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15719183 No.15719183 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a thread on anti-fascist literature going? Fiction, non-fiction, essays etc.

>> No.15719204
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>> No.15719216

Filthy mudbloods

>> No.15719221 [DELETED] 

discord tranny go away
come again another day

>> No.15719250
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Most enjoyable book you'll find on the subject.

>> No.15719262
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Wrong pic

>> No.15719275

Isn't that a book about magic/esotericism/mysticism/etc? How is it related to anti-fascism?

>> No.15719284
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>> No.15719292

imagine not being a reactionary in the current year, couldn't be me lol

>> No.15719307

can anyone explain to me why fascism is a bad thing? I think the USA could definitely use some fascistic tactics right about now to quell some of these protesters

>> No.15719318

no but I predict people will say that fascists are babies who want a big strong daddy

>> No.15719324

>Nazism is Fascism

Oh, dear.

>> No.15719335

what is Trotski's main thesis in this book?

>> No.15719338

What are you reacting against?

>> No.15719340

Doesn't solve class conflict at all, moreover encourages it

>> No.15719347

This will probably be ignored, but for me the principle problem with fascism is the inherent and pervasive glorification of violence. Granted violence is often necessary and it is possible for a society to swing to far in the other direction, but the militarism of fascist societies makes them fundamentally unstable and prone to conflict/genocide. Nazi Germany for instance was not just spiritually constructed for war, it actually needed to wage war in order to survive. Perhaps the one good thing that can be said about the post 1991 liberal NWO is democratic peace theory and the relative stability of liberal democracies.

Please read some actual theory and not just meme books. At least leftypol is amusing.

>> No.15719356

Not a book. Shitty movie.

>> No.15719362
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Our culture already pervasively glorifies violence

>> No.15719368

How does fascism encourage class conflict?

>> No.15719372
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I'm against modernity, the enlightenment, "progress", protestantism, liberalism, etc.

>> No.15719377

Being a reactionary will never be cool, you're literally choosing to be a cuck on the losing side. It's similar to being a pessimist, it's pathetic and weak.

>> No.15719385

Those things go back pretty far. Care to be more specific?

>> No.15719388

Go live in a third world shithole and grovel to a priest your entire life.

>> No.15719404

Not really. In the past war was almost universally glorified, today the vast majority of popular culture at least pays lip service to the idea that war is bad. For instance look at the literature of Britain at the height of the empire vs today. There are still wars that are held to be just, but the right of conquest is no longer viewed as legitimate while once it was taught to school children. Looking at the big picture American hegemony, for all its flaws, has produced the most peaceful era in world history. The era when fascist regimes were most prevalent was one of the most violent.

>> No.15719409

There's certainly some unrest now, particularly in the US compared to like Denmark or Switzerland. But you can't pretend this is equivocal to fascism, at least not in good faith.

>> No.15719416

>it doesn't matter if I'm wrong as long as I'm winning!
What good does that get you?

>> No.15719419

I love how you guys cherry pick so hard, 99% of the protests were relatively peaceful. It turns out things aren't as bad as they're often depicted through a cherry picked lense

>> No.15719424

what would you like me to elaborate on?

>> No.15719425

A reactionary is someone who reacts, they're critical of change but offer no solutions to problems.

>> No.15719438

There are multiple definitions. That is one of them. The other, emerging in the wake of the French Revolution, refers to those who want to turn back the clock on historical processes.

>> No.15719439

What is wrong with our society that you would like to wind the clock back on, especially as it relates to liberalism or the enlightenment.

>> No.15719445

>refers to those who want to turn back the clock on historical processes
Impossible and not worth it, most people who blame modernity never think to look inward and realize that they're the problem not the world

>> No.15719456

>fascism was all evil and violent tho

>> No.15719460

Why is it impossible?

>> No.15719465

Bigbrain time: we should've stopped the clock around when we peaked. Once we knew things were only gonna get worse. Me personally I think there was nothing left to do after 1928.

>> No.15719466

One of the few outright wrong answers to that question

>> No.15719475

>when we peaked
We never peaked

>> No.15719479

Not the fellow that you are speaking with currently, but I'd say the decline of the family unit in America has been disastrous for many young people, especially young men and those at the bottom of society. Furthermore we are seeing dangerously high rates of wealth inequality. Generally deaths of despair such as those from drugs and alcohol have been skyrocketing. It is difficult to gauge historical rates of depression and suicide because of under reporting, but if we take the deaths of despair as an indicator of a society's health then we can assume that the massive jumps in suicide and depression are not solely due to past under reporting. Youth anxiety and suicide is especially pronounced. Trade and market liberalization have essentially rendered unions powerless as a bargaining tool. Social liberalism has destroyed the local communities, family structures, and church organizations that once provided shelter for the least fortunate in our society. I would not describe myself as reactionary, but their critique is far from unfounded.

>> No.15719482

Yes. WWII, the holocaust, fascist Italy, Spain, I guess Japan depending on how far you want to stretch the definition. Fascism tends to implode on itself in violent conflict because of how it's structured. It's very gay and cringe af.

>> No.15719485

there is a deep spiritual rot in all aspects of our society; a suicide epidemic, rampant addiction, and the destruction of families are all spiritual problems.
liberalism promotes tolerance to this rot, and the enlightenment calls the rot good.
I believe the only solution to this is a return to the Church.

>> No.15719489

good summary

>> No.15719515

Old structures die because they're rooted in flawed institutions, so it's inevitable. This doesn't mean that new structures won't emerge, humans are social animals we'll find new ways of organizing and living.

>> No.15719521

i cant help but wonder if national socialist germanys economic issue in relation to needing to wage war was more or less a contextual thing related to the fact that debt was taken on to take the countries economy from 0 to 11 in the matter of a few years, but i would be interested in learning more, it seems to me like it was essentially just a capitalist system with solid social safety nets where heads of industry were kept on a short leash and regulated in exchange for certain perks. as far as class issues go, yes the wealthy elite are definitely reaping benefits but on the flip side they had virtually no choice but to negotiate with workers because despite private unions being abolished, their function didnt just vanish as they were replaced with a state backed "super union" of sorts which led to workers gaining serious benefits, some of which aren't even rivaled by modern nations with the highest standards of living. of course though once the war began to drag on too long work hours increased dramatically to try and keep the war effort afloat and things started to get harsh but that too seems like a pretty contextual issue

>> No.15719524

all sides in WWII were violent

>> No.15719533

Boo fucking hoo you pussy.

>> No.15719534


>> No.15719536

Yeah wouldn't take advice from the Spanish to fight Fascism lol

>> No.15719539

Fascists are the ones who are whining most of the time

>> No.15719543

If you're talking about the opioid epidemic then that's because of poverty and big pharma pushing drugs they knew weren't safe on doctors who would overprescribe them. This didn't happen in other more civilized countries in Europe despite their being ideologically more secular and liberal, because they have more checks and balances meant to prevent the search for profit fucking over the average citizen. I think this explanation lies closer to hand than some nebulous spiritual rot which I'm sure you're unable to define in detail.

I ask you again to elaborate though. You wouldn't tolerate this rot, but what does that mean in practice? Besides things like not allowing no-fault divorce, how should elected representatives deal with people getting addicted to drugs from a spiritual point of view?

>> No.15719547

Depending on what brand of fascism you are refering to, working class issues were always a core of the movement. Honestly, and sadly, fascists care more about the working class than the modern identity politics left does.

>> No.15719553

Was Italy created for violence and needed it to sustain it? The fact is that no one knows wtf fascism is and that gay little OP book is the same.

>> No.15719557

the best anti-fascist literature is going to be stuff published during/around WW2 by people who suffered and witnessed the effects of real fascism firsthand
not whatever passes for fascism (or anti-fascism) nowadays

>> No.15719562

To add to this, we live in a media environment which constantly demonizes the 1950's as an era of repressive conformity. While I can hardly advocate a complete return to that era, we should not ignore the very real benefits that most Americans enjoyed as a result of a strong national identity, an emphasis on faith and family, and the legacy of a new deal which lifted much of the lower classes out of desperate poverty and provided them with effective methods of collective bargaining. Granted some of this cannot be regained, the post ww2 status quo of American trade dominance was bound to erode as European industry recovered, but nevertheless we should question what the American media complex hopes to gain from these negative portrayals of the golden decade.

There are very few efforts to critique contemporary American society directly or seriously examine the liberalization which lead to our present state, but portrayals of the past are almost entirely critical. Indeed despite a culture that apparently values freedom and individuality, any lifestyles or societies which deviate significantly from the liberal status quo are demonized. Case in point would be the portrayal of Orthodox Jews, Conservative Catholics, and Protestant Evangelicals, and Mormons. Any cultural subset which defies the neoliberal commodification of culture is demonized unless their portrayal can be used to advance a liberal agenda. Devout conservative Muslims are rarely depicted, but secularized deracinated Islam is held up as the sole authentic Islamic tradition. Left wing radicals from the past are forced to stand for harmless liberal platitudes. Gandhi's radical anti-modernist and anti-capitalist stances for instance are all but forgotten in the contemporary popular consciousness. Always remember that the media complex exists to sell you a narrative.

>> No.15719563

The family unit was rooted in flawed institutions? How can you make such an absurd claim?

>> No.15719565

Not an argument.

>> No.15719581

humanity's spiritual rot has nothing to do with humans being exploited by global capitalism
it's all da liberals fault for emancipating state from church

>> No.15719586

idiot, the Church is against capitalism

>> No.15719589

As a fascist I think it's important to read Marxist critiques of bonapartism. We aren't supposed to be mere reactionaries or remain content with retarded pragmatic coalitions of conservatives.

>> No.15719594

>waaaaaaaah the lefties ruined amurrica
why is America lagging so far behind all the left-wing, secular countries then?
you should probably stop getting reality dictated to you by kids on /pol/ if you want anyone to take you seriously

>> No.15719600

Have you ever read Bramwell on Hitler's Green Party?

>> No.15719602

I agree that these are all problems, but they mostly concern events that have transpired since the end of WWII. I don't see why it should be relevant to people LARP as traditionalists and say the french revolution/enlightenment and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race when they really just want the security and sense of community they imagine they'd get if they lived in the 50s.

>> No.15719611

>I would not describe myself as reactionary, but their critique is far from unfounded.

Famous quote by Mel Bradford, an old school conservative:
"Reaction is a necessary term in the intellectual context we inhabit in the late twentieth century because merely to conserve is sometimes to perpetuate what is outrageous."

>> No.15719628

>Perhaps the one good thing that can be said about the post 1991 liberal NWO is democratic peace theory and the relative stability of liberal democracies.

Dont forget global trade, easy entry job market, end of hyperinflation, free movement of people, end of famine (unless manmade), and greater cultural Exchange.

Wait why am i leftwing again?

>> No.15719638

>I'd say the decline of the family unit in America has been disastrous for many young people
first, what are we defining as "the decline of the family unit"
second, what has become more of a problem as a result?

>> No.15719642

I haven't

>> No.15719645

Well yes, Catholicism and Christianity didn't work out, and so much of our old world culture and family lines were religiously based. Once the religion collapses under it's own bullshit people are left stranded for a while. Things will turn out fine, most people are adapting just fine.

>> No.15719646

>jannies defending discord trannies

>> No.15719652

Liberals ruined America, learn the difference. I do not routinely browse pol, and I suspect I might be to your left on many issues. A great deal of this critique comes straight from Chomsky.

>> No.15719656

America was rooted in liberalism, and it's the reason why we're the dominant country in the global scene.

>> No.15719670

It's both, the death of common spirituality left a huge gap for capitalism, or moreover it's marketing and the materialistic lifestyle it thrives upon, to fill. It's a common topic of discussion in post-modern philosophy.

>> No.15719679


>> No.15719701

Also worth pointing out that the nuclear family is a product of industrialization, as a norm it's fairly recent and the name even implies as much. Conservatives of the day would argue that the nuclear family was a degeneration and a step down from the more ''natural'' family.

>> No.15719706
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It really is impossible for people with diametrically opposed worldviews to speak to eachother, isn't it?

>> No.15719712

I'd assume he means the rise of single parenthood and decline in parental time-in-household raising kids actively.

>> No.15719728

George Orwell can fuck off. He fought for communism and the side that desecrated the skeletal remains of nuns.

>> No.15719734
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Depends if anti-intellectualism is a fundamental component of your ideology. I have much less problems discussing things with conservatives/socialists/liberals than with fascists.

>> No.15719740

No, I'm far right but the only people I can talk to are far leftists. Recently I've been made a bit more moderate by some traditionalist conservatives who convinced me that private property and privacy in general are good things.

The only people who can't talk to people with opposing viewpoints at all are shrill trannies and college leftists because they're crypto-puritans trying to force their religion on everyone else out of an anxious need to prove to their god (presumably some giant mulatto tranny) that they're a sincere believer in it.

>> No.15719744

There is nothing inherently wrong with fascism in and of itself, something the pathetic liberal left of America will never understand. Multi-cultural nations can never hope to sustain peaceful democracies within their borders, it's objectively more pragmatic that a majority should seize all means of production and unify society, especially one as divided as the current US. Culture conflicts that may arise can obviously be quelled through militarization and neutralization.

>> No.15719757

You really are just proving his point with that spill of reactionary buzzwords at the end.

>> No.15719759


>> No.15719766

I'm biracial so anti-fascism is a simple matter of self-preservation for me.

>> No.15719767

If I don't get to have a corporatist/fascist literature thread without bait and shitposting you don't get an anti-fascist literature thread without bait and shitposting.

>> No.15719770

I felt that way around 5 years ago. Today I've become less enthusiastic.

Europe's left wing ideology is only possible due to their relative cultural homogeneity, or in Switzerland's case their federal system. All these countries have a more healthy family structure then America.

I would agree, at the same time no system can exist without undermining itself. For all my disgust with the present state of the nation I will admit that at present there is no viable alternative to liberalism. The older I get the more Thatcher's words prove to be true and that scares me. I feel that Socialist and Reactionary movements in the nation today are essentially immature, but one day soon I will be compelled to jump ship.

I am aware and would much prefer the extended family to the nuclear unit. I am referring the massive increase in the number of single parent households between 1960 and today. Single motherhood is economically very demanding, especially for the poorest in society and prevents the those on the bottom from accumulating wealth and climbing the social ladder. Young men raised by single mothers are far more likely to go to prison, to commit violent rape, to commit assault, and a whole host of other antisocial behaviors. Healthy male role models are essential to raise healthy young men. I do not mean to demonize single mothers here or their children. Many raised by single mothers are perfectly functional and moral adults, but the aggregate statistics paint a grim picture.

>> No.15719772

Which was the latest democracy to fall due to multiculturalism? Also it would be bad praxis to conflate culture and race.

>> No.15719799

>I felt that way around 5 years ago. Today I've become less enthusiastic.

If We can hack the rona and the ensuing econonic downturn, Neoliberalism will have truly proven itself.

>> No.15719814

It should be noted that not all fascist movements were racially based. The Nation is constructed in different ways by different movements, and any successful variety of American fascism will need to be culturally based. What you fear is a more the German variety of National Socialism.

>> No.15719825


>> No.15719830

what, "tranny"? do you not like the word "tranny"?

>> No.15719836

I can't speak for everybody and there sure are a lot of angry young /pol/fags who are pure LARP to go against what I'm saying now but I am a fascist and a national socialist and I neither hate people of other races or want my race to dominate them.

>> No.15719853
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Not that word in particular, more the general pool of words that it comes from and how you just let it control the way you view the world and interact with others.

>> No.15719857

Yes you do. This should be the last place where you feel like you need to put up a front.

>> No.15719868

The only people I hate are parasite rich people, rent collectors and other usurers. I don't even hate Jews.

>> No.15719914

You don't speak for other people, faggot. I admire the black panthers as much as anyone. I also respect Muhammad Ali and his opinions on the matter. I don't even mind mixing on the fringes, I just want to see the beautiful mosaic of cultures, races, and belief systems preserved on some level as opposed to being completely lost in the transitioning into a globalized, cosmopolitan mess where every corner of the Earth is the same.

>> No.15719933

Malcolm X and George Lincoln Rockwell had correspondence and held similar views. They died 2 years appart. Both assassinated by feds posing as members of their own organizations.

>> No.15719940

so I do think that child rearing is best undertaken as a communal activity. I see the nuclear family itself as already an attack on that, and its "decline" as just the next logical step.

All of this isn't some factor of "liberalisation"
You don't need one-man-one-woman homes to have communal child rearing. It's a factor of our focus on consumerism to prop up our system of capital. That thing you describe, about the consistent shrinking of the family unit putting undue stress on the individual and impeding their social mobility, is absolutely true and also acts in service of the preservation of the class system around which our economic system relies.

your single mother focus ignores single-father homes and I'm not sure to what end. But that, too, follows the same pattern I've described.

>> No.15719948

My response here is somewhat scatterbrained, I've been meaning to do a proper writeup here for some time. Feel free to ask questions and I'll fill in the details.

My problem with contemporary liberalism is far more fundamental. Modern liberalism is faced with the essential trilema that a successful state cannot be multicultural, liberal, and democratic. Please note that multiculturalism here is note a stand in for race. Different peoples can be culturally assimilated, but this takes generations and large scale immigration is in many places occurring faster than assimilation can occur.

A functional liberal society with social programs and social cohesion must share either a strong overarching national identity or an authoritarian government. Sweden is an example of the former, Singapore, an nation of many immigrants, provides an example of the latter. Unfortunately Sweden's social democratic party, one of the most successful in Europe, has been undermined by a terribly implemented immigration policy and consequently the rise of the radical right. Only when people trust their fellow citizens will they invest in their well being. America's comparatively right wing political scene is rooted in our cultural diversity when compared to Europe.

The essential problem of the modern era is that declining birth rates precipitated by economic and social liberalism necessitate large scale immigration. Israel is the one counterexample to this within the OECD. I've written extensively on this, but in short as strong national identity, entrenched pronatalist cultural norms, and a very healthy extended family structure mean that Isreal is the sole developed nation with a fertility rate above replacement. However Isreal is highly segregated and can hardly be called truly liberal.

All other developed nations will be compelled to adopt large scale immigration policies which will result in either liberal authoritarianism or a nationalist backlash.

I am arguing in good faith here so please ask actual questions.

>> No.15719958

You can be against globohomo without being a nazi but I'll bite. How is this going to be achieved? Where do you live?

>> No.15719962

You can’t “stop the clock” that’s impossible.

>> No.15719974

Which words in particular did you mean? Genuinely don't see buzzwords in his post. Do you not like that he called progressivism a religion?

>> No.15719980


>> No.15719987

>You can be against globohomo without being a nazi
Not that anon but I just sort of gave up arguing with people that call me nazi. When people call me a nazi I just say "yeah who fucking cares" and they just sort of bitch a little and move on after a while. Not even actively against globohomo, I just want these people to fuck off and leave me be.

>> No.15719989

>I don't even mind mixing on the fringes
I've had people on your side who tried to convince me that I should be sterile because of the one drop rule, go suck a dick there's nothing wrong with "mixing"

>> No.15720008

Liberalization is at its core the belief in the equality of individuals and that the individual rather then the collective should be the measure of society. This inevitably results in the decay of the collective communal identities such as race, nation, religion, culture, locality, and class. It is intrinsically linked to capitalism. Granted liberalism was initially a nationalist movement, but in the early stage it essentially dissolved old loyalties to the village commune and regional subnationalisms. Advanced liberalism begins to breaks down even the family structure.

Collective childrearing is only possible with strong communal structures which have largely dissipated in this day and age. It may be possible in some small scale traditional societies, but in an industrial urban environment it is largely unworkable. The soviet attempts at collective motherhood proved largely unsuccessful for this reason. Within the Isreali Kibbutzim it was more effective, but this was in large part due to strong cultural and religious ties.

I emphasize single motherhood because it is far more prevalent then single fatherhood.

>> No.15720015

Guy you responded too here, im actually from Sweden and its great, im sure you can send me some cuckold porn memes or a news title about a grenade attack, But crimerates are relatively low, our democratic participation is extrenely high, the far right have been dwindling this year.

But i wont say were without problems, But im very glad to be having our particular problems, and not those of other countries

Also the social democrats have been lowering actively since their glory days when they ruled Sweden for like 60 years in a row single handedly, its been a steady decline ironically starting with Palme.

Also Sweden is the most democratic its ever been now. Sure our political institutions are the exact same but the yoke of the social democratic labor unions on the economy and on the beurocracy made rightwing takeover impossible.

But yeah things are subject to change, but knowing this country from the inside were doing just fine.

>> No.15720022

mixing decreases global diversity

>> No.15720027
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>I've had people on your side who tried to convince me that I should be sterile
Funny. Your side says the same about whites. It's almost as if we're totally incompatible with each other or something. Maybe we if we were left to our own peoples there wouldn't be as much tension. Oh wait, I remember, you don't want that to happen for some odd reason. God forbid you leave us alone for a fucking second or let us fucking leave.

>> No.15720029

How are you fundamentally different? Do you believe the language and attendant associations you've been programmed with from childhood hasn't shaped the way you think?

>> No.15720034

I am white you retard, there is no problem it's completely fabricated by assholes like you

>> No.15720037

Recommend me some liberal or libertarian anti-fascist works, or generally any anti-fascist work which does not devolve into communist theory and schizobabble

>> No.15720040

>T. Has never read any actual fascist material in his life
Harry Potter isn't real.

>> No.15720044

No it doesn't, diversity will always exist. Genetic evolution is mostly an unconscious process, and the origin of our own species is the result of "mixing" with neanderthals

>> No.15720052

If there were no problem then you would fuck off and quit fucking pestering me retard. I don't want to be forced to interact with you fucking people and you fucking insist on interacting with me.

>> No.15720056 [DELETED] 
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>We should’ve just froze time in the 50’s with our nice picket fences and shit
You cannot freeze time, societal change is inevitable and must be embraced to fulfill a prosperous life. One thing that you always see far-right types talking about is how they want to “preserve culture” or even more than that, go back in time to when culture was “better”. This is flawed thinking, and I’ll tell you why.

Pretty much everything is dependent upon something else, to the point where society and life is similar to a gigantic web with everything interconnected. Because of this, there is no way to accurately predict what a society would look like under certain conditions, and even harder to FORCE society to look like something. American culture in, for example, the 50’s was doomed to not last from the very beginning. This is because every society has “contradictions” within itself, that will inevitably exaggerate themselves until they cause big problems.

The white picket fences, nuclear family standard, booming economy of the 50’s is no exception. There were contradictions there too, and that’s why it doesn’t exist anymore. They had just came out of the Great Depression, WW2 was over, the economy was booming and there was hope for the future. The nuclear family, like all family units, was created naturally to fit itself into its surroundings. This is because EVERYTHING, even the family unit shape, is dependent upon outside forces. To go back to that time periods culture, you would have to recreate everything I just described. Not possible, that culture was just a result of the world around it, and it will never come back.

>> No.15720061

>things change, therefore dissolve everything into indistinctness at all times as fast as possible


Ever see those pieces of shit claiming to be "the first native american director" or "the first australian aboriginal pop star" and it's literally just a white person with 1/64th native blood? How do you think the five or six remaining abos or shawnees feel about it? How do you think small nationalities feel about Han Chinese coming in and obliterating them and deliberately interbreeding with them to wipe out their identity in a generation or less? There is beauty in distinctness and it can be destroyed easily.

>> No.15720064

I'm not saying that Sweden will go to hell tomorrow, but the rise of the Sweden Democrats is an inevitable consequence of Swedish immigration policy. To be clear, the problem with Swedish immigration is as much about the type of immigrants you are accepting as the numbers. Germany had the sense to prioritize families rather then unattached young men. Furthermore refugees from Syria will have a considerably easier time integrating then those from Somalia and Afghanistan. Nevertheless the same populist right is emerging all across Europe and I have seen no effective plans to contain them from anyone I've spoken with. I'm asking you to take a look at the big picture here, I don't think Sweden is a terrible place, but all across Europe I see social democracy faltering, Italy is especially jarring.

Another problem with trade liberalization is that it requires extensive redistribution as it benefits capital far more then labor. In Sweden you can accommodate this, but as immigration increases the will to sustain a welfare state will decrease and consequently inequality will rise further exacerbate existing tensions.

>> No.15720066

>the origin of our own species is the result of "mixing" with neanderthals
Factually incorrect.

>> No.15720070
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its important to remember that you fight for what you love, not necessarily against people you hate. your average white leftist may be infuriating but realistically in the end they're just misguided into self destruction and they are apart of the people that you fight for even if they dont think it and resist it. wrath is a sin for a reason, like all cardinal sins, its an aspect of human nature one might lose themselves in and I think its important to check yourself so that you dont lose yourself in that hole as it will do nothing but lead you toward your own personal metaphorical hell. im not even religious at all but i think a lot of the philosophy is based entirely in reality and not just arbitrary rules.

>> No.15720080

Trust me I don't want to interact with people like you either, but the problem is fabricated by people like you. There isn't a race mixing problem, the only people who've said that I was a problem are /pol/cels who believe in the one drop rule.

>> No.15720088

>In Sweden you can accommodate this, but as immigration increases the will to sustain a welfare state will decrease and consequently inequality will rise further exacerbate existing tensions.

Insider info here again, our unions are crying out for more immigrants, since we need more people in care proffessions. Ive worked in old folks home, its about 9 to 1 immigrants. Same is true when i was in the hospital.

Our welfare couldnt function without immigrants.

>> No.15720098

I don't give a shit about race mixing you retard. I give a shit about being forced to live with people who hate me and who I hate back. I give a shit about being preached to by every facet of the media that I'm guilty of some fucking atrocity because I flash a fucking ok signal. Race mix all the fuck you want. Just leave me out of it and quit trying to make me show support for it.

>> No.15720100
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>> No.15720104

I don't care what you believe about ancient ayran's being pooped out of trees, human beings are not a purebred species of distinct races.

>There is beauty in distinctness and it can be destroyed easily.
Nothing lasts forever, trying to maintain an indefinite purity creates more pain than it's worth. People's decision to preserve themselves is only relevant on the individual level, you can pass on your genetics and culture but that's about it.

>> No.15720105

>but the problem is fabricated by people like you. There isn't a race mixing problem
Not him but yes there is you mutt. You are LITERALLY a rootless consumer drone with no authentic ties to the past. The more race mixing there is the more any people are destroyed and made culturally weak and turned into easy prey for capitalists and merchants.

>> No.15720111

You're not forced to live with anyone, if you attract so much hate and harbor it yourself just go fuck off into the woods. The majority of white people don't seem to have this problem that you do

>> No.15720115 [DELETED] 
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Once you realize that the system has “contradictions”, you begin to see them everywhere you look. I mean real contradictions, to the point where it doesn’t even make sense. These contradictions are built into the very framework of society.

Even the original enlightenment philosophy that lead to our liberal democratic society today has contradictions. For example, they championed both private property rights and free speech. But now, today, we can see those two fundamental rights conflicting with each other. When corporations (private property) gain a monopoly over internet and tech, then use it to silence and censor free speech.

Such a blatant contradiction right there, and yet nobody seems to notice. These contradictions are everywhere.

>> No.15720118

>Nothing lasts forever
Tell that to the Jews. The idea you can't last as a people forever is retarded. The only thing you have to do is just make race mixing illegal which has and is done even today in Israel. "But they are evil for that"! Said the mixed race mutt who is clealry biased.

>> No.15720120

How are you not a consumer? What do you mean by roots? Again this issue is fabricated by you, there is no issue to begin with.

>> No.15720121

>ancient ayran's being pooped out of trees
Never even said any of this. The problem stems from you know it all faggots acting like you have any idea what your opposition believes. Meanwhile guys like me can read you like a fucking book because all your views are pathetically cliche. Understand this you fucking stupid mongoloid : All we believe in is being left alone.

>> No.15720123

These are all bogeymen, you can make the ok sign, you dont have to like black people even if you live in Harlem, even Malcom X preached peace between the races. You are just a scared faggot unfit for this world. Smith and Wesson has the cure.

>> No.15720130

Jew's are mixed as fuck, what is your point? They're an ethno religion that's been interbreeding with their host countries for millenium, and yet they've managed to preserve a culture and identity.

>> No.15720131

In my country they started expanding welfare housing into town outskirts because they were too demographically white.

>> No.15720132

>dodges the issue

If you believe the Uighurs have a right to defend themselves against Chinese race-mixing imperialism, you should believe other nationalities have a right to make such decisions for themselves as well.

Thanks for confirming for me that your kind aren't interested in actually discussing this issue, only in waiting for it to be a hot war and seeing whose propaganda was stronger. Why did I bother.

>> No.15720133

>You're not forced to live with anyone
Yes we are. If we try to live away from you and have our own explicitly white communities we are put on watch lists.
>The majority of white people don't seem to have this problem that you do
The majority of whites live among our own and don't want anything to do with you. It's you who is obsessed with having access to us.

>> No.15720137

Tbh, this. I'm far-left, and honestly the only good different-pov discussion I can have is with the far-right. Liberal "socialists" are just masking their reactionary thought with idpol, and conservatives/libertarians always try to water down their reaction with liberal thought, but the far-right is the only side that honestly embraces reaction. This honesty makes it much easier to talk to them, and I just have more respect for them.

>> No.15720138

>All we believe in is being left alone.
I'll leave you alone that isn't the problem, but don't tell me that I need to be dragged out of my house and deported from society because my grandmother was Asian. The problem is you, the hatred lies with you, and you should be the one to fuck off

>> No.15720143

And simultaneously Sweden's elderly care is worse than that of the other nordic countries, according to the people who spew this line. This is a bullshit argument, the 9 out of 10 figure is based on your perception, not any reliable data.

Also Swedish trade union organizations like LO have consistently and proudly been against labour migration for the past 100 years, in fact they virtually put a stop to this form of immigration for almost half a century until alliansen took power last time.

>Same is true when i was in the hospital.
The ''immigrant doctor'' myth has been debunked time and time again, the immigrants we're getting from MENA are lowly educated and a drain on the economy, who cares if you saw a brown person with a stethoscope before you went in to have your neo-vagina carved out.

>> No.15720145

I don't deny the economic utility of immigrants to the host nation. Immigration benefits those on top of society most of all, but with extensive wealth redistribution such as exists in Sweden they benefit the whole of society. What I am saying is that a low birth rate and aging population necessitates more and more immigrants, as your anecdote suggests, which provokes the rise of a right wing backlash. I am not attaching a moral judgement to any of this. I'm merely saying that a process has been set in motion across the developed world which is nearly impossible to avoid and I fear will end most liberal democracies in the next 50 years.

>> No.15720147

I don't think anyone should be forced to race mix, this isn't the problem clearly. People loving whoever they chose to love is what you seem to have a problem with.

>> No.15720148

>What do you mean by roots?
The fact that I have roots going back thousands of years as a distinct member of clan kelly for one. Consumerism seeks to breaks down all barriers so it can commodity everything. Race and culture are big road blocks that provide solidarity and a common feeling of oneness that prevents capitalist from being able to exploit groups. Mixed race people are literally just people born with no history and sense of any connections to the past. Easy prey.

>> No.15720152

>you can make the ok sign
My cousin got expelled for playing circle game in a pic
>you dont have to like black people even if you live in Harlem
I don't hate black people, I just hate having welfare housing established with the sole purpose of diversifying and depreciating house values. I get along with Jamaicans and Haitians because where I live because they aren't fucking uncivilized psychos like the people on welfare.

>> No.15720157

No they aren't the vast majority of Jews are literally pure ethnically, data backs this up. " well my anecdote" I don't give a fuck.

>> No.15720162

You're mentally deranged

>> No.15720163

>don't tell me that I need to be dragged out of my house and deported from society because my grandmother was Asian
Yeah tell me where I said this you fucking moron. Read my fucking post again. You have no idea what your opposition believes.

>> No.15720169

No they're not, Jew's are European for the most part.

>> No.15720176

>w-w-we just want to be left alone
Negro, if you already live in a country that's 40% non-white there's not much you can do about it. It's either mass deportation, genocide, or strict segregation, in which case you should be honest about it.

>> No.15720179

Just say you hate white people, we both know that's what really informs your identity as a mixed race mutt.

>> No.15720180

Not that anon and don't really care about jews but if Jews were European they wouldn't have different and identifiable physiognomy.

>> No.15720185

Most jews are outbreeding with gentiles at this point.

>> No.15720186

Nice cope, again we don't want or need you and will always choose to live around ourselves. It's you who needs us.

>> No.15720187

>Also Swedish trade union organizations like LO have consistently and proudly been against labour migration for the past 100 years, in fact they virtually put a stop to this form of immigration for almost half a century until alliansen took power last time.

Labor migration is not immigration, its about Polacks that bypass our standards.

YES low level care atleast here in Stockholm is mostly immigrant. Doctors probably less so, although the doctor who took care about my dad was chinese, Maybe not the main culprit background i suppose.

If you wanna discuss privatisation and Moderate policies i bet we would agree, thats why we built a hospital for the price of the Burj Al Khalifa. Our taxmoney is getting squeezed by private interests and put in offshore accounts. Money that should have gone to the elderly and the sick. We should lynch those responsible.

>> No.15720190

I only hate people like you, no white person that I know believes in the one drop rule except for /pol/ schizos

>> No.15720197

>with no authentic ties to the past
What do your "authentic ties" consist of?
>The more race mixing there is the more any people are destroyed and made culturally weak and turned into easy prey for capitalists
Okay, what would change in a huwhite america? How would capital be kept on a shorter leash?

>> No.15720198

>only options are genocide
Are you fucking retarded? All you need to do is stop forcing welfare housing in my woods. That is sufficient fucking off.

>> No.15720200

Please note that >>15720145 is myself, the fellow you were previously speaking with.

>> No.15720215

The people fucking with you about that 1 drop shit are fucking mexicans in the first place you moron.

>> No.15720216

If it was only the rich that benefitted it wouldnt have been the unions that requested more migration.

Low birth rate affects us all, not just the rich.

>> No.15720225

Speak for yourself, there isn't an issue. White people aren't the hivemind that exists in your psyche, human beings are actually pretty diverse. I don't think having 25% Asian genetics and 75% north European genetics makes me a separate thing from other people.

>> No.15720228

>My cousin got expelled for playing circle game in a pic


>> No.15720246

I'm sharing my experience, I've had people who legitimately want me to not breed because of the one drop rule. This is my experience with /pol/cels, nobody has ever been so nasty towards me over a non issue

>> No.15720248

>there's nothing wrong with "mixing"
Depends on the context. With unilateral mass immigration (an invasion really) of non-whites into white countries, normalization of mixing is a potential threat to the entire European genetic cluster (fortunately, it isn't common in practice, despite intense propaganda to make it so). If whites weren't under siege, then I can't say I'd pay it any mind.

In terms of genetic traits, what could be considered eugenic for one ethinicity is dysgenic for another. Mulattoes often get a bump in IQ from their European admixture, and 'light-skin' blacks seem to be considered more attractive by blacks. On the other hand, with two white parents the IQ may have been higher, and the offspring would be less genetically predisposed to a host of diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, osteoporosis, chance of sickle cell, etc.).

You're just responding on an emotional level, not actually considering the ramifications of mixing. Of course I don't blame you for protecting your interests, just don't lie and pretend that your interests are the same as ours.

>> No.15720249

>Labor migration is not immigration,
It's a form of immigration. People who already have jobs when they come here, as opposed to people who come here and become dependent on welfare.
>its about Polacks that bypass our standards.
There aren't enough polish construction workers to account for all labour migration. This is a canard and you know it. What happened instead was we had extreme labour shortages in certain sectors because unions wouldn't budge.
>Doctors probably less so, although the doctor who took care about my dad was chinese
Literally nobody gives a fuck you brainlet. Boatloads of illiterates from africa and the middle east is not an economic boon because a ricenigger gave your dad a orchiectomy.

>> No.15720252

Literally happens all the time for shit like this in the US and I live in a far more liberal country.

>> No.15720263

As I stated before in America where there is low wealth redistribution unskilled migrants primarily benefit the rich and skilled workers. In Sweden, with comparatively higher taxation and wealth redistribution they benefit society more equally. This same dynamic applies to trade liberalization as well. I agree that low birth rates affect everyone; I'm not sure what you're saying. However none of this changes my essential thesis.

Low Birthrates => Economic Pressure for Migrants => weakened national/cultural identity=> rise of the radical right

>> No.15720265

Yes there is because you are literally obsessed with it not being an issue. It's a fact and a sad one. You are literally the spawn of a fetish relationship. You are so scared of the obvious fact that white people vastly like to be around other whites and you don't want to be cut out. But just by being mixed race you're always out.

>> No.15720281

are these comments you're getting online?

>> No.15720283

The vast majority of people who have children aren't thinking in terms of eugenics, would you say the same thing to white people who have weak genetics? Would you tell a white person with genetic depression that their outside the tribe because of their sickness or genetic anomaly? I don't have genetic problems, the issue of racial purity is a non issue which is made into an issue by assholes

>> No.15720284

Yeah what are you gonna do? You gonna cry about it like a fucking baby? What do you think whites see on TV every fucking day retard? We have to watch a bunch of schizos tearing apart the foundations of our past because muh racism. We get told we should have less babies to reduce our fucking eco footprint and the govt imports foreign families that have a dozen kids because they say the birthrates are too low. We get told to apologize for shit our ancestors didn't even do just because we share the same shade of skin you fucking retard. I'm not even from america and we get told to feel bad about Jim Crowe and slavery. I'm glad you feel bad. I hope you feel fucking worse.

>> No.15720286

Yes, unions are infallible paragons of prudence. It has nothing go do with toeing the party line and conformity. Also immigrants being overrepresented in certain select sectors doesn't discount the net loss that comes from massive low skilled immigration to an economy that promotes higher education.

If the Swedish welfare state was unable to function without this immigration, then it makes you wonder what all the other nordic countries are doing that we aren't.

>> No.15720289

As usual when debating rightwingers youre a literal drooling retard. LO and soc-dem are peas in a pod, if LO was against general immigration we would have none.

LO remains hostile towards EU citizen (mostly polish) who come and work for shit wages, drives lorries for dangerous hours, and bypass all our regulation. As is natural.

LO has literally begged for more immigration because even if we reach 0% ubemployment we wont full vacancies in care.

>> No.15720292

If anyone sounds like they're crying it's definitely you. Again I don't actually view myself as part of an alien tribe, the one drop rule is a made up problem.

>> No.15720296

Look what they do to the Irish, the Irish were some of the most oppressed and trod upon people in the history of the world and now they're filling Ireland with fucking niggers and telling them they have to "atone for racism" by letting them decrease standards of living, destroy local culture and labor solidarity, and generally fuck everything up

I have nothing against niggers just get the fuck out of Ireland ffs, they are being used as bioweapons by the powers that be

>> No.15720300

> weakened national/cultural identity=> rise of the radical right
The few extremists who give any fucks about it are not enough for any rises. And radical right is far less common in cities that actually have tons of migrants; they form in shitholes no one cares about. It's just people being mad about the economic conditions mostly. Give them something to do or at least allow them a decent life and the shit disappears.

>> No.15720306

Yeah it fucking is a made up problem. Nobody fucking talks about it to the extent you mention. Literally the only people who talk about this shit are fucking mulattoes and mexicans who are messing with you.

>> No.15720308

Thwy didnt literally pull up stakes in 70% of our welfare and give it for nothing to their friends in the private sector. And dont being up Norway is an oil fantasy land.

>> No.15720315

> white people vastly like to be around other whites
Would you really pretty to be around some white alcoholics who watch sports between puking sessions than some black or asian doctors?

>> No.15720316

How do you personally explain the Sweden Democrats, the AFD in Germany, the National Rally in France if not though the lens of immigration?

>> No.15720318

My experience with white ethnonationalists has been quite to the contrary — vanishingly few purity spiral to that degree. Typically they just go with what their eyes tell them (which does tend line up pretty well with measured genetic admixtures).

I'm far more put off by your apparent lack of concern for the future of the European genetic cluster (which you claim to be a part of) than some small non-white admixture.

>> No.15720327

Yeah like is this too much to ask? Really? Just to be left the fuck alone? I got a buddy from India that's pale and he gets this shit from dark Indians.

>> No.15720335

>Would you really pretty
Phoneposter. Opinion discarded.

>> No.15720338

Eurocrises and 'service economy' countryside is fucked up.

>> No.15720343

Obviously they use the migrants as a recruiting tactic but look at the places where it actually works. They aren't getting the votes from people who are actually surrounded by migrants in the cities, so would have much more of a reason to worry about muh culture and scary different languages but economically (and often just) abandoned shitholes.

>> No.15720351

Tablet actually. Sorry it offended you :(

>> No.15720353

The people they're getting votes for were originally surrounded by migrants in the cities and moved away from the cities you moron. I'm one of those people. Do you want to live in a city where nobody speaks the same fucking language?

>> No.15720356
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>> No.15720359

> if LO was against general immigration we would have none.
Instead they're against labour migration, which is what I actually said, retard. Somalians living on welfare is not an immediate threat to them or their constituents. Immigrants being overrepresented in certain particular fields doesn't make our immigration policy as a whole a net gain, although it seems to be a myth that they're carrying the elderly care. If you disagree, throw me some numbers.

>LO remains hostile towards EU citizen (mostly polish) who come and work for shit wages, drives lorries for dangerous hours, and bypass all our regulation. As is natural
Before that it was finnish people who came to work in our industries, and before that it was italians and yugoslavians. Nothing much has changed, it's the same bullshit arguments based on fear, ignorance and wanting to preserve the status quo.

>> No.15720362

>moved away from the cities you moron
A very rare phenomena. Generally it goes the other way around.

> Do you want to live in a city where nobody speaks the same fucking language?
As long it doesn't affect my access to services I need? Fuck yeah. Makes conversations feel more private.

>> No.15720370

Urbanisation has accelerated you blithering faggot. Most people except your faggot nazi friends stay in cities.

>> No.15720374

>As long it doesn't affect my access to services I need?
It does. It affects everything and you will become a stranger in your own nation.

>> No.15720377

>And radical right is far less common in cities that actually have tons of migrants; they form in shitholes no one cares about.
Which are often neighbourhoods that are adjacent to shitty immigrant neighourhoods, this is a commonly accepted fact.

>> No.15720383

Good they can fuck off and stay there and leave my woods alone.

>> No.15720387

The future will be fine regardless, people's duty is to their own children and communities, not an abstract genetic cluster which is always going to be in flux. People will choose to love regardless, it's not up to a collective state to enforce genetic boundaries, most people intuitively can see that this is a sick idea

>> No.15720389

Not preserve the status quo, keeping our pay up. Keeping moneygrubbing moderates in line and having solidarity to hard working Swedes.

>> No.15720394

Confirmed sodomite.

>> No.15720401
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>Tablet actually

>> No.15720404

The rioters and protesters had a symbiotic relationship. To pretend that there is a meaningful dichotomy between peaceful protester and violent rioter is straight up dishonest.

>> No.15720419

How does it? The kebab vendor gets what I want, even if it takes two tries sometimes. Hell, even when traveling abroad to a country that doesn't speak any of the languages I speak like France – gestures and commonly recognized words tend to do the job.
>you will become a stranger in your own nation
Can't say I feel like a stranger anywhere. The focus on nations just doesn't make sense. Why would I feel more connected to the local bum than someone who actually has relevant things with me in common even if they live somewhere else?

>> No.15720423

>99% of the protests were relatively peaceful
>muh mostly peaceful protests
I hate it when you faggots pussyfoot around shit like this. Quit fucking acting like it's peaceful and you don't support violence. Everyone fucking supports violence. Everyone from Jesus Christ to Mahatma Ghandi supports violence. Sick of this "peaceful" meme.

>> No.15720432
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I would absolutely agree economic anxiety is part of the system, but once started its very difficult to stop this cycle. It should also be noted that trade liberalization accelerates the decline of the countryside and smaller cities. What would you recommend doing? I've made a crappy MS paint chart to describe the problem as I see it. Please tell me where you find the flaws.

>> No.15720435

Different worldviews can maintain discourse so long as they agree on certain axioms. We are living in a time where the agreed upon axioms, which are the foundation of our society, are crumbling and different portions of the political spectrum are embracing new foundations that contradict those of the other side. It’s a kind of polarization that turns politics into a zero-sum game.

>> No.15720438

>takes two tries sometimes
Yeah eventually he won't fucking serve you because you don't even speak the same language and he only serves his own people.

>> No.15720441

You can support violence (against institutions) and still acknowledge the facts. It'd be preferable if the protestors were more aggressive but sadly they weren't.

>> No.15720444

>first thing mentioned is vendors

>> No.15720447

The overall, long term effects of labour immigration is a net gain for the economy. The alternative is labour shortages that the native workforce can't compensate for. The data backs me up on this. There are drawbacks for those who have it the worst, but the overall gains more than make up for this. LO are in this case preserving special interests at the expense of society at large.

What does lead to lower wages however is filling your country up with illiterate goat herders who sponge off the productive elements of society.

>> No.15720448

Everyone speaks money.

>> No.15720453

>You can support violence (against institutions)
You can support violence against whoever the fuck you want. Only you fucking absolute pussies could make something as universal as violence so unabashedly pathetic.

>> No.15720457

Actually the vast majority of people agree on the same axioms but they're too stupid to realize it, it's just people on the fringes who have genuine gripes. Most people will eventually cave in and embrace globalism, because it's the most beneficial outcome for the majority of people.

>> No.15720460
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I've forgotten this one additional feedback.

>> No.15720461

>gestures and commonly recognized words tend to do the job.
I didn't intend for my thread to make people more open to fascism. Please shut the fuck up and leave.

>> No.15720462

Meh, migrants effect on wealth inequality is minimal. A few richfags not avoiding taxes as hard would pay for Mohamed and all of his children^1000.

>> No.15720465

lmao, they see your money and you get jumped retard. Cops wont even take your statement. Knew a guy they cut his backpack off, made him take off his shoes and the cops straight up told him nothing was gonna happen after he wrote a report.

>> No.15720475

Well, you're wrong of course, since we're hard-wired for assortative mating. I suppose that's not "thinking" about it explicitly, but implicitly it's very much a concern.

As for explicit eugenics, frankly they should be thinking about it, since modernization has profoundly undercut most non attraction-based selection pressures. The future ain't gonna be pretty if we ignore that.

If the depression was particularly crippling and clearly hereditary, and not associated with any redeeming traits, then I'd want to compensate that person in exchange for voluntary sterlization.
Of course there more clear-cut examples like high risk of early onset Parkinson's or trisomy.

I don't see the relevance of your "outside of the tribe" spiel... Whites will help our own and deal with our own problems, but we don't need to be responsible for those of divergent populations.

Anyway, it's clear that you're not willing/capable of being intellectually honest, so there's no point in engaging you further.

>> No.15720479

And what good will it do if it's unfocused? Something the reign of terror is cool in theory since some justice is finally served but in the end it was a turn from a shitty state of things to a shitty state of things.

>> No.15720485

I think there is some fundamental differences about the value of human life vs that of social institutions. But you are right in that most people will eventually given in and support whatever makes their body the most comfortable.

>> No.15720493

Make me, faggot.
That's now how a business works.

>> No.15720495

Who gives a shit whether or not it does any good? Again, it's all so pathetic. You take all these things that are primal and you can't help but try to apply all these faggy rules and regulations and reasonings.

>> No.15720496
File: 1.20 MB, 763x769, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxists still unironically believe the fascism is capitalism in decay meme because otherwise their narrative falls flat on it's jewish nose

>> No.15720504

The majority of white people are liberals, and on top of that white people aren't a hivemind. People like you fantasizing about compartmentalizing humanity in order to feel a sense of control, but reality is just different than what exists in your head.

>> No.15720510

>LO are in this case preserving special interests at the expense of society at large.

As opposed to the heroes of social solidarity, the moderates and the new Burj Al Karolinska. Didnt Filippa Reinfeldt make a 2mil$ profit of the taxpayers?

Fuck you and faux concern for the common man. LO has done more for the average Joe in this country than literally anyone.

>> No.15720513

What's the point then?
We had enough time to be apes ruled by primal instincts. Now our brains can do a bit more, why bother with dumb shit?

>> No.15720515

I should have specified unskilled migration here. I'm not just talking about the burden on social services I'm referring to increased competition in low skilled jobs. This means lower wages and weaker trade unions. As I've said before with wealth redistribution this can be avoided, but in a faltering welfare state this effectively means cheaper goods for skilled laborers in middle class jobs, higher profits for the owners, and lower wages for those at the bottom of society.

>> No.15720518

People don't want suffer over a big nothing burger, and it's completely reasonable.

>> No.15720519

I'm antifascist but at the same time I have sexual fantasies with fascists. Is this cringe or based?

>> No.15720521

You're so naive.

>> No.15720530

>increased competition in low skilled jobs.
Which would happen in either scenario if there are fewer job openings than people, and the law lets companies get away doing whatever they want; and there is no social net to give people means to refuse shit jobs.

Migrants are just used as an excuse.

>> No.15720533

Problems can be solved head on, we don't need fascist fear mongers.

>> No.15720536

I mean, there are tons of nazi faggots and furries, so it going the other way around... why not.

>> No.15720544

I would say that the majority of fascists are just acting out a fetish, It's only a problem when other people get dragged into it.

>> No.15720548

>What's the point then?
There is no point. It's human. It's not living under the rule of primal instincts you moron. It's not living under any rule. You're the one currently living under the rule of law and procedure. I hold infinitely more respect for the terrorist that paints "there is no god but allah" on the side of a toyota and invades a desert town, than for a limp wristed faggot who walks into the middle of town surrounded by other limp wristed faggots to bitch and moan out some half boiled idea that none of them can even agree on.

>> No.15720551


>> No.15720556

Seek help, your racial outlook was a short aberration over 100 years max, before and after that period its been irrelevant.

>> No.15720569

What does a hospital building have to do with immigration you fucking numbskull? Second time you mention that.
>LO has done more for the average Joe in this country than literally anyone.
Ok boomer. Fun fact, they used to argue that women didn't need to be paid the same as men since they should rely on their husbands. But even if you were right on that it's completely irrelevant as to whether it's good for the economy to be imprting hundreds of thousands of low-skilled immigrants from africa and the middle east. Why is it so hard for you to stay on point?

>> No.15720572

And then the terrorists dies while the limp wristed faggots in their faggy town keep living on and having fun.

>> No.15720575

If there are 5 low skilled workers then in a market economy they will be paid more then if there are 10 low skilled workers. I'm not sure what legal protections a liberal government could provide. My point is that the process described degrades the social safety net and protections for workers. You're viewing this as a moral question, I'm viewing it as a structural one. It is immaterial whether or not scapegoating migrants is right, in the modern political climate it will occur.

>> No.15720578

Depends. Are you the dominant party?

>> No.15720583

>life is a competition of how long you live
Good at least he died a man and didn't live out his adult life like a fucking spoilt child.

>> No.15720589

Furthermore I should note, as has been pointed out frequently by right wingers, culturally diverse labor pools are less effective in collective bargaining.

>> No.15720600

retard people will not adapt it will continue to get worse

>> No.15720625
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This. Most people aren't sperging out if their grandchildren are beige, these boundaries are completely fabricated by unhappy people.

>> No.15720641

It's always been highly relevant and will remain so until we're no longer human (at which point groups will still differentiate along other lines). It is the perspective norm for most of the world — it is only whites who have been indoctrinated to surrender their racial consciousness.

Do the double standards even occur to you as you spout your intellectually bankrupt garbage, or are you really that blinded by your naive ideals?

>> No.15720651

Why do brainlet r*ghtoids think this is some clever gotcha? Lefties consistently mock these corporations.

>> No.15720664

Historically race wasn't a concern for most people as much as class, nation, religion, and cultural tribe were. I mean Europeans were killing each other over Catholicism and protestation, race itself is malleable and always changing. I'm not denying that people having been genocided by rape, but that's something entirely different than gradual mixing that occurs naturally.

>> No.15720674



>> No.15720678

> I'm not sure what legal protections a liberal government could provide
Minimum wage would be the most obvious one.
> My point is that the process described degrades the social safety net and protections for workers.
Sure but it's one of many, and hardly the biggest; I'm not objecting the focus on migrants from the lolmorals side but because there are many other factors one could focus at. It's just playing catch up with right wing rhetoric when they pick the target and direction of the conversation and then the left plays defence in this made up bullshit. If all migrants would disappear tomorrow they would pick another target and the shit continues, with them getting what they want.
> culturally diverse labor pools are less effective in collective bargaining
Is there any proof for it though? Specially with stats that aren't from Burgerland which has utterly fucked relationship with race.

>> No.15720690

I legitimately just wanted to say that and leave lol I wasn't planning on staying to derail the thread or anything. Carry on lads.

>> No.15720691

Who said that? Living longer in this scenario would give faggots more time to have fun and achieve what they wanted, like having more buttsecks. The terrorist might've achieve an internal goal but his action wouldn't make much of a difference for others sans the couple victims.

>> No.15720692

race wasn't a common concern because their populations weren't collapsing and being replaced by people of other races at a catastrophic rate by governments who refused to address the core issue for their own benefit, as if their own people had no inherent value beyond being interchangeable economic units

>> No.15720694
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> for me the principle problem with fascism is the inherent and pervasive glorification of violence

>> No.15720698

Second video was neat. Thanks for the link anon.

>> No.15720718

I am biased towards my beloved burger stats. Perhaps Europeans are genuinely less racist although my brother's experience in France makes me very skeptical.

Perhaps you're correct about protections. I need to do more research into minimum wage in Europe.

I'm going to be turning in, but what would your solution to the populist right be? Where did the Socialists/Social Democrats in Europe go wrong? What would be the best policy approach in your opinion?

>> No.15720728
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Enough with the racial autism, under fascism chocolate gfs will be provided to all.

>> No.15720729

having fun is gay take your fun and fuck off

>> No.15720741

>people had no inherent value beyond being interchangeable economic units
People have value, this includes brown people, the boundaries aren't as drastic as you're imagining. Italians were considered brown initially but now they're white, it's proof that none of this even matters. Lots of traditionally non white people are going to college and contributing to society, the issue is that we need a more inclusive culture

>> No.15720748

weak b8

>> No.15720751

>Italians were considered brown initially but now they're white, it's proof that none of this even matters.
You keep pushing this.

>> No.15720752

I'm convinced that this racial fixation is a product of Nordic autism. The med fascist is a romantic soul who understands the importance of conquering beautiful woman wherever they are to be found.

>> No.15720766

>democratic peace theory and the relative stability of liberal democracies
The only stability whe have is being wage slaves which have too much too die but too little to live. Like the slaves on a nutritionally deficient diet which we are, we don't fight becaue we are too weak. If you think that degenerating mankind to prevent evolutionary pressures to express is a good think, you're as delusional as in thinking that communim can work on a societal scale - which it only does ironically under he thread of not only violence to the individual but their whole genetic kin. Even today violence has simply took upon the mantle of humanitism. Aborting healthy infants from a union of two lovers in the womb of its mother because of a light inconvinience. The spread of euthanasia for reduced pension costs sugar coated as empathy. The detruction of the family and the horendious consequences for the children as well as society under the flag of emazipation instead of the true financial gains. And even this covid meme, which only took place to implement further forced pharmaceutical goods as well a complete control on the populus. Violence is everywher, even if you ignore the chimpouts and genocides going on. You have no idea how brutal the world truly is, because you only consume media representing the violent prepetrator. Just like those same friendly democratic nations wont speak up about the funding of violence in the middle east for profits.

You have a very dangerously naive world view.

>> No.15720771

I mean even Hispanics and Asians could eventually be considered white, what people mean when they say white has just become a social class for non ethnic protestant middle class Americans. I think American identity is good enough moving forward.

>> No.15720782

The world is largely a product of our own minds, most people eventually realize that violence is shitty, that there are more effective alternatives.

>> No.15720783

>my leftypolitics are just an expression of my biology
unconventionally based and redpilled

>> No.15720787

>ITT family units and as well as nurture which existed since man crowled out of a stone shelter all around the world is a chritian invention
You people truly make the left look beyond retarded.

>> No.15720790

I wouldn't say we're less racist but way less obsessed with race. It's rarely a conversation topic here or something that people use to actively separate themselves from others. And more of basic prejudices and visual differences. And I guess having so many countries with different languages and cultures close to each other adds another level, so race doesn't stick out as much as the defining factor.

> What would be the best policy approach in your opinion?
Focusing on their policies and how the shit will improve lives for the people. Basically taking a lead and pushing their agenda instead of reacting. Socialists tend to be stuck in internal fightings (as usual in history) and the Social Democrats tend to be like unity Dems in the states, trying to appeal to basically everyone with general rhetoric no one buys and then voting with right-centre parties anyway.

>> No.15720801

Learn to read, I never assumed that the family unit was a Christian invention, I said that the foundation of the family as you know it was built upon a rotting foundation and that's why people feel stranded. So many family lines were based on being catholic or protestant, but these religions don't matter anymore.

>> No.15720803

People haven't realized it in 200.000 years without higher violence being forced upon them, to quickly break away once that force can't be enacted anymore.

Stop thinking that this will ever end. Life is brutal and violence is a necessary part of the human experience, just like love. You can't just end them without ending humanity.

>> No.15720805

Italians were never considered "brown" or "non-white". Same with the Irish. I'm tired of this bullshit that you fucks keep pushing this. They were relegated to stereotypes.

>> No.15720808

>in the end pitifully exiled and killed someone more communistic then him
Beast of an intellectual, b

>> No.15720816

I am not a Leninist if that's what you believe. While I agree with some of your critiques here, learn to express them properly. Finally regarding my naivete I've worked for the diplomatic apparatus of the US government and I'm well aware of how much blood we have on our hands. I have no qualms about what we did, look at conflict deaths over the past century and tell me US hegemony is worthless.

I'm afraid I'm not quite convinced, but It's been nice to talk this through with someone. Goodnight.

>> No.15720817

>religions don't matter anymore
Religons will always matter, just the flavour of the century changes. We are currently in the Kali Yuga of the christian faith and most likely the blossoming of the islamic one, which i still full of vigor, which people seek, as well as guidance. We humans need religion and if we can't follow a naturally evolved one, we will make up our own and fight and kill for it, just the same. Currently a new religion is taking over america, you just don't see it because that religion calls it self by a non-classical name.


>> No.15720828

>Life is brutal
This belief is what makes life brutal, most brutality is not necessary but people carry on with the deep rooted belief that reality needs to be brutal and in turn we continue to shit where we eat and sleep. Beliefs and mind play a great deal in shaping the world, for better and for worse. The majority of problems are mental constructs.

>> No.15720829

like who? zizek?

>> No.15720838

I said these religions, not religion as a whole.

>> No.15720841

US hegemony is at fault for creating useless eater and the conflict in the first place, creating unnatural problems. Were in the past violence was used for the survival of ones own people, today other people and wole contients are destroyed for a proxy benefitor of pur financial gain. A proxy benefitor which when faced with defeat will not honorably go into the night but spoil the world for the winning side aka the salomon option. This is the abolute threat of violence. Your at surface peace is nothing but an illusion build on immesurable suffering.

>> No.15720850

It's not a belief, it's a literal observed fact.

>> No.15720851

>This belief is what makes life brutal
Nature is brutal and we are part of it. You can't end brutality and force without a higher thread of violence (as eg christianity did with hell).


>> No.15720854

>He's never heard of Italo Balbo or Engelbert Dolfuss
Please stop while you're ahead

>> No.15720858

>This belief is what makes life brutal
This is so fucking gay my guy.

>> No.15720864
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>the dance music

>> No.15720866

Sounds like a projecting, my man.

>> No.15720881


>> No.15720884

Whatever you have to telll yourself, nature denier.

>> No.15720895

Tell that to all those animals.

>> No.15720901

based woodpecker

>> No.15720905

Wouldn't hell just be a threat of violence instead of actual violence? I mean this is kind of wonky reasoning, but there's some truth to it. The threat of violence is just plain old natural law, if you believe brutality is necessary that's what gets manifested, where on the contrary you'll find better ways of being that doesn't involve so much mindless pain.

>> No.15720909
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>this includes brown people
of course, the thing is the main thing that drove my turn towards my current beliefs is that every unique peoples have inherent value in their uniqueness, i love studying unique cultures and peoples, and i love my own people the same way, i love what makes us unique in this world, everything from culture and history and physical distinctions, and i want that uniqueness to persist, and as such obviously, i have no interest in the systematic annihilation of their uniqueness from this earth. meanwhile people like you take great joy in destroying that which i cherish, and frankly i find it bizarre that no one from the other side of beliefs cant at least empathize and understand my position. god i wish even one of you could at least empathize with what its like to actually care about who you are and where you came from and the future of your people. i understand where you come from but frankly i dont care much about your argument that nothing matters and people are just faceless interchangeable economic units.

>> No.15720914

Hey fuck you i was just reading that

>> No.15720915

Nature is just a projection of the mind, animals are us but younger and in greater ignorance.

>> No.15720918

Actually based. Protect all cultural heritage.

>> No.15720944

There's no systematic annihilation happening, white people aren't even going extinct any time soon it's all fear mongering to justify cruelty and alienation. Just because someone is brown doesn't mean they're not a part of us, it's a retarded way of thinking to assume that all you are is white whatever that actually means.

>> No.15720950

The threat of violence is reflected upon the way in which you get brought up to the final judge (burned at the stak, quartered, drawned etc). No threat of violence can be sustained without actual violence from time to time. Further the human desire to conform and be good at heart leads to the wishfull thinking of a final judge, a reincarnation or what ever. Through this self-illusion of absolute violence with a side of occaional brutality your marching on will be guaranteed.

Only in the end of a religions and societies life does violence decline and freedoms grow. It's their geriatric flaws and natures way to let them be overtaken by more energetic religions and societies. Your wishfull thinking of a world of peace is jut the individual which was raised in those end-time ideology, while you should already be able to see the fighting hordes on the horizon, which still want to die for their gods and people. Embracing what you consider the less brutal path in life is in reality nothing else but your peoples deathbed, as you become unable to prevent brutes from taking over.

Pain is never mindless, in a functioning society you can always offer it up. You don't just die painfully in battle, you die for glory, nation and god. ou die to safe your kin and family. You are a sacrifice for greater good. Only in a people without those higher virtues does pain and suffering become mindless.

>> No.15720966

>Pain is never mindless
Completely false, there is an endless amount of useless suffering that can be prevented. I'm not saying that you will totally eradicate violence, but if you align yourself to natural law you'll be able to create better systems, and better ways of existing.

>> No.15720969

>nature is a projection
>animals are us but younger
who is projecting?. when the projection stops?. look and interpret the world is a projection in itself.

>> No.15720971

>who is projecting?
YOU, not you as anon but what you are on the deepest and most profound level, this is all something that we've built and will continue to build

>> No.15720972

Without even engaging in your delusion, just consider birth rates and how each nation is pushing those through financial pain and societal propaganda. Dicouraging white births while pushing for the miscegenation with others is nothing else but the destruction of a unique people. You wouldn't argue in favour of washing out native Abos from the face of the earth through such policies, but you can't face the fact that europeans are under the eact same attack.

Globalization needs the destruction of all biological diversity. Not for a higher goal, but for financial profits. So that McDonal can ell his shit all over the world without having to take regional difference in customs and religions into account. We will all become nothing but soul- and historyless drones and profit margins. That's the multiculturalism goal, like socialism is fo communism.

>> No.15720976

Our brains evolved a bit since then.

>> No.15720979
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empirically false, when a myriad of social and cultural and economic issues drive your peoples population growth on a trajectory towards 0, and instead of addressing the core issues that people face, which generally involve mass physical and mental illness and economic issues, including literal mass suicides at underrepresented rates, the governments answer is to simply fucking toss those people aside and replace them with mass immigrantion as if, as i said, there is no value in who they are, they are just interchangeable economic units, all so they can simply prop up the economy and keep their treasure hoards afloat, that's a fucking systematic annihilation issue, and you seem to be buying into it completely despite being a self proclaimed warrior of the people

>> No.15720982

>Just because someone is brown doesn't mean they're not a part of us
Sorry dude but if a guy is brown, he won't have Icelandic heritage or the like. He should protect whatever brownistani heritage he's got though.

>> No.15720984

I honestly don't care if any race eventually stops existing, because we'll always continue to exist regardless. I do have an issue to violently genocide people, but is birthrates drop or the phenotype slowly morphs that's fine. We're probably going to be modifying our genetics with technology anyways, all this fear mongering and alienating undesirable races is just a mind fuck

>> No.15720988

>because we'll always continue to exist regardless
*except the peoples who stop existing

>> No.15720995

>I honestly don't care if any race eventually stops existing, because the races who don't stop existing will continue to exist regardless.

>> No.15720997

Race is a social construct not a genuine collective soul that's separate from other life

>> No.15720998

who i am is not who you are, so its and always will be a latent conflict.
im only saying you are projecting too when you think animals are humans without thought.

>> No.15721002

>Race is a social construct
Factually incorrect.

>> No.15721005

Why would you assume the perspective isn't something people get? Specially limit it to history of different groups, cultures and nations is pretty fascinating.

The disconnect starts when you see it as something worth enforcing against the wishes of others. Something like separate communes for people who think like you would be too off. Expanding the thinking on entire countries simply doesn't work when the majority living there disagrees.

> people are just faceless interchangeable economic units.
Not him, but one can just view them as interchangeable bundles of potential and ideas. Hence the system that would allow the most to reach that potential without artificial barriers preferable.

>> No.15721008

virtually everything that isn't bashing your head in with a rock and eating your flesh is a social construct, and on top of that, the idea of race is literally grounded in objective realities of cultural, historical, and physiological diversity

>> No.15721010

Not really. You could maybe argue for ethnicities and the likes but race itself is a complete meme which constantly changed, especially among whites.

>> No.15721011

Not even the death of a child is mindless, when preventable. An example.

If you vaccinate a child to prevent it's death, your ingroup will never have the evolutionary pressure to grow and deal with said pathogens. Further preveting that uffering will increase your dependance on a vaccine, as the natural immunity given on by the actively survived mother onto her infant will be no more. This also leads to actually higher infant deaths or increase in the side effects of ever more and earlier vaccine shedules.

If you have watched Stargate, you surely know the Asgards. If you didn't, they are a higher super-spreader race of knowledge which in their desire to improve have made themselves dependant on artificial reproduction. In the end that reproduction technology has been lost and their whole race damned to death due to the biological inability to reproduce naturally.

Ironically the same is happening to human women due to the massive increase of the cesarian birth. Female hips are becoming, slowely but surely smaller as those females which had too small hips no longer die in childbirth and give on those disgenic traits onto their children. This, if not curbed will lead, to a nearly full dependance on artificial birth. If we ever find ourselve unable to perform them, we will for the most part be damned to the Agard fate, as our children will not be able to be born anymore.

So while you reduce suffering and pain in the moment, i the long run you only increase it. Another example would be the feeding of the third world. Guess what happens if we find ourselves unable or willing to feed the ever increasing bio mass. Billions will starve to death, instead of hundrets.

The road to hell is pawed with good intentions.

>> No.15721021

>Something like separate communes for people who think like you would be too off.
Just let people separate from you holy shit. This is a fucking tyrannical thought process.

>> No.15721023

What do you think you are? You share the same cells, atoms, dna as everything else that exists. You are me, technically speaking. All is of the same mind.

>> No.15721025

People like you will whine about the death of the tasmaninan devil or the polar bears, yet your ingrained haterate for your own kind make you ignor their existencial threat. It's all about reducing direct pain (active slaughter). You have no Götterfunke in yourself, no higher morality, you are like a worm, merely reacting to basic unpleasant stimuli while being unable to put yourself in the shoes of other people.

>> No.15721026

Race and ethnicity are one and the same.

>> No.15721032

No they're not, most ethnic groups are not that homogeneous.

>> No.15721035

Who is opposing that? Nazis and he likes can already go back to rural communes and villages, and sometimes do. More often than not they have larger ambitions, instead of separating themselves, they want to get rid of everyone who disagrees … which is suboptimal from the minority position.

>> No.15721034

>like hey man we're like all atoms in the cosmos man like take a hit from my bong
Holy shit my guy this is terminally gay.

>> No.15721039

Not really. There are thousands of ethnicities. Racefags tend to have much fewer races, that aren't supported by anything but memes.

>> No.15721040

My kind extends to humanity as a species

>> No.15721042

I think I misread your original post as you not wanting to let people leave but now that you bring this up just take a look at Ruby Ridge.

>> No.15721050

Just because some faggots wrongly think race = skin colour doesn't mean race isn't ethnicity. White, brown, black, yellow, aren't races.

>> No.15721052

one thing is
>you share the same cells, atoms, dna
other is
>all is the same mind
you think we are the same mind, therefore, we should live the same happy, sane and unconflicted life that we really want in the deep. its always the same old dream based on lies. now your theory is that we share the same dna, other times we are all children of god. it just a fantasy. we see different the other because the other is different. life is individual. the mind is individual.

>> No.15721053

>My kind extends to humanity as a species
c r i n g e

>> No.15721055

It's factually true though, eventually what matters is consciousness. Humanity is the most efficient vessel for consciousness on the planet, and I don't care what you say but all races are capable of high consciousness

>> No.15721057

Yeah, that's fucked and it was recognized as fucked, hence they got money from the government. It's not like Burger government overreacting or murdering their own people is something limited to a group of people.

>> No.15721061

you do realize there is an entire subset of trad trannies and fascist trannies right? they usually call themselves traps and don’t care if you call them bro.

>> No.15721064

You misspelled BASED.

>> No.15721065

>Why would you assume the perspective isn't something people get?
because i have not met a single person irl or online who has disagreed with but shown empathy towards my words, its literally "you are evil incarnate for even suggesting that there is value in who your people are or that 'your people' is even a thing that exists despite the objective facts of an intimately intertwined history, cultures, and physiology that draws you together and sets you apart from other such groups who could be defined the same way"

and i agree that the exchange of information is important, i mean, its a factor is what made us what we are, but the thing is, i can both value you, a person of different race lets say, and the ideas and information you have to share, without wanting to dissolve who am to become you, or to dissolve who you are and become you, i can value who Africans are and value what they can contribute, without literally wanting to transform my continent into Africa, and i can contribute to Africans and share ideas to them, without expecting them to literally destroy themselves and be replaced by white people

>> No.15721072

They gave Randy Weaver 100k for the life of his son and his wife. No one recognizes this as an injustice, and I see faggots to this day defend the FBI's actions.

>> No.15721078

>blah blah muh consciousness
Oh my god this is fucking uber gay. Taking dick up the ass would be less fucking gay than this.

>> No.15721108

Why top there, why not the animal kingdom? If you ignore your bology, you might as well fully leave out those artificial categories and embrace all living creatures instead of speciesism.

>> No.15721115

*or to dissolve who you are and become me

>> No.15721121

Na, pretty sure anon meant cringe, like myself. People like that will never reproduce, outside of being malevolent mutants spreading their diseases thinking through propaganda. Otherwise he would have to not prioritze his own family and children over those of strangers, to the absolute degree.

His world view is natures way of eugenics.

>> No.15721125
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>> No.15721132

> you are evil incarnate for even suggesting that there is value in who your people are or that 'your people' is even a thing that exists
Because it's usually coupled with less positive ideas when it comes to other people. It's an unfortunate intersection of beliefs, and pretty tricky to get out of the shadow of the bad PR group.

> i can value who Africans are and value what they can contribute, without literally wanting to transform my continent into Africa, and i can contribute to Africans and share ideas to them, without expecting them to literally destroy themselves and be replaced by white people
Which is fine and well, until one place is doing significantly better, hence it'd be logical to increase your survival chance and go there if you're stuck in the shitty one without much hope for improvement. And then it gets more complicated when opinions from the natives of the continent differ in-group.

Something like local communities/city states with an autonomy to run their own things the way they see fit (plus constitutional protection to keep it that way) sounds way more realistic and achievable if you want separation and conservation. It seems to work with indigenous tribes more or less.

The fact they got anything shows the courts did recognize it as an injustice. The fact that reparations were a joke just shows the value of human life in Burgerland. It's not like there are countless examples where the cops or FBI mishandling the situation was ignored completely.

>> No.15721133

I try not to harm animals or even bugs, it's not in my nature to want to inflict violence upon others.

>> No.15721137

Insn't it interesting that a thread about anti-faschism has become a thread about people trying to depend their very existance and survival even if it mean segregating on their own in bummfuck nowhere vw people which don't care about their survival and will actively inerfere with it, preventing them from leaving this brave new world to be swallowed by a biomass to be unrecognisable with no individuality or history.

Indeed a great example why actual fascism needs to be culled.

>> No.15721142


>> No.15721148

Yet you still do by your very existance. Suffering is not preventable, only our outlook on it can transform itinto something good. A dead inect died so another animal can survive. Be thankful for their sacrifice and keep in mind that one day you as well will become sustainance for living cratures.

>> No.15721153

>The fact that reparations were a joke just shows the value of human life in Burgerland.
The reparations were a joke because the courts wanted to send a political message.

>> No.15721164

but you dont seem to care about the diversity of ways in which consciousnesses can present its self, thats the equivalent of saying "i care about life but lets genocide everything on earth but humans because humans can survive" there's no appreciation there for the diversity of life, no inherent value in the very being of an elephant or cat or a dog, nothing else matters but life succeeding so fuck em, we'll succeed". and for what its worth ill say that in the ABSOLUTE most extreme circumstances on a cosmic scale, this mindset could work, but within the context we find ourselves, no.

>> No.15721167
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>maybe if I samepost BASED under all my posts will the publics perceiption will be changed

>> No.15721180

This is in fact, the complete opposite of based. Neck yourself.

>> No.15721184

no bias in this picture

>> No.15721188

Possible but given how rare it even is to get anything when murdered or even treated like shit by the state (It's a complete joke that civil forfeiture exist and they can take your shit just because) – the messaging seems mixed.

Or maybe there are like ... different opinions but your own.

>> No.15721221

Economics mostly. The US govt spends just as much of their budget on healthcare as europe, but the tax burden is much greater because basically half of the country have been reduced the lumpenproles. Europe's economy rebounded under Americas shadow, so a lot of their industrial output specialized in high precision manufacturing.

America was absolutely gutted by free trade, which is why most of our cities look like theyre fron eastern europe. The only reason the US is still considered a first world country is the global corporate and financial hegemony. The majority of americans really do nothing for the world but eat and eat and eat. The biggest employment sectors are service, transport, retail, and logistics.

>> No.15721235

>Because it's usually coupled with less positive ideas when it comes to other people. It's an unfortunate intersection of beliefs, and pretty tricky to get out of the shadow of the bad PR group.
i can certainly understand this, as there are people who would praise me for standing up for my people but crucify me for standing up for other peoples, but personally i think those bouts of hatred and anger are a side effect of people rubbing shoulders to a degree with which they shouldn't, aka a degree when one is detrimental to the other, and when that ISN'T the case,w which it surely isn't both now and throughout history, i simply say that we should seek to learn and progress to do better.

>Which is fine and well, until one place is doing significantly better, hence it'd be logical to increase your survival chance and go there if you're stuck in the shitty one without much hope for improvement. And then it gets more complicated when opinions from the natives of the continent differ in-group.

which is why i think we should seek both mutual existence and sharing of ideas, by all means i would fucking love to see Africa prosper and become a better place for African people, and i would love if my people could contribute to that end in a scenario where they arent literally collapsing, in which case i think its more than understandable that their focus is shifted inwards

>> No.15721248

>The US govt spends just as much of their budget on healthcare as europe
And gets much less care for it due paying anything the pharma lobby tells them to pay. The bureaucracy enabled by the messy situations with insurances is another huge drain on the budget.

>> No.15721296

Maintaining the ethic/racial makeup of neighborhoods is literally illegal in the united states. Whites lost the right to only sell property to other whites.

>> No.15721307
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I got you covered bro.

>> No.15721315

Returning to an isolationist trade policy and restricted immigration would immediately empower labor ten times more than any tax scheme or government cheese

>> No.15721349

Because fringe leftish social issues are foisted on the general populace by corporations and the media. The reason why the left has won every cultural battle in the last 40 years isnt because of some predestined moral arc of history that protestors with signs herald, its because of overwhelming institutional support

>> No.15721353

Ideally, yes, talking, trying to sincerely understand the other and finding a solution which works sounds so obvious it's stupid we even have to mention it but life just seems too stressful for most to take a break and listening to others while they are burdened with their own problems – plus not sure whether it's just my perception but it doesn't feel like conversation is encouraged by society or at least the system we're in. It's focused on getting ahead of others and being right. Nothing new obviously but even more so than usual recently.

Though hey, at least the current modus operandi is talking past each other or trying to silence the other side instead of murder like back in the day. In the end we're a cooperative species, just not very good at it.

>> No.15721386

No it wasn't peaceful you lying faggot absolutely not

>> No.15721397

Just look at the fuckin skulls to determine the races. Ofc the boundaries are murky, but there most certainly are wide groups of humans.

>> No.15721408

Races weren’t skin colour, folk racial taxonomies were supposed to identify continental groups which were mostly homogeneous within and heterogenous between. We’re not, so the concept has basically disappeared from population genetics and the only people still using it are frauds who self publish on their blogs or journals, like Human Varieties or Mankind Quarterly.

>> No.15721425

I think its safe to say that most people have qualms with the same "system", just different interpretations as to what the post system system should look like, and im sure your best intentions are that everyone can safely prosper, and so too are mine. the way I see from my perspective is that different peoples should prosper an exist, preferably guided away the pitfalls of human nature that destroy on an individual and a collective basis, and people should be enabled to be the best they can be and live truly fulfilling lives. and in regards to collectivism and individuality, I think both should exist in a symbiotic relationship because one without the other is just a blatantly hollow existence

>> No.15721432

>nothing bur
The things we create are the only things that can truly justify our existence. If you're some sort of automaton living for nothing other than to maintain the comfortable existence of your body, you likely can't justify yours. Materialists and utilitarians (especially the ones who hide the most vulgar form of that system under heaps of rhetoric) aren't fully human.

>> No.15721729

Not quite. Race is like an 'extended family' of ethnicities. It's a genetic cluster of ethnicities that are closely related compared to populations outside the cluster (and it is measurable).

>> No.15721751

Truth be told, genetic clustering lines up extremely well with what your eyes tell you about race (skin colour and many other apparent features).

>> No.15721837

>Because it's usually coupled with less positive ideas when it comes to other people.
There is a unilateral flow of non-whites into white countries at a staggering rate. The competition between divergent populations is real. You think whites should just be 'positive' about this state of affairs, but that's fucking bullshit. I'm sorry that other people's interests bring them into real conflict with my people's, but that's reality. How positive can their ideas of us be if they laughlingly apply double-standards to us and demonize us as hateful racists simply because we want our countries to remain our own (which is isn't controversial anywhere else in the world)? Would you condemn Tibetans or Uyghurs for resisting (even violently) the campaign of the Chinese to subsume them?

You're totally full of shit, totally naive about the human condition, and totally hypocritical.

>> No.15722270

Disregarding the fact that you would be worse off materially, the US would still be something like 40% non-white. What happens to these people?

>> No.15722278

Corporations toe that line when it is profitable to do so, so in that regard they mirror public opinion more than lead it. LGBTQ issues aren't exactly fringe at this point, nor have they been for quite some time.

>> No.15722693
File: 130 KB, 798x599, 798px-Almirante_vittoria_sicilia_1971 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italian libya had the strictest racial laws in a European colony
>Mussolini disliked so much the pan-africanism of Faccetta Nera that he had an entire different Song made called "Faccetta bianca"

I am honestly tired of you foreign fags appropriating my culture ways for your racemixing Power fantasies