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15714451 No.15714451 [Reply] [Original]

What will people think, if I read in the bus.
I'm hoping they don't care, but afraid they'll think of it as public masturbation for attention.
I'm going to take the bus a lot this summer, so would be great to know.

I'm mostly reading philosophy and biology btw.
And I only read my smallest books on the bus.

>> No.15714459

>Caring about the opinion of plebs.

If you're really such a faggot, just use an e-reader or use some DIY book cover to hide it

>> No.15714466

No one will care

>> No.15714471

Everyone will scoff at your high brow attitude and think you're a snob.

>> No.15714472

I'll try to use your DIY-trick, maybe with a magazine instead.

>> No.15714479

Insecure faggot.

>> No.15714700
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>> No.15714721

that tweet is retarded, why isn't this going viral? maybe because you just posted it? its obviously viral now with all those fucking retweets and likes, do you mean it should've been viral before you even took the picture and posted it? the present king of France is born

>> No.15714782

i would think, "that person is lucky. when i read on the bus, i feel nauseous"

racism of lowered expectations. a kid reading a book is a normal thing. the person who posted this thinks that because the kid is black, it deserves special attention.

>> No.15714791

Why the fuck would anyone care if you're reading on the bus? Are you that full of yourself?

>> No.15714803

If you keep your head down and frown you'll fit the stereotype of nebbish nerd and the masses will ignore you as a non-threatening presence

>> No.15715093

why the fuck should it need to go viral? it's just people reading on public transport

>> No.15715136

anon I walk around my city in broad daylight reading while I walk, sometimes taking notes in the book, and sometimes its a math textbook. no one gives a fucking shit. You imagine people as scanning for examples of public masturbation for attention because you are projecting this behavior yourself.

>> No.15715141

You’re reading a book not playing nintendo games, who gives a shit. If anyone starts talking to you about it just put a hat on them

>> No.15715234

Pretend youre a student who has lots of work due

>> No.15715239

They do give a shit, but only for a short and they wont say anything

>> No.15715244

buses no longer exist where i live because of a fake virus but i used to read on them all the time and no one cares
however i am male, if you're a girl then black guys will probably ask what youre reading

>> No.15715256

I read my hebrew bible on the bus and multiple people have asked me about it and got into discussions with me

>> No.15715279

why is the board full of teens?
this. Nobody gives a fuck what you do

>> No.15715287
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Very teenager post

>> No.15715519

How do you maintain focus while also not bumping into everything?

>> No.15715577

ive done it for a long time and walk regular paths around my town, but I have bumped into people, a fire hydrant, and some poles before. Depending on what I'm reading, I'll read a large chunk of it, and then close the book while still walking, and just sort of meditate on what I just read. The fresh air and movement helps me, though I wouldn't say in any definitive way. Its essentially just a habit that I keep up because I enjoy it every day.

You should enjoy distracting them with your exuberance then.