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/lit/ - Literature

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1568741 No.1568741 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Easton Press books, and leatherbound books in general? Anyone here own any? I wouldn't hesitate to build a library with their books if I had the money. These are the kind of books that last a very long time. Not to mention they look fucking awesome. Most of their books are around $40-100, but I've seen them on Ebay for ~$30.

Pic related, dem books.

>> No.1568751

My dad has their 100 greatest books ever written series. Gold edges, bitchin' designed leather covers, makes my brain cum every time I see them.

>> No.1568754

Easton press makes real leatherbounds, with archival paper, silk endpapers, thick leather with quality sewn bindings. They're the real deal.

Of course, /lit/ prefers shitty Barnes & Noble leatherbounds because you're all idiots.

>> No.1568773
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I came.

>> No.1568801

They look like rubbish. I would never buy one.

>> No.1568822

folio society is superior

>> No.1568827

>Of course, /lit/ prefers shitty Barnes & Noble leatherbounds because you're all idiots.

Or we can't afford the high price of Easton Press. I love the way their books look and feel. I love the silk endpapers, feels like I'm opening a christmas present. But I can't afford to build a library full of their books. It does make me enjoy my complete Sherlock Holmes collection even more.
Sherlock Holmes ran me $70, my dad picked up the rest of the tab as a birthday present. In comparison, b&n has the Complete Sherlock Holmes for $18. $18!! Hardcover leather-bound! What isn't to love?
If you pick up your classics at b&n continue to do so. If you have the money and want to treat yourself to something nice trot on over to Easton.

>> No.1568837


word < presentation

>> No.1568846

I don't like books that exist purely as decorations, which frequently seems to be what people who buy leatherbound books end up using them for. They just put them on a library shelf and never read them.

>> No.1568849

Book-purchasing priority:
1) Content
2) Cost
3) Will reading this on the train get me laid?
4) Will eating this teach me maths?
5) Utility as storage space for weapons
6) Utility as weapon in and of itself
7) Toilet paper
8) Fire-starter
9) Purdiness of Binding

Because we totally need matching, aesthetically-pleasing old-world tomes for those gigantic oak-shelved libraries we all have, amirite?

>> No.1568866

>gigantic oak-shelved libraries we all have, amirite?

An entire wall of my den is floor to ceiling heavy duty wooden bookshelves. Which are overloaded with paperbacks and the occasional regular hardcover. Admittedly it'd probably look more impressive stuffed with matching leatherbound books... but then where would I put the books that are there already?

>> No.1568872
File: 91 KB, 585x737, stephen jay gould's library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying books because they look awesome is analogous to buying a painting because it matches your drapes. Nothing wrong with it, just not very Zen.

FWIW, I only own books that can't reliably be found in a library, or that I refer to regularly. These tend not to be available in attractive bindings. Again, not necessarily good or bad, just a personal preference.

>> No.1568876


I'd sell my soul to have that personal study library.

>> No.1568898


When I am finished at university I am gonna build myself something like that ... some kind of little dream I have :)

>> No.1568899



>> No.1568905


I believe in you.


>> No.1568916


>> No.1569239

The books are still classics you fool.

>> No.1569252
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how much are they? thirty pounds? are they leatherbound pounds? they have to be leatherbound, to go with my leather wallet.

>> No.1569266


In downtown Toronto you've got the BMVs, Seeker's Books near Bloor and Spadina, and the annual U of T book sales. There you can get Folio books for as low as $10-20.

One thing that sucks is that you can't really use these kinds of books for academic reference, and they usually pick subpar translators for non-English works.