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15728189 No.15728189 [Reply] [Original]

>traumatic childhood
>can't stop writing dark
>even when I start out as not dark it just goes dark later
fucks sake

>> No.15728199

Read a fucking book on stoicism and move past your fucking childhood by using some of its contents.

>> No.15728206

Stoicism is a meme.

Post work.

>> No.15728275
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what I write isn't even related to my childhood. the work I write is one kind of dark, the childhood I had is a completely different type. I'm not exactly sure if this is even related to the actual abuse, if I was just that kind of person to start with, or if the shitfest just bent me in that direction. I don't care much besides the fact that I'm getting tired of my own writing tenancies, they feel really boring and lost on me.
Right now I'm just working on the plot overview. I got plenty of prose samples if that's what you wanted, but this is what I'm hammering out as of now.
https://justpaste dot it/72muu

>> No.15728287

>Stoicism is a meme.
As opposed to being an overly dramatic faggot?

>> No.15728298

it is liberal and women who are infatuated with '''''''''''''''past traumas''''''''' because women love to rehash things, because they have nothing else to do in their life.

You think peasants at the time to masturbate to ''traumas'' 1000 years ago? No they did not fucking care.

then it gets worse because women have such a comfy life, that any annoyance is turned into a ''trauma'' now.

This is what happens when hedonists get more and more pleasures in their life, they are so addicted that they become historical as soon as they do not have all the comfort they expect.

This is why liberals push more and more for hedonism, but since they view it as selfish, they also try to build an altruism on this hedonism, which is fucking retarded, but they prefer to cling to their mental judeo christian gymnastics about being compassionate, ie caring about and pitying people who do not have much pleasures as them.

>> No.15728302


>> No.15728306

>https://justpaste dot it/72muu
It doesn't feel like you understand the story you want to tell. There are like 4 layers of happenings here, and none of them really support one another, rather they just seem to incidentally co-exist.

Try writing some short pieces. Have fun with the actual act of writing.

>> No.15728320

>Justifies stoicism by strawmanning the absolute antithesis of a stoic
Not everything is a binary, you overdramatic faggot.

>> No.15728324
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should probably clarify, I'm over the trauma. The only reason I'm confused is because I'm over it and it (besides perhaps just some whacked out personal preference) seems to be the only possible causer of my dork dark tendency. The only reason I'm bothered at all is because I feel like a broken record, yet this is just how I naturally gravitate in plot hammering.
I do agree with you though about what you said.
yeah, it's a rough rock, and a not done rock. it is also based on the back of a bigger project that's been hammered out already, and thus has a bunch of backend material. I'm trying to make what you saw a short story that is like a demo of the bigger story. Kind of like how F451 had a short story that reflected the later novel.
Probably just going to clip the callbacks and go from there. Thanks for the read.

>> No.15728340

Same. The trauma I sustained as a child has made me almost obsessive over Oswald Spengler, I think. I remember being out drinking with a few people and becoming very intoxicated. Towards the end of the night, I started reflecting on the condition of the world. And I started ranting about Spengler and that our civilization is fated to whither away. I also think I am going to die soon. I just have to make sure I do so after my mother. Anyway, I started pounding on the table and eventually went back to my friend's house and me and some girl started talking for 3 or 4 hours about what I think. I'm thinking a lot about death tonight.

>> No.15728347

>Kind of like how F451 had a short story that reflected the later novel.
I have the very distinctive feeling that you're trying very hard to create a book that you think will be a good book, and not create something that reflects your beliefs, thoughts, or feelings. I think you really need to examine how you write, and figure out what makes you enjoy writing; the impression I'm getting isn't that you're enjoying your own writing, it's that you're actively trying to craft a masterpiece.

>> No.15728365

OP, we get it, you know this board jerks off dark/depressing Literature, and for you to suddenly appear with this alleged faculty that makes everything you touch turn to oblivion makes me think that you want to us to marvel at you, and ask you about this trauma etc etc. What do you want us to say? We're not therapists to be talking about how to dislodge this deep seated trauma that you say you've overcome, could it be that you're clinging onto it for, dare i say, moments exactly like these? It's the equivalent of a teenage girl telling everyone she's got depression.

>> No.15728401

Cheer up fella. Unrelated question, read Dosto recently hm? Getting back to the contents of your reply hm! Did you go on that paroxysm quite affectedly, while you were imbibing what exactly? Rum? Beer? Hm!

>> No.15728423
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My goal of writing is first to write something that will be enjoyed by someone, and give them a genuinely good time. The secondmost reason is to write something of quality, mostly because of that first reason: it kind of ensures it.
My dude, if I came to this site to talk about my trauma I would have a) not come here, because r9k is where people dump their collective mind-shit and also the advice board exists b) would have tried harder. I would have given leading examples, hooks for you to grab on to. Expecting any help with trauma from strangers on a board is a waste of time. I came here for help about literature and how it is made. Plus, the post wouldn't have made sense if I left the trauma bit out.

>> No.15728436

Except you are an overly dramatic faggot and while Stoicism can be a meme if you adhere to it 100%, if you read the ethical treatises of Epicetus, Musonius Rufus and Marcus Aurelius and ignore the more extreme views they have, you do get a lot out of it and learn to appreciate all the good things and people in your life. It's not a bad philosophy all things considered, it's just that it was founded by autists. Plus, it's study of logic, language and the human mind is very interesting in and of itself.

>> No.15728502

>Except you are an overly dramatic faggot and while Stoicism can be a meme if you adhere to it 100%
So, what you want isn't stoicism, but just self regulation? Thanks for playing bud.

>My goal of writing is first to write something that will be enjoyed by someone, and give them a genuinely good time. The secondmost reason is to write something of quality, mostly because of that first reason: it kind of ensures it.
Those don't sound like good reasons to write.

>> No.15728563

>So, what you want isn't stoicism, but just self regulation? Thanks for playing bud.
Even the Stoics stopped adhering 100% after awhile because they realized parts of it were silly, faggot
>With Panaetius, Stoicism became much more eclectic.

>> No.15728677
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I mean, feels good enough for me. Making a thing that someone love is a genuine enjoyment to me. A thing you make sticking in the mind of someone for a while is a wonderful thing.
A third reason that sits there as well is the simple cross between "wanna make cool space creatures" and "writing is fun."

>> No.15728773

Literally why did you make this thread, just write this isn't some panel where you have to spew that platitudinous garbage. How about stop dawdling about and continue writing your story?

>> No.15728839
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>this isn't some panel
It's a thread, they asked a question, I answered. What's your problem?

>> No.15728850

That fucking picture lmfao.