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15696035 No.15696035 [Reply] [Original]

hit the lowest point in my life

which books can help me turn my life aroundd

>> No.15696045
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>> No.15696066

Becoming A Little Twink Sissy For Big Gay Bears - Your Dad

>> No.15696451
File: 78 KB, 543x840, Dostoevsky_Brothers_Karamazov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15696467

Anon isn't the answer to your own question pic-related?

>> No.15696578

*Your lowest point so far

>> No.15696612

Unironically the New Testament.

>> No.15696636

This plus gardening and woodworking books so you can learn a new skill. Mein kampf too

>> No.15696989
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>> No.15696997

My Twisted World

>> No.15698742

Who moved my chese

>> No.15698832

The World as Will and Representation
But not even really joking, read some thicc philosophy book and forget about concrete problems for a minute

>> No.15699065

Meditations by Marky Mark
Encheiridion by Epic Titties

>> No.15699421

Reading A Critique of Pure Reason made me realize, for the first time, that life might be fulfilling without sex. Music and philosophy can be better. It really might be worth it to give up sex for music and philosophy.

>> No.15699437

>Posting a bad meme
Damn. That is low.

>> No.15699756

Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill

>> No.15699787
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Modern classic of survival, if you’re able to absorb the totality. Based and dogpilled.

>> No.15699797

Ironically, the Bible.
Unironically, the Koran.

>> No.15699801

Unseen Warfare

>> No.15700475


>> No.15700485

>hit the lowest point in my life
Don't worry, it'll get much worse

>> No.15700513

A classic of the self-help genre

>> No.15700530


>> No.15700717


>> No.15701627

OP--are you not getting a gf, job, school entrance? Need deets for to help.

>> No.15701714

sorry jordan peterson
maybe you shouldn’t have eaten so much raw meat
or went into a coma to fix your drug addiction

>> No.15701993
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>> No.15702002

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.15702018

Are you an addict? Try a local 12 step group. It might not work for you, but it really helped me.

>> No.15702043

in uni for something I don't even know if I like or can get a job in, none of the other stuff

>> No.15703242

Yes I'm a porn addict

>> No.15703253
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do you want to talk about it anon?

>> No.15703603


>> No.15703633
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go ahead then.

>> No.15704669

Unironically Tony Robbins stuff. If you are really on tour lowest point his systems can be the push upwards you need.

>> No.15704678

holy kek

>> No.15704693

Sure, if OP wants an addiction to sedatives on top of everything else.

>> No.15705357

you need to have a solid grasp on the fact that even in reading, you are merely observing your own cognition; if you want this dressed in Western aesthetic for the satiation of your heuristically based trust, just look at the Aristotle quote in the op of another thread on here rn. Knowing yourself is the antecedent of even realising the Word, and whenever you are listening to another, you are also observing yourself observing that thought, that sound.

To make this more pertinent and draw a conclusion: most often those who go to books and gurus for help, have the primary issue of disregarding their own mind! You must realise that whatever you learn and recognise as truth in another, in God, is recognised through you.

In order to gain anything from books, you must be receptive first to who you are, and not using them to reinvent what is (you) but instead illuminate. Reinvention is possible, but only as transformation which requires you to be clear about seeing yourself through and in, the wisdom of another.

>> No.15705364

you are not going to find anything but yourself, in the truth. There are a thousand ways that it can be mediated, but it's all you.

>> No.15705383

Maybe not the right thread to post this.

My girfriend bought me some books for my name day: Leviathan, mediations by marcus aurelious, brave new world , 1984 , animal farm, some nietche self help quotes and republic by plato.

Where do i start?

>> No.15706295

Animal Farm > 1984 > Brave New World > Meditations > Republic > Leviathan

Read the self help quotes whenever.

>> No.15706916

What is the thought process behind this? Why not plato first?

>> No.15706944

Avoid charlatans like the one in your pic

>> No.15706960

I'm assuming by the selection you've either never read before or don't read a lot.

>> No.15707022

what selection? i have read animal farm, 48 laws of power and some meditations. I'm trying to get into the habit now.

>> No.15707048

Did you even read what post I was replying to?

>> No.15707153

You need to understand yourself and your desires.

I would recommend signing up for a free Audible account and listening to the Great Courses Mind - Body Philosophy.

For reading - double up on Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung for non-fiction and The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky.

Jung tackles development, and becoming a full person, which will help you with your quarter life crisis. Dostoevsky tackles spiritualism and grappling with existentialism.

In terms of symbolism and meaning in art, I'd say Dante's Inferno is a great work after to enjoy.

In terms of other takes on existentialism, there is Shakespeare's Hamlet (Bloom's guidance is nice here, or for Dante), or Nietzsche's work. I'd recommend Beyond Good and Evil above This Spoke because it is more straight forward.