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15689852 No.15689852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books for training yourself at dismantling leftist arguments (and leftist logic in general)? I want to get a head start for this year's holiday season.

>> No.15689865
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>> No.15689871

Read leftist works. Find flaws in them.

>> No.15689881

You don’t need to read a book to pretend you understand leftist arguments and thinking railing at ghosts makes you smart

>> No.15689888
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you sound like a tool

>> No.15689897


This. Reading secondary sources makes you no better than those you'd denigrate. Read the primary sources and see for yourself. Take Emerson's words on the matter: enjoy an original relation to the universe. That's what makes you the Nietszchean ubermensch.

>> No.15689900

Right, but I also want something that summarizes points of contention others have arrived at and overcome.
Both have value

>> No.15689921

You want someone else to do your thinking for you?

>> No.15689939

>why do you want a linear algebra book? just derive the theorems and lemmas from basic axioms yourself
>do you really want someone else to do your thinking for you?

>> No.15689964

Math isn’t politics

>> No.15689966

Read leftist books and write arguments against them? Retard.

>> No.15689968

>Math isn’t politics
Profound, you've truly contributed something invaluable to this thread

>> No.15689970

>Implying leftists care if you have logical argumentation on your side.

You must still be young.

>> No.15689996

And you keep avoiding the issue of how you can’t trust your own critical thinking skills

>> No.15690000

Reminder Ben Shapiro has awful arguments and just debates college kids and talks over them

>> No.15690009

>Reading the Summa Theolgica? How about you just read the collected works of the Bible, Aristotle, Augustine, Avicenna, Averroes, Al Ghazali, Boethius, John of Damascus, Paul, Dionysius the Areopagite, Maimonides, Anselm, Plato, Cicero...

Do you pseuds really think you're fooling anyone?

>> No.15690017
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this. there are some intellectual leftist types left who engage in debate and discussion, but unless you're a public intellectual you usually won't be engaging with those types. the people you'll be engaging with are religious zealots who worship at the alter of progressivism. "facts" are racist and "debate" is platforming racists and "conservatives" are nazis and "arguments" are justifying racism and "qualified speakers" have white privilege. they have relabled everything so that they have the moral high ground at all times. they don't want to debate you or defend their ideas, they want to beat you into ideological submission.

>> No.15690049

>me sit in cave, can't risk other brain influencing me brain
see >>15690009

>> No.15690212

Nigga there's no special trick to "owning leftists" just read their books and others and find arguments against them. Literally that simple. If you really want somebody else then read one of the thousands of books criticizing various leftism but there's not any good book on how to specifically "own leftists"

>> No.15690238

Debate has its proper place, but for the most part I think many intellectual types overestimate the influence of logical argumentation. Sure, "facts don't care about your feelings," but retards from the third world don't care about facts.

When you get older you start to learn that when dealing with someone who wants you to do something you don't want to do, you don't argue with them. You'll just be wasting your breath most of the time and you'll make them angrier. It's much more simple to lie and tell them you're going to do what they say and then just do the opposite. (I don't typically shill 48 Laws of Power, but there's one law — "win through action, not arguments" — which is pretty applicable here and worth reading into.)

>> No.15690296

>Ask for good books on a topic
>"nigga why u askin bout books n sheet"
What a great board