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15698617 No.15698617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stop worshiping semitic desert demons

>> No.15698629

Stop worshipping literal OCs that contributed nothing to philosophy.

>> No.15698646

Pagan Greeks contributed nothing to philosophy?

>> No.15698748

It's time to STOP

>> No.15698755

Stop Worshiping

>> No.15698778

You meab the ones that by and large supported a monad or agnostic conception of the devine and saw the gods as just cultural artifacts to control the proles and state?

No. Its way more aesthetic and interesting and doesnt require vast amounts of larp.

>> No.15698779
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I will continue to worship

>> No.15698783

Sure I'll worship comic book heroes instead

>> No.15698790
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>You meab the ones that by and large supported a monad or agnostic conception of the devine and saw the gods as just cultural artifacts to control the proles and state?
Yes, the one you LARP as when you ascribe their conception of god to some desert stories.

>> No.15698801
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I'd worship a comic book hero over this anytime

>> No.15698803

The Viking Incursion and its consequences have been a disaster for Angle-Land

(aka fuck offf odin go home)

>> No.15698815

Stop larping.

>> No.15698822
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Posting in a comfy thread


>> No.15698842

Why should I practice paganism when you don't even practice paganism?

>> No.15698862

it's the invincibility mask man
hugala buga

>> No.15698868
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>this was found on a pot one guy had
>oh shit this must be the god of their civilization
wow btfo, just gonna ignore how Odin was a hermaphrodite who ate buckets of cum for magic powers then

>> No.15698872

Imagine trying to go back to a religion so weak, Christians destroyed them. They don't even know what they're trying to recreate since literally everything we know about them is preserved through Christian hands with Christian bias. I wish they could see how goofy they are.

>> No.15698889

b a s e d

>> No.15698914

Still. There is no excuse for worshiping a semitic desert demon.

>> No.15698926

Based big dick G-D

>> No.15698935

YHWH would beat the shit out of Odin, get the fuck outta here

>> No.15698937

... i dint get the insult here? Its just an early inscription of a man like figure. Seems to me more like you have a grip with the the artistic merits of a bronze age artist rather than anything else. Maybe if jack Lirby drew it you would be christian, see as how thats how you seem to pick your God.

So you agree that the old faith was already a larp by the actual smart men of the time and their actual theological ideas came into being as european monadic traditions including christianity? And yes, the sensation of honest faith if often found through Jesus christ. I cannot say the same for paganlarpers, who usually do it after feeling bad a neeto culture was subsumed without any genuine religious pull.

>> No.15698938

Good, you admit to being an atheist. Why all the pretense? Are you afraid of being called a fedora?

>> No.15698969

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15699084

We can see where we are.

>> No.15699095

Is that you?

>> No.15699785
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Christianity is so weak it got destroyed by Funko Pops.

>> No.15700179

wouldn't it be funny if he was forced to dress as a girl haha

>> No.15700387
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Sorry sweetie but philosophy was built and perfected by polytheists. Be it the Greeks, Egyptians, Indians or Chinese.

Meanwhile monotheists tried to copypaste their philosophy or spent their time trying to understand angels.

>> No.15700688

So many cases of YHVH possessions ITT, sad.

>> No.15700865

the we wuz vikangz larp is the most embarrassing shit

>> No.15700944

not real but if it was it would be based, praise big dick yahweh

>> No.15701039

That one's fake, but Loki did become a mare to get impregnated and give birth to Sleipnir. Also, pederasty and homosexuality is based, as long as you aren't the one receiving. And if you are receiving, make sure you're an Emperor's lover so he deifies you

No excuse is needed.

Vain philosophies.
>spend their time trying to understand angels
Those are the scholars. The earnest Christians believe and apply, they don't waste their time with measuring the wingspans of angels and losing themselves in linguistic confusion

Is YHVH real according to pagans? Pagan empires would just assimilate the gods of the people they conquered, most of which were more or less the same, primitive, sun and moon/elemental gods. What about Christianity? Is their god real? Is he fake? Is your god real?

>> No.15701279

better than n*rdic rpg characters

>> No.15701298

would kick odin's ass any day

>> No.15701333



t. hindu

>> No.15701658
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Together we will usher a new era with the destruction of Yahweh-Moloch.

t. Zoroastrian

>> No.15701676


>> No.15703463
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Never started.

>> No.15704535
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>Is YHVH real according to pagans?
Yes, he's a living spiritual being from the deserts of Judea. He's known for his jealousy and destruction. He enjoys the smell of animal holocaust and demands male genital mutilation.
I would advice not to worship him, it can end up in a possession. Banish him back to the deserts from where he came from.

>> No.15704606

This, you guys know you don’t HAVE to have a god

>> No.15704638

You probably WORSHIP science or evolution. You always have a god.

>> No.15704639

I'd post Stiner, but I'm a filthy phoneposter

>> No.15704659
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>What about Christianity? Is their god real? Is he fake?
They have this weird schizoid system where they worship both the destructive demon from the deserts called YHVH and the loving and forgiving god of the NT, the one that Jesus called his father.
You can clearly see which one of these a particular christian worships.
The LARPy Deus gevalt templars and le baysd preechers worship YHVH. The pope and other neoliberal christians follow the god of the NT on the other hand.

>Is your god real?
Yes. I worship many gods.

>> No.15704675

Posting a case of YHVH possession, starts at 1:00


>> No.15704700
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You fuckers enabled the Israelites in their psychopatic exclusionistic religion. If it weren't for you the desert demon of Judea would have been a thing of the past.

Assyrians did nothing wrong, Babylonians did nothing wrong!

>> No.15704761

Christianity is the completion of the Roman synthesis of polytheism with monotheism. The sun is not anywhere on Earth, and neither is God. Crediting the transformation of early Christianity into the Church to Jews instead of to the Romans is absurdity itself.

>> No.15704780
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I worship the one true pot on head God.

>> No.15704785

You have a point but why do christians use some desert scrolls about the wanderings of some semitic tribe as THE WORD OF GOD then?

They really want to be jews in the end

>> No.15704808

Stop worshipig alexandrian metropolitan demons!


>> No.15704814

Stop worshiping, period.
Start thinking.

>> No.15704842

Stop worshiping your mind.

>> No.15704867

>Indians or Chinese
Plato didn't believe in the Greek pantheon, nor did Aristotle. Although people didn't like that at the time, Akhenaten is a very important figure as well.

>> No.15704916

Paganism offers no metaphysical insight whatsoever.

>> No.15704939

There's no need for one.
Christians invent it in order to cope with their inconsistencies.

>> No.15704941
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>> No.15704957

This guy singlehandedly destroyed the spell of the semitic desert demon.
People still worship him, yes, but his lure getting weaker thanks to Varg.

It's time to STOP

>> No.15705033
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He was the new god brought forth upon the end of the age of Taurus and Aries!
And now another aspect must arise from this darkness.

>> No.15705142

I must say his depictions are better than those of YHVH. I'll give you that.

>> No.15705682

Seek Jesus fren.

>> No.15706443

Stop worshiping galilean carpenter rabis

>> No.15706499
File: 186 KB, 616x656, Huehuecoyotl_CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmaoing @ ur lives

>> No.15706658

When will fuckheads start realising the truth about the 'norse pantheon'

We barely know anything about their religion. We dont have a single religious text written by them. Our two main textual sources are secondhand and both incredibly biased. Snorri, the icelandic edda author, was born almost 200 years after the conversion to christianity. Adam Of Bremen was a german monk who lived in Germany in the later part of the 11th century. Those two are the only full blown written sources we have on Norse religion. The bias is literally dripping down from both of them.

Snorri wrote about Icelandic folktales but we still dont know to which extend they were changed and/or influenced by christianity in the years between conversion and his writings. But given the sheer time jump in between it is unimaginable that the stories were not heavily altered. Besides this he lived in Iceland, what was then too a Scandinavian backwater. We have no idea to which extend the stories he wrote are in any way pan-Scandinavian or just local folklore.

Adam Of Bremen was living a bit closer to the viking era, but still not in the viking era itself as well. It is obvious that, as a monk, he has an agenda when it comes to writing about Norse religion. We dont even know if the guy ever went to Scandinavia in the first place.

An example of how little we actually know on Norse religion is Loki. He is obviously a major figure in the Edda, but what his true position in the pantheon was is a mystery. It is even questioned whether he was worshipped at all in the viking era given that we have found zero places in all of Scandinavia (one of the few ways of measuring religious impact in local life is analyzing place names)that are linguistically tied to Loki. It could very well be that Loki was nothing more than a local icelandic folk hero.

Thanks to people like Varg and 19th century german Wagner-fanatics people have the idea that the Norse religion is similar to let's say the corpus of the ancient greeks or mesopotamians when in reality we know FUCK ALL

>> No.15706710

Dude no one here promotes "Norse pantheon" or Odin or any of that shit.
It's like the christcucks are unable to defend their own religion without reading into the mind of the attacker.

The claim is simple. You worship a destructive foreign god and claim he is God.

>> No.15706721
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Stop worshiping false transmissions

>> No.15706810

the OP starts with a picture of Odin which at least hints at starting some Norse LARPing.

>> No.15706859

>The claim is simple. You worship a destructive foreign god and claim he is God.
So what's the alternative? If Neo-paganism is just LARPing, what should we worship instead?

>> No.15706901

.. what i thought the greeks did when they became too big brained for childish material domain gods?

not even christian, but
>The claim is simple. You worship a destructive foreign god and claim he is God.
All of that is subjective and perspectivist in the extreme. how do you know the norse or german or celtic pantheon did not subsume some other religion? and how can you call them foreign or not if that is a function of time? at some point the religion was from somewhere else, especially seeing as the tribes were once migratory before settling.

>> No.15706915

>So what's the alternative? If Neo-paganism is just LARPing, what should we worship instead?
That on which the old religions are based on: Nature.

>> No.15706924

Hello >>>/pol/ pagan larpers

>> No.15706932

It's supposed to be a Skyfather. The head of all Indo-European traditions. A true god of Europeans.

>> No.15706940
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>If Neo-paganism is just LARPing
Nature worship is not LARPing.

>> No.15706967

prove it. that is vague in the extreme. you could say jewdism was based on nature as the cosmology says nature was created by god.

the only reason why pagans have the sense of “natural” is because of their living conditions. No one thinks of “Roman” and eco friendly together simply because they created a semi-industrial empire with large scale logistical processes. if it was still alive today it would seem just as “unnatural” as christianity. surface level in the extreme.

>> No.15706979
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>All of that is subjective and perspectivist in the extreme
It is. But so is to claim that YHVH is God.

>at some point the religion was from somewhere else, especially seeing as the tribes were once migratory before settling.
This is where our identity comes in. If you're an European you have no ties to the goat herders of Judea. Their worldview is foreign to us. Their life challenges like their revolt against the Canaanite gods makes no sense here.

We are Indo-Europeans. We are animated by the sunwheel. We are warriors of the steppes.

>> No.15706985

yah it kind of is. anyways, extistentialism is more honestly “nature worshiping” than ecology with a aesthetic paint job of wood elves.

>> No.15706987

If I were king I would have pedos like you gutted alive.

But I am not king, Jesus is King.

>> No.15706989

Not him but all forms of Judaims are revolts against nature. YHVH is supernatural, he is not found in the "creation" as a nature-worshiper would claim.
All natural gods are blasphemies to (((him))).

>> No.15707000

>gutted alive.
Dass sinful according to jewsus tho

>> No.15707019
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>yah it kind of is
Ok m8. Everything you don't like is LARP.
Saying that you appropriate some Beduin goatfucking stories. No WE wuz da chosen people of YHVH, no WE wuz da new Jewrusalem.
Go convert some stone age tribe ffs

>> No.15707032

>This is where our identity comes in. If you're an European you have no ties to the goat herders of Judea. Their worldview is foreign to us. Their life challenges like their revolt against the Canaanite gods makes no sense here.
and have I a connection with the steep? and what before then? what about when we all came out of Africa? in the long sense, by adopting a semitic particular, we are just rekindling an old commonality.

if geneology of tradition is important, the the traditions of the christians are just as natural, if not more so than paganism.

my point is that most any genealogical claim against christianity can likewise be applied to Paganism.

>> No.15707068

>my point is that most any genealogical claim against christianity can likewise be applied to Paganism.
>Semites vs IEs
You're simply wrong. You're trying to muddy the waters.

>> No.15707086

as opposed to nordic ice demons?

>> No.15707103

Odin is not an ice demon, he's one of the Æsir

>> No.15707210

>YVHV is a desert pagan nobody
What did he mean by this?


>> No.15707225

I see it as this: suppose all divinities are real. Why would I worship any but the most powerful one?

>> No.15707238

>literal OCs
All religions are founded on "literal OCs" (read: idealism from the mind of a single individual)

>> No.15707257

>a religion so weak, Christians destroyed them
Christians showed up on the scene about a millennium after that religion came into power. It's like pushing a 90 year old down a flight of stairs.

>> No.15707258


>> No.15707271

>Ok m8. Everything you don't like is LARP.
no. i don’t consider buhddusts from china larping or a hindu from India. or even foreigners who honestly find enlightenment through those mediums instead of adopting them as exoticisms. it’s that you equivocate nature worship specifically with paganism which i disagree with. i think a religion is a complex expression of a culture and saying it is simple nature worship is not only reductive, but seems to be an excuse for an aesthetic. tell me honestly why you should be a pagan epistemologically? the two answers i could see is jungian aesthetic value and a vague call to tradition, however it would be a banal synthetic one.

am I? should gunpowder be rejected because it is from the east? is writing a sin because it is foreign? if tradition is important to you, you should not place arbitrary limits of things that are part of a tradition. if you go far enough back would semitic and IE peoples be of the same ilk? and even then i think a greek of the 1st century had more in common with the iserielits than a horseman from the Ukraine.

>> No.15707302

what is the difference. both supernatural entities of limited faculties.

>> No.15707326
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What's the difference between eudaimonia and dysdaimonia?

>> No.15707339

Lmao now that's a based Christian right here!
Puts Yahweh in his place

>> No.15707378

... so they are both demons then? even in the old greek sense of the term. your felling of benificial or malevolence is besides the point.

>> No.15707416

>... so they are both demons then?
Yes. Daimon is a spirit, they are spiritual beings and the question of their beneficence or malevolence is of vital importance.

>> No.15707465

not to their both being demons. Which was the point of saying Odin was one too.

>> No.15707481

In that sense yes, all gods are demons then

>> No.15707637

>worshiping a religion which died thousands of years ago

>> No.15707820

Last pagans in the Peloponnese converted to Christianity in the 12th century AD. Less than two hundred years later there were serious revivalists. Classical paganism was dead for less than 200 years.

>> No.15707955


>> No.15708066

The Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, is valuable as social-historical context for the quotes that appear in the New Testament, as well as in the sayings of the Church fathers. For example, Aquinas quoted the Latin rendering of Ecclesiastes 1.15 at the beginning of his Five Ways.

>> No.15708129

>not using older material to create your own fanfic
>not realizing that this is what all religions have done throughout history

>> No.15708168

To be fair, it was after a good deal of time being suppressed (rightfully) by the Romans. On the flip side of that, a Roman, Constantine, is what gave the religion what it needed to appeal to the greater world. Up until then, it mostly had appeal to the lowest rung on society based on the faiths egalitarian ideals.

>> No.15708235


>> No.15708707

So Brahman?

>> No.15708751
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>ooga booga, Gimme yo Foreskin, Goy. also sacrifice yo kid for me, SHIEEET

>> No.15708781


>> No.15708788
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>applying human reason to an all-knowing, all-encompassing divinity

>> No.15708801

>muh kike is the strongest
STFU, Enlil is the strongest and most based middle eastern God, yh"kike"wh is nothing but an imitation of him.

>> No.15708808

>y-you dont understand
>those kids needed to be killed they were evil!
stfu, chr*stoid, at least your kike masters dont try to sugar coat the children deaths.

>> No.15708823

This is your mind on spiritual semitism everyone. Watch and learn

>> No.15708837

>some semitic deity

>> No.15708842
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>> No.15708854
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Judging from the OT, this Yahweh nigga was probably bullied by other gods, that's why he became so bitter and jealous. Killing the children and the animals of the enemy is simply an overkill, some kind of compensation for his own shortcomings.

>> No.15708856

But YHWH was subordinate to El

>> No.15708860

yeah probably, he was getting MOGGED by the other Based Gods.

>> No.15708893

my god :)

>> No.15708895

>still applying human reason to a God
Viking LARPers are truly embarassing. Read the Book of Job.

>> No.15708909
File: 601 KB, 1536x2140, yahweh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should get a JOB, subhuman kike God apologist. lmaoo, the lengths christoids will go to defend YHWH's genocide and favoritism of his "chosen people". truly pathetic.

>> No.15708911
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>Read the Book of Job.

>> No.15708924

>still applying human reason to a God
>still no argument against this
Don't you have some oak roots to stick up your arses for Odin's blessing or something?

>> No.15708941

>subhuman still defends the murder of children
>muh yhwh is a good boi, he dindu nuffin, you just have limited understanding.
dont you have a foreskin removal party to attend to?

>> No.15708959

>STILL applying human reason to a God
>STILL no argument against this
You're like a worm trying to apply it's invertebrate thought into the actions suggested by a master supercomputer. Pathetic.

>> No.15708984

>STILL defending the obvious Favoritism of the kike God
>m-muh human reason
Kind of ironic that you're calling me a worm while still defending the Semitic Demon Lord. is this what your kind would call "chutzpah"?

>> No.15709066
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>applying human reason to an all-knowing, all-encompassing divinity
This is honestly a really bad cop out from actual criticism. To have a God whose morality is a part of him change said morality would be to change himself which would be a contradiction of who the Christian God is supposed to be. Also to call God all-encompassing and then describe him at all, to even call him all-knowing and all-encompassing would be to limit him. This shows how other philosophical views of God were fit later into the biblical text and goes into the actual nature of the Hebrew God.
Originally, YHWH was a member of the Canaanite pantheon. He was a storm god and his principality was Israel. Later Judea became hellenized and adopted its philosophy and attempted to fit it within its faith, stripping YHWH of his older attributes and moral complexity with something more abstract. It also introduced ideas like the logos and spawned several books of the OT. Christianity arose from this Judaism, mixing with Neo-Platonism and certain aspects of Greek mythology.

>> No.15709174

Thoth and Shiva are the same thing, change my mind.

>> No.15709212

Teaches the humankind to write, is wisest among gods.

Consciousness itself.

No, they are both vastly superior to the demon from the deserts

>> No.15709222

ok... so? why do most pagans treated him as a patron god, even if he originally was, when the active part of christianity has him as a monotheistic god. i feel like it’s a mix up of epistemology and cosmology.

>> No.15709268
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>when the active part of christianity has him as a monotheistic god
Because they're not reading their own Bible apparently. If you combine all the fishy passages there with some basic historical knowledge you realize YHVH is nothing but A god.

>> No.15709271
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What was the deal with this dude anyway

>> No.15709291

he is simply an imitation of Enlil. the kikes were jealous and wanted a God as cool as Enlil, so they came up with YHWH.

>> No.15709300

>persian psyop

>> No.15709334

>the kikes were jealous and wanted a God as cool as Enlil
It's not even a kike god. It entered their pantheon from the south, probably from the Midianites or Amorites.
This demon snapped at the original kike gods like El (he was equated with YHVH), Asherah and especially Baal who was probably the Chad in their pantheon. It was a mythological incel rebellion.

>> No.15709393

>some old desert man who mutilated his own son
>valid take on God

>> No.15709394

ok. but that seems like only a rather specific interpretation of theology. in the bible, YHVH seems pretty front and center as a prime actor. you are creating a scapegoat interpretation of a religion and conforming it to a polytheist normative sensibilities.

>> No.15709443
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>to a polytheist normative sensibilities
I'm not an atheist. I believe there are spiritual forces. The character of YHVH is known to us, he left us his own words and works.
I simply judge him compared to other gods.
If you want a monotheist refutation, then he's simply not God. So far the Hindu conception of Brahman comes closest to this.
In judeo-christian words - YHVH is just an idol much like Baal and Asherah.

>> No.15709537

...why? how do you come to this? regardless of if you think he is a god or the god, the tradition portrays him as the god, if you decide differently is besides the point. at that junction you are not attacking abrahamism, but a particular perception of abrahamism. in the tradition he is revealed as The god, if there was evidence from before that he was a god how can you say that this is a truer interpretation his true nature? if YHWH is revealed to not be all powerful all knowing and all good then he simply isn’t the god worshiped in the abraham’s.

from this historically materialist perception you can trace any distinguishable god back to mere animism.

>> No.15709576

>the tradition portrays him as the god
The tradition is wrong. People can read the desert scrolls on their own now and many come to this same conclusion.

>from this historically materialist perception
Like I said, I'm not a materialist. I believe in spiritual forces.

>> No.15709677

>Like I said, I'm not a materialist. I believe in spiritual forces.
i know, but the take you had was a materialist one of developmental origin.
> The tradition is wrong.
prove it. and may i ask, how do you see “new” or “revielled” gods like sol invictus or when an aspect of a god changes over time culturally. is there a retroactive finitude in a god that implies some interpretation to be false or is their nature somewhat murcurial? if the later, i do not see a problem with YHWH, if the former i think there might be a bit hard to argue.