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/lit/ - Literature

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15711393 No.15711393 [Reply] [Original]

So the poll results are here and /lit/ is officially a fascist board. We will be discussing fascist literature, authors, ideas, aesthetics, etc. What's your favorite fascist book?

>> No.15711403

>inb4 whiny faggots, sore losers and muh /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.15711404

The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis.

>> No.15711407

That's a survey of /pol/, cumguzzler.

>> No.15711409
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>> No.15711413

>/pol/ boogeyman
It's literally a survey of /pol/, brainlet.

>> No.15711422

>sore losers
This is radical projection

>> No.15711433



>> No.15711436
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Not as radical as the poll result.

>> No.15711442


>> No.15711444



>> No.15711449

Can I lay my head on your feet?

>> No.15711476
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It's fine, they're mostly americans of the right wing coping with the decline of their nation, they're mostly good young folks trying to preserve the way of life they are used to

>Was the fall of Rome as pathetic as this one?

>> No.15711480

I know for a fact that there are /pol/ discords who actively shill on this board every day

>> No.15711486
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Wew lad.

>> No.15711490

source: my anus

>> No.15711500

Cool, throw me an invite link.

>> No.15711501

facism is one of those views that's concrete enough to be edgy but vague and undefined enough that any childish young man can throw whatever ideals they have behind it without having their views subject to any meaningful scrutiny.

This just goes to show what I've been saying for a long time - /lit/ is not as smart as it thinks it is

>> No.15711506

Don't make fun of me, but what's the difference between a market socialist and a social democrat

>> No.15711512

Yea they should've voted Marxist, Anarchist or Neolib, the really big brain options, right?

>> No.15711514
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>> No.15711519

shut up tranny

I'd never make fun of you, you can only learn by asking questions my friend

>> No.15711520

No wonder the post quality has dipped noticeably the past several years. Fascist unfortunately aren't that knowledgeable.

>> No.15711521

Contract doesn't have that in scope sorry

>> No.15711525
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>> No.15711535

here's your (You) retarded tranny

>> No.15711539

t. voted for a stateless moneyless classles utopia full of butt-fucking tranny furries and looter overlords

>> No.15711553
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>tfw neoliberal

I had no idea there were so few of us here

>> No.15711554
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>> No.15711555

>at least those views mean something, I know that marxists want to abolish private property and have state ownership of everything, anarchists want to abolish government for whatever reason, as illadvised and as stupid as those view are, at least they're concrete enough that I can understand their political theory and find it's flaws.

Facism doesn't have that, there's no concrete stance as to what facism means, it's proponents define it through buzzwords or allusions to some idealized past. It's a non-view for people who can't be bothered to adapt a view

>> No.15711558

Why would anyone here vote Neolib, you retard.

>> No.15711563

isn't that the default setting of most of the West?

>> No.15711568

This would explain why the OP is a bundle of sticks.

>> No.15711570

Not everyone wants to suck Russian dick

>> No.15711572

>what is sarcasm

>> No.15711577

Proof of extensive brigading attempt. The Libertarians were a dead giveaway.

>> No.15711582

Which is it's the one ideology that would be least popular on an anonymous internet hate board for contrarians.

>> No.15711584
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I could kill you with one strike, its amazing how much better I am then manlets

>> No.15711587

>fuck off k*ke
>glow harder n*gger
lmao no one gave a shit

>> No.15711589

Poll author should throw out all votes after 7:10PM EST.

>> No.15711590

Look at the first post

>> No.15711592

>calls fascism "non-view"
>glorifies anarchy

>> No.15711598

correction: lit is a shitty board

>> No.15711602

Can someone translate this post from zoomer brainlet-speak?

>> No.15711605

>Nobody is falling for this obvious phish bait. Fuck off.
kek okay

>> No.15711612


>> No.15711614

the replies the post got

>> No.15711616

>saying anarchy is ill advised
>glorifies anarchy

okay you're definitely not from here with that reading comprehension

>> No.15711620

I'm quoting the reply, big brains.

>> No.15711623

Ezra Pound, a fascist, literally defined the modernist age, you dope.

>> No.15711624
File: 277 KB, 1930x1416, Lit Poll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the closest we're going to get to an accurate survey of the board.

>> No.15711626

Except the vote count suddenly increased 10-fold after the /pol/ campaign.

>> No.15711638


>> No.15711644

to fascism

papa state stick your dick
in my leathery ass
and don't forget to lick
my erect nipple gas.

>> No.15711652

That makes a lot more sense. I'm surprised we have so many Soc Dems, but that could be a fluke. Or maybe they are just naturally quieter.

>> No.15711654


>> No.15711675

the fascists and the soc dems were winning last time I checked

>> No.15711686

>6 meme replies

>> No.15711694

Why do rightoids on 4chan act exactly the like Jew's they make memes about? They have all the same traits that they accuse Jews of having, it's ridiculous

>> No.15711716


dat /pol/ astroturfing ITT
moot was the last bastion of true 4chan and he's gone and he also hated /pol/. Therefore, true 4channers must loathe /pol/niggers.

>> No.15711722

go away, moot. you're a has-been.

>> No.15711743

moot cucked so hard he carried the cunt's luggage and he deliberately sold out the site so he cold sell it for $$$

he was a NEET who got a taste of that dime a dozen college hipster puss and thought he had "made it." i bet when it was all over and he was eating frozen pizzas as an anonymous google employee and considering doing tacky interviews with buzzfeed to make ends meet he regretted selling out.

>> No.15711757

Let me clarify. moot is dead. Christopher Poole killed him.

>> No.15711798 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15711815

Rent free

>> No.15711831

Are you sure you're using that right

>> No.15712970

Wash your fucking nails you disgusting pig

>> No.15713068
File: 27 KB, 80x80, 1592008481657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i voted for anarchist cuz it was cool and i want mad max real
i dont have a stirner pic on me at the moment

>> No.15713072

you're just a nog

>> No.15713076
File: 1 KB, 21x30, 1592008607135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no sorry i dont drink eggnog
nor am i black
politics is gay lol, appeal to the senses or die with a headache

>> No.15713097

I am actively soc dem

>> No.15713104

/pol/ at least do that consciously. they have very amusing threads in which they discuss more or less 'how can we be like the Jews'. which makes sense if you think the Jews took everything over

>> No.15713108

Hey fellow fascists! Does anyone have any books explaining why women won't sleep with me? I bought some Evola from amazon and got a few books written by my favorite twitter personalities, but none of them were of any help

>> No.15713125

Women are retards with brains destroyed by Tinder and a lifetime of being rewarded for acting childlike. As Evola will tell you in Metaphysics of Sex, one of his best books, both sexuality and romance in the modern age are degenerate husks of their true ideal selves. Stop patronizing thots and better yourself mentally and physically. Start with the Arktos compilation of Evola's essays, A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth. He will explain there how the foundation of every great spiritual and thus historical movement is internal, beginning with your own self-cultivation. Before you can create something great you have to create yourself, starting with a firm foundation in higher values. Don't read Twitter. That should go without saying.

Good luck.

>> No.15713134
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idk dude do some lifting or something
cultivate some weird beliefs and then complain that people find you weird

>> No.15713176

>true 4channers must do x
Why don't you take your moral grandstanding elsewhere, like the cockless little fairy you are?

>> No.15713189

Back to your containment board, poltranny.

>> No.15713195

I agree with the other anons here, as long as you judge yourself by the standards of woman, you are not a real man.

>> No.15713200

>not being a reactionary Catholic monarchist

>> No.15713203


>> No.15713211

No. You're the exact kind of deluded cunt to think only your opinions should be here, in the fantasy that they represent the spirit of the site. Dickless shitheads constantly but impotently policing opinions and thoughts like you should take what's left of your nuts and leave.

>> No.15713217

>muh meme ideologies

>> No.15713220

Lol, you're so wrong.

>> No.15713225

>moot was the last bastion of true 4chan and he's gone and he also hated /pol/.
That's a very obvious sign that you came post election and read the two or three moot screencaps about muh stormfront, because there were other instances where he defended the continued existence of /pol/.
And Because the actual context of the total history of /pol/ isn't just on those screencaps. And moot was a moody fag on more than one occasion, anyway.

>> No.15713316

Those toe nails are absolutely disgusting. Wash your feet you mongrel.

>> No.15713379
File: 237 KB, 800x1078, 800px-William_Ewart_Gladstone,_1892_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideology where people wish or want a strong leader/state is literally cuckolding because you can't provide for your family yourself. Go out and work you lazy faggots instead of lamenting the death of states that of tooled your ass.

>> No.15713454

I'm not very well-read on fascism but I have to agree with you. That said, I've been leaning towards it recently and I think I've begun to realize what it is.

All systems of government before the 18th century.

>> No.15713466

>All systems of government before the 18th century
Nigga, I...

>> No.15714557

No wonder /lit/ is shit