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15697795 No.15697795 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't understand how up to now an atheist could know there was no God, yet still not kill himself immediately. Man cannot possibly exist without his former God.

What's keeping you alive, /lit/?

>> No.15697848


stop being a brainlet. /lit/ has a large amount of christian larpers and people who love to shit on atheists.

>> No.15697866

that whole conversation was extremely based

>> No.15697879

Oh, it's another episode of "everyone is a LARPer" and "atheists are oppressed on this board."

>> No.15697905

Chill out. My making fun of christians was playful banter. Atheists deserve the hate they get on here.

>> No.15697911

) :

>> No.15697946

children exist without god perfectly.

>> No.15697953

some do.

>> No.15697960

youre not a child

>> No.15697969

A series of coincidences that has thus far prevented my suicide. The latest of which being the virus shutting public transit, leaving me unable to reach a cliff from which I had planned to dive. The distraction was long enough that I have been duped by my own body into thinking there is sense to life. I have begun to colloquially call this, 'dopameme'd'.

I pray for the conviction to die and the circumstances to permit it.

>> No.15697982

>series of coincidences that has thus far prevented my suicide. The latest of which being the virus

what a cope. you have plenty of ways to do it at home. I had uncle who drowned himself in his own bathtub.

>> No.15697984

do you not see these coincidences as anything else?

>> No.15698001

yet I exist without Blah perfectly

>> No.15698004

>Heh, I was only joking guyyyys! It's a bit of banter!

>> No.15698007

Is OPs pick a good translation? I need to read this book

>> No.15698010

all do.

>> No.15698011

let just say it the more acceptable of translations.

>> No.15698031
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, 1544324086907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide is the most /lit/ thing you can do if done for the right reasons, prove me wrong

>> No.15698033

>what a cope. you have plenty of ways to do it at home.
Hanging is the only other I'd consider, but I don't have a good place to do it.

I series of coincidences.

>> No.15698112

Imagine that someone you love (relative, good friend, lover) will get full access to your computer and will sometimes peek at the things you do. Already feels pretty uncomfortable, right?
Now imagine that your boss you dislike or the police will monitor everything you do 24/7 and will often fine/punish you for missteps (or demand to write an explanation for your actions). Feels even more uncomfortable, right?
Now imagine an omnipotent clearly sadistic entity monitoring not only your every action, but every thought and every possible permutation and logical consequence of it. And it will not just fine you for it, but will demand 100% repentance and/or will eternally shame and torture you for it.

A realization that there is no God is an incredibly wonderful and reassuring gift. People around annoying you and government surveillance will now look like a tiny nuisance compared to that threat.

>> No.15698144

no, I'm OP and will vouch for Michael Katz in the Oxford version

>> No.15698153

imagine an omnipotent being monitoring your every action but still fully knowing and fully loving you even though you completely do not deserve it. take the grace pill

>> No.15698195

Gods not a martinet. He loves you even if you sin.

>> No.15699914

of course. god loves everybody, god loves everything. you are god. your experience his experience, your pain his pain, every nanosecond of your life. whole Universe is His Pain.

>> No.15699927

drowning is not a pleasant way to die

>> No.15699929

A child's first god is its mother.

>> No.15699941

The problem with that thought is it suggests man has any respect for himself or for anything else for that matter. The very same lack of integrity and concern that leads one to atheism leads them to live on meaninglessly.

>> No.15699943
File: 124 KB, 1189x1280, 82a590702bbff44fc564ab799ad63c2290febf018670acc46fa65540aafc76d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds cringe

>> No.15699991

Have you considered channeling your suicidal ideation into violence?

>> No.15700015

Yes, but I won't; I'm a slave to conditioning of the society I grew up in.

>> No.15700054

What is the page or chapter this quote is written in? Wanna read it in Russian.

>> No.15700089

Anyone else reading this rn?

>> No.15700133

Entering the 2nd part.

>> No.15700313

>prove me wrong
I can't, my plan is to publish a book and kill myself.

>> No.15700335

>no god
>ergo no objective truth (for some reason?)
>therefore I mudt kill myself
I never get this. If there's no objective truth (God's absence does not imply this), then "you must kill yourself" isn't something you have to do.

>> No.15700483

The quote says "man".

>> No.15700484

A full night's work chapter, closer to the end. It's Kirillov

>> No.15700783

I imagine sisyphus happy

>> No.15700790

Are you implying a god caused a worldwide pandemic to prevent one person from catching the train?

>> No.15700858

I try and observe every single moment in which I am alive. There's very little to actually choose, and morality only boils down to if we want to contribute towards making change in the world less or more painful.

I chose to make it less. So I write. I write about conscience, language, physics, music, art, creativity, and of course, I relish in the growing social unrest that my writing brings.

>> No.15700906

For God these things are of equal scale.

>> No.15700943

God is a little bitch that got it's ass kicked by some jew, if a normal human can kick the ass of an all might being, how mighty can it really be?

>> No.15701094

>an omnipotent entity monitoring every action and logical consequence of it
>clearly sadistic
I disagree. Furthermore, one is culpable for everything he does wrong, and I don't see this as an evil thing. Hell is well-deserved.

>He will demand 100% repentance
Then don't repent, if you don't want to. Repentance is more like self-healing; it's like not using an ointment and bandages a doctor prescribes because it's too much of a hassle to put the bandages on and apply the ointment. If you want to be healed, you repent, heartfully. If you do not, then continue deluding yourself into believing there are no sores.

>government surveillance
God has your best interests in mind- that is, salvation. It is you who damns yourself through your actions, not Him. The government just wants to control your vessel, God wants to save your eternal soul. This is why God is so merciful and forgiving with his creation; however, for those who separate themselves from God, believing that it's preferable to a union with Him, they go to the Hell they desired so much on Earth

>a belief that there is no God is incredibly wonderful and reassuring gift
So atheism is a belief of the weak? I thought religion was the opium of the people, made to get them through this vale of tears. We must be talking about two different Christianities.

>> No.15701100

Then go kick God's ass. I'm waiting

>> No.15701121

He isn't real that's the point

>> No.15701785

>if you get some good news about something, you are weak

>> No.15701815

>whoah, bro. i wasn’t expecting you to actually rebuke me i was totally only joking bro wtf loke chill so what I called you a faggot larper it was a joke ahaha

>> No.15702104

Then how did a jew kick God's ass? If he can't physically trounce God, he's nothing. You can "disprove" or argue against God, but he still exists, flying in the face of every vain attempt and endless syllogism-chopping

That's what atheists believe about Christianity. "It's a crutch for the weak." "Everyone wants to believe in a pie in the sky." Rinse and repeat, ad infinitum. These types barely have any creativity

>> No.15702168

True Christians want to see their enemies in Hell (even if it will raise their chances to get in Hell too).

>> No.15702267

Dostoyevsky was stupid pederast and did not understand neither children nor God nor himself.

>> No.15702282

childs god is always himself.