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15702470 No.15702470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ that explains why the law criminalizes sex with people in their youthful prime?

surely foucault or someone wrote about this

>> No.15702480

because nobody wants legal jeffrey epstein's running amok. teenagers are brainlets and should be treated as such

>> No.15702481
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Her prime isn't even in that picture

>> No.15702486

kill yourself my man

>> No.15702492

women age like milk

>> No.15702507
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Most human beings are brainlets
The ones that aren't were probably more wise and intelligent as a teen than the average adult normalfag.
shut up lol.
girls don't enter a fucking cocoon and suddenly come out to be a fuckable woman at 18 or whatever arbitrary age you have set.
unless you grew up in some fucking bible belt you have a pretty good understanding of sex by the age of 12, especially these days when sex is literally fucking everywhere.

it's not rocket science, retards can do it, it is the most primitive instinct.
they're horny, they wanna get FUCKED, and they like that.
but then we have people like you, brainwashed by a Victorian era sexual purity movement spouting the bullshit about "MUH MENTAL MATURITY" when that had nothing to do with age of consent laws as they are today.

newsflash for you pal, if girls got married off around that age like they did during antiquity- the western world would not be in the dire straits it is today and you certainly wouldn't be posting on some mongolian basket weaving forum at 10 PM

just sayin

>> No.15702510


>Hitting the wall at 18 years old


>> No.15702514

Imagine... a woman in her youthful fertile prime... deciding to sit down and READ a BOOK. All that warm, fresh, pulsating, blossoming baby factory meat wasted on READING. A young, beautiful, healthy woman with a PLUG IN HER WOMB. This world is truly the most evil thing any demiurge could conceive.

>> No.15702523

It’s a byproduct of capitalism and feminism. Females are expected to be like men, go to school, and get a job. They’re not told to be great mothers one day, but instead they are asked what they want to be when they grow up. The more workers, the more the economy grows.

On the whole, it’s a sad state of affairs. Women grow up as whores, and that ruins marriages and therefore families, and the next generation suffers as a result.

>> No.15702531

she looks best at 12 but its higly likely it's becasue the hair dressing and gesture. She has un ugly mouth when she smiles, and ugly forehead. She also had the 1000 cock stare by 18. sad.

>> No.15702543
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If you're good looking, you're good looking when you're 12.
Pic related, 12 year old.

>> No.15702554

wow, look at the 12 y.o. skin compared to the later ages. I keep saying it: LITTLE GIRLS DONT NEED MAKEUP

>> No.15702559

Kill your local pedophile.

>> No.15702573
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>> No.15702584
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No it was literally mad old hag sufragettes that couldnt find a husband and blamed it on the men that were marrying 15yos.

>> No.15702595

can’t believe guys will look at this and pretend to themselves that this girl won’t grow up. It’s as if they think there’s no relation between the young girl’s appearance and her older self. She will obviously be attractive when she is a few years older, so it makes sense to be attracted to her now. Just a few years of acquainting and she could become your wife and a mother, like in the old days

>> No.15702600

Not true. faces keep changing, some pretties become ugly after that and some uglies become pretty. Saw it happen in my school class. However, that is tru with 14 yos

>> No.15702607

If I don't take her now some middle school chad will.
I wont have that shit, man.

>> No.15702613
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>some uglies become pretty

>> No.15702614
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>> No.15702622
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if you are 12... b&

>> No.15702626

not what I said. You can believe she is most attractive now, I didn’t imply otherwise. But I’m simply saying it’s a bit short-sighted to see no value in a young girl, as if she won’t be attractive in the future. It’s as if they only become attracted to a girl when she turns 18, which is just mostly self-deception really

>> No.15702641

Don't bring political views into this.
You can argue for pro loli sex from a traditionalist and a marxist perspective.

I don't think a (chunk) of the LGBT would even have anything against that.

All gay men are pederasts, there is no exception. If I was a gay man into twinks I'd obviously get the most handsome, youthful looking boys.

And every gay bottom I know has been getting dicked on by 30 year old men since before they were freshmen in highschool.

>> No.15702667

>You can argue for pro loli sex from a traditionalist and a marxist perspective.
depends on what “loli” means. Post-pubescent, yes; pre-pubescent, no. As sex with a child (pre-pubescent) doesn’t conceive, it’s obviously a disorder

>> No.15702673

>If I was a gay man into twinks I'd obviously get the most handsome, youthful looking boys.

>> No.15702678

Yeah, i meant pubescent
For some reason that word just didnt come to my mind.

Pedophilia is a perversion and a paraphilia, no doubt about that.
But if the 12 year old consents...

>> No.15702698

I tolerate homosex but I'm disgusted by it.
Can only imagine the smell, male auroma coupled with poop/cum scent.

>> No.15702710

>political views
nice projection bro
i was mocking the reply you would eventually get lmao

>> No.15702712

Ha. I went through that 18 phase from 14 to 25

>> No.15702730
File: 133 KB, 603x662, 5F3B7891-AB59-4CA5-BC86-12C39A076B77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But if the 12 year old consents...
i go crazy when they mire me. They make it so obvious, smiling and constantly looking, unlike the boring, apathetic hags. It’s almost as if they can sense that I like them too.

>> No.15702736

yeah, sorry, green text is so versatile

>> No.15702757
File: 159 KB, 1080x1080, 2f85149094d75b5a4115dc7e03dba15c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, op here
None of you guys recommended me any books yet.
This wasn't a bait thread, it was a serious question.

>> No.15702762
File: 2.93 MB, 2554x5725, 1547626270436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this wasn't a bait thread
It's a ROLL THREAD now nigga

>> No.15702766

So I guess everyone in this thread is getting permanently banned or

>> No.15702770
File: 441 KB, 810x810, No Thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a crypto-pedo thread
Get out and date girls your age, you fucking degenerates.

>> No.15702793

Dating, in itself and men doing so with girls their own age is degeneracy.

>> No.15702794

bro too young. add 3 years or so

>> No.15702806
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>> No.15702809

>Get out and date girls your age,
why? Few of them are virgins, they’re boring, vapid, directionless, used up, irritable, etc. I don’t want a “mature” woman, I want a graceful, nice, feminine, playful girl. Not acting like a psychopath is mature enough

>> No.15702812

no girls date their age except old hags.

>> No.15702822

No, I mean if you're going to use the word degenerate it means you're some flavor of fascist/traditionalist or whatever.
So what he ascribed to be degenerate, is actually not.

Is that you butters? I always see you with different trips

>> No.15702840

Dating/courting someone more age appropriate is the opposite of degeneracy.

Pedophilia is a fetish. Children and underdeveloped kids aren’t ready for sex

>> No.15702852
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Because fornication is immoral. It's perfectly legal to have sex with a woman in her prime if you are married.

There, I saved you time reading books.

>> No.15702858

She objectively looks good at 12 but not in a sexual way. I would bang her at 14 but I wouldn't date her before 16. This is the correct opinion on this topic and there's no need to deny it.

>> No.15702860

What is more age appropriate?
Pubescent "kids" aren't the same as children nor is attraction to them categorized as pedophilia.

>> No.15702862

>t. Degenerate

>> No.15702881

Teens ought to be allowed, even encouraged, to get to know each other. You know damn well what I mean by appropriate.

>> No.15702882
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>> No.15702893

Meant for
Fucking got in my way, butters. Guess it still applies

>> No.15702906
File: 353 KB, 828x1114, 6BF1F90B-7783-4FAC-AAC8-2C8974670B52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15702909

Vauge term. Courting an 18 year old as a 20 year old, no one will bat an eye.
13 year olds on the other hand...most will lose their shit.

>> No.15702920

Men 5-10 years older than the woman they're courting is perfectly normal and moral. Women being courted from the time they begin menstruating is perfectly normal and moral.

>> No.15702941

An 18 year old ought to be allowed a little access to a 13 year old. I doubt the younger would be ready for sex, but a lot of 18 year olds aren’t either. Still being under a parent’s care is the key issue here. If they can’t hold down living on their own, the chances of sex are limited. And usually ought to be.

>> No.15702943


>> No.15702950

Nice try, white boy. Im a king. Continue to be a dreg of society.

>> No.15702952
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>Women being courted from the time they begin menstruating is perfectly normal and moral.

>> No.15702964

Close the reply

>> No.15702966

I would ravish a teen buttercunt
>conceptualize the youthful glow

>> No.15702968

Contemporary standards uphold the delusions of men that mutilate their genitals and wear dresses and call themselves women. I mean perennially and objectively "normal"

>> No.15702984

in other words, natural

>> No.15702989

Twitter strikes again. What’s wrong with a 28 y/o courting an 18 y/o?

You’d get nowhere fast

>> No.15702992

No one will do shit. That’s the issue nobody says anything. The issue we face isn’t people who have these issues, it’s that we live in a society where children are not safe at all and some of these offenders sometimes see no time at all. Millions of dollars is what schools pay to hush scandals like this and they are by the dozen by the month for years. What’s done is done, people are strange, but we can do a lot better than this. This fetish for hate is what drives these witch hunts, it usually has no understanding of the broader implications these incidences say a lot about the way in which we’ve allowed children without our supervision

>> No.15702997

Its not rape if you say "surprise!"

>> No.15703017

>An 18 year old ought to be allowed a little access to a 13 year old.
It's just fuckin' arbitrary. Does it become not allowed when they're 19, 20?
What if the girl was 12, not 13?

Whatever, I don't actually give a shit. I see a 12 year old eying me in a cafe or a park I'm moving in for the (figurative) kill.
12, 15, 17? These days, I can't fucking tell.

Popo be damned. Spooks be damned.

>> No.15703018

>What’s wrong with a 28 y/o courting an 18 y/o?
A 28 y/o is very old, whether man or woman, and there is clearly something wrong with them and I'd be resistant to letting my son/daughter marry them.

There may be some circumstances that couldn't be helped, and he may be a perfectly fine husband for my daughter, but I cannot envision a scenario in which a woman of that age and my son would be married with my blessing.

>> No.15703026

hahahah you absolute incel

>> No.15703041

I'd love too but it's too funny

>> No.15703049
File: 177 KB, 320x240, 7B3A57F7-7B5E-4106-9AD2-EBF33640CE5B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not acting like a psychopath is mature enough
Fucking based

>> No.15703059

>Millions of dollars is what schools pay to hush scandals like this
Oh jeez, that's where my school funding goes to?

>> No.15703062

It’s not rape when you’re looking around for your teeth.

If they can’t move away from their parents house (on their own!) it’s a no go. Squishy area for courtship and parental approval can be before then.

>A 28 y/o is very old
No. Though by then they might be asking for trouble with an immature person. But ten years is nothing once they start to mature. 25-35, 40-50. It’s fine. But as I said above, if they can’t move out on their own at 18 (and who can?) this is a courtship with parental caveats

>> No.15703064

He's not wrong tho

>> No.15703079

You gotta admit, it was a funny joke
You chuckled
>I still hart u

>> No.15703081

>If they can’t move away from their parents house it's a no go
Most people can't do that until theu hit their early twenties, in today's economy.

>> No.15703090

Yes. The age gap is a consideration, but anyone that is unmarried at such an advanced age clearly has significant problems in their life. Men over the age of 25 and women over the age of 20 that remain unmarried are entering sketchy territory and quite clearly suffer from dysfunction.

>> No.15703103

>Men over the age of 25 and women over the age of 20 that remain unmarried are entering sketchy territory and quite clearly suffer from dysfunction.
So like, all of modernity?

>> No.15703107

what are you talking about. Men don’t peak at 25. It makes sense that they would succeed in their careers and get money and establish independence before marrying.

>> No.15703108

The circumstances of the world are not an excuse for personal failings.

>> No.15703113

>tfw 26 and single
I've had fleeting relationships. I'd rather be unhappy alone than insecure in untrustworthy company. I appreciate I don't meet the bar to be loved.

>> No.15703122

>Men don't peak at 25
I'm note sure whether they do or don't or what "peak" even means. A man should be able to support a family by 25, but even if he can't, there is no rule that says a couple must be able to live independently from their families once they marry. Humans have lived in multigenerational households for all of human history.

>> No.15703128
File: 109 KB, 525x595, 1593054629567 - Trans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uphold the delusions of men that mutilate their genitals and wear dresses
m8, we've institutionally mutilated mens' penises at birth in the US for like the last 100 fucking years. I don't think there's much left that the US isn't willing to do wrt biology. Pic related.
>If they can’t move away from their parents house
If you just mean "Don't tap it before they graduate HS" that makes sense to me, but if you mean that literally I'd suggest amending it to include "Women who conceivably could live away from their parents with a stable income". I.e., if you're mature and stable and could cook but don't have a job, there's no reason not to go for it.

>> No.15703129

Yes but my point was, this is the case for majority of people in the western world at least.
Average age of marriage for men and women being 29 and 27 respectively, give or take depending on the nation.

>> No.15703132

Fuck, second part was for >>15703062

>> No.15703135

I just don’t see why a man must get married at 25.
35 is a bit late, however, as you start getting into the age of decreased fertility.

>> No.15703136

>>uphold the delusions of men that mutilate their genitals and wear dresses
You left the important part out of your quote. Male Genital Mutilation is evil, you won't find me arguing against that.
>>If they can’t move away from their parents house
I never typed this. I think men and especially women should live with their parents before marriage, and living with their parents after they marry is also perfectly natural.

>> No.15703140
File: 167 KB, 470x723, 7D36AD8D-6453-43C0-9CA5-EB2072A1CDC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teeth don’t grow back.


>> No.15703145

>Don't tap it before they graduate HS
>that makes sense for me
The pretty ones lose it by sophomore year
T. Was in highschool last year

>> No.15703151


Take the plaingirlpill.
You know how annoying it is when girls all want Chad?
Well to plain girls the girls most guys fawn over are Chad.
Date a plain girl and she will never betray you, because she (unlike the girls you beta-orbit) will be afraid to lose you because she can't replace you as easily.

t. Finally happy.

>> No.15703156

I understood your meaning, but I still fail to see your point. If everyone was jumping off a bridge, would you?
>I just don’t see why a man must get married at 25.
I didn't say he had to AT 25, I personally believe a man that is not married BY 25 suffers from dysfunction. I'm not making a moral condemnation or anything.

>> No.15703163


>Men under the age of 25

Do Americans really? Jesus H. Christ.

>> No.15703167

For the record, I place no value in a woman's ability to get a McJob. Her place is in the home raising children. There is no reason to value a woman having graduated high school, and ideally, she'd be married around 15.

>> No.15703171

No thanks. As much as I want company, to hold and be held, I know it's not a life compatible with me. I'd be better a wandering hermit. At least then I can learn to love seeing the world.

>> No.15703179


Lmao if you ever met a girl that didn't graduate high school you wouldn't give her a second look.
You'd be embarrassed to be seen in public with her.

>> No.15703185

>sophomore year
By the time I was in middle school girls in my class had already started dating. they all had boyfriends who had finished highschool. it was "uncool" for them to date guys their own age because older guys are more "mature" (plus they had cars and usually lived on their own)
i remember one time all the girls were getting sick and missing classes so the school brought a doctor to give us a lecture about safe sex practices and birth control. turns out nearly all the girls had started taking birth control pills because their older "mature" bfs couldn't coom with a condom on, and the girls were getting sick because the birth control pills were messing up their hormonal profile, you're not supposed to start taking them so early, lel.
every day i would leave the school and the bfs were waiting outside near the school gate next to their cars to pick up their prime teen girlfriends. they would meet up, grope them, kiss them, then drive away to fuck somewhere. and all i could do was watch. we had no way to compete. we were just 13 year old boys without jobs or cars.

i also remember one episode where i sitting in the back and two girls nearby were talking about sex. one asked her friend how her first time was.
"oh it was super sweet, he's really good with virgins"
"nice, i'll ask him to take mine too"
we didn't have cellphones or social media back then (early 2000s) so the girl arranged a meet for her friend and the guy they were talking about.

god knows how early they're starting now.

>> No.15703186

Yes, men that fail to marry by 25 are dysfunctional, regardless of their race or the continent they inhabit.
I wholeheartedly deny your assertions and reject your liberal values.

>> No.15703198

>BY 25
same difference. My question still deserves an answer. How is that dysfunctional? Maybe he just hasn’t found the right girl. Maybe he’s too busy with his fresh new career. Maybe he’s still living with his mom paying off debt. Doesn’t appear dysfunctional at all

>> No.15703213

>How is that dysfunctional?
Because he is old enough to have multiple children and doesn't. None of the reasons you typed would stop him from finding a woman and marrying. Maybe he doesn't want a wife and children, but that itself is an even worse dysfunction.

>> No.15703219

The only real reasons for a man or woman to be unmarried is they are undesirable and/or they are not pursuing marriage. Both are causes for concern when evaluating an individual in courtship.

>> No.15703225

>unmarried at such an advanced age clearly has significant problems in their life. Men over the age of 25 and women over the age of 20
lmaoooo are you a 16yo virgin or a menonite?

>> No.15703241

for me, this image just says she looks worse with braces. Otherwise, 16 would be the best if she weren't making a weird face.

>> No.15703244

I'm a 23 year old virgin. I'm unmarried, chastity is a virtue.

>> No.15703251

>also remember one episode where i sitting in the back and two girls nearby were talking about sex. one asked her friend how her first time was.
>"oh it was super sweet, he's really good with virgins"
>"nice, i'll ask him to take mine too"
>we didn't have cellphones or social media back then (early 2000s) so the girl arranged a meet for her friend and the guy they were talking about.

This was how I met most of the young girls that I deflowered. Difference was I was legal age for them at the time.

>> No.15703262

>23 years old
2 years buddy
Tik tok, tik tok

>> No.15703263


>> No.15703280

shut up cumbrain faggot

>> No.15703283

I already know I'm dysfunctional, that has nothing to do with my statements concerning society. If I'm still single at 27 and try to marry a woman, I will expect her father to be wary and respect him more for his consideration.

>> No.15703284
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>"oh it was super sweet, he's really good with virgins"
>"nice, i'll ask him to take mine too"
This can't be real
Shit like this makes me fucking SEETH so hard

Shit like that doesn't happen, right guys? Prolly only in some shitty flyover states

>> No.15703285

lmao good luck getting married to meet your retarded autistic virgin standarts

>> No.15703295

This term is reserved for cronic masturbators, something which I am not

>> No.15703301


>> No.15703319

in flyover states you'd get shot for shit like this

>> No.15703323

I don't want to guess why you're angry, but rest assured I'm in contact with women and marriage is not far off.

>> No.15703345

Damn bro, that's fucked up.

>> No.15703351

I did this and its mostly annoying. I'm passing up hot young sluts for this loyal plain bitch who will be fat and shitty looking in 5-10 years. Her family is rich or I'd be gone.

>> No.15703358

clueless retards make me "angry" i guess. Enjoy getting married then.

>> No.15703360

can't even ID you

>> No.15703374
File: 53 KB, 563x893, 1593127451710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the average age people even lose their virgnity?
"Studies" say the average was 17
But i think it's less like a bell curve and more a lot of people losing it late, and a lot of people losing it early.

>> No.15703389

Thanks, I will. Enjoy being angry on anime imageboards, I guess.

>> No.15703403
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>> No.15703416

28 male, 14 female, married, babies on the way

>> No.15703418

Dude you know why you are so cringe? Because you are larping as if you had 1920s morals when not even you grandparents have them, while there are trannies out there and those moreals ended before apartheid did. If you arent the one that makes the law, you cant be reactionary in practice, only in theory, or you are a misfit retard.

>> No.15703424

>as if you had 1920s morals
Pick one, fgt

>> No.15703427

in the case that fact was true, you are right,, but i boubth it is

>> No.15703431

>Because you are larping as if you had 1920s morals when not even you grandparents have them
Morality does not change according to time and place. I'm not going to read the rest of your post.

Both my grandmothers married at 16.

>> No.15703436
File: 19 KB, 220x298, 220px-Vladimir_Nabokov_1960s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job

>> No.15703439

what did this reard mean by this? Ok 1850s if you like it better. You are just proving you are clueless not only in current day but also in history.

>> No.15703446

>Morality does not change according to time and place. I'm not going to read the rest of your post.
It kinda does, which is why we should change society to reach optimal moral standards. It was a lot more moral to marry a 12 year old in ancient days than now, for multiple reasons, including the immaturity of the modern 12 year old girl. She doesn’t know a thing about being a wife or mother.

>> No.15703448

>It kinda does
Stopped reading there. I'm not interested in your opinion, the foundation of your worldview is wrong.

>> No.15703453

>Morality does not change according to time and place.
yes it does idiot. The moral values you develop depend on the enviroment you grow up in. You dont really believe any of the shit you are saying ohter than theorically. You are larping and pathetic, too afraid to not fool yourself about what you really want to do. kinda like a closet faggot. very cringe

>> No.15703455

Morality does not exist independent of God. God's law does not change.

>> No.15703458

So it would make sense to be attracted to a 6 year old if you could tell she would be attractive when she grows up?

Very dodgy logic u got there

>> No.15703464

You have no idea what you're talking about
Just stfu lol, i'm not defending the other guy but you're equally as retarded.

I don't think that people are sick for not getting married by then but it sure as hell would be an ideal. The quality of the sperm and eggs start to deteriorate rapidly after the age of 30.

Explains all the autists these days.

>> No.15703465

not me. Not surprised you are so cringe when you act like a 8yo arguing "not gonna read lalalala". autistic faggot.

>> No.15703470


>> No.15703478

another larp. you dont even believe in god if you live in modernity, you are just fooling yourself. that is why i asked wheter you were a menonite or a clueless virgin. I know the answer now

>> No.15703481

Rolling again I don't like mine

>> No.15703488

No refunds.

>> No.15703490

morality is seeking the best life. If you made the moral decisions of 1,000 years ago in 2020 then you would be ridiculed and outcasted, maybe even jailed, which would lead to an awful life. Morality certainly depends on the environment, but we can still aim for higher moral possibilities by changing our environment (society). While marrying a 12 year old would get you in deep trouble, it might be possible that such a relationship is inherently most healthy when achieved with the right environment ( a world in which you won’t go to jail for such a thing). Not saying that this is the most healthy or most natural age, just an example. Morality encompasses all consequences and effects

>> No.15703494

>another larp. you dont even believe in god
You don't believe anything you've typed, you're just making it up. I'm not going to reply anymore since I've judged that you're just making it up.

>> No.15703495

Get off my board newfag.

>> No.15703506

which law are you talking about, exactly?

>> No.15703508

you are the oher guy very likely. You dont think they asked the father in law for marriage aproval in 1850s? maybe you are the retard. I do agree with the biological thing you are saying but i acknowlege its THEORIC, i know its right thing but i CANT marry a 15 yo understand?

>> No.15703515

The Bible.

>> No.15703523

>i know its right thing but i CANT marry a 15 yo understand?

>> No.15703526

lmao no matter how may people tell him, he is an autistic fedora idiot (probably new and a redditor) and we should all have ingored since he posted that stupid marriage before 20 shit.

>> No.15703534
File: 9 KB, 270x277, 1546581211976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a feminist atheist calling others fedoras and reddit

>> No.15703535

parents wont consent. welcome to 2020 idiot. get in touch with reality

>> No.15703537

They literally had child prostitution in the 1850s lol, they were not nearly as sexually repressive as you think.

Read foucault's history of sexuality.

>> No.15703543

yes, and which law specifically are you citing? Not all morals are fixed unless you claim that all action can be fully decided by Biblical morality. For example, how does the Bible describe what’s moral concerning age of marriage? 18? 16? 12? If God doesn’t punish us for these things, then how do you make such a decision? By evaluating your environment and making the decision that seems beneficial to you, just as you obey God for the benefit of going to heaven and not going to hell. In all cases what’s moral is what leads to the most preferable experience for yourself

>> No.15703550

I went on a date with a 16 year old and both our mothers chaperoning earlier this month.
>how does the Bible describe what’s moral concerning age of marriage?

>> No.15703555

hot take, nigger. Do you think a feminist would call you a faggot? you are a literal sperg, chris chan tier.

>> No.15703560

I think a feminist would simp for whores being unmarried past 20 because they're busy working McJobs.

>> No.15703569

ok great, now justify your arbitrary male age of 25

>> No.15703571

How old are you?
Also, menstruating isn't the legal age for marriage, you can get betrothed earlier if necessary.

>> No.15703573

I don't need to, it is my arbitrary opinion, as you say.

>> No.15703578

I know, i am not theclueless sperg. Most men had sex b4 marriage. tell that to that other autist that believes it was that way outsidethe rich conservative class his ancestors didnt even belong to. lol

>> No.15703580
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I regret making this thread.

>> No.15703582

I am 23.
>Also, menstruating isn't the legal age for marriage,
God's law trumps man's. That said, you're wrong.

>> No.15703588

The rich were the most degenerate of them all lol.
Please stop posting

>> No.15703591

but you said morals don’t change with time or place. You certainly didn’t live in other times, so you’re extending your opinion to all men in all times in all places.

>> No.15703591,1 [INTERNAL] 

keyword: conservative
maybe there's a reson why i used 2 word dumb virgin