> No.15739815
File: 552 KB, 378x480, 4tv1592517492063.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would a gal think of me if I told her my favorite book was Interview with the Vampire

>> No.15739975

Holy based

>> No.15740024

>women talk about books

>> No.15740128

My mother loves The Girl on the Train

>> No.15740142


My GF is not a huge intellectual, but she reads everything I do and can have interesting conversations on them. She's into Narziss und Goldmund right now, that's pretty patrish.

>> No.15740157


ouch man

>> No.15740162

most men nowadays don't even read books at all, especially fiction, they just game.

>> No.15740217

Simple as.

It is sad that something as basic as men needing to live out the masculine experience through THE VERY BEST contemporary books on it is questioned. Ditto for women. WOW, I can't believe people aren't all neo-landian cthulu bolshevist 762th gender uniquas. Onions, that was irony.

>> No.15740235

Those are all good books except for the ones written by Americans.

>> No.15740681

Fuck Butter and fuck tripfags.

>> No.15740711

Not latinamerican radfems. We're stuck in the 80s here, and most of them are a bunch of ignorant, ill read terfs. I seriously despise anyone who isn't at least upper middle class; they're all so uneducated.

>> No.15740865

thats actually a good book though

>> No.15740913

sounds based

>> No.15740923 [DELETED] 

You realize you're not saying something exceptional here, right?

>> No.15740932

>post crap like this
>later on complain about how /lit/ is full of offtopic garbage and you are the only person here who cares about literature and the only oldfag
you are mentally ill. please, please, kill yourself.

>> No.15740969

are you autistic?

>> No.15741182

>she reads everything I do
explains why she's not a huge intellectual