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15702884 No.15702884 [Reply] [Original]

Who will replace him when he dies?

>> No.15702890


>> No.15702900

Nope, he's going to rise one more time from the grave and preach, "Nigger lives matter."

>> No.15702922

Chomsky is the least embarrassing anarkiddy alive right now, so nobody.

>> No.15702954
File: 44 KB, 450x675, krystal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15702960

He's already been replaced in the eyes of the radical left. He was pro free speech, anti rioting, and against shutting down speakers/cancelling, but the radical left approves of these tactics and are increasing them. In general he wanted the focus to be clash issues, but now the focus is strongly centered around gender, sexuality, and race.

>> No.15702971

Justin Murphy

>> No.15702973

Is that the lady from that show on the hill who was on Joe Rogan?

>> No.15702978

Damn, Teddy K looks like that now?!

>> No.15702985


>> No.15703006

A Chomsky like figure isn't possible in the current climate. He's already cancelled by most young people for being a problematic yucky class reductionist and those that reject idpol don't like him because he's an anarchist and not a Marxist-Leninist.

>> No.15703008


>> No.15703014
File: 291 KB, 1668x872, D2FB31BD-5BCB-4F65-8B9E-5853EEB5EEC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In linguistics? I’ve no idea.
In anarchist advocacy? Me.
In truth telling gadfly. Jimmy Dore

>> No.15703029

God I live fat hipster /lit/ quasi-dykes. Some day I want to eat a pussy.

>> No.15703033

Jimmy Dore is kind of an idiot who just happens to be right sometimes

>> No.15703047

Mark Fisher. But Someone highly thought of will only emerge from a power vacuum

>> No.15703052

>Mark Fisher
Anon... I have some bad news for you...

>> No.15703053

>In linguistics

He's been replaced for 4 decades. He has not been relevent to Linguistics for a long while. Generative syntax was pretty much shown to be limited and mostly bullshit along time ago. Some still study it, but most do not take it seriously.

>> No.15703111

He’s right every time. He admits to being a dumb comedian, but he has the best bullshit detector. That’s what the job needs. Like Chomsky, he filters the news to you.
I do wish he’d abandon progressivism though. He likes that Danny Haiphong (sp) guy, but the tanky bullshit isn’t washing. He needs to talk with an anarchist about some theory and strategy. (Wish he’d have James Herod on)

>> No.15703149

Some shitty "breadtuber"

>> No.15704478
