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/lit/ - Literature

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15691291 No.15691291 [Reply] [Original]

>when any philosopher writes about music

>> No.15691300

>when anyone that never held a brush writes about painting

>> No.15691302

Dumbass gets filtered. Nothing unique here.

>> No.15691313

Plato was weird about it.
Aristotle was weird about it.
Kant was weird about it.
Nietzsche was weird about it.
Deleuze was weird about it.

Just stick to concepts, boys. Save us the tracts on wagner and the morality of progression and the rhizomatic nature of tonal and atonal in one system... just stop it. That's not music. You don't get it. Stick to notions

>> No.15691704

Is there anyone more pretentious than musicophiles? Listening to some song, which requires zero effort, does not make you "deep"

>> No.15691715
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>when you hold your penis

>> No.15691718

I agree, but there is one more pretentious thing: trying to philosophize it. And that is why I made this landmark thread.

>> No.15691757

schopenhauer's best writings were on music. in fact, philosophers understand music better than most actual musicians - and CERTAINLY better than "theory" fags

>> No.15691785


Carlyle & Ruskin ranted about music quite a bit. So did Nietzsche. So did Roger Scruton.

Are you saying you don't like impassioned, highfalutin, argument-free RANTING? Shame on you.

>> No.15691786

>schopenhauer's best writings were on music.
That's nonsense, you know it's nonsense, and you're posting nonsense to get attention, which I am only giving you here so that other anons who may be newer to the board see what you're doing, too.

>> No.15691799
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>> No.15691803

what about it

>> No.15691806
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>> No.15691818

Among the worst writing of any philosopher who approaches the subject, regardless of their qualities in other areas. Nietzsche on Wagner is so irrelevant in his corpus that the only time I've heard it referenced by someone was one of the sluts from the red scare podcast.

>> No.15691827


Yeah, Schoppy too. And let's not forget Oswald Spengler.

All the best people rant about music. Sweeping, ipse dixit value judgements and ridiculously overblown conclusions from slender or non-existent technical knowledge. THAT'S THE GOOD STUFF

Note to OP: Read 'Wagner's Ring And Its Symbols' by Donington. Thank me later.

>> No.15691853
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>> No.15691898

As a composer, I think philosophers should shut up about music. They by and large don't know anything about how music is made

>> No.15691911

reading requires no effort
it's just words on a page and the previous word has nothing to do with the next

>> No.15691948

It does require effort if you want to understand what you are reading

>> No.15691950

>They by and large don't know anything about how music is made

By mumbling into a microphone and slowing down fart noises so they sound like bass lines.

>> No.15691968

and the same applies to music

>> No.15691973
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>the previous word has nothing to do with the next
Ever heard of sentences?

It doesn't matter, critics are the real artists

>> No.15691981

literature is limited to limericks written by a drunk boomer on Facebook
there's nothing more to it

>> No.15691989


Idk man, xant it be a subset of aesthetics?

>> No.15692107

>There once was a man named OP, who liked to fill his throat with cocks.
>He loved to eat cum, let it drip from his bum; said philosophers couldn't critique Bach.

>> No.15692234

>dude muh resolution in G#7 minor inspired by vaudeville blah blah blah muh suspended chords lmao
Nobody care about this. We want to hear about "aural beats deconstructing the facade of music as a commodity" and wankery about how Beethoven captured the Geist of birds in his 6th Symphony, not about how smart someone is for fiddling with a keyboard and finding some weird chords.

>> No.15692243
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>Music is philosophy
>Philosophy is music

>> No.15692246

Fuck Wagner.
Fuck Zappa.
Fuck Jazz.
Good music though.

>> No.15692257

Scaruffi is the greatest philosopher of music of our era, fite me.

>> No.15692259

OP is a faggot.

>> No.15692461

ITT: Soulless plebs that cant into aesthetics

>> No.15692497
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>Fuck Zappa.
no, fuck you

>> No.15692510

let me guess, you blog about music

>> No.15692981

ITT: /lit / PSUED brainlets larping pretending to know the first thing about how music is made

I am musician and everything you fags have to say about my craft is wrong. Stick to your mental gymnastics and abstract ideas, nerds

>> No.15693000
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>when any feminist writes about masculinity

>> No.15693029
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>> No.15693035

>I'll use arbitrary structures whose origin I don't understand or care about to channel some improvisational noodling into a recognizable "song!" That's called being an artist, and creative!



>> No.15693383

Wrong thread tho

>> No.15693532

I've written music of my own, so I will say that music can effectively serve as representation of something in the artistic sense, but when tryhard pseuds go off on their, "My use of cello solo here is a reflection of the loneliness we face while pondering the bigger questions in life" bullshit is where I say composertards can go fuck themselves. Write your melodies over tasteful harmonies with good orchestration, give it a nice title, and call it a day.

>> No.15693559

>stealing from Freud
>Woah! So wise!

>> No.15693569

As any man ever written interestingly about masculinity?

>> No.15694468

He is a man absorbed with himself and destructive to the order beyond himself. Though he did work hard and attain talent; I have many of his albums.
That's why i said its good music, retard. But at the end of the day the "philosophy" of his music is shit and it permeates much of his work. It is in Wagner Too, but not in such an extreme way.
He was self absorbed.

>> No.15694474

>Never read heroic epics
Are you sure you are on the right board?

>> No.15694478

That's the exact quote that made me say "fuck Zappa"

>> No.15694497


>> No.15694500


Ahistorical post. Listening to a specific song required moderate effort throughout the entirety of history until about the past 15 years or so.

>> No.15694529

>What is atonality
I don't like the music that the basketballs and big boobies girl make either, Anon, but this post is just silly.

>> No.15694536

>Listening to some song, which requires zero effort
Listening to pop music ≠ listening to classical music.

>Is there anyone more pretentious than musicophiles

yes, bibliophiles

>> No.15695733

You're never going to make it.
Try listening to literally anything not Galant.

>> No.15695754

>nobody responded to this post
As expected.

>> No.15695842

/lit/ unironically listens to garbage like post-punk and shoegaze and thinks their opinions matter

>> No.15695871

Keep on genre-dropping kid.

Not even once.

>> No.15695972

>muh carl jung

>> No.15697198

The way sound works is not arbitrary and it's structure is not either you are coping because you don't understand music

>> No.15697212

i like schopenhauer's take

>> No.15697724

lol i dont care, i made both that and the OP and this thread is quite successful

>> No.15697752
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<when a philosopher without philological education writes about fictional literature