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15697600 No.15697600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And they pay and borrow a ridiculous amount of money to get taught by people like this.

>> No.15697640

I read books, not Twitter. What has gotten you little poltard head in a bunch about her again? Online abuse? This OP isn’t clear AT ALL

>> No.15697663

How does she feel about Dalit and Brahmin lives? India is one of the most hierarchical and prejudiced civilizations to exist on Earth.

>> No.15697686

Perhaps this is why she’s anti-caste ?

>> No.15698068
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I was not aware that she was so incredibly based

>> No.15698136

She tweeted "white lives don't matter".

>> No.15698149

But don't forget, nobody is SAYING "white lives don't matter", you just aren't understanding the meaning when they say "white lives don't matter".

They're only a step above arguing semantics at this point.

>> No.15698158

Both sides are embarrassing.

>> No.15698159

Yeah, the average chud doesn't understand what is meant by "white" when academics talk about "white.

>> No.15698167

that's because it's insanely schizophrenic.

>> No.15698174


>> No.15698187

Why do academics do this? They know the average person isn't aware of academic definitions of things, so why tweet like this?

>> No.15698197

...Anon, please. It's literal doublespeak.

>> No.15698200

It's often for propaganda reasons.
If someone where to tweet *black lives don't matter* it would suddenly be literal and a hate crime.

>> No.15698206

said the man whose father literally owned another human being

>> No.15698210

No academic should have, or use, a twitter account.

>> No.15698227

Black people are not human.

>> No.15698235

So true. Every little dinky hot take tweet is now judged with equal weight to their academic publications. It's absurd, but easily avoided by just saying "no" to social media.

>> No.15698244

I think this is the thing that has given me most pause of 1984. For a large part, the ideas of dystopia conjured by Orwell were a little... dull. They were just the rational end point for hyperbolised surveillance in its current form. But his phrase about revolutions, and that people don't seek revolution for justice, they seek revolution for power (I believe it was something along the lines of people don't start a revolution to overthrow power, they seek it to become power) has become incredibly starkly true.

For all of the anti government ideologies being thrown around, for all of the posturing about breaking government control, they're implementing almost the exact systems they apparently fear.

>> No.15698260

twitter has been a fucking disaster for the prestige of the elite. It makes them seem on the same level as any random who replies to them, and it makes it obvious they're just some other retard

>> No.15698264

>they're implementing almost the exact systems they apparently fear.
Yes, but it's to protect everyone from the bad guys and as long as only good people use it nothing bad will happen!

>> No.15698268

this is the only honest take in this thread

>> No.15698272

i hope you don't procreate

>> No.15698274

Unless your body of work is insignificant, a product of plagues of the time and festering upon racial baiting.

She is trying to rouse the rabble, but she does it in the most uncouth fashion, further exposing poor education offered by Cambridge.

>> No.15698277

Too late pussy

>> No.15698283

It is however very lucrative to plebeians who manage to obtain coveted blue checkmarks and build a base of non-algorithmic followers. Until they make a social faux-pas, that is.

>> No.15698291

The liquidation of the whites* as a class has begun

*obviously by this, I mean whites as a class, and not whites themselves, will be liquidated, please don't misinterpret this order.
t. Stalin

>> No.15698302
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What does it mean to be an academic?

>> No.15698320

This post explains it pretty well

>> No.15698327

She obviously means white in the critical theory/whiteness studies context, but she's still a bitch for doing this. These cunts do it on purpose for attention; they enjoy getting backlash from the plebeian masses who don't understand their academic lingo which they will never explain to a layman.

>> No.15698331

Yeah tell me about it. The censorship is getting pretty wild. If you search for authors lying about the holocaust, Google have rigged up the algorithm to point you to holocaust denial. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find the authors and their works that confessed to lying about their time in concentration games. Revisionism is scary shit.

It's insane to pretend there's perfect equality, but the inequality is driven by hundreds of years of wealth accumulation. I don't think, all circumstances the same, skin colour is the defining factor between being able to transgress social class divides. And yes, transgress, because christ knows they're making it fucking difficult.

>> No.15698382

Because they're not talking to the average person.

>> No.15698396

You talk like someone who wants to go to Cambridge but has literally never spoken to an English person let alone someone from Cambridge.
Jesus fuck.

>> No.15698416

Because forcing academic language into the general discourse increases their power drastically.

>> No.15698420

>posting inflammatory takes on twitter
may as well take a fucking megaphone and shout at a crowd and then claim it wasnt aimed at the average person

>> No.15698423

If they're on twitter they are.

>> No.15698424
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>inequality is driven by hundreds of years of wealth accumulation.
Simply not true. Wealth in most circumstances has little effect beyond a single generation. There have been many natural experiments proving this - lottery winners, land grants, adoption studies. Gregory Clark does really good research on this using family name databases.

>> No.15698436

You on the other hand write like an American millenial.

>> No.15698454

"online abuse" AKA she said, quote, "white lives don't matter" and people responded appropriately

>> No.15698464

I can post a picture of Oxford from my bedroom window if you want me to, negro.
I agree. I'm just saying it's not exactly ridiculous to use technical language if you're in that field.

>> No.15698473

They just hate you and they think it's funny. Stop looking for a beneficent motive. There isn't one. Brown people hate humans.

>> No.15698481

Hmm yes sir quite indubitably sir hmm yes quite fuck my ass sir

>> No.15698488

Isn't everyone in college a zoomer now?

>> No.15698499

Calling the way those people use the word white 'technical' is an insult to every field that actually is technical. It's more like scholastic or talmudic gibberish than anything technical.

>> No.15698500

I have a feeling that I'll never become a professor no matter who hard I try or how much good work I do
Not even trying to knock this girl because I know nothing about her, but academia is dying and in 5 years it'll probably be completely dead

>> No.15698502

The correct term is jargon.

>> No.15698515

I don't have anything particularly concrete in response, just the echoed sentiment that tutors are the most significant aspect to improve scores/grades, and more affluent/intelligent people are likelier to hire tutors.

>> No.15698545

Fuck niggers.

Obviously what I mean by "niggers" is the more academic connotation that describes a ethnosocioeconomic undercaste that refuses to assume any self-critical perspective or try to better itself, and not people with black skin.

>> No.15698550

Idk you seen to be talking in the microscale, but evidenty though history on a macroscale specific classes of people tend to stay in that same class.

>> No.15698556

It was funny how absolutely NONE of the students who got free lunches went to the grammar school for sixth form. This grammar school had like 50% of its students go to Oxbridge btw. The alternative school in the area had like 0%.

>> No.15698572

This is the left's version of dog-whistling. It's quite clear they're mobilizing political support by stoking racial conflict and deflecting when they're called out on it, pretending that it's actually much more nuanced and complex. It is more nuanced, but not for the reasons they believe. White-bashing is a status signal among socially mobile elites so it's understandable that they get flustered when outsiders (non-elites) are questioning their rhetoric. They mostly get annoyed that they're chastised for following the rules by plebs who aren't even players

>> No.15698573

LAMO I'm stealing this

>> No.15698576

>But muh rigid coneceptual and academic version of "white" which is everything but also nothing

Phew what is this planet were on anymore

>> No.15698585

Like I said my man, I don't have a concrete refutation to what you posted. I'm just trying to keep myself out of eugenics territory by making a claim about an entire race, and hope that there is a very logical reason to the pattern of evidence we see. Just, keep in mind, pedagogy is a fucking meme academic field, and I was subjected to a lot of that drivel.

>> No.15698586

Haha, no one is saying it everyone is thinking it.

>> No.15698600

Why are you people so obsessed with this defence
Do you think humans are capable of containing their opinions about ANYTHING?

>> No.15698615

Those doing masters and phds are the last holdout of millenials, most are indeed zoomers though.

>> No.15698653

If you're thinking of wealth at national levels, it's much more a function of institutions, rule of law, trade connections, and average IQ and education of the population. That usually takes time to build, but can be done remarkably quickly, as shown by the Meiji restoration and South Korea. Historic 'plundering' by colonial powers is almost irrelevant.

>> No.15698665


Also "fuck kikes", and by that I'm referring specifically to the minority, elite, ruling caste who just happen to identify as Jewish. "Kike" in this instance isn't a slur, but a valid critique of the religio-cultural class system based around harmful in-group/out-group identity perpetuated by those in a highly privileged position. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are Jewish or Jewish-identifying.

>> No.15698673

>the term "white people" is a technical term in some field, and in that specific context has nothing to do with individuals who have light skin pigmentation
You're a fucking faggot, good thing that I belong to a field where that's a technical term

>> No.15698692
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Based and Academic

>> No.15698697

Anon, I didn't fucking make the definitions. That's just how it is. You're a mental midget if you want to purposely misunderstand it just 'cause it's a stupid name.

>> No.15698699

Its about Zionist apartheid, and the plight of the Palestinian people. When I say we should root out Zionist kikes from government and turn their skin into lampshades of course it’s not literal. Don’t tell me you actually support the murder of tens of thousands of Palestinian woman and children? Fucking fascist

>> No.15698704

Is this what people mean by the absolute state of the humanities?

>> No.15698705

The English are not the best at anything and haven't been for decades. No-one cares about your fringe hysterics.

>> No.15698717
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But fuck the black skinned people too.

>> No.15698721

Oh of course, let’s just call up the language regulation office at the ministry of dictionaries and ask them to clarify.
Take your gaping asshole back to your circle jerk you pretentious racist fag. I mean that in the academic sense, of course

>> No.15698729

We're the best at sitting on piles of money. Rothschilds, the queen and commonwealth... You know... We sit on money.

>> No.15698753
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>meanwhile, in reality

>> No.15698759

ACKCHUYUALLY, when /pol/ talks about Jews, they don't REALLY mean Jewish people. They mean the abstract academic idea of Jewishness that all Jewish people have and engage in that they believe causes them to do anti-goyish microagressions and systemic anti-gentileism. When they say "gas the kikes, race war now!" they don't actually want a holocaust or race war. It's a passionate and symbolic rallying cry built from their lived experiences aiming for meaningful discussion between Jews and white volx aimed at ending Jewishness and making a better world for everybody.

>> No.15698774

You're being an apologist.

>> No.15698807

So? Thats A statistic warpistry that proves little besides how standard deviations fall, thats hardly a damning find of anything.

>> No.15698817

Lived experiences is the biggest meme concept to come out of the last 5 years of discourse or so. Leftoid universalists suddenly become extreme perspectivists whenever one of their golems makes some shitty take and they have to cover for them with “anecdotal evidence is valid if you’re black”. I love watching this shit

>> No.15698820

i hope your children drown in leftie propaganda and ruin your fatherhood

>> No.15698824

Because of a joke I made on 4chan?
You people really are ill.

>> No.15698873

I noticed it is Indians more than any other race that has a absolutely vicious hatred for Europeans. The "you alright whiteboy" meme with blacks is mostly true. Black people will engage in anti-white rhetoric for sure but just as easily make friends with one. But Indians, man. Never have I witnessed the kind of soul rotting ethno-resentment they seem to harbour for white people out of any other group.

I suspect that it is because the vast majority of blacks truly just want to be treated as equals. Where as Indians view whites with absolute caustic hatred because they see Europeans has having robbed them of their right to rule the world. They don't care about equality, they just think that the great injustice of history is that they are not a the top calling all the shots.

>> No.15698931

Indians actually had the opportunity form their own cultures and social hierarchies before they got dunked on by the West.
Black people don't have any concept of it.
So they Indians the same inferiority complex but a sense of social competition.

>> No.15698948

What the fuck do you think an apologist is, nigger
I'm someone who realises it's futile outrage to get buttmad about someone saying something which could be interpreted offensively, if you wanted to. If you have an issue with the word, that makes sense, but don't choose to believe this pajeet wants you dead when she clearly doesn't.

>> No.15698968

The Indians who commonly interact with white people are upper-class, upper-caste Indians. They come in two types: liberals with an inferiority complex who love western culture but hate the Raj, and nationalists with a superiority complex who hate western culture despite Indian nationalism being a western invention and hate the Raj.

>> No.15698984

Indians are just shitty people.

>> No.15698994

Of course anicdotal evidence is okay if you’re black, you shitlord. You can’t hold your allies to the same standards you hold your enemies, that would be racist or reactionary or something.

>> No.15699011

Chris Rock should teach at Harvard

>> No.15699014

I love lived experience shit. It lets you notice a bunch of stuff pure birds-eye perspectives make you miss. Just basic shit, like the reason there are more homeless men than women is because women usually have more social connections to fall back onto so they end up "invisibly homeless" crashing at other people's places permanently.

>> No.15699015

Indians culture has a tradition of impotent ethnic seething that goes back thousands of years.

>> No.15699021

Unironically this.

>> No.15699026

You’re what’s known as a useful idiot

>> No.15699031

Explain yourself.

>> No.15699041

The post was sufficient enough

>> No.15699054

Lmao knew it

>> No.15699066

americans are such fucking cringe when you point out their typing style is the same as a 15 year old fat girl

>> No.15699071

Thanks it took a lot of effort

>> No.15699072

Most of them are Brahmins who are perpetually assblasted about how westerners don't find them to be more impressive than the other Indians.

>> No.15699082

>but don't choose to believe this pajeet wants you dead when she clearly doesn't.
's on her to prove. Cambridge academic should understand the implications of their rhetoric and the manner in which it relates to the general discourse.

>> No.15699083

Don't ever call me American again.

>> No.15699098

It’s hilarious that they keep getting conquered by various universalist ideologies (Islam, the Sikh Kingdoms, Anglo liberalism, etc. etc.) but prefer to complain about minute variations in skin tone that not even most white supremacists would care about. Every time an Indian FOB gets into the SJW train I tune out because 70% of it is just projecting their own weird cultural hang ups on ‘the oppressors’.

>> No.15699097

Wtf do you mean it's on her to prove. No, nigger, she doesn't want to kill you. She's just an imbecile who thinks using academic jargon (which I agree are retardedly named) on twitter is a good idea.

>> No.15699100

So they're not homeless in any meaningful sense of the term? Looks like another case of lived experience being used to invent social issues.

>> No.15699104

How huge is the chip on your shoulder that THAT'S what you took from it. This research isn't used to prove women got it bad too ;_;, it's used to help men who're in danger of becoming homeless.

>> No.15699167

>which could be interpreted offensively
I don't take offense at all to the tweet. Sure, it's pretty dehumanizing towards white people, but that's pretty much it. What I do take offense to are people like you that endorse this discourse that these terms have some kind of obscure meaning in academic circles. You literally can't imagine this as postcolonial emotions manifesting as a desire to dehumanize white people. You have to be an apologist and push this absurd shit about how "Well, when she said 'white lives' she really meant something completely unrelated, a definition that is only part of the discourse of academic circles. It COULD be interpreted as being offensive but that's on you buddy, you're interpreting her tweet." The tweet has eleven words you fucking retard, it's not some kind of epic, kaleidoscopic treatise

>> No.15699181

Ah, I see, you're a batshit paranoid imbecile who thinks a pajeet living in the UK teaching loads of white upper class Bongs has expressed an intent to kill white people.

>> No.15699186

>This research isn't used to prove women got it bad too
The use of oppressed-oppressor dynamics as the source of problemitization makes such things inevitable regardless of what other uses it may have.

>> No.15699201

This cunt probably smiles when a white briton is killed by an immigrant

>> No.15699205

Can someone tell me what "white" means in academic terms?

>> No.15699207

That's literally what happened though.

>> No.15699220

It means the same thing as it means informally, except it also means "evil".

>> No.15699242

>Ah, I see, you're a batshit paranoid imbecile who thinks a pajeet living in the UK teaching loads of white upper class Bongs has expressed an intent to kill white people.
I don't think she wants to kill them as much a she wants to be part of the authority that micromanages ever aspect of their lives, and her position gives her the perfect opportunity to do so.

>> No.15699260
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It's literal doublespeak.

>"hey wtf"
>Oh, lol, such white fragility. I literally didn't mean "white" """white""" you ignorant fools. I meant the social construct referred to in Susan Goldblatt's essays on critical race theory. Educate yourselves. Oh by the way, all white people need to be exterminated NOW.

It's just trickery.

>> No.15699263

Nice projection, retard. I said dehumanize, not kill. Now you're endorsing a wrong interpretation of my words. Again, I only entered the thread because you're pushing this idea that academics have some kind of other set of definitions of terms as simple as "white lives" which have no relation to the term as it is defined in general parlance, and therefore any non-academic reading something written by an academic, even something like an 11-word tweet, is just their interpretation and so any offense they might take is their fault and their fault alone. You're jumping through fucking hoops right now trying to not just take the tweet and what it says at face value.

>> No.15699289


(but also reported to a UN tribunal for hate crimes)

>> No.15699296

>They know the average person isn't aware of academic definitions of things, so why tweet like this?
They do it because they know this. These are incredibly intelligent people. They don't make amateur mistakes.

>> No.15699314

>These are incredibly intelligent people.
we're not talking about physicists here, we're talking about a brown woman at the department of FuckYT studies

>> No.15699320

People have no problem licking the boots of academics because their entire goal in life is to be accepted by these people. Being allowed to study at a place like Cambridge is practically going to Heaven for these people. Since the missed the chance, deferring to the authority of such institutions is the next best thing.

>> No.15699333
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I understand that, I just want him to admit it instead of suggesting he's running defence for these retards on an anime imageboard "for fun"

>> No.15699370

>The best English department in the world is like this

Prager University has that much staff?

>> No.15699392

>They don't make amateur mistakes.
Youve never been around very intelligent people if you believe this. Intelligent people are some of the most self assured dumb fucks you will ever meet.

>> No.15699395

> /lit/ - Twitter feeds/Literature

>> No.15699403

>kill all freemasons
>what the fuck why do you want to kill all freemasons
>hahaha silly, I actually was referring to a vague concept of freemasonry which helps to perpetuate the systemic racism that I suffer from as I post on twitter from my expensive abode and work at cambridge.

>> No.15699411

There's a difference between a smart [person you meet on the street and an academic working for a place like Cambridge or Harvard.

>> No.15699439

Harvard is literally getting rid of SAT scores next year, these places haven't been bastions of merit for decades

>> No.15699478

Just so you know Twitter is censoring her tweet, apparently they matter enough to deplatform someone. I don't think she's actually being prejudiced but is just baiting racists and proving that the hierarchy that gives white people privilege is still in place today. Pretty genius actually.

>> No.15699496
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>Twitter is censoring her tweet

>> No.15699500

>Most of them are Brahmins who are perpetually assblasted about how westerners don't find them to be more impressive than the other Indians.
This makes sense actually. The pale Indians (presumably high caste) I meet are often snobs whereas the dark skins are bros

>> No.15699513

There's a difference between being an academic in the physics department and being some bullshit social theorist

>> No.15699520

Yeah, latter are less likely to make clumsy mistakes when issuing public statements.

>> No.15699523

haha what a fucking dumbass

>> No.15699534

The latter are also more likely to be midwits who were hired for being brown women who hate white people

>> No.15699539

The idea is that face is something forced onto people by SOCIETY as the big other, so white is simply the social benefits of being considered ‘normal’ as opposed to ‘racialized people’ who are forced into the subultern category on account of their clothing, skin, and accent.

>> No.15699576

... Twiterature.

>> No.15699591

>The latter are also more likely to be midwits who were hired for being brown women who hate white people
There's plenty of competition for these positions. If they were midwits, they be teaching at low ranked state schools. These people are as intelligent and Machiavellian as the come.

>> No.15699610

I called some black people a bunch of niggers on the bus the other day and one of them threw a rock at me. Guess I’ve proved black supremacy exists and is violently enforced in the world. Pretty genius if I do say so myself.

>> No.15699623

This dynamic exists within India itself. Darker skinned southern Indians view the northern Indians as pretentious snobs blinded by luxury while the northern Indians view the southern Indians as a bunch of superstitious and gullible fools.

>> No.15699637

Bruh what is with liberals and GOTCHAS?

>> No.15699657

They have twitter brain. The very nature of twitter makes any real discussion impossible, so it devolves into unelaborated "hot takes" for the sake of getting likes.

>> No.15699658

Academic lives don't matter, kill all intellectuals.

>> No.15699684


>> No.15699703

4chan is almost as bad because of the (You) desperation people have, but effortposting is possible on 4chan but not on twitter.

>> No.15699714

I sometimes see long tweet chains on twitter that are their equivalent of effortposting. It's more like a blog post that has been cut up into 20 bits though, I never see an actual back and forth on twitter.

>> No.15699728

I'm not who you're responding to but you outright sound like you've never personally known people in positions like this. Many of them are smart and many of them are not. Almost none of them are some kind of 4d chess grandmasters. If you don't think these people are the biggest apologists for credentialism in the world you're crazy.

>> No.15699765

Cambridge has never had the best English department in the world, it has always been Oxford.

>> No.15699836

effortposting is shit because none of you have anything interseting to say that should take more than a few sentences

>> No.15699873
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Lefties apparently going crazy over tweets like pic related.

>> No.15699894


>> No.15699921


Why is this a part of the English department? Shouldn't her race stuff be a part of Anthropology?

>> No.15699968

I was thinking exactly this.

>> No.15699998

>The best English department in the world is like this
Wow! That's amazing! Were they crowned the best by a for-profit publication staffed by alumni of that very same insitution? Sure would explain a lot! If they went there, they know how good it is!
There are large parts of anglo academia which is an absolute joke

>> No.15700044

In daily life, not that much. Academia is very specialized, and a lot of working academic are just disgruntled PhD students. They're smart, but not any less error-prone than the average person. Especially when they get their hands on a shitflinging machine like twitter.