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15719711 No.15719711 [Reply] [Original]

99% of the great work written by 30+.

>> No.15719717

You're writing for the wrong reasons you faggot

>> No.15719720

Do you think they didn't wrote when they were younger?
Mishima published Confessions of a Mask at 24

>> No.15719721

Writing's full. Go get a real job.

>> No.15719722

Damn you're fucking stupid.

>> No.15719723


>> No.15719725

bro you're gonna be alive for 50 more years. Think about that for a minute.

>> No.15719726

If you had something to say, you would've already started writing.

>> No.15719749

This generation will live more than 95 years on average.

>> No.15719755
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you won't just magically start writing well once you're 27+

>> No.15719763

just wanted to stop by and tell you that you're never going to make it.

>> No.15719764

KEK you need to write shit since your childhood and get good at age 30. If you start now, you'll probably get good at age 50-60.

>> No.15719774

You should definitely start writing. Publishing is another matter.
>didn't wrote

>> No.15719808

Imagine being in the absolute prime of your life, and believing you shouldn't put yourself out there because some washed-up old farts tell you you "lack experience", whatever that means.

>> No.15719866


>> No.15719880

False. It's projected this generation will live fewer years than previous ones.

>> No.15719899

no thank you

>> No.15719913

How are you gonna get good at writing by 30 if you don't start before, retard?

>> No.15719936

>99% of the great work written by 30+.
So, most great works were written by people in their 30’s? Ok. Now answer this question. Do you really think said work was the first thing they ever wrote? All those people had been writing for much longer than that. They just coincidentally experienced the height of their career in their 30’s. If you wait until then, you will never be as great as they were.

>> No.15719953

Writers height is usually 40s

>> No.15719961

Got nothing to say? Start journalisms maybe.
Write your little poems and story snippets on the side. Get lots of practice in till you feel you’re ready

>> No.15720624

You could die tomorrow. Read the stoics.

>> No.15720676

You’re never going to be a good or great writer in your 30s if you shrug off writing until then because you think there’s an arbitrary threshold you need to pass first.

Read a lot, write a lot, and think about doing the latter when you’re not. That’s the only way you’ll ever be good.

>> No.15720713

live first

>> No.15720776

>99% of the great work written by 30+.
None of them started at 30, fool.

>> No.15720791


>> No.15720799

In a really intellectual and imaginative field of knowledge like mathematics most breakthroughs are made at very young age. You have Abel who died at 26 and Galois who died at 20. Of course there are important exceptions, but generally if you can work on something with a rusty old brain, then it's not a brainy trade.

>> No.15720842
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not if I can help it

>> No.15720904

If you're not writing anything yet you're an idiot and ngmi. You don't just wake up one day able to write a masterpiece straight away. You need to practice and learn and find your style.

>> No.15721481

No. Go play outside. And make an effort to write every day so it will be easy when you hit 30+.

>> No.15721511

Life expectancy has been declining for several years in a row now in the US, primarily due to deaths of despair like suicide, opioids, and other forms of substance abuse.

>> No.15722596

have you ever read the tiger it was sooo good and it was written by 6 year old boy.

>> No.15722625

What was it even about? As in the context and the book it was published in.

>> No.15722629

This. Stop being a conceited little bitch and write if you feel like you have something to share, otherwise, shut the fuck up and move on.

>> No.15722681

Hardly anybody writes great works right off the bat.

>> No.15722790


You'll know when it's time to start writing if that time ever comes and for some people it could come at 23 or even younger but obviously it hasn't for you
Don't believe all this bullshit that posers and pseuds will try to tell you about forcing yourself to write all the time and studying that's what people do when they want to be a writer and aren't cut out for it and that's also how you learn to hate writing
Writing isn't about grinding out a bunch of unreadable shit and suddenly you'll just be there and make something good this isn't math or science or athletics it doesn't work like that
If you have something to say and you're passionate enough about it to do the work you'll be a writer at that point
I mean I guarantee you that if we had access to early writings of most famous authors it wouldn't just be a bunch of trash
The harsh reality is you're either good or not you don't develop writing you only develop your ideas which you will do regardless
The barrier to entry for writing is virtually nothing anybody can be a writer okay maybe you have some grammar issues or a small vocabulary but that's it once that's done there's no more prep work
30 is probably just a sweet spot for the average writer they've lived enough had enough experiences developed a cohesive view of people and the world
If you're sufficiently smart have the critical thinking skills you will have collected enough stuff in your head by this point and should at least be able to write something interesting

>> No.15722971

When it comes to art execution matters much more than ideas.

>> No.15722992

Good post.

>> No.15722997

Only to pseuds (This is literally the definition of pseud).