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File: 11 KB, 300x393, ayn-rand-wtl_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1570096 No.1570096 [Reply] [Original]

Is this bitch even worth reading?

Every time I debate an objectivist I am accused of "not understanding the philosophy".

I feel like I should just stop giving a fuck but it would also but I can't let it go.

>> No.1570105

It's actually it's dogmatic simplicity which cripples it.

>> No.1570106
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no unless you're 14 and you need inspiration to plot your revenge against the world

>> No.1570104
File: 8 KB, 200x146, 50288_207305463022_2027055_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never let go, Jack!

>> No.1570107

>Ayn Rand

>> No.1570109

Objectivism goes against brotherly love into being an asshole.

>> No.1570111

That cunt slattern Ayn Rand is completely worth reading. She's the best slut whore wench writer out there, certainly

>> No.1570114

I was thinking about the same thing, but it's really a bullshit argument to say, "I will not concede anything in this argument because you haven't read a thousand pages of 'poor people suck'." I read that Richard Dawkins (the atheist writer, wrote the God Delusion, I think) said he's never read the Bible, because he doesn't think it's necessary for him to read, just as someone who doesn't believe in leprechauns doesn't need to read about their mythology to know that leprechauns don't exist. If anything, I was thinking about reading the John Galt speech to get the feel for it, and fill the rest in with Wikipedia.

>> No.1570120

: |

>> No.1570122

Objectivism is basically that quote from some rapper:

'Playas do what they want, bitches do what they can about it.'

>> No.1570129

somebody should mention ayn rand

>> No.1570138

I read on wikipedia that she ass canon.

>> No.1570140


That is proper grammar. You're obviously just dumb.

It's is used for conjunctions - as in "it is" or "it has". Its is used for possessive. If you google search it, it's the first one that pops up.


>> No.1570141

I've seen this exact lyric reversed by some shitty pop band.

>> No.1570155

Some ideas in objectivism are pretty appealing when you read it like I did. There is always some way to incorporate it into your own personal life, especially if you live in the States. I saw it as more of a book about self-reliance and not owing anyone an apology for any success I gain and not blaming any one for any failure I experience.

It's long, it's preachy, it's not really the best story in the world, but if you're interested in it read it. If you're not 100% devoted to finishing it, you won't finish it and you will have wasted 8-30$ (depending on which version you buy (unless you get it from the library)).

>> No.1570160

I was talking about the second it's. Read it again. Don't worry, you don't have to apologize, just know your role.

>> No.1570171

I like some of her epistemological stuff. Her political ideals though, are pretty much "Bawww Communism is evil thank god I got away from the USSR. America rules I love capitalism no help from government help from government is stupid". Then we got assholes like Limbaugh, Beck, and other Neo-conservatives who claim to come from Objectivist ideologies, but are highly religious (she sees all religion as mysticism). Basically I think she's alright and her background shows why she had such a hard-on for Capitalism (though I don't think its practical for what she wants, see: Bioshock). One of the main problems is her fan-base is full of idiots, and assholes.

>> No.1570330

Reading comprehension, buddy. Granted he made things a little confusing by capitalizing the second "It's" but you should have inferred what he meant when he greentexted it a second time.

>> No.1570413

Yes, I think something like Bioshock is probably the only expectable outcome out of adopting laissez faire capitalism and allowing people to do whatever the fuck they want.

It seems like in order for her philosophies to work, humans would have to be perfectly benevolent, perfectly good in most of their actions, and perfectly equal at the moment of birth. It's an ideal that can never be reached.

>> No.1570441

honestly objectivism shouldn't be called its own philosophy. its been said a thousand times. personally I don't agree with. if you're interested in some contemporary philosophy that focuses on the individual, read the stranger

>> No.1570486

Ayn Rand is disquailified from abstract thought because she is a duelist

>> No.1570487
File: 53 KB, 560x700, the-duelist-joe-costello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1570505
File: 115 KB, 267x400, sewercov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this instead.

The main character reads it for you.