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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.50 MB, 1820x4348, Top100litauthors2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15727020 No.15727020 [Reply] [Original]

The "Top 100 Books" gets updated every year, but does /lit/ think it is time to update this chart?

>> No.15727151

>No J.K Rowling

>> No.15728666

bump, especially for J.K. Rowling. ;)

>> No.15728679

I mean this one is bad enough; with the state of /lit/ now though, I can't even imagine how much worse it would be.

>> No.15728680

It's mostly the same shit every year.

>> No.15728771

How so? I would say it's nearly accurate to what /lit/'s opinion of these authors are now (maybe except for a few exceptions).

>> No.15728804

For fuck sake can we bump pynchon down to 52? And Hemmingway & Nobokov below that.

>> No.15728824

>I'm not on the chart
Cringe, I'm literally the best author that will ever exist

>> No.15728883

and bump up Celine.

>> No.15728934

Yeah it should be updated but anyways the new results would be almost the same anyways
The only one in the correct position is Dostoevsky, easy call, the others though...

>> No.15729034

Jesus I'm baited by this cancer, you artless fags. Everyone Infront of Sheakspeare should fuck right off, Pynchon! DFW! Jesus do you retards actually read books or do you just glance over the big intellectual books to feel better about your lack of sex. Fuck me I'm mad good bait anon cause I'm seething. Wait wait no Cervantes.... You fucking cunts! Fuck philp k dick and Camus before Virginia Woolf fucking hell. Dostoyevsky is not even that good, ok he is amazing but not before Sheakspeare please. No Blake jesus but yeah I understand that anons too intellectual for poetry.

Ok I read how the pole was decided so it's better than I thought. But people like DFW more than Sheakspeare! I was filtered by DFW because I value my time You guys should go and follow him!

>> No.15729101
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>Jesus I'm baited by this cancer, you artless fags. Everyone Infront of Sheakspeare should fuck right off, Pynchon! DFW! Jesus do you retards actually read books or do you just glance over the big intellectual books to feel better about your lack of sex. Fuck me I'm mad good bait anon cause I'm seething. Wait wait no Cervantes.... You fucking cunts! Fuck philp k dick and Camus before Virginia Woolf fucking hell. Dostoyevsky is not even that good, ok he is amazing but not before Sheakspeare please. No Blake jesus but yeah I understand that anons too intellectual for poetry.
>Ok I read how the pole was decided so it's better than I thought. But people like DFW more than Sheakspeare! I was filtered by DFW because I value my time You guys should go and follow him!

>> No.15729211

>#83 - #100 with all but 2 votes

>> No.15729227

Cut it to 50 imo.

>> No.15729376

How the hell are Alan Moore and especially Gaiman there but Cervantes is not?

>> No.15729377

pretty sad, isn't it?

>> No.15729402

>2 votes
Is that how the book chart is too? Goddamn

>> No.15729434

it totals in about 600 votes or less. /lit/ is an (anti-)community of about 5000. minus the shitposters and tourists I reckon we are about 3500 /lit/izens with a core posting elite of about 300. nobody comes here for the polls. for me this place is about honest anonymous discussion.

>> No.15729437

It's not an "update" if the userbase that produced it is no longer here. These zoomers and redditors aren't /lit/. All they can make is an explicitly nu-/lit/ chart of their own.

>> No.15729438
File: 129 KB, 1287x1800, __drawn_by_yomu_sgt_epper__7fc42e9d4af2e398157ff08802680a3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm this list is very problematic, not enough blacks and asians and transvestites

>> No.15729450

Borges is the only good writer on that list

>> No.15729464

No Goethe? Are you actually fucking kidding me? Burn this chart and anybody that voted for it.

>> No.15729485

Fuck you are right, thought I could understand it because Goethe is one of those authors that no one doubts their genius but hardly anyone thinks fondly of him for some strange reason.

>> No.15729637

I overall loved Faust but what hinders me from thinking back on it fondly is that theatre play at the Blocksberg, the Walpurgisnachtstraum. I kinda hated that part. It added almost nothing except some super obscure references and I tried for two days to derive some meaning from it. It was kind of frustrating.

>> No.15729879

It's because he's popular and /lit/ needs validation through 'obscure' interests. How often do you see people here complaining about more people reading? Dostoevsky is first because he's entry-level and is appealing to young men (obviously he's good, I'm not denying that, but his main 'demographic' is even more obvious), Joyce is second because book hard.

>> No.15729921
File: 2.77 MB, 2000x3700, 1593085006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least, Don Quixote is #6.

>> No.15729938

no Goethe, no Flaubert, no Balzac ...
but they had the spot to put in Orwell, Camus, and PKD
this board needs a purge

>> No.15730003

>Camus above Tolstoy

>> No.15730089

First top 100 with only 2 pynchon books.

>> No.15730138

Because his fiction isn't very well written or conceptually significant

>> No.15730152

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.15730171

And worse George Rrrrr Rrrrr Martin and Stevey King

>> No.15730234

I'm the exception then.
crazy. I loved the Walpurgisnacht the most. hell, it's a carnal feast mocking divinity and celebrating one's own body and intellect in the most diabolical and devilish manner.
Goethe offers entry-level romance, long and winding novels, and god tier plays with massive amounts of allusions. there are Goethe-heads on here sometimes. I guess he is just not that controversial. almost nobody hates him. except for...
monolingols like this guy with no clue

>> No.15730306

>entry-level romance
I wouldn't say that romances in general go beyond entry-level. I don't mind them. I really liked Werther and I'd consider even Holderlin's Hyperion mostly a romantic novel. They're both tragic, but still offer a comforting feeling in and of love. (I also liked Castorp's love problem in Magic Mountain)
On the other hand, romantic YA novels and books like 50 Shades of Gray should be burned along with the people who read them.

>> No.15730319

I liked the Walpurgisnacht, just not the "play in the play" the Walpurgisnachtstraum.