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1573369 No.1573369 [Reply] [Original]

Did perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?

>> No.1573381

good point

no original sin, no xbox live and roller derby

get it evie

>> No.1573384

I also like finding my way back to Eden.

>> No.1573385

Apples are delicious and nutritious. End of story.

>> No.1573406

Curiosity killed the cat BIATCH

>> No.1573412

SPOILER: it wasn't actually an apple.

>> No.1573422
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>> No.1573430


>> No.1573431

Snake penis (penii, to be precise) at that.

>> No.1573441

what i don't get about the whole garden of eden story is what was given to adam and eve once they ate the apple?
was it the 'truth'?
the loss of innocence?
I interpret it as knowledge, and thats where I find an end for religion for me.
If knowledge is sin
than I shall be a sinner for the rest of my life
along with my frontal cortex that gifts me so.

>> No.1573447

ITT: People who haven't read Ishmael

>> No.1573464

The apple wasn't important, it could have been anything, it was the act that was important, the disobedience to God.

>> No.1573465


In most culures, the snake is also a symbol of knowledge and wisdom (consider Asclepius and Hermes' symbols). Traditionally the snake is seen as a wise beast, so in effect, the serpent in the garden was trying to give wisdom to man, and to free him from his false paradise.

Another issue is: if the god of Eden is all powerful, how did the serpent get in there, unless the serpent is in fact an image of the true god, the god of human wisdom.

Kundalini, Quetzalcoatl, bla bla bla tl;dr snake=wisdom

>> No.1573467

Ishmael looks like it was obsolete before publication.

>> No.1573474

that book was balls. I couldn't finish Ishmael.

>> No.1573491

Hey, Im not very fond of Bible, so im confused:
Could Adam fuck Eve while he was in Eden? If not - whats the point of Eve?
God seriously kicked shit out of Adam because he ate an apple?!
Cant God use his edgy magic to reverse the effects of apple?
Who even let the evil snake roam freely in goddamn Eden?

>> No.1573495

If I had to choose either to be delusional and live happily ever after or be sad stricken and cursed for the rest of my life but knew the truth, I'd rather know the truth.
Knowledge and wisdom are the finest gifts of mankind; the very notion that one can know too much or shouldn't be able to think is communist in its acts (ie: the dumber and less educated you are the more likely to fall in line.)
btw never religious in the first place.

>> No.1573498


The snake is an image of the ladder from God to man, the link beyond the demiurge, and the bonds of the world, to the numinous.

>> No.1573514

>Could Adam fuck Eve while he was in Eden? If not - whats the point of Eve?
Yes; nothing was forbidden in their "innocence" except the fruit.

>God seriously kicked shit out of Adam because he ate an apple?!
Yes, because that WAS the one thing forbidden.

>Cant God use his edgy magic to reverse the effects of apple?
No; disobedience in their original state, as much as the knowledge gained, was the "sin." God made them the way he wanted the first time around (well, second for Eve) and if they didn't work out in the Garden they could just exist outside it.

>Who even let the evil snake roam freely in goddamn Eden?
God, he gets a kick out of "testing" his creations. See also: Job. And the whole rest of the Bible, TBH. Satan's translation is "adversary" and his role in the Old Testament was essentially Prosecution Lawyer/entrapment specialist.

>> No.1573518
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[spolier]never brainwashed in the first place

>> No.1573520

It was a fig

>> No.1573521

How meaningful are interpretations of History and yet more of Mythology from a modern perspective?

>> No.1573522

Why did Candide leave El Dorado? Same reason Eve and Adam left the Garden.

>> No.1573529




>> No.1573544

You're obviously confused about the meaning of perpetual happiness. Perpetual = everlasting. If the happiness is tainted by boredom it's not perpetual. I'm an atheist, but it pisses me off when people argue heaven/eden would be boring. If the quality of life is improved by simple problems and challenges (and if perpetual happiness is the promise), the Garden of Eden and Heaven would have these challenges in order to preserve the utopia. By its very names, erpetual happiness is not somthing you tire of.

>> No.1573549

ergo its not perpetual because it ended.

>> No.1573564

It ended because they were tricked. Not because they wanted to end it. You might speculate that Adam and Eve were bored, but I don't think there's anything in the Bible to support you.

>> No.1573572

If heaven provides everything for happiness...
Lets say we have a person A who finds happiness in being lonely. And we have person B who finds happiness in being with person A.
No one of them commits sin by their desires, so they are granted to get to the heaven. But heaven cannot possibly provide happiness for both.
I just disproved heaven

>> No.1573574

They weren't tricked, they made a choice. Saying that they were "Tricked" is a very christian standpoint, as the snake, was just a snake, and not a devil. The story of abraham and his son and the garden of eden is a good example of why obedience isn't always best.

>> No.1573582


One day I will stand before your god and he will tell me


And I will simply say "no". And he will thank me for his salvation.

>> No.1573591

Assuming heaven is one uniform place, then you are right. However, such assumptions are for religious people. I don't believe in heaven, but I contend that even if it does exist, the nature of it is a mystery.

>> No.1573624

Hmm. You seem to be talking about the Bible stories as if they were true minus the supernatural elements. For example:
>the snake, was just a snake, and not a devil
So . . . there really was a snake and a tree with sinfruit on it? Except this is the non-christian version of the Eden story because you have removed Satan from the equation. The story is nonsense, yes, but that doesn't mean you can cherry-pick aspects to suit your views.

>> No.1573650

>non-christian version
You are now aware this text predates Christianity by a long shot.

>> No.1573677

Question: If woman was made from a man's rib then why don't men have odd number of ribs.

>> No.1573702
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Cos we like spare ribs so much

>> No.1573706

I suppose it's the same reason one-kidneyed people have two-kidneyed babies. And why bodybuilders don't have muscly children. I think it's something to do with that genetics thing.

>> No.1573718

>Get told to not do something, only one fucking thing
>loldo it anyway

Stay classy, humans

>> No.1573942

Life in the garden is a metaphor for singularity consciousness, which requires a divide into dualistic form (the Fall) to know itself experientially. The purpose of this "dance" is the bliss of remembering one's real identity as God.

>> No.1573963


Or it's a metaphor for the godhead downloading itself into its own creation and experiencing reality.

>> No.1574027


It's a euphemism for evolution.

[not trolling - Christianfag here.]

>> No.1574060

You mean that the fall is in fact an ascension?

>> No.1574071
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then there was Lilith.

>> No.1574104


>> No.1574150

and then there was Rosetti. Downward spiral?

(I don't actually believe we're spiralling downward)

>> No.1574166

You believe it's a fairly direct fall?

>> No.1574183

The fuck is with those women in medieval paintings? Why do they all have manfaces?

>> No.1574190
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>Implying men weren't used as models for the paintings due to the repressive and anti-woman sentiments of the day.

>> No.1574196


Anyway, androgyny was a classical beauty. I totally dig it. Greeks totally dug it. Renaissance, romantics, all that shit, they totally dug it.

>> No.1574225


Medieval lol. And I think that pre-raphaelite women are gorgeous. I would totally hit that.

>> No.1574258

Sort of. Kinda like entropy.

Moving from a simpler to a more complex state can be viewed both as going down or going up, depending on the perspective.

>> No.1574281
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The fruit was knowledge of good and evil, not knowledge in general. Its a story about "moral relativity" as being the cardinal sin of man. I wouldn't use the term, as its such a recent and restrictive term for a rather ancient evil.

Its pretty remarkable how uncreative evil is though, isn't it?

>> No.1574726

Rossetti's 19th century faux-medievalism.