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15721736 No.15721736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Looks up "sneezing" on /r/atheism

>> No.15721746

What subreddits do you guys browse?

>> No.15721799

none, go back there

>> No.15721814

plebbit, cancer of the univers, the deepth of the buthole of all evil, devils penis. The other end of the toilett, visited with the help of the most retarded search engine the world ever saw. Born to mother light by the most ugly jewish women, google.

Feel ashamed by this, anon, you have no soul that any kind of god could have ever mercy. What even made you think to go on such a long trial? Was it worth it? Rethink what you just have done! Consider yourselfe the scum of this planet who helped to keep the most retarded platform alive, to even consider to click on a plebbit url without thinking twice.

>> No.15721816
File: 128 KB, 512x415, 1527178620396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god shut your fucking whore mouth you stupid fucking plebbit faggot nigger bitch tits

>> No.15721825

I was recently on /r/naruto

>> No.15721857

Numismatics - stopped a year or so ago

>> No.15721866


>> No.15721873

i'm here to stay

>> No.15721877

bless you

>> No.15721879

>the glowies are here
<I repeat
>the glowies are here

>> No.15721904
File: 85 KB, 1140x760, 626a46b394de8fb49c6c41b4d363baad-1140x760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why r/sorceryofthespectacle of course!

>> No.15721980

whats this sub about

>> No.15721985

the big book of subreddits

>> No.15722020


>> No.15722083


>> No.15722098

Early in 2010's, maybe '11, '12, there were a handful of prolific posters on Reddit's r/occult sub who were interested in contemporary philosophy and approaching "magick" and the esoteric through that lens and vice versa. Critique as magic, and magic as critique.
There were two main guys, one was a Post-Marxist interested in, but critical of, Nick Land, and the other was more involved in computer science and analytical philosophy. The regulars of the r/occult were getting increasingly frustrated with them as they simply wanted to talk about candle gazing and fortune telling while these new accounts saw occultism as something that could be included in to the tool box of a broader social critique.

They eventually started their own sub. And so Sorceryofthespectacle was founded. It was a mix of Accerlationism, Schizoposting, Post-Marxism, Black Magic, Memetics theorycrafting, and generally lots of shit that looked like a precursor to those Space Taoism threads that used to happen here. I lost interest fairly quickly the sub and reddit.
Now I have come to suspect that the sub has been something of a quiet achiever in influencing late 2010's esoteric online bullshit after encountering so much content on other sites that strongly reminded me of the early days there. The last couple of years here and on twitter especially.
Because of this I went back and had a look but it seems the founders are long gone and it has collapsed in to self-parody.

Now if you excuse me, I have to go back.

>> No.15722102


>> No.15722111

I used to occasionally check on /pr/badphilosophy, but the posters there are so predictable that I had to stop.

>> No.15722188

>hundreds of posts being autistically infuriated by social convention
do they really?
>You don't have a soul. In fact, nobody seems to have a soul according to science. If we can't measure any of it's properties, how can we decide that we all have it?
B) dualists owned by facts, science and logic

>> No.15722217
File: 37 KB, 669x669, C9A3AE69-512E-46CA-B78F-69BB05C553B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15722221
File: 367 KB, 900x790, Pongo green 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based pongo poster

>> No.15722226

the existence of these r/[badthing] subreddits disgusts me. Why do they dedicate an entire community to bitching about stuff