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15711379 No.15711379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any anon on /lit/ interested on Chaos Magick?

Post here!

>> No.15711408

Yer a wizard, 'arry!

>> No.15711454

I understand that it sounds silly, But I guess Im trying to find out if anyone uses this kind of practices, not as means to get shit magically done, but as tools for creative exploration.

>> No.15711460

kek anyone has done the ritual in your pic?

>> No.15711481

Once the trannies get to it, its no longer cool.

>> No.15711491


they might. its not really a ritual I proposed. It comes from a series of experimental multidiciplinary events I host with a friend.

I only created the background collage

>> No.15711511

Yes, been practicing for 2 years, good wat tô Cope with the absurdity of society/existência. Nota site If Im a hard beliver

>> No.15711518


go back to /pol/

We expect /lit/ to be people curious for ideas, beyond their political views (not that you cant have them, just try to get over them for the sake of discussion)

>> No.15711527

THIS is the kind of reply I was hoping for. Could you share more about your experience?

>> No.15711560

Not even being political they just objectively cringe.

>> No.15711647

Não sabe nem disfarçar.

>> No.15711687
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just here to quickly remind everyone

>> No.15711705
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>> No.15711712

>Cope with the absurdity of society/existence

I think lots of spiritual practices help with this, but CHSMGCK got me in a place where I was able to channel my frustration with chaos, into creative energy.

>> No.15711724

Leftists seem bent on destroying what little joy could still be extracted from degeneracy and sodomy. These people are a disgrace to sodomy, the divine marquis would regard them with nothing but the utmost contempt. The recalcitrant libertines have long decamped to the greener pastures of the radical right. In this inverted kali yuga there is no greater form of sodomy and perversion than the public defense of virtue tradition order and the family.

>> No.15711738


Wow I find this very cool are you a christian? I actually dont think that those sort of spirituallities are mutually opposed.

I certainly dont consider myself either a pagan nor an atheist.

Im curious about your religiousness, does it have any impact on your creativity?

>> No.15711767

Wow I really enjoyed reading this.

Very interesting perspective. Do you identify yourself as sorts of a reactionary sodomite??

>> No.15711907
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Sorry dude, most people on 4chan are just here to trashtalk...even on /lit/.
Like 99% run an hide when you try to transform their retarded namecalling into a thoughtful convo.

Anyway nice try

>> No.15711977


>> No.15712003

Coincidentia oppositorum. The reciprocal transfiguration of purity and debasement. The unbearable the unspeakable and the impossible. I attend the latin mass every sunday unbeknownst to my fellow parishioners I am actually doing so for the most blasphemous and occultic reasons. The reigning political theology is liberal permissive the human rights regime multinational banking conglomerates flying the rainbow flag . Just like Huysmans attended black masses invertion of catholic ritual i seek to invert the ritual of the reigning theological order. Look into miguel serrano, Hitler was merely a prefiguration of the last avatara kalki human all too human, far too merciful and restrained. the cosmic egg(old hermetic motif, retaken by jung deleuze bachofen de chardin) is a subconscious image of germ life ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. The role of the occult elite is to lay the grounwork for the next stage of lifes evolution vasconcelos cosmic race bred from the finest specimens of all races of men, deathless and beyond sexual reproduction.

>> No.15712008

That IS the whole point. Create somethong with your fruatrations. Vir necertheless teu tô rely on metaphysica to avoid feeling the excruciating pressure of society. In other words, pray and create, without going to church

>> No.15712033
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>> No.15712097


> The role of the occult elite is to lay the grounwork for the next stage of lifes evolution

And how do you feel about the idea of this evolution not being actually human. But posthuman technological beings?

> i seek to invert the ritual of the reigning theological order

How do you do this on praxis? (beyond attending catholic mass)

And my final question would be

Do you consider yourself a part of this "occult elite"?

>> No.15712161

I've used Chaos Magic. I consider myself a non-practicing Christian for the most part, on the gnostic side. But a few years ago, I wanted something that I was afraid prayer and hard work wasn't going to get me. Knowing a bit about magic, I created a sigil and graffiti'd it all over my town in places people would see it, along with key phrases that would trigger the spell. Through a number of coincidences that I won't even describe bc it'll make this post sound even more like bullshit, I got exactly what I wanted, but I paid a terrible price in another way (loss of a close family member a week later), almost as if the universe had to balance out enacting my will. I'll never dabble in sigils again, that shit is deadly.


>> No.15712170

I've used Chaos Magic. I consider myself a non-practicing Christian for the most part, on the gnostic side. But a few years ago, I wanted something that I was afraid prayer and hard work wasn't going to get me. Knowing a bit about magic, I created a sigil and graffiti'd it all over my town in places people would see it, along with key phrases that would trigger the spell. Through a number of coincidences that I won't even describe bc it'll make this post sound even more like bullshit, I got exactly what I wanted, but I paid a terrible price in another way (loss of a close family member a week later), almost as if the universe had to balance out enacting my will. tl;dr I'll never dabble in sigils or chaos magic again, that shit is dangerous.

>> No.15712240


Thanks for sharing your experience.

I sometimes do have a strong belive on the power of personal will, or the communication of this personal will in the form of rituals, on the real world.

I wonder about what does this poster >>15712003
feel about this kind of personal rituals.

>> No.15712247

I feel this might be the simple view. But I 100% agree and have this as a goal on my life and personal devealopment.

>> No.15712265

I find it hard to read this kind of texts beyond what I think are simplistic racial prejudices they propose. But they are certainly interesting works.

Beyond the eugenics stuff, what do you feel are the traits of thinker you enjoy the most?

>> No.15712305

Anyway, off to sleep.
Thanks to everyone that contributed on this thread . This has been an interesting discussion. something difficult to find on this site.
> Will def come by tomorrow to see if theres anything new.

>> No.15712358

What exactly did you try to manifest? I wouldn't over think, people die regardless it happens to all of us.

>> No.15712978

lmao this is retarded

How old are you op?

>> No.15713164

>How old are you op?
Why do you ask?

>> No.15714142

Just do drugs like a normal lazy faggot

>> No.15715218

OP here.
I get 4chan is a fun place for shitposting. But it would be far more interesting if you engaged on the conversation based on your skepticism.

or just keep attempting to troll like the other million of low discourse users on the site, thats preety harmless too anyway.

>> No.15715523

magic is as cringe as the retards who create their best friend, tulpa crap

and those people become pathetic like the tibetans when they mix '''''''''''''magic'''''''''''' with enlightenment.