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15729314 No.15729314 [Reply] [Original]

What did Marx mean by this?

>> No.15729318

he's saying that the antecedent of the paragraph (not sure who cause you cropped it out for some reason) is a mutt

>> No.15729358

>Importunity: persistence, especially to the point of annoyance.

The importunity part is interesting. What did he mean that his importunity is nigger-like? Is the presence of niggers annoying?

>> No.15729521

>There's nothing wrong with materialism
it's full of contradictions and offers no way to ground universal human values, human dignity, or morality. it also has epistemic contradictions, unable to account for the laws of logic or any universal laws actually, since they can't be reduced to matter and it's motions. it also has the problem of induction and relativism, making it basically impossible to judge other cultures/ideologies or systems coherently without refuting your own basic assumptions. these contradictions enter into all liberal/humanist systems, whether they are fascist right or marxist left, doesnt matter.

>> No.15729538
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>> No.15729540

would you say it isn't?

>> No.15729554

values don't need to be grounded in metaphysics any more than arithmetic needs to be grounded in set theory

>> No.15729620

mathematics has to be grounded in some form of logic, which is immaterial and non-transient. mathematical truths presuppose a logical metaphysics implicitly.
Like an atheist going around making moral claims, not realizing he's actually making metaphysical claims, so is the mathematician who claims to be a materialist and denies metaphysics. absurd. You can't deny immaterial universal truths and then turn around and use them when it's convenient and remain consistent.

>> No.15729633
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lmao saved
fuck BLM and liberalism.

What are you currently reading btw?

>> No.15729650

and who's gonna come and make me commit to consistency

>> No.15729695

Why is materialism necessary in liberal systems? Is there any practical alternative that refutes materialism?

>> No.15729696

you can lie and contradict yourself, that's a different issue

>> No.15729703

or I can not lie and contradict myself

>> No.15729709
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>universal human values
>human dignity

>> No.15729710

Why is there so much racial neuroticism in the west, that you don't see in Asia?

>> No.15729715
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>> No.15729725

Treat others the way you wish to be treated

>> No.15729727

>offers no way to ground universal human values, human dignity, or morality
Ah so your problem with Marxism is that it isn't liberal.

>> No.15729769

>Treat others the way you wish to be treated
Make others treat you the way you want to be treated.

>> No.15729781

>mathematics necessitates platonism

And Platonisn doesn't disprove supervenience physicalism btw

>> No.15729791

you just used an analytic word
you lose

>> No.15729792

Have fun living in a never ending hell cycle

>> No.15729795

by denying the transcendent in favor of the material liberalism creates a space for pluralism and individual freedom. If it admits the existence of objective, transcendent comprehensive truths and "goods" that are universal to man's nature regardless of culture/gender/race/preferences then it would be obliged to promote those in society, thus constraining the individual and negating pluralism.

liberalism, rejects or ignores the transcendent in favour of the material, the material doesn't come with any obvious imperatives or values; it centers around the individual and his freedom, with the view that the state should not coerce a society’s citizens to adopt, support, or follow some particular transcendental conception of the good. So we get Pluralism + freedom.
There are some obvious contradictions here already, since liberalism often speaks of universal human rights, yet has no way to ground them or justify them, also, specially when liberalism tries to justify itself to other competing paradigms, it quickly realizes its reliance on, a comprehensive (or transcendent) conception of the good... If the liberal theorist appeals to a conception of the good, he is vulnerable to the charge of incoherence or unfairness.

liberalism's rejection of a concrete social order organized around a particular conception of the good depends on a particular, and oftentimes rival, conception of the good. But if the theorist refuses to appeal to a conception of the good, then his defense of liberalism either rests on foundations too weak to support such a strong conclusion or ends up presupposing substantive axioms that make a mockery of liberalisms aspiration to axiological neutrality, pluralism and individual freedom.

>> No.15729796

>offers no way to ground universal human values

Have you considered that you worship at the feet of spooks?

>> No.15729798

Just a bit of banter among bros.

>> No.15729805
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>> No.15729806

Imagine being this confused.

>> No.15729809
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>you just used an analytic word
>you lose

>> No.15729811

there's no way to critique spooks without metaphysics. stirner can't argue against anything other than by appealing to his feel feels.

>> No.15729815

Have fun living on your knees faggot.

>> No.15729816

You don't need to reify some platonic realm of "logical objects" in order to reason logically, pseud.

>> No.15729818

materialists and atheists btfo

>> No.15729834

you won't be reasoning logically when your assumptions get challenged lmao

Like a atheist vegan can go around making moral claims about animals and human dietary rules, until his basic premises are challenged and his worldview falls apart

>> No.15729842

Not within liberalism