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15706896 No.15706896 [Reply] [Original]

Books that properly explain why the Germans and Polish opposed one another during WWII?

>> No.15706908

Mein Kampf

>> No.15707239

Pat buchanan

>> No.15707248


>> No.15707304
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>> No.15707318

>illegitimate state comes into exist
>waaah we opressed
>invades ukraine
>enter hitler
>hey, we see your imperialist ambitions. We will tolerate them, we need a buffer state anyway, just give us the land between danzing and germany
>come onnn
>polish statesman dies
>germany: hey we'll hold him a grand funeral in his memory, we cool now?
>hitler: ok can i at least build a highway to danzing
>poland: NOOOOOOO
fucking polaks

>> No.15707331
File: 1.30 MB, 818x4779, poland germany adolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was complicated ad had to do with Poland's internal politics at the time.

>> No.15707348

I am not familiar with the literature, but there is a surprisingly unbiased Wehraboo YT channel called TIK on all things WWII-related. This video has a nice source list:

>> No.15707351

Germans wanted to exterminate the Jews in Poland.

>> No.15707377

TIK is not a wehraboo lol
And if he was unbiased that'd make him *NOT* a wehraboo

>> No.15707406

kek, have you seen the comment sections? It's the audience that forms an identity.

>> No.15709103

Essentially the Nazis were evil and wanted to cause trouble. Poland just happened to be nearby.

>> No.15709127

Why would anyone give land to Germany after seeing the aftermath of Munich? Look what they did to the Czechs.

>> No.15709462
File: 1.25 MB, 1820x2560, dokumente polnischer grausamkeiten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15709474
File: 157 KB, 561x767, displaced ethnic germans in poland after WWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After WWI, Poland was formed out of German, Russian and Eastern European territories, mostly Hungary and Ukraine.
>displaced citizens from these aforementioned countries were still living in what was now Poland.
>The book is citing evidence for brutal aggression against German minorities, though it has to be said that the other minorities were also suppressed and treated badly but the Ukrainian minority was more numerous and aggressive themselves and therefor more dangerous to mess with, combined with the guarantees against German aggression provided by the west this meant the ethnic Germans still living in Poland were easy pickings for the Polish police force and the army, and they had a score to settle with them after world war 1.
>Hitler indicates himself in his many speeches about the issue that many negotiations were carried out with both Poland and the western powers, mainly England. There are numerous quotes from Chamberlain, Churchill and many mainly American and English figures of importance of the time about the issue that openly admit that the reluctant attitude of the west had more to do with finance and Germany’s quick rise to prosperity out of a depression than fear of a direct military threat.
>After constantly being turned down in the negotiations and the unabating aggression in Poland against the ethnic Germans, who weren’t even allowed to cross the border back into Germany, not to mention the boycotts on all German products and other provocations, he negotiated with Stalin who had his eye set on the Ukrainian and other Eastern European minorities and Poland itself due to relatively small wars fought with all of them following the years after world war 1.
>The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was born and shit hit the fan soon after with the invasion of Poland.
>What about the Anschluss?
Austria was being ruled by Engelbert Dollfuss at the time who had banned and persecuted the Austrian Nazi party, it escalated to civil war conditions and neither side played nice to say the least, Dolfuss was murdered before the Anschluss by the Nazis and the Austrian royalty was not exactly amused by this and things were looking very grim for the Austrian Nazi party, Hitler had refused to come to their aid during all of this up until that point, not so surprising then that he and the Wehrmacht were received with cheers and flowers by the population.

>> No.15709488
File: 177 KB, 800x470, czech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what about Sudetenland?
Czechoslovakia had a very high percentage of Germans living within their borders, in many regions, especially along the borders, well over 50% or even 75% of the people were Germans. The Nazi(SdP) party was the second biggest party of the country by 1935. The German population living in the country themselves asked for equality and autonomy, the government was willing to provide minority rights to the German minority but it refused to grant them autonomy.
Many negotiations were held between Hitler, Chamberlain and other European countries over Hitler’s desire to incorporate the Sudetenland’s, neither side had very noble motives if one looks at the accounts of the negotiations, France and Russia had given military guarantees to Czechoslovakia, France would later sell them out without lifting a finger, France and England gave in and presented the region on a silver platter after a lot of theatrics and foreign propaganda from both sides and questionable quotations about the intentions can also be found on both sides.
While the German population may not have been treated as they were in Poland they were still a large minority who’s rights were not equal to those of the Czechs. Furthermore the region had significant military importance, vast amounts of high tech industry (skoda factories, electricity production etc.)It also used to be part of Germany’s ally during WWI, The Austro-Hungarian empire, Austria at the time of the Sudeten crisis already fell under the Reich once more after the Anschluss.
Also noteworthy is Russia’s reaction to the long list of negotiations and the eventual outcome.
“Joseph Stalin was also upset by the results of the Munich conference. The Soviets, who had a mutual military assistance treaty with Czechoslovakia, felt betrayed by France, who also had a mutual military assistance treaty with Czechoslovakia. The British and French, however, mostly used the Soviets as a threat to dangle over the Germans. Stalin concluded that the West had actively colluded with Hitler to hand over a Central European country to the Nazis, causing concern that they might do the same to the Soviet Union in the future, allowing the partition of the USSR between the western powers and the fascist Axis. This belief led the Soviet Union to reorient its foreign policy towards a rapprochement with Germany, which eventually led to the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939.”

>> No.15709510
File: 98 KB, 485x690, more displaced ethnic germans .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few more

>> No.15709528
File: 114 KB, 557x432, ethnic german and a fine display of polish innocence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more

>> No.15709538

The fuck did they do to them?

>> No.15709541
File: 360 KB, 538x1194, did someone say sources cause I thought I heard someone ask for sources oh and another freebie and fine display of polish innocence .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lastly sources.

>> No.15709567

Do you know ANYTHING about the Poles? Russians and Germans have been taking turns trying to wipe them out since they've existed. So probably the answer is "because the Poles didn't want to be erased as a culture"

>> No.15709785

My guess is flamethrower or some kind of explosive

>> No.15709806

Because that land was already theres tk begin with

>> No.15710577

Books on the menace known as Poles? I'm Polish-American and really know nothing about Poland, embarrassingly.

>> No.15710948

there are no "polish people" only human beings racist