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/lit/ - Literature

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15728705 No.15728705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Berserk can be considered /lit/? There are a lot of philosophical ideas in this manga and also the characters are really good.

>> No.15728712

and what are the philosophical ideas in it

>> No.15728755

A few arcs of Berserk made it the single best dark fantasy there is. Better than GOT.

>> No.15728778

Oh yeah
Berserk has some brutal ways of showing suffering and the pain of being, its Japanese too

>> No.15728788


>> No.15728798

>There are a lot of philosophical ideas in this manga
Yes, but it's all on the level of "hurr dur, religion bad".

>> No.15728800

There are several ideas from Nietzsche in this manga. Griffith and Guts contrast each other. Guts and Griffith represent the higher man and the lesser man. Griffith has ambition and has dream, whereas Guts didn't have a solid meaning in life besides killing people. However, Guts decided to search a meaning to his life when he abandoned Griffith. This could be represented with the tmetamorphosis: the camel, the lion, and the child. There is a several ideas of Nietzche besides these, but I am to lazy to explain them. Besides Nietzsche there a lot of philosophy of Machiavelli. If you already read the eclipse you already know what I am talking about. Existentialism is also a big part of this manga. Also, the ideas about free will, determinism and destiny are present.

>> No.15728807

Berserk is garbage. Even the golden age arc wasn't as good as brainlets think it was, it had some nice ideas but the writing is contrived and apart from a few rapes and the eclipse it may very well be a shonen. After that it devolved into generic edgy dark fantasy maybe except in Lost children arc. Unironically the most /lit/ arc in Berserk is The Black Swordsman.

>> No.15728823

Berserk just shows how religion can be used as a slave morality tool. This isn't a superficial critique to religion, this mostly comes from Nietzsche.

>> No.15728834

Berserk is one of the most /lit/ manga out there. If it isn't /lit/, no manga is

>> No.15728836

Do you want to elaborate? I know the newer arcs aren't as good as the first ones, but do you care to explain why the golden age is bad?

>> No.15728838

it's infantile transplantation of 'concepts', 'ideas'. anime/manga always pulls this cringy shit.

>> No.15728841

I would say Sandman at any point was better than Berserk at any point by far. More lit certainly.

>> No.15728845

>Berserk just shows how religion can be used as a slave morality tool.
Yes, but only in a 8th grade fedora tipping way.

>> No.15728852

>This isn't a superficial critique to religion
yes it is lol. especially with systemising nietzsche into a few braindead redutions.

>> No.15728857

The ideas are shallow and anything past the eclipse is hot fucking garbage.

So no, it gets tossed in the trash alongside 99% of manga.

>> No.15728862
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Parts of it but not all. Like most manga, it's length serves to its' detriment. Not as /lit/ as other stuff some other comics/manga.

>> No.15728873

>"philosophical ideas"
Man, summer is getting really tiring.

>> No.15728887
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Elitists in this sub will say no because it's a manga, but I say absolutely.

Miura borrows ideas from Jung regarding the collective unconscious and how it gives birth to fantastical beings that exist in a world of forms transposed upon our material existence.

The series does a good job of showing instead of telling, with many of the best panels having few words. The setup of the panels is very well executed. The art itself is top-tier. Facial expressions are not contrived.

The story deals with trauma and its effects on character development well. There's some edgy, gratuitous rape scenes, but the emotional sex scene between Guts and Casca counterpoises it well.

The quality has gone downhill due to Miura's age and fatigue, but hopefully he'll get a second wind to satisfactorily wrap up the series. His other series will allow him to draw his lolis instead of inserting them into the story (hopefully big-tit witch is the last one).

>> No.15728893

Now, Hunter x Hunter, that's a /lit/ manga.

>> No.15728896

go back to youtube, pseud

>> No.15728935

I only read oppai loli doujins

>> No.15728955


>> No.15729064

Golden age arc at its core had a nice concept, the most interesting one it had going for was reveal and implications on the Godhand and how they relate to humanity's collective sin. Griffith's and Guts' dynamic was also pretty good, however Miura's execution is questionable. I mean look at Guts fighting with that onion helmet dude as a teen and tell me he doesn't look like a shonen protag, not just that Guts vs. 100 men, Nosferatu Zodd, skeleton night etc. All are entrappings from shonen. Nothing bad per se but feels very contrived and mildly annoying when people bring it up as an example of well written dark fantasy. The most interesting character was Griffith but rest of the band including Casca were run of the mill "depressing past muh ambition" characters. There is also very questionable use of rape which is done more out of shock value and to push the series as a mature manga than anything else. Apart from all this the humor is also very juvenile and feels completely out of place. The biggest problem however is one that permeates 99% of all mangaka and that is they are Artists first, storytellers second and writers last. The dialogue is very contrived and i doubt it is so only because of the translation. I was re-reading through berserk but gave up 33 chapters into Golden age arc after realizing that the quality of writing was very mediocre, something 15 year old me did not notice. Later arcs are not even in conversation, all the potential it had in way of ideas about casuality, fate, bleak world were substituted for contrived discussions on religion and generic fantasy. As far as these anons go
These kind of essays can also be written on Naruto and bnha with the same sincerity and is more a case of readers looking deeper for connections and all, i am pretty sure Miura won't know half of these that he somehow put into his work.

>> No.15729118


>> No.15729169

What makes a manga /lit/, is it that it will never be finished?

>> No.15729180

Cerebus is the best dark fantasy in comics/manga medium.

>> No.15729190

Only because of the exposition dump.

>> No.15729195

Why do you seek affirmation for your shit manga by calling it /lit/? as if that makes it any better?
have you seen what the retards in this board put in the yearly charts? I'd be ashamed to even tell anyone I browse this place if I were you.
You're better off calling Berserk /fa/ than associating it with here

>> No.15729222

I've honestly never read this manga and I see a lot of obnoxious threads being made of it in this board now and then.
But I did finish the 2011 adaptation recently, it was a decent show I guess for the most part, but what caught my attention is a sequence that happens in a later arc, where they storm a palace to defeat the big bad guy.
I've honestly never seen this style of narration done in any medium before, the way events and characterization was happening in a split second, and how the narrator would really give crucial details that simply cannot be understood with a show don't tell approach.
I feel like this arc in particular would've worked well as a novel.

>> No.15729240
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>There are several ideas from Nietzsche in this manga.

>> No.15729247

Berserk is edgy shonenshit genre fic.

Read Ten instead.

>> No.15729255

If I have never read a manga in my life is this the one to read? What should I read instead?

>> No.15729258

>Nietzsche, Machiavelli

>> No.15729260

it's the only one I've read and I recommend it to all

>> No.15729263

>>15728705 >>15728834

>> No.15729278

Almost no one on /lit/ has any self-awareness sadly. Using "/lit/" as praise is a sign of arrested development.

>> No.15729287
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>when you integrate the shadow just right

>> No.15729322

No read Go Nagai instead. Atleast there is some value and talent in his edge.

>> No.15729330

Miura has talent he's just wasted it with the Japanese equivalent of Game of Thrones.

>> No.15729336
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berserk has fatalism, not predestination

>> No.15729339

Miura's """talent""" only lasted 2 arcs, everything he made past the lost children has been shit with shonen tier tropes.

>> No.15729359

Too ambitious and he effectively told all of the stories he wanted to with the stories incredibly early on. It's sad really.

>> No.15729363

It is about predestination though

>> No.15729399

fuck this board

>> No.15729418
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I watched a fucking GIRL make a video about this. Get this youtube tier analysis out of my face.

>> No.15729449

Miura's only talent is his art which has gone down the shitter one and a half decades ago.

>> No.15729602

Visual storytelling is still a type of storytelling.

>> No.15729923

those charts are made by discordfags and tourists

>> No.15729947

>The series does a good job of showing instead of telling
Dumb meme aside, a visual medium does a good job of "showing"? Whoa. That's revolutionary.

>> No.15730107

>Visual storytelling
That is secondary and not too prominent in Berserk. His art was just aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.15730182

Guts becoming vulnerable for the first time in his life during mid-sex with Casca wouldn't have been nearly as impactful without the visualization.

>> No.15730193

you're dumber than him

>> No.15730218

It's good, but it doesn't really have anything new or profound to say about the ideas it is inspired by. It just uses ideas from philosophers like Nietzsche to make the world of Berserk more interesting and to provide depth for the characters. Not that I want it to say something profound, I think it's good that it can use ideas to make a richer story and world without having some blatant political or ideological thrust and attempt to get you to agree. It reminds me of the game Bioshock in that sense. Bioshock doesn't really critique Rand's philosophy itself, but instead what happens when an ideology is taken too far. Rand's philosophy provides an interesting backdrop for convincing world building.

>> No.15730249

This but with muscle girls and shota instead.

>> No.15730488

Whether the pursuit of happiness by humanity are good or bad. The villains in this comic are all ambitious people who were willing to sacrifice everything including their loved ones and their own humanity to achieve their goals, and they make a deal with devil to do just that. The final boss is the collective consciousness manifested of the human species' longing for transcendental reasons regarding its existence

>> No.15730519

I remember reading the whole thing a couple of years ago and it felt like it too a nosedive in quality later on.
Guts was an underwhelming protagonist for me, his character is nothing I haven't seen before in other works, the only character I really liked was Griffith, he reminds me of Kierkegaard's concept of a knight of faith.

>> No.15730528


>> No.15730748

>The villains in this comic are all ambitious people who were willing to sacrifice everything including their loved ones and their own humanity to achieve their goals, and they make a deal with devil to do just that.
So just like any other seinen or Graphic novel?

>> No.15732069

Philosophically you aren’t going to get much value from Berserk. I get that there’s things you can point to, but never does it make a strong statement. Berserk is more about the development of characters than philosophy and that’s where the value is. The characters are all written with great complexity, to the point that it’s frankly up to personal opinion if Griffith is a good or bad person despite his atrocious actions. Would he have been more noble to give up on himself for the sake of people who been carried by and idolized him? Was his new world not worth the cost of a hundred or so mercenaries? Maybe, but it’s arguable both ways, especially since he’s backed by the Idea of Evil who is essentially God.

After the Conviction Arc though, forget it. It’s just a shallow shonen gag manga beyond that point. Frankly, I HATE the Berserker Armour. Miura introduced this maguffin and threw out all meaning to any struggle in the process. Guts can just defer to the Berserker armour and have what may as well be infinite power as the plot needs it, the handicap is he has to mend offscreen, big whoop. Fuck everything past Conviction.

>> No.15732076

>no manga is

>> No.15732152


>> No.15732233

Just read something fun, like Yotsuba, Komi Can't Communicate. Something dumb and easy to read. You're not going to find any real enlightenment from manga anyway. That being said, reading at all keeps you away from things even dumber and less enlightening as mindless entertainment like television or video games. Reading shit like Berserk is stupid because it's time-consuming and only fooling you into thinking it has anything to say besides grimdark violence and nudity.

>> No.15732465

I really hope English isn't your first language

>> No.15732670


>> No.15732687


>> No.15732772

It's both /x and /lit. One of the best. It's Gnostic by the way.

>> No.15733037

You got me there.

>> No.15733076

Berserk is, or was, mostly about trauma, on a personal and societal scale.

>> No.15733144

quality post

>> No.15733156

Hunter x hunter is a good read, fun manga

>> No.15734073
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what philosphical themes does Strongest Legend Kurosawa have?

>> No.15734116

good post.

>> No.15734150

If NGE ain't /lit/, then nothing is /lit/

>> No.15734164


>> No.15734173

>my chinese cartoon is totally literature, I swear it's deep waaaah
a thread died for this

>> No.15735006
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The Walking Man