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15719518 No.15719518 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever considered the idea of recording your own version of an audiobook or podcast while wasted? Like Drunk History, but without any funding, editing, platform, fame, or commentary.

I've been considering creating a work of a read-through of the Mueller Report and the House Committees' Report on the Impeachment Investigation, but while trashed.

>> No.15719527

Getting wasted drunk is for degenerates. Please revaluate the process of thoughts that brought you to this point. You are better than this anon.
God bless.

>> No.15719558

Thanks for your concern, Anon. It would be not-too-drunk-to-not-enunciate but more than a dry read.
My process of thought is partly incredible boredom coupled with the inebriation as the artistic commentary on an otherwise unfiltered breakthrough, therein creating a sense of contrast and irony.

>> No.15719598

It would be cool if two anons who didn’t know each other went back and forth on random issues and were just totally brutal with each other. It would be like porno

>> No.15719608

That just sounds like a /mu/ vocaroo thread

>> No.15720542
File: 159 KB, 850x1304, __akamatsu_kaede_danganronpa_and_1_more_drawn_by_qosic__sample-e80757f1f63f92f19de9cb9789dea064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did 4 shots of vodka in succession yesterday and was only drunk for like 10 minutes.
am I just building up a tolerance? this sucks