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15730290 No.15730290 [Reply] [Original]

What book can explain why South Korea has become the capital for cosmetic surgery?

>> No.15730316

cosmetic surgery is only one aspect among many that speak to a bigger problem in that country, it's lack of a cultural identity beyond capital.

>> No.15730321

>it's lack of a cultural identity beyond capital.

How do you mean?

>> No.15730334

I think their birth rate speaks the most

>> No.15730351

Not the guy but I think their national identity of being a Korean is based in relation to other ethnicities.
Like how they have conscription to combat their neighbour to the north and their notorious education system is the Japanese model on steroids. Their politics are also mostly about international relations with Japan, NK, USA, and China.
If SK was a person he'd be that guy who always compares himself to others internally and all his problems stem from that.

>> No.15730399
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Because South Korea is an Americanized country. Their beauty standards come directly from America.
Since most Gooks look ugly as fuck they need surgical intervention to meet the Americanized beauty standards

>> No.15730405

Because their women are disgusting insect whores who stink of kimchi. Stop cooming and sort your life out before it’s too late.

>> No.15730473
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I should get a plastic surgery
racist and cringe

>> No.15730505
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>racist and cringe

>> No.15730593

because its a shallow hypercapitalist consumer society

soulless and cucked

they had swallowed the american pill so hard they even circumcise their boys because america does it

>> No.15730630

>Because South Korea is an Americanized country.

This. Plus that also explains why they mutilate their kids

>> No.15730645

The thing about Americanized culture is that it happens if you have no culture worth a damn in your country. So the default is to look to the US cause its culture is really the most dominant

>> No.15730651

also the korean war

>> No.15730654

Read Adorno

>> No.15730668

I'd rather fuck a pig than an asian woman.

>> No.15731262
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South Korean is completely on-board with the fact that everything in life is superficial and vain.

>> No.15731307

Koreans always had been the bitches of other countries.
China, Japan and now the US and that is why they are so vile they embody the worst of all three.

>> No.15731428

Dunno and I don't care. Korean movies are awesome tho, you guys should watch movies by Lee Chang Dong. Anyway another not /lit/ related thread, sage.

>> No.15731438

Post fucking it

>> No.15731463
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>> No.15731478

A lot of Korean identity comes from butthurt

Kinda like Poles, Irish and Balkans

>> No.15732095


>> No.15732148

yeah downgrade honestly

>> No.15732252

She's more prettier on the right in terms of features but it feels totally artificial. She starts to look less human which is unattractive

>> No.15732253

This is true. For example you didn't see these things happen to Japan or West Germany post WW2 for example.

>> No.15732305

the left is objectively more attractive. women with weak facial features are desired by weak men.

>> No.15732310

Korean identity is built around copying other nations and claiming it as their own creation.
Kpop is just a hodge podge of Jpop and American 90s boy groups like N'Sync and the Spice Girls.

>> No.15732312

What the fuck does that mean.

>> No.15732398

>you didn't see these things happen to Japan
nah disagree on that one. the thing about japan was that they had such a serplus of culture that they could accept a mass amount of American culture while still being very unique. even a cursory glance at japanese society shows great influence from americanism. Baseball, the government system, use of english words, use of japanofied americanism.

the critical difference is that americanism didnt suplant the extinent culture, but instead was additive.

>> No.15732424

It means that feminized men with an underdeveloped ego and low self-confidence desire women who look like submissive teenagers instead of a proper adult warrior goddess. Most men, and certainly many in Asia, would have no idea what to do if they ever landed a date with a woman strong in both spirit and form. They would run away, because her grace and raw beauty would act as a foil to reveal what a miserable cur they are. It is easier for them to avoid developing themselves, instead seeking a woman with an underdeveloped face of a child to make them feel and appear strong in comparison -- it requires less of them in contrast. Most men are intimidated by strong women for obvious reasons. The face on the left has clear classically attractive features that make her more dominant than the limp wrist, make-up wearing half men that litter Korea.

>> No.15732455
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I hate plasicfaced gooks but jesus christ

>> No.15732457

lol, the rare right-psychoanalyst. I'm an extremely weak man and I strongly prefer the face on the left. stop rambling.

>> No.15732467

Low test cope lmao. Bitches are only good for suckin dick

>> No.15732469
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Reminder if your woman doesn't look like this you are literally a homosexual.

>> No.15732521
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Cringe example but Based

>> No.15732541


>> No.15732561
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Low IQ cope. Women are good for bearing strong children and keeping house.

Maybe you're not as weak as you think. Obviously I didn't mean physically weak.


>> No.15732564

She was really pretty on the left desu desu

>> No.15732584
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>warrior goddess

>> No.15732641

East Asians seem to hate strong cheekbones/jawlines
In fact Japs make fun of Koreans for having them more

>> No.15732645

Post chin and BMI

>> No.15732732
File: 711 KB, 1457x982, Janice Dickinson_ Africa and a cheetah by Peter Beard_ 1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the men often lack them. Many would feel emasculated by a German woman, for example.

>> No.15732754

this, and baudrillard

>> No.15732925
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>I'd rather fuck a pig than an asian woman.

>> No.15732935

>ywn be that cheetah
*chair clattering*

>> No.15732942

lmao unironic gooklover

>> No.15732946

Because it looks masculine.
I do think men who like them are a little gay. They're the same guys who "can't tell" a ladyboy from a real woman.

>> No.15732974

It only looks masculine compared to weak jawlines/cheekbones.

>> No.15732985

There’s a deference between a well defined jawline and a chad jaw.

>> No.15733003

what book can explain why this is not /lit/ related and why op is a turbo-fag?

>> No.15733015
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>> No.15733082

Look for how self image works and how it is formed, anon. I read some psychology articles on that but they were all in Portuguese. I'm sure you can find quality content in English. Then you just check how Korean culture works.

>> No.15734165

Mongoloids are incredibly hideous and tend to look like rotten, festering wounds.

>> No.15734562


>> No.15734732

America. simple as

>> No.15734735

One on the left is way hotter

>> No.15734782

Because it makes them hot. Korean culture is very superficial, and it was encouraged by a dictator they had in the 90s. Also if you ask Korean women they will tell you Korean men's standards are abnormally high.

You hear that soi bois? The men shamed their ugly women, and they created an entire fucking industry to make ugly people smoking hot. This could be you.

>> No.15734813

t. whitey telling asians how to feel