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15716135 No.15716135 [Reply] [Original]

The Non-Aggression Principle is a spook. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15716197

Spooks are the biggest spooks

>> No.15716282
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The NAP is just an agreement made by someone to every external actor that they will not inflict harm onto anyone else. Nobody expects that everyone will agree to this, which is why fences, guns, and security personnel exist. An egoist or a ancom can LARP online about running over piggy with a tank or whatever but come time to actually tread on someone's property outside of some nogunz city then their scrawny asses are beat to hell and back. Greensboro massacre.

>> No.15716339

Yeah it's a spook, but in the long game Stirner sees hurting other people as a kind of self harm.

>> No.15716367

Can someone explain how capitalism works without a state?

>> No.15716369
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>> No.15716370

It doesn't

>> No.15716388
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>Because I want it
Honestly nothing but respect. Based

>> No.15716419
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>> No.15716466

.... it’s an argument though, not an abstract idea. not even libertarian, but this doesn’t qualify as a spook. you can trespass it, but that simply means the offfended party will retaliate.

>> No.15716598

yeah, but why faqqot?

>> No.15716623
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You haven't read him

>> No.15716706

I never signed any contract after being born

>> No.15716715

Fpbp /thread

>> No.15716744

>dude people breaking laws are proof that laws are just figments of the mind
holy shit Stirner is a genius bros

>> No.15716783

>I want your shit
>You want my shit

>> No.15716903

>Implying it won't give rise to warlords who take what they want

>> No.15716953

What if you don’t have anything?

>> No.15716955 [DELETED] 

There was a literal warlord in Seattle the past month. I don't think it matters if there is a state or not.

>> No.15716977

Probably the best image that encapsulates perfectly the distinction between the libertarian and the egoist

>> No.15716985
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Libertarianism got co-opted by pic related

>> No.15716993

I could though, if I felt like it

>> No.15717000

Can I just jump straight in?

>> No.15717002
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isn't this messiah prophesy symbolism?

>> No.15717012

Yes, the only thing you should know is that the first chapter is a Hegel parody

>> No.15717020

>people breaking the law is reason enough to discard the law altogether
holy shit leftist theory really is profound

>> No.15717033

The law doesn’t stop them, does it?

>> No.15717052
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"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." (Genesis 3:15, KJV)

>> No.15717063
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>we're darwinists if we oppress people with our arbitrary fabricated mythology
wow, those rightoids really are close to nature

>> No.15717068

>codifying the law doesn't automatically make people follow it
holy fuck those new developments are even better

>> No.15717086

What does? Law enforcement?

>> No.15717088
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>> No.15717099

The problem with the NAP is that the lobertarians try to sneak violation of so-called "property rights" into the definition of aggression. Embarrassingly question-begging.

>> No.15717103

>An egoist or a ancom can LARP online about running over piggy with a tank
What if piggy runs you over with his tank?
You can't defend yourself because you can't afford one, and his private security agency is much better (and more expensive) than yours.

>> No.15717109


>> No.15717124

such a bizarrely stupid bait, it literally makes no sense what you're saying since nap goes both ways, from an egoist stand point you want it to exist so you don't get destroyed by a person stronger than you, which let's face it, if you're reading stirner isn't an unlikely scenario

>> No.15717125

are sternerites the most brainlet politico-philosophical group?

im not saying stirner was dumb, far from it, but due to the simple fact that the demographic in question has litterally one word they repeat ad infinitum, the entry level to be one is literally nill. all you need to know is the word “spook” and think it sounds funny to any vaguely abstract concept you see.

im not saying the perspective is necissarily wrong, but the bar for entry is so low that it seems babies get their heads pushed in by it.

>> No.15717142

they basically only ever apply Stirner's thinking to property rights, try and apply it to an equally abstract and spooky notion of ownership of your body and advocate for raping women, then watch their onions brains melt in real time

>> No.15717151

The same law enforcement with no accountability?

>> No.15717161

>they basically only ever apply Stirner's thinking to property rights
In your dreams, cockrocker.

>> No.15717179

i assume they will give some sort of appeal to utopianism that the best way to ensure your ego is pleased is to necessarily help society as a whole. as a geberal modus operendai i can get this, but i dont think it can pass the gyges ring scenario. if there seems to be ow enough probability that there will be any commupince for raping a women, than why not.

>> No.15717209

If you produce something then you own it as a matter of the facto *without* any aggressive actions. This ownership can be changed only by voluntary transactions or by violence, obviously.

>> No.15717216

it is but if you think that something being a spook is a bad thing you didnt get it.

>> No.15717223

you don't get anything

>> No.15717241


>> No.15717287

Did you just laughed at the idea of property rights?

>> No.15717302

The workers own what they make?

>> No.15717310

Yes. It's begging the question to try to redefine "violence" so that it includes violation of your capitalcuckin' so-called property rights.

>> No.15717344

>Can someone explain how capitalism works without a state?
>idolizing "capitalism" when it's not even a coherent concept in most people's understanding. There is voluntary transactions, a market economy and accumulation of capital
Each of these elements can be had in a stateless society or even without any "society" at all.
Capitalism is a forager picking mushrooms from the forest and giving them to people who pay with jewels, as everything is paid for in this area.

>> No.15717352

Commies are absolutely incapable of understanding the idea of not stealing people's things

>> No.15717354

Yes. They can choose to immediately sell the fruits of their labor in exchange for wage - usually they do so if they use the tools supplied by their employer etc.

>> No.15717374

>yeah mate just because I stole your food before you ate it i didn't actuality harm you you know Hahaha, deal with the hunger.
>yeah mate just beaus I burned down the house you built and now you have to sleep in the rain does not mean i harmed you just your property, dude no violence. Who cares about pneumonia.

>> No.15717377

But what if they don’t want to sell it and just distribute it amongst themselves and others?

>> No.15717387

Yeas, and they sell them to me while covering the price of the rent of the machines I built/bought that they use in order to make their products. I believe we decided to call it a salary, fashioned on the old payment the roman gave their legions.

>> No.15717397

Then they can fuck off and stop using my land/machine/tools that I acquired and go somewhere else.

>> No.15717407

Then they should not sign a job contract. There are plenty of so called self-employed people.

>> No.15717424

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, bootlick.

>> No.15717463

>yeah dude if you don't like randoms fucking up your ability to feed and clothe yourself you are a bootlicker
>why don't you pick yourself up by the bootstraps dude, you know the thing you never said but I will assign to you nonetheless because I can only argue by straw-mans.
eh, eat a few burger commie that way you have some energy to think...oh wait I forgot... YOU CAN'T!

>> No.15717471

Wait, you're not seriously arguing this, right? You're just shitposting, right?

>> No.15717474

If you have read and enjoyed Nietzsche you are prepared to read Stirner because Nietzsche copied Stirner's style almost wholesale.
The only thing that will catch you off-guard is what all his references are, because he writes assuming you know everything he's talking about and he's just giving a different perspective on everything you're familiar with. You're virtually guaranteed to get lost and frustrated frequently, repeatedly questioning the relevance and tone of the information presented.

>> No.15717482

Neither have you.

>> No.15717497

The Ego and Its Own was a call to wake-up from the various levels of self-delusion people had induced in themselves from reifying morality. It is in fact quite revolutionary even today when people still unconsciously and subconsciously take their ethical indoctrinations since youth for granted, even when they think they're explicitly not doing so.

>> No.15717503

I get commies get scared in the face of TRUE FREEDOM!!!! and even taking about the Delicious BURGERS!!!! would get you thrown into the gulag, but I don't care. I HAVE THE FREEDOM YOU BURGERLESS FUCK!!! I CAN EAT WHAT I PLEASE!!!!

>> No.15717544

People will avoid the rain, then pour themselves a bath. Crazy shit, man.

>> No.15717552

The Non-Aggression Principle forces upon the egoist a new 'cause' which arbitrarily restricts the permissible actions against other people, as well as saddling them with obligations toward them---and its authority is founded upon nothing just like every other moral "law", which is not a natural fact of the matter but an artificial contrivance.
It doesn't exist nor would an egoist care for it existing. Even as a slave you still have self-possession, if nothing else.

>> No.15717558

No I actually belie this and you are retarded if you don't. You cannot just destroy someones property and claim no harm no foul you cunt.
Again tell me about how you can just burn the bed of a homeless guy because property is a capitalist dogma made to oppress the proletariat.

>> No.15717577

The point is that you are already presupposing well-defined exclusive property rights. Who is to say he is destroying someone else's property and not his own?

>> No.15717590

Only if you don't understand that spooks are merely about awareness of what you allow to have power over you and that not all spooks are bad.

>> No.15717592

In the quest to wash away sins and purify oneself, it is more like thinking themselves too enlightened for the bath and preferring instead a hosing down, when in fact the dirt and stains are hallucinated in the first place.

>> No.15717600

Because we cannot make property subjective and have a working society.

>> No.15717643

Exactly. So how are these 'objective' property rights defined and how are conflicting claims to property adjudicated and enforced?

>> No.15717668

I'm not an ancap, I just jumped in because some retard tried to claim property right were a joke.
Of course you have the sate do it, that is the only proper function of the state besides stealing the fruits of someones labor.

>> No.15717679

You have enough sense to conclude therefore that they're poseurs who likely haven't read even one page of The Ego and Its Own and just "study" the few Wikipedia pages devoted to the subject, if that.

>> No.15717685

lmao get outta here

>> No.15717703

Oh so you do believe there is no such thing as property? what kind of moronic ideology do you subscribe to? because even communists believe in property only in that they belong to the community or tribe instead of individuals.

>> No.15717710
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>> No.15717713

Nobody gives a shit about the state here

>> No.15717723
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Why would anyone give a shit what communists believe. If you want something you take it if you don't want it enough you wont.

>> No.15717738

Private property =/= personal property

>> No.15717769

I hereby declare Stirner and Foucault lovers

>> No.15717771

This has to be bait or the next evolutionary stage of the mutt

>> No.15717774


>> No.15717782

Property is a social construct

>> No.15717787

what a bunch of memeing neets lmao
Sorry but property right are here to stay
>If you want something you take it if you don't want it enough you wont.
As if any of you limp wristed faggots could do that lmao

>> No.15717794

Because I assumed you are an ancom or some other such retard.
How do you live then? how does one participate on society?
The social contract must be followed or else we fell into chaos and nothing gets done.

>> No.15717807

So the NAP already presupposes the existence of the State? What's the fucking point then?

>> No.15717812

What is the difference? what defines "personal"?

>> No.15717818

All the wagies in this thread trying to to justify be cucks

>> No.15717825

Look dude I'm not ancap like i said. I came here to argue with them but some dumb shit said property rights are a spook and her ewe are.

>> No.15717838

You sound very confused.

>> No.15717849
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You could've just wikipedia it

>> No.15717857

That which you personally consume. "Private property" only applies to the society's means of production.

>> No.15717867
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>Because I assumed you are an ancom or some other such retard.
No I adhere to whatever political philosophy is beneficial for myself at that time but generally sympathize with the left as my class interest correlates generally to that of my ego
>How do you live then? how does one participate on society?
The social contract must be followed or else we fell into chaos and nothing gets done.
I live a relatively normal life always acting in within my self interest, I fully reject morality and property and would be willing to break any taboo if it was to my benefit in the long term

>> No.15717908

How are they not a spook they do not objectively exist, it is a work of the mind and entirely a social construct void of all legitimacy only existing in the minds of brainwashed dogmatic schizoids who ruthlessly enforce their mental illness of the majority of people. Perhaps you could make an argument they have value within society and maybe they do as a concept but that does not make them real.

>> No.15717910

Against ha makes no sens. I already knew that definition but that is why I asked if you had a more intelligent one.
"personal" use mean jack shit because if i have 31 cars and use then each day of the month they are still for personal use, but if I have one and pay people to works cab driver I'm suddenly exempt of the "personal" protection.
It just makes no sense. You are condemning the use of the property and if that is the case then the property is not yours to begin with. What if i use my one and only tooth brush to get someone else to scrub the toilets of people while paying him part of the money earned? whoa re you to say i can do it or the guy who doesn't want to stain his own toothbrush is being oppressed and can't make some extra money?

>> No.15717912

Stirner plays a lot with the inherent negativity of saying that someone is an "egoist", and I think this play on words is often lost when discussing him.
He was talking about a self centered ontological relation with knowledge wich then propulsed his political views, not about being a selfish cunt.

>> No.15717928

Spook in the sense of a social construct then yes of course they are a "social construct" one could say they are the first social construct because they are necessary for society to exist. AND SOCIAL CONSTRUCTS ARE REAL YOU FUCK.
Tell me if are a carpenter who makes chair but people just walk to your house and steal the chair you make instead of buying or trading for then why would you keep making chairs?

>> No.15717932

Once you start using it for non-personally then it's no longer personal property

>> No.15717943

Consider ownership of a lake, an industrial building, or another human being. Would you consider any of this "personal property"? If not, then you have little choice but to accept a conception of "private property" as roughly that upon which hands could not be laid in claim and similarly used by one's own person.

>> No.15717945

unbased retard

>> No.15717957

>wants to be clear
>uses another ambiguous term like "self-centered"

>> No.15717982
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>ohhhh no not my private propertierinooo what about the heckin borkin NAP

>> No.15717988

Again, like I said, that is a stupid definition for what to enforce and what not. Of course mister secretary of the party need his 12 cars he uses every single one of then as well as his 5 mansions. But Timmy who writes and pays the paper boy to sell papers, who has one house and no cars, is clearly a filthy bourgeoisie using his private property to exploit the proletariat. He does not sell his papers personally and therefore his papers are no longer personal property they become the veil private property.

>> No.15717998

Lake yes, industrial building yes, another person no.

>> No.15718021
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>Lake yes

>> No.15718032

>Spook in the sense of a social construct then yes
>one could say they are the first social construct because they are necessary for society to exist
Implying you need property rights for a society to function, I am not going to argue this with you because you are clearly a sheltered little puppet. Read Kapital.
The physical belief in things that do not materially exist is a symptom of mental illness
>Tell me if are a carpenter who makes chair but people just walk to your house and steal the chair you make instead of buying or trading for then why would you keep making chairs?
To benefit from the product of your labor, obviously the state would protect you in such circumstances and if it didn't firearms are a useful alternative

>> No.15718044

You replied to the wrong comment tard

>> No.15718051

the only way someone cares about my posts lol

>> No.15718057

Why can't you own a lake? lets say you are a self sufficient farmer. Having a lake for fish is normal and good for reducing waste.

>> No.15718065


I was just pretending to be retarded :^)

>> No.15718072

>own a lake
That wasn't the question. Reread the chain.

>> No.15718080

In a pure Laissez-Faire capitalist system, the sole function of the state is to recognize and defend private property rights. All other human organizations emerge spontaneously from these conditions, constituting what is called the “market.” Under “anarcho-capitalism,” the state is abolished. So anarcho-capitalism consists only of those human organizations which emerge spontaneously under no state. The word for such an organization is ‘state,’ a fact to which all human history will attest. So capitalism does not work without a state, and anarcho-capitalism is in fact neither anarchistic nor capitalistic.

>> No.15718112

>Implying you need property rights for a society to function, I am not going to argue this with you because you are clearly a sheltered little puppet. Read Kapital
Oh really? then you have no issue with american going into , lets say cube or whatever other leftist country you tout as a success, getting all of they "property" and going back to the US with it right?
Yes you need property rights because you can't have random fuck going everywhere and getting things they didn't work for. Society would collapse without them.
>The physical belief in things that do not materially exist is a symptom of mental illness
>To benefit from the product of your labor,
you can't if you have no right over the property you made.
>obviously the state would protect you in such circumstances
Why would they? there's no ownership.

>> No.15718118
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>> No.15718121

>Consider ownership of a lake, an industrial building, or another human being. Would you consider any of this "personal property"?

>> No.15718128

Solid rebuttal anon

>> No.15718134

>If not, then you have little choice but to accept a conception of "private property"

>> No.15718140
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>eh, eat a few burger commie that way you have some energy to think...oh wait I forgot... YOU CAN'T!

>> No.15718155

Yeah I give to you that slaves fall under that weird definition of private property. I don't see how that help your point seeing how slavery is not something even all ancaps subscribe to.

>> No.15718199

You obviously don't even understand "the point".

>> No.15718228

No I understand it, I just won't let you try to twist definitions in order to pain a picture with the words that contradict what you want to say.
Private property includes and is ALL YOU PRIVATELY OWN!

>> No.15718270

Again, >>15718021

>> No.15718277

>Oh really? then you have no issue with american going into , lets say cube or whatever other leftist country you tout as a success, getting all of they "property" and going back to the US with it right?
Sure why not? This happens even when people recognize property rights just look at the Middle East, the only thing stopping them from doing so is the ability to defend themselves with material arms not abstract moral constructs.
Just because it's not objectively real it does not mean it is not useful. The difference between math and property rights is that math works to my benefit. All property rights do is limit the potential of working people.
>you can't if you have no right over the property you made.
Yes you can it's called mutual aid, if I can do something and someone else can't then they give me something they have that I want and we both benefit from a mutualistic relationship. Violence is not always within ones self interest. This could be more widely practiced through the use of co-ops that do not expropriate the labor of individual workers
>Why would they? there's no ownership.
Because it would be mutually beneficial

>> No.15718280
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Yes lake

>> No.15718292

Does Nietzsche ever reference stirner or say anything that stirner says?

>> No.15718302

Someone needed to point out that we base our morality on social indoctrination since youth? This isn't immediately obvious to everyone?

>> No.15718311

porky is a spook

>> No.15718317

"Understanding 'the point'" is a spook

>> No.15718326

If a spook benefits me, shouldn't I support it, from an egoist's perspective?

>> No.15718329

Wikipedia is a spook. You can not point to a physical location in space and say "there is wikipedia", you can not hold wikipedia in the palm of your hand

>> No.15718330


Nietzsche were deathly afraid of being called derivative so he and his sister went out of their way to avoid association with Stirner. The evidence besides clear as day reading and comparison of the works is hearsay.

>John Glassford believes that there is "staggering similarity" between some of the two men's ideas. While he seems to believe that it is likely that Nietzsche read Stirner, he stops short of asserting any certain influence or plagiarism:

>Stylistically speaking, Stirner uses hyperbole and metaphor in much the same way as Nietzsche, although most would agree that Nietzsche's technique is the more successful. Compare, for example, Stirner's image of the state—"the state turns against me with all the force of its lion-paws and eagle-claws: for it is the King of beasts, it is lion and eagle" (1995, 226)—with Nietzsche's description of the state in Thus Spoke Zarathustra—the "State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters" (I "On the New Idol"). Even allowing for the vagaries of translation, it is clear that Stirner's prose is more repetitive and pedestrian than Nietzsche's, and very often, as in the example just given, Stirner's metaphors just don't work.

>> No.15718334

The CIA actually published an article on how the average Soviet citizens diet nutritionally superseded that of the average American

>> No.15718336

It escaped even Marx.

>> No.15718338

>Sure why not? This happens even when people recognize property rights just look at the Middle East, the only thing stopping them from doing so is the ability to defend themselves with material arms not abstract moral constructs.
so you support american imperialism and their intervention in the middle east? good for you you warmonger. But I don't and I assumed you were a good human being.
>All property rights do is limit the potential of working people.
WHAT? no property right means you don't have your shoes stole when you go to sleep in your house, or better yet you don't have your house stolen.
And math is real you brainlet, just because something is not physical does not mean it doesn't exist.
>Yes you can it's called mutual aid, if I can do something and someone else can't then they give me something they have that I want and we both benefit from a mutualistic relationship.
They can't give you anything, they don't own anything property is a lie did you forget?
>Because it would be mutually beneficial
Who is to decide what is mutual beneficial? can the guy deny the fuckers getting his chairs? if so then HOW IS THAT ANY DIFFERENT FROM OWNING PROPERTY?
And if not they the problem still persists. the guy is still going into the house and getting the chair but now they leave some shitty pebbles nobody wanted behind.

>> No.15718349

Only NPCs obtain their morals that way.

>> No.15718353

>yes we should believe the CIA.
> expect when they talk about the soviet union all of those are lies
>except when they praise the soviet union all of that is true.
how do you accommodate the rooms need for those mental gymnastics in your head?

>> No.15718363

That's all in your head, schizo.

>> No.15718373

Not him, but this is a retarded post.

>> No.15718409

>44% of calories from grain products and potatoes:
Is this why they call it breadtube?

>> No.15718416

Then why did you post it?

>> No.15718435

This is also a retarded post. Did the same hands type it?

>> No.15718437

You tell me.

>> No.15718443

>so you support american imperialism and their intervention in the middle east? good for you you warmonger. But I don't and I assumed you were a good human being.
I support whatever benefits myself materially. Good and bad are spooks I only care about what is real and works for me.
>WHAT? no property right means you don't have your shoes stole when you go to sleep in your house, or better yet you don't have your house stolen.
And math is real you brainlet, just because something is not physical does not mean it doesn't exist.
Lmao. You've built yourself quite a mind prison. Look after your mental health anon.
>They can't give you anything, they don't own anything property is a lie did you forget?
I absolutely love how you equate this abstract concepts as essential for meh western civilization
>Who is to decide what is mutual beneficial? can the guy deny the fuckers getting his chairs? if so then HOW IS THAT ANY DIFFERENT FROM OWNING PROPERTY?
And if not they the problem still persists. the guy is still going into the house and getting the chair but now they leave some shitty pebbles nobody wanted behind.
Individuals and the amount of physical power they have. Individuals working together have more influence then individuals working alone. Collective labor allows us to achieve allot more this is often in our self interest and results in states.
No the Soviet Union is in no way related to breadtube it's to do with the book "The Conquest of Bread" by Kropotkin who most likely would have apposed it as he was an anarchist

>> No.15718494

Putting capitalist nonsense aside, the NAP is generally a good foundation. I mean do you really want to live in a world where everyone is raping, murdering, stealing constantly? Yes it still happens, but when most people are basically trustworthy life is better for everyone.

>> No.15718518

What part of the NAP makes people trustworthy?

>> No.15718532

What conception of NAP are you working with here anon?

>> No.15718540

A selected group of principles that nobody has an obligation to follow

>> No.15718613
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Google "Tendency of the rate of profit to fall"

>> No.15718980

Capitalism is not just the exchange of goods. And never seriously link to /biz/ again. Fucking hell.
Capitalism is very specifically associated with the exchange of nonmaterial capital and associated concepts like stocks. Its associated with totally private property which is not an idea that was viewed as valid for most of human history. Its associated with the idea of a free and uncontrolled market which is not how any classical economy functioned - and in reality there are no free markets without heavy regulation regardless.

Capitalism is a recent idea that traces back properly to the Dutch Golden Age. Morons trying to backport the term to cover all historical commerce should be ignored and called out for their idiocy.

>> No.15719066

>Capitalism is not just the exchange of goods.
Hence why there's three elements listed there.
>And never seriously link to /biz/ again.
I never say this, but you force me to unironically: fuck off commie.
>Capitalism is very specifically associated
by commies
>with the exchange of nonmaterial capital and associated concepts like stocks. Its associated with totally private property which is not an idea that was viewed as valid for most of human history. Its associated with the idea of a free and uncontrolled market which is not how any classical economy functioned - and in reality there are no free markets without heavy regulation regardless. Capitalism is a recent idea that traces back properly to the Dutch Golden Age. Morons trying to backport the term to cover all historical commerce should be ignored and called out for their idiocy.
That's nice dear but rebuts nothing in that post.

>> No.15719107

>Lmao. You've built yourself quite a mind prison. Look after your mental health anon.
>I absolutely love how you equate this abstract concepts as essential for meh western civilization

>Collective labor allows us to achieve allot more this is often in our self interest and results in states
>Individuals working together have more influence then individuals working alone.
>Collective labor allows us to achieve allot more this is often in our self interest and results in states.
non sequitur collective labor as explained by socialist dogmas is not necessary for an increase in production.

>> No.15719182
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>> No.15719342

It's also important to mention that there is a distinction between simply possessing an object and owning an object as property. If you've ever read Proudhon, you'd know what I mean. For example, an abstract 'right' to adjudicate exclusive control over an object no matter the possession is a legal fiction, 'possession' is an actual fact.

For example, I might work as a janitor, and 'posses' my broom that I work with on a daily basis, but my employer 'owns' it.

This is why definitions of 'capitalism' that just boil down to "I trade some apples for a pot" or whatever are very misleading. Capitalism rests on a specific set of norms and institutions enforced via a legal apparatus.

As Proudhon and Marx have both observed, pre-capitalistic market arrangements that preclude a capitalist 'right of increase' have existed for centuries, capitalism hasn't existed for more than a few centuries. I highly recommend books like Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation as well as Debt: The First 5,000 years which explain the history of how capitalist property norms essentially arrived through threat of violence, viz., the enclosures, where governments privatized land held in common by the peasantry, therefore forcing them into the cities where they had no choice but to do wage work.

The Lockean conception of sticky property is very new, and it has been preceded by numerous legal understandings of property, all of which have been tied to government enforced legal systems. Libertarians are just bad historical revisionists who have no idea the historical, sociological, and legal framework of property. It's baffling.