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/lit/ - Literature

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15729893 No.15729893 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best book to understand what a good relationship is in literature, as well as the process of falling in love with someone?

>> No.15730355

Also curious. Wishing you many replies, anon. Shame only threads with polbait or tits get replies.

>> No.15730442
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Yea im a little disheartened I really want to read the experience from many different angles and to get an understanding for what is poorly described but widely tauted as the most important thing in life. I've read murakami, And watched wong kar wai and woody Allen movies to grasp the feeling more and what they capture seem to be a beautiful quenching of existential melancholy.

My own relationships have always been so meh and left much to be desired but what that desire is fundamentally is what I want to grasp hold on

>> No.15730497

Für den Prozess, dich in jemandem zu verlieben, ohne zweifel die zwote hälfte des ersten Bands von Proust. Swann in Love, to you.

>> No.15731744

I don't speak nazi.

>> No.15731986

Huxley idealized the meeting and relationship between DH Lawrence and his wife in his novel Point Counter-Point. The Rampion(?) characters were based on them.

>> No.15732112

Read your question again and see if you really want a book to answer you. I wish you luck.

>> No.15732482
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Pic related

>> No.15732515
File: 313 KB, 750x1038, 693DADB2-D558-4286-BF76-2EBEA6117392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roland Barthes - A Lover’s Discourse

explores the various words/phrases lovers use and what they could mean in relation to the subject and the loved. The image an example of one.