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/lit/ - Literature

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15714814 No.15714814 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15714818

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15714821

What book?

>> No.15714828

Yes, I'm asking the authors of /lit/ how their current project is going. That is a lit topic.

>> No.15715002
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I managed to start my story this week and write 1k words.

>> No.15715007

im 30 pages in. this is probably where it stalls out and dies forever

>> No.15715601

Don't give up lads.

>> No.15715615

lost count of the number of rejection letters

>> No.15716299
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I'm thinking of switching to a different project which I know is a bad idea since the current one is a short story and the prospective one is going to be long as hell.
I've just lost all interest in the former despite making some great headway; hopefully I come back to it soon enough.

>> No.15716506

It's going decent. But my prose is way too pompous

>> No.15716708

I've changed it up completely. Now I'm on 65 manuscript pages

>> No.15716792


>> No.15716846
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>tfw cursed with autism

>> No.15717541

It isn't. Just because i read a lot doesn't mean i can write

>> No.15717559

I have 3 vague characters and a plot. Haven't written anything, creatively or otherwise, in months and struggling to get back into the groove of things. It's nice to start doing it again, though.

>> No.15717564
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My first rejection letter. This is supposed to be encouraging, right? I've heard there are tiers of rejection letters and the ones which give feedback and encourage to send again are the highest. Should I be happy or sad?

>> No.15717809

Honest question, how does one write with mild autism? I focus too much on the setting and symbolism, but keep getting stuck trying to think of basic character motivations and believable dialogue.

>> No.15717865

dumbfuck, people make threads asking for writing advice all the time, the fuck are you on about?

>> No.15717880

>One Story
what does that mean? Is that the publishing company?

>> No.15717887

nevermind, ignore what I wrote earlier.
I think you should try again with a different publisher

>> No.15717890
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have been stuck in the storymap phase for about a week. is this normal?

>> No.15718249

Good job.

>> No.15718260

Proud of you

>> No.15719421
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Very poorly. I could detail, not summarize, but detail all of my ideas in two or three sentences. How the fuck am I supposed to stretch these out into entire stories?

>> No.15719436

how do you keep focused on writing one thing?

everyday i start a new story. i rationalize it with: at least i'm writing something, which is better than nothing. but the something never amounts to anything finished or even semi-finished.

>> No.15719449

People unironically don't give a shit about what they write. They sell blatant garbage and put their names on it. Don't they ever feel ashamed or something? Does it feel that good to fool people like that they don't even bother feeling ashamed?

>> No.15719458

You need an agent or get a following by self-publishing first.

>> No.15719542

very easily.
>What were they doing before this happened?
>And then what happened?
For example,
>"a boy loses his ball over the fence, climbs a tree to get it back, throws it over, now he's trapped in the neighbors yard"
I deliberately picked something boring and happens across 10 minutes. Because now it's so fucking easy to stretch it out. Firstly you could narrate it in a parodic style, treating the boy like he's a secret agent going undercover to recover the 'crown jewels' and everything has overt symbolism now.
Or you could keep it realistic.
Why is he in the backyard unsupervised?
Where are his parents? What kind of socio-economic status: you find out that he's at his grandparents house. Why? Because his father is in the hospital after a car accident? Where was he driving to before the accident? His mistresses house...
See - there's your stretched out story.
Or you could turn it into a horror movie: boy is trapped in neighbors yard and there's a ghoulish kid...
See... so fucking easy to stretch it out!
Just pick your theme and expand!
All the possibilities from "ball over fence"

>> No.15719605
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Which of them?

>> No.15720011

boilerplate. i get a lot of shit like that.
if they comment on the story itself or namedrop the characters, that's when you know they read it and liked it enough to give a shit.
trashmongers writing trash for trash-consumers. let the pigs roll in their mud. remember, mcdonalds is a best selling hamburger.

>> No.15720039


Do you feel ashamed when you go into McD's and make burgers that can barely pass for food?
It's called a job, sperg. The only reason you haven't sold out is because you have nothing to sell.

>> No.15720041

maybe it's really shit and you need to stop

>> No.15720174

Shit post that contributes nothing.
Maybe it's really great and they're just blinded to his greatness.
Maybe it's mediocre but has huge commercial potential but he's targeting the wrong publishing houses.
Maybe it is shit, but that doesn't mean he should stop since eventually the persistence will pay off - after all 50 shades got published.
Maybe maybe maybe...
Maybe if he used a different cover page it would change everything?

>> No.15720257

I already got 10 supportive (You)'s in a single post after posting a greentext synopsis of my novel, so what more can I ask for? My work is done.

>> No.15720291

Bros I've written three novels and I'm fucking sick of agents telling me my writing's brilliant but IT'S JUST NOT FOR THEM
Anyways I'm super supportive of contemporary literature, and all the bestsellers are great, wonderful works of art.

>> No.15720396

based and bluehair-pilled
hopefully we get a cultural adjustment soon to rid us of the march towards insanity and its shakels on literature

>> No.15720680

Started a story that was loosely a homage to BPRD and Hellboy but decided it was uninspired, wrote 1000 words for it though in one sitting. Now doing a literary work inspired by Coetzee' and Bryce Courtenay. Just wrote 500 words for it after I woke up.

>> No.15720687

I gave up on stories, now just pumping out hundreds of three line poems about my feelings day to day for my own pleasure

>> No.15721113

I thought of a grand premise. I don't know how or where to begin.

>> No.15721240

I usually write poems of different lenghts, short, minimal, long and medium, and I, for now, am not working on a specific book, although I'd love to do it. But I am writing a very long, narrative poem in portuguese from the irish mythological story The Children of Lir. It already has 48 word pages, so I think that at its final version it will be long enough to be turned into a book

>> No.15721497

I've got 4500 words so far, going well. Wrote a short story last night in the spur of the moment too which I thought was decent.

>> No.15721822

Reading 1984.
Got disgusted by the cuck part

>> No.15721849

Can’t come up with a way to start it, so I just get drunk and text all of my friends really neurotic things that make them worried about me.

>> No.15721858

>so I just get drunk and text all of my friends really neurotic things that make them worried about me.
Very based.
Get drunk and write the start.

>> No.15722445

I can only put my ideas into prose when I'm in the shower so every time I finish showering I rush to my digital device of choice while half naked and try to recollect what was so vivid in my mind just 5 minutes ago.

>> No.15723497

>Not getting the joke

>> No.15723554

Am not planning on writing anything but people like this make this site worthwhile. Thanks anon.
>Not op

>> No.15723563

it is going

>> No.15724524
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Made a short story to check if ppl like my style and how to sell self-published stuff. No one cares. Not really motivating to move on.

>> No.15724596

show me anon.

>> No.15724629

do you have kindle unlimited?

>> No.15724674

Sorry man I don't, you should try putting it in the Lit Quarterly they pay big enough money if you're accepted as well.

>> No.15724680

16,867 words, 25 pages. Since, uh, starting has been the hardest part, it's been going quite well I guess. I'm gonna try and get in another 1,000 words before heading to work tonight. I'm also /fit/, so I strangely see the similarities between output and working out. It's the continual effort that counts.

>> No.15724704

thanks, good idea, I try. Guess i make my short story free next week. Don't have the password with me right now

>> No.15724759

The more you have the more you have to put into a collection and publish to some indie author or even one of the big ones. Good luck anon.

>> No.15724808

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.15724824


>> No.15725478

What time do you guys write and for how long? I've been trying to write in the evenings but it's hard to fit it in so I never manage more than a hundred words or so a day. Think I might start writing in the morning but I start work early.