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15733708 No.15733708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what's the general consensus on 4chan of Chapo Trap House and their book? Has anyone read it?

>> No.15733718

i hate chapocels and would have to be paid handsomely to read this. sorry about your subreddit but fuck off.

>> No.15733723

>A manifesto against logic, facts, and reason
they can say that again. in all fields.

>> No.15733742

If you want actual humor listen to cumtown. If you want theory read any actual Marxist author.

>> No.15733748

can we please just delete thinly veiled attempts at flooding this board with shitty internet political arguments?

>> No.15733752

Yes please

>> No.15733754

Where do you think we are?

>> No.15733757

Chapo Trap House is good, the book was dumb and I threw it in the trash (Eli Valley is based though)

>> No.15733762

>join le revolution(tm) fellow redditor!
shame on anyone stupid enough to buy into this kind of half assed propaganda

>> No.15733763

Consoome for the revolution!

>> No.15733765

I listened to exactly one episode of their podcast and they seem like the most obnoxious people on Earth.

>> No.15733784

They're not honest and independed-minded enough. They're soi-people, pandering to their fanbase. No better than poltards who screech about jews.

Not redpilled and not based.

>> No.15733926

Yeah, they don't seem like they'd be good at writing. Is it mostly jokes?

>> No.15734130

Eli Valley is indeed a chad. Wish more people thought critically for more than a few seconds and decided to stop equating anti-israeli sentiment with antisemitism

>> No.15734170

They got kicked off Reddit for not being #WOKE enough. They'll still defend Israel, BLM, and trannies to their dying breaths, however. Make of that what you will.

>> No.15734229

Please just get the fuck out and you all just start a discord server or telegram instead.

>> No.15734245

I advocate banning any thread that just posits an opinion/question regarding some political issue and then asks for books on the subject. 95% of the replies are shit-slinging ideologues, 4% are intelligent discussion on the issue, and 1% are book recommendations

>> No.15734248

Matt and Amber are good. Everyone else on the pod is cringe, especially Felix.

>> No.15734262

literally worse than /pol/. /pol/ posts are either just sad or funny. chapos exude this aura of snudy condescension while mirror talking in /pol/ tier phrasology that feels way to synthetic. much prefer our native leftists. even butterfly.

>> No.15734271

People on the Chapo subplebbit were so rabidly anti-colonialism that they wanted to deport all the white people from the new world and partition it into indigenous ethnostates. They HATED Israel.

>> No.15734345

Literally a terrorist recruitment podcast run by disgusting, fat, greasy, smelly Parasites

>> No.15734359

how does that work with places without indiginos? and what is the statute of limitations for a naturalized persons? like if two tribes were in conflict and territiry swapped what then? and then border changes and complete take overs and all.

>> No.15734439

I find it funny that the sub was banned and the book was a hilarious parody of conservative political books. No one else here probably read it but me.

>> No.15734453

I heard them review Shapiro's book on youtube and it was funny... yet their reddit page is kind of a trannyfest

The only podcast I got into was red scare, because I have russian heritage and I am horny for that belorussian slut.

>> No.15734467

The dynamic of cumtown gets old quick, the chemistry between the 3 feels surreal when you realize Nick doesn't actually respect Adam or Stav and will talk over them, change the topic immediately when they bring something up and just straight up insult them daily. Nick can be genuinely funny but after listening to them for too long it starts to feel unhealthy and makes me feel anxious listening to them.

>> No.15734469

>A manifesto against logic, facts, and reason
... So, these guys basically admit right there on the cover that their communist ideal is not in any way rationally justifiable or grounded in reality?

>> No.15734473

Literature is inherently political.

>> No.15734481

Pussy, but I agree

>> No.15734506

i think its a jab at “facts and logic” meme since most were born of the polemicism of the Shapiro type (who was of course born from the polemicism of feminism and gamergate stuff). probably having the Humian aproach of facts being subject to human desire. of course that can go both ways, but still.

>> No.15734889

They conspicuously never talk about trannies, though

>> No.15734904

What's Chapo Trap House?

>> No.15734907

Scratch that about the trannies, they're openly anti-israel too. Sounds like you've got a pretty vague idea of who your enemy is

>> No.15734930

Mixture of satire and jokes. It's basically like the Stewart/Colbert books from the 2000s but updated for modern online politics. As with the podcast it's mostly describing the media/US history/politics with a focus on making fun of people they hate. It got a few chuckles from me but they're just not good writers

>> No.15734938

podcast > book >>>>>>>> subreddit

>> No.15734939

Making fun of the NYT isn't propaganda, it's entertainment. Get over yourself

>> No.15734940

Imagine thinking leftism is subversive in 2020

>> No.15734946

>pandering to their fanbase
They do nothing but insult their fanbase and ridicule the people who make demands of them. You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.15734955

You've never listened to the show or seen the subreddit

>> No.15734970

You don't have to worry about the subreddit anymore

>> No.15734975

>what are jokes
The book isn't even about communism, it's about the New York Times and wine moms

>> No.15734983

/pol/ told me leftism is all about subverting things

>> No.15734989

hilarious, had no idea

>> No.15735029

As usual, chapo thread is filled with people who have no idea what beliefs the show holds outside of "it's socialist," not realizing that it's more effective at pwning the libs than they are (and they'd probably enjoy it).
They're just having a knee-jerk reaction to the left finally starting to be funny while they're still stuck on frogposting and soijak.

>> No.15735036

Why are you blindly accepting the consensus of a message board?

>> No.15735089

leftists gain influence through subversion until they become the dominant influence, at which point they switch to countering subversion

>> No.15735106



>> No.15735122

Rapist Frat House? But why?

>> No.15735142

They actually are friends you sperg, I know your dad didn't respect you so when people mock or talk over each other it reminds you you're a pussy, but if you watch any of the recent episodes with video Nick is smiling and laughing with Adam all the time, and if you listen to Stav's solo show he drops some behind the scenes stuff about how they interact with fans who try to mock Adam or be like Nick

>> No.15735171
File: 317 KB, 220x383, E6F835CB-5F7D-4F7D-A22A-0268E5868EEB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he subscribes to a left-right/conservative-liberal dichotomy

>> No.15735322

I refuse to believe you, or anyone, actually listen to a Stav solo show

>> No.15735487
File: 725 KB, 1024x695, 1593409006667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think you're going to migrate here after your reddit got shut down you should be aware that the most likely result is your conversion to right wing esotericism.

>> No.15735542


>> No.15735547

that's what politics is

>> No.15735584
File: 30 KB, 298x309, 50D68B54-5803-4942-BAA8-0018A8A69FEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the latest reddit crackdown has caused another wave of Redditor migration that will further reduce board coherence as illiterate midwits clog the catalog
I just want it to end bros, is there somewhere else for us to go?

>> No.15735613

cripplechan has a decent philosophy board although you will literally be put on a fbi watchlist for posting there

>> No.15735629

As usual, soi-infused chapo Redditor tourist has no idea of the sociopolitical outlook of this board is by revealing his belief in a simple right-left dichotomy. This board hates those faggots and faggots like Peterson and Rogan because they’re pretentious midwit sophists who attract other pretentious midwits, regardless of political orientation. This board’s critiques of “the left” originates with actual philosophers and terrorists, not ecelebs. You can’t go home to Reddit anymore but you can’t stay here.

>> No.15735744

Something like this would be virtually impossible to write without autism.

>> No.15735752

now all of those faggots are coming here, I bet. Guess who started this thread?
4chan is for autists. find a new subreddit

>> No.15735777

>tourist visits site and specific board known for autism
>complains about it
retard, it doesn’t help that you didn’t address any of his criticisms of the extremely reductive worldview you espoused in your post, go somewhere else.

>> No.15735861

>defend israel
You dumb bitch

>> No.15735895

When have Chapos ever defended Israel lmao?

>> No.15735932
File: 106 KB, 800x750, 4BAC3485-E636-483C-A421-9CC4B22CE2BD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15735943

>As usual, soi-infused chapo Redditor tourist has no idea of the sociopolitical outlook of this board is by revealing his belief in a simple right-left dichotomy.
>is by revealing his belief in a simple right-left dichotomy.
Did you have a stroke or something man?

>> No.15735959

a socialist comedy podcast

>> No.15735972

this. I picked an episode at random and it was about some dude in the middle east that joined the taliban or some shit. it might sound interesting but it was literally him talking about how he jacked off and if his leaders found out they would have him killed, that's literally all he talked about.

>> No.15735979

Sorry, should say
>what the sociopolitical outlook of this board is by

>> No.15736006

so faggot? doesn't mean authors cant be retards regarding that shit, they still are masters at prose and storytelling, chopo trash has literally nothing of value to add to anything apart from kindle for some hobo.

>> No.15736014

still normies wont get it and normies are their target audience, kind of shot themself on the boot.

>> No.15736021

>a socialist ""comedy"" podcast

>> No.15736029

not entertainment either retard

>> No.15736039

lmao epub

>> No.15736051

tf is the url?

>> No.15736117

Probably posting the url here is bannable

>> No.15736154

for real? what did they do?

>> No.15736172

Sounds fine

>> No.15736219
File: 391 KB, 542x578, chapo patreon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of useful idiots

>> No.15736269

>the podcast
Worth listening to when Bernie was having his serious run before Biden got the nomination, absolutely insufferably bad afterwards

The absolute meltdown when Bernie crashed and burned though made it all worth it

>> No.15736424

>writing an entire book because you got mad about ben shapiro of all people

>> No.15736533
File: 38 KB, 245x300, 0624CE3A-2BF6-49BA-9908-EA3752AAD827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please know if you don't already, almost everyone other than people in your echo chamber finds you absolutely disgusting.

>> No.15736598

The subreddit was revolting so I will never read anything related.

>> No.15736752

Fpbp. Sad we're already seeing the fallout of this ban wave

>> No.15737426

Just the idea that their could be chapos on this board right now makes my skin crawl.

>> No.15738556

Everyone I've ever seen talk about Chapo loves the Shapiro book segment, it's the great unifier.

>> No.15738575

>new york times best seller
why does anyone care about this anymore its like 5,000 – 10,000 copies in one week

>> No.15739286


holy shit more than 160k$/week - did they say what they did with that money?
Seriously becoming a grifter seems to be one of the easiest way to get rich fast.

>> No.15740415

$160K/month divided among six people really isn't that much money (plus they pay their guests unlike most podcasts) and they all live in expensive apartments so it probably goes mostly to rent

>> No.15740452

>opie and anthony with political hipsters
Is this what I'm missing out on

>> No.15740466

Thats over 25k a month for doing literally nothing of value. How stupid are their listeners lmao

>> No.15740500

cripplechan got shutdown last year tf are you talking about

>> No.15740594

Great, now we'll be dealing with edgelord leftists now after /pol/fags. Everyone please ignore these absolutely repulsive assholes.

>> No.15740624

to be fair they know and don’t care that all of their paid episodes can be downloaded for free on greywolffeed

>> No.15740633

I too am retarded and don’t know that said site came back.

>> No.15740642

Well yeah why would they care their cucked audience still sends them a couple million every year regardless

>> No.15740703

Quick TLDR on this? Is this guide to revolution on CHAZ level or lower?

>> No.15740929

Totally agree. The vicious nihilism is pretty revolting once the novelty wears off.

>> No.15740931
File: 3.74 MB, 5000x8000, 48bf68e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG Chapo? I LOVE them!! I HATE liberals!!! Everyone I don't like is a fascist poohead!!!

>> No.15741034

Hilariously, the subreddit hates the show for not sucking off nigs and trannies 24/7, while the people on the show hate the sub for being progressive morons. Can't judge one by the other. r/stupidpol is more representative of the show.

>> No.15741048

>someone stupid enough to fall for it
like I said: shame on you

>> No.15741059

None of their actual listeners subscribe to the patreon, they just pirate it. The subscriptions are all CIA money

>> No.15741083


>> No.15741559

Even if they were sharing it with their guests - why do they need more than 8k$ per month/person?
Seriously, did they say whether they are keeping the money or funding other leftist projects?

>> No.15741572

>and they all live in expensive apartments

>> No.15741649

They're keeping it. Everyone keeps trying to "expose" them with how much money they make but that has nothing to do with the show at all. It's not some secret grift that needs to be uncovered. They are rich assholes making fun of people they hate, bragging about how rich they are, and calling their fans pathetic pigs. That's the whole bit. It's a comedy show (that gets depressing sometimes when shit gets too real). It's not actually a guide to revolution, nor do they want people to think it is. They always talk about how listening to podcasts and tweeting aren't politics, just entertainment. The only people confused about it are people who have never listened to the podcast and are projecting what they think it is

>> No.15741669

“yOU dON’t KnOw WhAt yoUR TaLKiNg aBOuT”
Shut up new fag. Lurk some more

>> No.15741699

Sorry kiddo I've been here since habbo and I'm never going anywhere

>> No.15741737
File: 192 KB, 621x938, 72931F21-1B85-49B6-B328-0CA5F99BF9B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15741767
File: 67 KB, 638x500, Tod_der_Lüge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$160K/month divided among six people really isn't that much money
>they all live in expensive apartments

I don't like you.

>> No.15741771

>They are rich assholes making fun of people they hate, bragging about how rich they are, and calling their fans pathetic pigs.

sound like the fans are paypig simps. idk what you are trying to prove

>> No.15741795

it's a friend simulator epidemic out there, are you freaks really that lonely?

>> No.15742484

I'm trying to prove the fans are paying simps

>> No.15742498

paypig whatever

>> No.15742529

I listen to podcasts instead of music. I dont get why people hate podcasts so much. Tv is actaully degenerate

>> No.15742592
File: 1.49 MB, 1191x669, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 achievements other than talking shit on the internet
>mid-wit intellectualism at best
>slovenly pigs
these are the people your listening to... pathetic

>> No.15742667

>>0 achievements other than talking shit on the internet
Imagine valuing people according to "achievements", society isn't Xbox you sperg

>> No.15742745

You could listen to lectures given by more intelligent, accomplished people on a million different subjects but no, you prefer to listen to some morons talk shit for 90 minutes a week because it gives you some semblance of having friends.

>> No.15742754

Stav is such a fat disgusting pig lmao
The man has no shame to speak of.

>> No.15742775

You're posting on 4channel

>> No.15742793

Unironically defending Crendentialism on 4chan

>> No.15743202

This, I can't tell you how many times I've seen Why Liberalism Failed used to shitfling when it's clear no one in the thread has actually read the book.