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File: 144 KB, 1152x2048, rowan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15704237 No.15704237 [Reply] [Original]

What should Rowan read to help him get girls?

>> No.15704255


>> No.15704257


>> No.15704264

How to be less based

>> No.15705838

Nothing, he's very confident, white, not ugly, relatively healthy, not that old and employed.

>> No.15705881


>> No.15705915


why do men think they are somehow purer because they didn't have sex during their 20s?? like we all know how much filth we all jack off to when we're single for ages. we go into some disgusting places. if a woman is willing to overlook the disgusting amount of ingrown pornographic detritus that is backed up in an older incel's unconscious, i don't see why they should mind a woman's sexual past

>> No.15705929

>thinking dirty thoughts and looking at smut
>riding more cock than circumference of earth

>> No.15705941

Too based for the incels on this boards

>> No.15705944

Because the viruses from porn are temporary?
Because the conditioning by views is lesser than by actions?

>> No.15705958

Fake and gay

>> No.15705972

Tits, just tits

>> No.15706026

>Not ugly

>> No.15706040


>> No.15706091


be honest: how small is your dick? did you ever consider this is the reason you're so afraid of women having sex?

t. person who makes women cum on the regular and has no maladapt sexual hang-ups

>> No.15706128

Shut your mouth hole, female.

>> No.15706131


confirmed for micropenis

>> No.15706143

maybe not all of us behave like that.

>> No.15706259

You're right anon, masturbating to pictures of girls drawn with large muscles or fat bellies is clearly the same as bouncing up and down on a large nigger cock.

>> No.15706303


Not that guy but saying shit like "small dick", "virgin", "incel", etc. for having these opinions only reveals you as a woman, or just a pussy whipped degenerate.

>> No.15706312

>shaming people for their penis size, something they have no control over
You are disgusting

>> No.15706401

Actually it's worse

>> No.15706462

My dick is much bigger than average, women are charmed when I talk to them and with that authority I can claim that you are a pussy worshipping beta simp.

>> No.15706485
File: 3.87 MB, 1793x2524, Rom,_Domitilla-Katakomben,_Der_gute_Hirte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not. They're just as animalistic and lacking in self-control as women that ride dick constantly. That's why chastity is an ideal to be sought by both men and women. You can call me a Christcuck or a "slave moralist", but you know I'm right. Even Musonius Rufus and Seneca, Ancient Roman semi-pagan Stoic philosophers, say as much. We must assent to something higher than our base instincts and accept nothing less than virtue, whether we are male or female. We aren't animals, but loved children of God and we have a duty to love each other and treat each other as much. This doesn't mean we ought to hate ourselves and wish for our own death, but we are to love our neighbor and wish for his health and life. Viva Christo Rey!

>> No.15706516

God this board is so fucking shitty these days

>> No.15706557

He seems too angry. Would you want to date an angry MF? Hope I don't become like him.

>> No.15707081

>like we all know how much filth we all jack off to when we're single for ages.

>> No.15707122

Okay, degenerate. Not everyone worships Slaanesh.

>> No.15707130

probably his own bio, out loud, to his mother, to get her reaction

>> No.15707138

A pointless virtue
Women should be married off by the time they hit puberty, negating the need for premarital sex.

>> No.15707321

Actually it's not

>> No.15707361
File: 26 KB, 646x286, [VISCARIA_(Atera)]_Ishu_Kaikan_Koubi_-Umi_to_Doukutsu_to_Kaiyou_Seibutsu-_[English]_[Uncensored]_-_ExHentai.org_-_2020-06-26_11.40.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am worse than a girl bouncing on basketball american cock?

>> No.15707409

Nobody worships Slaanesh

Yes. This is a solipsistic, debased and depraved sexuality, based on unfulfillable fantasies that should turn the stomach of any healthy person.

>> No.15707412

joke's on you, I've been on NoFap since my 18th birthday.
21 yo anon here

>> No.15707911

>Yes. This is a solipsistic, debased and depraved sexuality, based on unfulfillable fantasies that should turn the stomach of any healthy person
Thanks, I am on a quest to be the most degenerate virgin in existence.

>> No.15707933

>t. Rowan

>> No.15708020

This is fucking depressing, I feel so bad for Rowan just looking at this guy, I feel so bad that if I saw Rowan I would hold my breath and get my food at a local farmer’s market instead
As somebody who has had a lot of sex,
I could care less if a total wife-material woman has also had a lot of sex, and she’s more than a woman, she’s stupid and funny. If she had more sex then me though, then she’d automatically be a coomsloot fuck her and her family of course

>> No.15708336

prob not real. but how?