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/lit/ - Literature

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15706904 No.15706904 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15706914
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>> No.15707993

/lit/ is unironically a left wing board, reminder.

>> No.15708024

Do you have any idea how easy these are to exploit?

>> No.15708029

Vpn votinng i turn off.

>> No.15708031

kill yourself

>> No.15708036

>no apolitical
Disgusting political theory subhumans

>> No.15708067

>marxist and neoliberal are the same color

>> No.15708093

No such thing

>> No.15708121

Not a great variety of choices so I chose Libertarian

>> No.15708133

Ok brainlet

>> No.15708216
File: 277 KB, 1930x1416, Screenshot 2020-06-26 at 19.36.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is not left or right

it's radical

>> No.15708785

The Marxists and Fascists should join forces and turn /lit/ full nazbol

>> No.15708798

>all these fashies
kinda embarrassing honestly

>> No.15708807


>> No.15708813

/pol/ has infiltrated this board too thoroughly. I honestly respect the Marxists more cause they at least have a leg to stand on philosophically and actually contribute to the conversation (obviously outside of the goofy college kids that pick up marxism to be "revolutionary")

>> No.15708825

>No National-Bolshevik option

>> No.15709039

There is no option for us Christian Democrats/ Integralists. I answered social democrat, but I share a lot of overlap with reactionary. As usual the Catholic vote is being split.

>> No.15709539

>corporativist state, public-private partnership
>right-wing and anti capitalism

>> No.15709606

/lit/ is unironically the place on the internet with the most diverse set of opinions

>> No.15709622
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>> No.15709625

What kind of a brainlet voted for Anarchism

>> No.15709633

Nazbol here, I voted fascist even though I read Marx because "Marxist" is code for "tranny loving international cosmopolitan with rich parents"

>> No.15709694

I only chose Fascist because there's no Theocrat option. Conservative is too milquetoast because I want an Iran tier theocracy

>> No.15709768

Not for long since you trannies cant keep from killing yourselves

>> No.15709797

I agree but don't take this/the results to be the product of high minded individuality so much as:

>fringe belief posters have nowhere else to be
>confrontational but non-reactionary people who disagree come here for fun times
>posters get paired off at about a one to one ratio when talking
>surplus leaves
no population on lit is larger than its own antagonist; any discrepancies in the polling would just be due to the shape of the answer sheet

>> No.15709821

This is pretty plausible theory

>> No.15709852

Where's posadism?

>> No.15709890

That's under Marxism. Juan Posadas was part of the Fourth International.

>> No.15710291

I only respect people who picked neoliberal

>> No.15710615
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>5/9 categories are right-leaning amounting to 56.98% of votes

>> No.15710733

Ebin meme!

>> No.15710800

>26% fascist
>12% libertarian

Who would have guessed when by a landslide most /lit/ posters (according to the autistic aggregator anon) are 20 to 23 year old children.

>> No.15710834


>> No.15710850

So just what is the appeal to fascism and lolbertarianism exactly?

>> No.15710853

>the political animal

>> No.15710863

its an outlet for sexless 18-22 year old men who use the internet too much
t. former internet fascist

>> No.15710868

If you understand the appeal of Nietzsche, then you understand the appeal of fascism.

>> No.15710916

Uhhhhhh Commiebros we got too cocky

>> No.15710926

HAHA this aged like milk

>> No.15710935

Aristotle was dumb.

>> No.15710940

>poll got brigaded by /pol/

>> No.15710943

Honestly I'm not entirely sure I trust this poll. I expected a lot of right wingers, but the overwhelming dominance of Fascist over conservative or reactionary seems suspect.

>> No.15710944


>> No.15710950

If you put it that way I can understand the appeal for the individual, but not really in terms of state policy.

>> No.15710975

I've been here since just after the board began and I've always been right wing. There's been an organic right wing presence here for years at least. Can't speak for the ratios though, maybe it is being brigaded or artificially inflated somehow.

>> No.15710998

There is no 'organic' right-wing presence on the internet and /lit/ has always been a left-wing marxist board.

>> No.15711009

All shitposting aside, not really. It used to be much more leftist when it was much smaller and those people were not the kinds of Marxists you want on your side, lower than /leftypol/ trash. Tripfags.

>> No.15711022
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>mfw I see the results

>> No.15711028

oof, apparently not

>> No.15711045

>/lit/ has always been a left-wing marxist board.
HAHA in what universe? Most people lean right here.

>> No.15711046

There have been times that I'd put myself in the reactionary category too. What I was saying is in the past the right wingers were present, but the disproportionate swing towards fascism seems very strange to me.

>> No.15711050

That is not what cope means... We're on lit here, not pol. Be better.

>> No.15711055


>> No.15711061

At least you’ve gone and admitted you’re projecting

>> No.15711062

textbook cope

>> No.15711064


Bootlickers mistakig that they're going be the ones wearing the boot.

>> No.15711068
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>mfw the coolest ideologies are winning

>> No.15711078
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>Bootlickers mistakig that they're going be the ones wearing the boot.

>> No.15711087

monarchist isn't an option, not really comfortable with the other choices

>> No.15711096

Reactionary would be pretty close.

>> No.15711100

Reactionary is the one. Although that's a Marxist label.

>> No.15711122

i answered anarchist out of spite

>> No.15711188

>38 posters
>369 votes

>> No.15711198

>everyone who voted posted ITT

>> No.15711208

> 10.29% of voters posted in this thread

>> No.15711220


>> No.15711226

Not after the /pol/ brigade did their thing.

>> No.15711227

>he thinks people give a shit about shit polls rather than just answering and getting the fuck out

>> No.15711234

>le wacky /pol/ boogeyman
they're living rent-free on many /lit/ faggots' mind

>> No.15711245

> she thinks not giving a shit and taking the time to answer aren't contradictory

>> No.15711255

numbers don't lie fagmo

>> No.15711264

>xe thinks people are dying to post in a borin shit poll thread instead of having fun shitposting all day

>> No.15711266

Not quite so. Indeed, there are a lot of leftists here, everything from left leaning centrists to liberals and a few tankies. There are even radfems here. But to ignore the christians, the right wing leaning centrists, the capitalist advocates, the conservatives, nationalists, the racists and the fascists? Not so sure.

At least it is obvious always that the right leaning posters are the worst read and most retarded of the board.

>> No.15711268

t. Hillary Clinton

>> No.15711276


This board is just the wasteland pol/ chooses to give opinions about books they haven't read and doctrines they learnt about in middleschool

Honestly fuck off, you're despised by everyone starting with yourselves

>> No.15711277

>At least it is obvious always that the right leaning posters are the worst read and most retarded of the board.
Those are most well-read, actually. Worst read are the tourist from reddit and twitter which tend to lean progressive left.

>> No.15711278
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>> No.15711279

> xer thinks we haven't been having fun shitposting in a boring shit poll thread this whole time

>> No.15711286

Now you're just a regular tranny instead

>> No.15711293


>> No.15711296

>xehr thinks this awful thread is "having fun"

>> No.15711305

Seems about right honestly, although maybe Libertarian and Fascist should be switched.
t. Fascist

>> No.15711306

Are you a commie?

>> No.15711310

> xay think xi meant the thread and not what xwe're doing

>> No.15711311

So basically the /lit/ we always knew?

>> No.15711317

You want evidence that the poll was brigaded by /pol/? Here it is:


>> No.15711336
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>> No.15711338

These results reflect the makeup of /pol/, not /lit/. Less than 10% of the votes are coming from /lit/ users.

>> No.15711345

What is there to cope with? Everyone knows /pol/cels larp as Nazis.

>> No.15711348

the fascists were winning since hours ago, though.

>> No.15711349


>> No.15711355

is the tranny going to throw a tantrum now

>> No.15711356

learn to lose, kid.

>> No.15711360

wtf is even reactionary? it doesn't mean anything, same if there was option for cuck or discord tranny.

>> No.15711362

Most of them are shitskins themselves. Remember HWNDU.

>> No.15711363

>More than 400 votes
Not that much people surfs /lit/, this poll was rigged by /Pol/.

This is more rigged than the 2012 4chan Cup.

>> No.15711366


>> No.15711370

Lose what? The poll is a survey of /pol/ political stances, which obviously skew right.

>> No.15711375

>I-I didn't even want it

>> No.15711376

It's ok tranny, you'll get to keep some of your books in the camp

>> No.15711383

Want what?

>> No.15711394

>poltranny tries to make a wisecrack

>> No.15711397

Holy fucking cope hahaha

>> No.15711402
File: 1.05 MB, 1079x1583, 7onlstov74e01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist creates poll
>doesn't get result xe wants
>"We were brigaded!"

>> No.15711416

Very few marxist votes considering how much they shit up the board

>> No.15711425

Which proves why Bernie lost lmao they didn't even vote

>> No.15711429

See this OP
The earliest brigade post is from at 20:10:44. All polling results after this can be disregarded. The Fascist/Libertarian mix is too retarded to come from /lit/. Just a little of my faith in this board is restored.

>> No.15711440

Wouldnt you just be reactionary

>> No.15711446

the fascists were winning since the very start

>> No.15711447

Yeah hopefully this board accepts sodomy and joggers

>> No.15711453

as we know all the best literature was written by retarded, wheelchair-ridden, jewish, jewish, Marxist, jewish, queer, jewish voices of color!

>> No.15711462

i just ate cheese that had grown a little green mold on it. tasted great. am i gonna get food poisoning or is new cheese mold the same as regular cheese mold what cheese is made of

>> No.15711464

I lied. This was posted at 19:10:41. The past three hours have been /pol/ not /lit/

The start was a close three way between fascists social democrats and Marxists. The overwhelming fascist lead did not emerge until the brigading started.

Good thing this board isn't libertarian then.

>> No.15711467
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>> No.15711471

>/lit/ isn't /pol/

>> No.15711475

Marxist are fanatic perpetually unemployed weirdos who think they have the global mandate when in reality they only have schizophrenia
Oh wow, a post with no replies in a thread with next to no replies, guess we have to throw away half the votes for fascists... Oh wait, they're still winning.. Oh no we only have 39 votes.. Oh no... Oh god...

>> No.15711479

cheese mold is relatively ok to eat.

>> No.15711485


>> No.15711499

>Marxist are fanatic perpetually unemployed weirdos who think they have the global mandate when in reality they only have schizophrenia
That's quite a lot of projection, anon.

>> No.15711516

>no u
Nice one, and I am well aware of my diagnosis tranny nigger

>> No.15711522

oh good

>> No.15711543

Gaze upon the extent of this brigading effort. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/https%3A%2F%2Fstrawpoll.com%2F2358bvzqh/page/1/

>> No.15711575

lmao mythologizing retard. Schmitt wrote an interesting book about you.

>> No.15711583

why did you post the link in /pol/ so many times

>> No.15711611

so he could push this narrative 2-3 hours later while also pushing his lover's black fist up his ass

>> No.15711627

>post link for political positions on /lit/
>post same link on /pol/
>wait for it to come out as fascist
<"guys we're getting brigaded by /pol/!!1!

>> No.15711628

no one cared, look at the replies it got.

>> No.15711643


>> No.15711645

sounds like typical victim tactics by the left lmao

>> No.15711655

>≈5 meme replies
whoa such a brigade

>> No.15711671

Is that the latest news from Q?

>> No.15711700

please stop calling yourself right wing if you're a fascist
thank you
t. fascist

>> No.15711713

yea, that's more of a leftist thing, isn't it?

>> No.15711744
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>his political and philosophical position is just 'capitalism bad' and blames everything on it
>screeches 'read theory' at everyone

>> No.15711889

sure! if you're going to talk about it in the context of the french revolution, which is where the dichotomy comes from.
the "right" is the status quo and the "left" is against it.

among the fascists, like among the marxists you will find contentious view points, but i think we are much more united than the traditional left (marxists, anarchists, liberals) it's in the name itself, and represented by the fasces.

i think we should just call ideologies by what they are, it's dumb to even put marxists and anarchists in the same category given the history between the two. see: spanish civil war

>> No.15711904 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15712573

Brainlet here, what's a market socialist?

>> No.15712575
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>Gets BTFO in a democratic election
>Calls it rigged
Looks like you Marxists aren't as different from liberals as you like to think.

>> No.15712589

This, its just like leftists who were in shock that the tories beat labour last election. They spend all their time in their own little bubble where everyone agrees with them, and anyone who disagrees gets dehumanized (Russian bot, /pol/ack drone) because they are too arrogant to believe a normal person would disagree with them. Then when it comes down to a vote and they lose it shocks them straight into the denial phase of grief where they will look for every excuse except their own ideas being inferior to the vast majority of people.

>> No.15712594

Those who want to abolish private ownership of the means of production, but who do not oppose free-market competition.

>> No.15712597

Say what? It was literally brigaded by /pol/ tards. Read the thread.

>> No.15712615
File: 112 KB, 410x598, cringe department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees that he is losing
>makes fake raiding thread on /pol/ that fucking no one responds too with anything other than jokes.
>unironically expects people to believe that is why right wing ideologies won by a huge margin.

>> No.15712633
File: 290 KB, 1256x709, 1592264902598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>l-look at me samefagging that /pol/ brigaded, s-see

>> No.15712663

Take your meds.

>> No.15712675
File: 100 KB, 394x329, apu coffee zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any more catchphrases you want to throw out? Because it looks like it is official. /lit/ is a right wing board.

>> No.15712693
File: 116 KB, 525x502, 3819264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are accurate
>Wow /lit/ has become a /pol/ board lately I miss the old days

Guys how long have we been saying this? For a long time; /lit/ has become a mostly fascist board now. I dont know why we are all suddenly denying it and acting like we are in shock.

>> No.15712706

90% of the votes came from /pol/tards, genius. Reread the thread.

>> No.15712714

Cope, you autistically falseflag spamming on /pol/ doesn't change the fact that most of us are right wing

>> No.15712716

>66 votes on reactionary
>nah guys its not a meme

>> No.15712738
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>> No.15712761
File: 416 KB, 1099x1038, MeinSides!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is a fascist board because fascists are the only ones who read texts from all sides of the political spectrum before crystallizing their opinion. Marxists stop at Marx and Stirner and never bother reading anything else. There are Marxists on this board right now who have never picked up Hegel. Fascists are more avid readers. Thus it can only follow that more and more of us will be gravitating to /lit/.

>> No.15712785
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>> No.15712812

>having political affiliations under the farce of democracy
>not being anarcho-monarchist with eco-technist leanings

>> No.15712814

The vote tally increased 10-fold after the link was spammed on /pol/. Use your head, kid.

>> No.15712819
File: 77 KB, 1007x784, asdss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao it just keeps falling down

>> No.15712945

yeah the poll is missing the "autist" option

or maybe thats everything other than "neoliberal"

>> No.15712953

>sexless 18-22 year old men who use the internet too much
make that 23
actually make that 24
actually make that 25
actually make that 26
actually make that 27
actually make that 28
actually make that 29
actually make that 30
actually make that 40
actually make that 50

>> No.15713105

No it didn't lol.

>> No.15713165

Fake and off topic

>> No.15713238

isnt that hell

>> No.15713259

>the link was spammed on /pol/
prove it.

>> No.15713339


>> No.15713367

Surprised at the amount of Fascists to be honest. Rarely see Pound threads. How many are from /pol/?

>> No.15713380

i was a fascist before i found /pol/ and i was a fascist after i left /pol/ three years ago

>> No.15713390

Why would an actual fascist browse 4chan though

>> No.15713398

It has the discussions for my interests that hasn't been invaded by undesirables

>> No.15713400

I mean from brigading, I have no doubt there are fascists here.

>> No.15713403

It seems obvious to me /pol/ spammed it. I have no issue with Fascism and occasionally participate in the threads about it, but it's clearly a small minority of /lit/ that is actually Fascist. I think there are even more Marxists than there are Fascists here.

>> No.15713434

oh right sorry i misunderstood

>> No.15713628

The vote proportions remained roughly the same pre and post /pol/ linking.

>> No.15713661

>Although contemporaries say that he loved reading works by German authors, Nietzsche in particular, "there is no sign of Goethe, Schiller, Dante, Schopenhauer or Nietzsche in his library.[2]" He is said to have believed that Shakespeare was far superior to Goethe and Schiller. He had a copy of Georg Müller [de]'s 1925 translation of Shakespeare's collected works. He was fond of quoting certain lines throughout his life. Copies of Goethe, Schiller, Dante, and Schopenhauer may have been destroyed by Allied bombing so there is no way of knowing for certain whether his collection was lacking. His collection is said to have included "first editions of works by philosophers, historians, poets, playwrights, and novelists.[3]" He owned illustrated copies of Don Quixote and Robinson Crusoe, which he ranked, along with Gulliver's Travels and Uncle Tom's Cabin, as the great works of world literature. Hitler himself was a voracious reader: he claimed to read at least one book a night, if not more. He was also given books as gifts by females of his acquaintance. "The only outstanding classical literary text found in his library today is the collected writings of Kleist.[2]"
go on worshipping a pseud

>> No.15713668

The same reason a Marxist would. To find literature and discuss it.

>> No.15713691

Before being brigaded, the poll was equal in terms of fascism and marxism see >>15708216

it's not a left board

>> No.15713694

/pol/ had almost zero effect on this poll.
>First posted on /lit/ at 08:43:15
>First posted on /pol/ at 16:10:41
There are replies before it was ever posted crying about too many fascists on here and that was 3 hours before it was ever posted on /pol/ And by looking at the archive one can see not a single one of those spam posts were even acknowledged. Even look at the replies to the first comment vs the few anons upset over it, completely says something right there.

>> No.15713701

Political animal means something different to "which sports team do you vote for"
Office Politics is not the same as Capitol Hill Politics in that the former doesn't involve ideologies and is on a microscale.

>> No.15713711
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>even social democrat has more votes than marxism
>/lit/ still blames /pol/

>> No.15713908

I said it was depressing how the fuck is that a cope?

>> No.15713974
File: 143 KB, 1197x869, leftypol still losing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15714180

Have you ever met a university campus Marxist? Did you ever let them get your email address? The motherfuckers never shut up and send you shit even after you unsubscribe.

>> No.15714523

Compare>>15713974 to >>15708216, the last screenshot before the brigade. The proportions are very different.
Social democracy was popular before the brigade

>> No.15714626

I am one of those you tagged and will confirm that I only browse /lit/, that being said there was definitely a brigade. Nonetheless, the poll even at the start was pretty fashy and marxist, so I don't think it's fair to say lit is a left wing board. At most, lit is half left wing. I would guess 55/45 or 60/40 right-leaning to left-leaning, but that's just my opinion

>> No.15714646

yeah this is accurate, there was a significant right-wing presence before the pol post, and it doesn't look like it got much traction. Certainly not "90% of votes from pol" tier. Safe to say lit is a right-leaning board, which for 4chan is not that surprising.

>> No.15714733
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>its not fair! fuck /pol/!