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/lit/ - Literature

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15702934 No.15702934 [Reply] [Original]

I asked for some introductory Catholic books and someone recommended me Jordan Peterson

>> No.15703087

In defence of whoever did that, back when I just started questioning my militant atheism he was hot shit and was doing the talks on genesis. I've since found my way to questioning catholosism. I'm working on: How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, The Chatechism of Thomas Aquinas, and am referencing the Oxford Chatholic Study Bible when I'm struggling with the Douay Rheims. But even since I've started questioning I havent been to a church of any denom. So someone prob has something better.

>> No.15703192

Check Bishop Barron's youtube channel. He has a lot of short videos talking about a broad range of subjects.
It is hard to suggest book without knowing what you already know, but what >>15703087 suggested is actually good.

Reading about the life of saints is also really good to make you understand catholicism.
I'd suggest Agony of Christianity by Unamuno but this is far from a catholic book, Unamuno's work was in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum for a while. But I like Unamuno's view of how the life of a Christian is a life of deep agony.

Anyway, check Bishop Barron's channel and then you can have a better idea of whatever you truly want to know.

>> No.15703277
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This is the book they asked us to read for confirmation. I think it's a wonderful introduction to Catholicism.

>> No.15703304
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Unironically start with the Greeks (or just Aristotle since you can just cover Platonism later with Plotinus) namely:
- Aristotle
- The Stoics (especially Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius and Seneca)
- Plotinus and the Neoplatonists

Then read the Early Church Fathers like:
- Justin Martyr
- John Chrysostom
- St. Augustine of Hippo (especially his Confessions and City of God, but his other stuff is good too)
- Boethius (not a Church Father, but he is important)
- St. Jerome

Then read St. Thomas Aquinas (especially Summa Theologica but his other less prestigious works are good too), Duns Scotus, and Roger Bacon (if you are interested in the history/philosophy of science).
Then read more modern Thomists like Ed Feser, Jacques Maritan and Peter Kreeft (whco actually now that I think about it, has a lot of good intro Catholic books like Back to Virtue, How to Pray and a book about Heaven who's name I forget. You should probably start with him honestly. And a Catechism and a Bible (RSV is pretty good, but get Douhay-Rheims if you want that historical feel to it)).

Or you can just read these kinos as well. They're pretty good.

>> No.15703315
File: 1.11 MB, 1791x3500, Catholic Theology Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this list has a lot of good books.

>> No.15704063

G.K Chesterton. Heretics and Orthodoxy.

>> No.15704066

Do you want theology or do you want LITERATURE? Because I have recommendations for both.


The Introduction to the Devout Life, by St. Francis de Sales


Brideshead Revisited, by Evelyn Waugh

>> No.15704107

Biblical lectures are JP at his best. Would recommend.

>> No.15704558

Wash your dick in holy water

>> No.15706280

I don't think it deserves sage

>> No.15706291

I didn't sage. I forgot to change my name after I made sure a pedo thread was pruned.

>> No.15706978
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>> No.15707011
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*solves religion*